Just had a meeting - been fucked up the ass by the following council promises broken:
1: You will be getting extra staff for the new building. No you won't. No to the two new scale 1's. No new scale 2. No new scale 3. No new porter and no new cleaners despite the new place being twice as big with more stock, more computers and at least twice as many customers.
2: You will have your outdated, slow and frequently crashing computers replaced with new ones. No you won't.
3: The library hours will remain unchanged, there will be no Sunday opening. Yes there will. It will be open 11 - 3 on, incredibly, the entrance lobby with small bestseller displays and quickuse PC's. (Which will be down anyway 'cos that's when IT updates the systems.) (Also see 1.)
4: If the library staff take a vote against it, then we'll scrap the idea. Actually, we'll hire Cardiff Works temps if no one agrees to do so.
Thanks Cardiff Council, you unspeakable set of ("And that's enough shocking revelations," - ed.)