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 Post subject: Dealing with Charidee people 101
PostPosted: Thu Feb 19, 2009 21:13 
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Joined: 30th Mar, 2008
Posts: 49003
Location: Cheshire
Knock, knock on the door.

MaliA answers the door.

"Hi, we're doing a fundraiser for action for the blind"

"But you came around last week, and you couldn't see me then"

I am going to hell.

Mr Chris wrote:
MaliA isn't just the best thing on the internet - he's the best thing ever.

 Post subject: Re: Dealing with Charidee people 101
PostPosted: Fri Feb 20, 2009 11:20 
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Est. 1978

Joined: 27th Mar, 2008
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Location: Your Mum
When the third (or forth) person stopped me on my way to work asking for money to help "Find Maddie" a week or so after she went missing, I said "Haven't you heard? They've found a body. It was on the news this morning."
Run, chugger, run.

Grim... wrote:
I wish Craster had left some girls for the rest of us.

 Post subject: Re: Dealing with Charidee people 101
PostPosted: Fri Feb 20, 2009 13:37 
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Joined: 30th Mar, 2008
Posts: 49003
Location: Cheshire
I might have had a glass or two of beer yesterday.

Mr Chris wrote:
MaliA isn't just the best thing on the internet - he's the best thing ever.

 Post subject: Re: Dealing with Charidee people 101
PostPosted: Fri Feb 20, 2009 13:39 
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Grim... wrote:
When the third (or forth) person stopped me on my way to work asking for money to help "Find Maddie" a week or so after she went missing, I said "Haven't you heard? They've found a body. It was on the news this morning."
Run, chugger, run.

This is excellent!

I was once stopped in the street by someone asking for money but I put on my patented deaf voice, pointed at my ear and said "Sthorry... I'me Deaff" and carried on walking.

 Post subject: Re: Dealing with Charidee people 101
PostPosted: Fri Feb 20, 2009 13:41 
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Est. 1978

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Posts: 69823
Location: Your Mum
I'd imagine a good number of them were keeping the cash for themselves.

MaliA wrote:
I might have had a glass or two of beer yesterday.

That's alright buddy, last time I did that I shut the forum down.

Grim... wrote:
I wish Craster had left some girls for the rest of us.

 Post subject: Re: Dealing with Charidee people 101
PostPosted: Fri Feb 20, 2009 13:43 
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Peculiar, yet lovely

Joined: 30th Mar, 2008
Posts: 7046
Grim... wrote:
I'd imagine a good number of them were keeping the cash for themselves.

It's also known as the Idiot Tax.

Lonely as a Mushroom Cloud

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