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 Post subject: Lost Thread - ** WARNING FINALE SPOILERS **
PostPosted: Thu Jan 22, 2009 15:41 
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Time Out for Fun

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Its started again, with a doubler, and I haven't seen it yet because even though its been on in America its on in Britland on sunday. If only there was only a way to get it earlier.

 Post subject: Re: Lost Thread
PostPosted: Thu Jan 22, 2009 15:41 
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Locke's not dead, according to the massive spoilery posters in Bristol.

Eagles soar, but weasels don't get sucked into jet engines.

 Post subject: Re: Lost Thread
PostPosted: Thu Jan 22, 2009 15:41 
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I must admit I'm looking forward to this. S4 was a corker.

GoddessJasmine wrote:
Drunk, pulled Craster's pork, waiting for brdyime story,reading nuts. Xz

 Post subject: Re: Lost Thread
PostPosted: Thu Jan 22, 2009 15:43 
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Time Out for Fun

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Mr Chris wrote:
Locke's not dead, according to the massive spoilery posters in Bristol.

Come on, he was never going to stay dead was he? Him and Ben are the proper main characters of the island.

 Post subject: Re: Lost Thread
PostPosted: Thu Jan 22, 2009 15:43 
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I'm tempted to order S1, now, as so many people seem to have enjoyed the serieseseseses. But DOES IT GO ANYWHERE? Or do they start wrapping it up in the easiest way possible, and ignoring all of the silly red polar bear herrings they chucked in?

Eagles soar, but weasels don't get sucked into jet engines.

 Post subject: Re: Lost Thread
PostPosted: Thu Jan 22, 2009 15:45 
Downloading it now :D

Cannot wait to see what happens after they moved the island :)

 Post subject: Re: Lost Thread
PostPosted: Thu Jan 22, 2009 15:47 
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Mr Chris wrote:
Locke's not dead, according to the massive spoilery posters in Bristol.
Eh? When was he dead? Outside of the flash-forward where he's in the coffin, which could be at any point in the future.

 Post subject: Re: Lost Thread
PostPosted: Thu Jan 22, 2009 15:48 
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Mr Chris wrote:
I'm tempted to order S1, now, as so many people seem to have enjoyed the serieseseseses. But DOES IT GO ANYWHERE? Or do they start wrapping it up in the easiest way possible, and ignoring all of the silly red polar bear herrings they chucked in?



 Post subject: Re: Lost Thread
PostPosted: Thu Jan 22, 2009 15:48 
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Doctor Glyndwr wrote:
Mr Chris wrote:
Locke's not dead, according to the massive spoilery posters in Bristol.
Eh? When was he dead? Outside of the flash-forward where he's in the coffin, which could be at any point in the future.

I've no idea. That billboard is the sum total of my knowledge of Lost.... :)

Eagles soar, but weasels don't get sucked into jet engines.

 Post subject: Re: Lost Thread
PostPosted: Thu Jan 22, 2009 15:48 
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I will do what I normally do with lost. Record the whole run and watch it over two nights. Then i don't have to wait from cliff hanger to cliff hanger.

MetalAngel wrote:
Kovacs: From 'unresponsive' to 'kebab' in 3.5 seconds

 Post subject: Re: Lost Thread
PostPosted: Thu Jan 22, 2009 15:53 
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Time Out for Fun

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Doctor Glyndwr wrote:
Mr Chris wrote:
Locke's not dead, according to the massive spoilery posters in Bristol.
Eh? When was he dead? Outside of the flash-forward where he's in the coffin, which could be at any point in the future.

Well everyone in the future was moaning on about going back to the island and then ended up at lockes funeral which Im guessing is probably the start to the next series.

 Post subject: Re: Lost Thread
PostPosted: Thu Jan 22, 2009 15:54 
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Runcle wrote:
Well everyone in the future was moaning on about going back to the island and then ended up at lockes funeral which Im guessing is probably the start to the next series.
Ah, I see. But it could be towards the end of this series though; we just don't know. Also, all sorts of spooky time shit could be going on. In an interview in Empire, one of the producers said "the island has moved in time as well as space".

 Post subject: Re: Lost Thread
PostPosted: Thu Jan 22, 2009 15:55 
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Doctor Glyndwr wrote:
Runcle wrote:
Well everyone in the future was moaning on about going back to the island and then ended up at lockes funeral which Im guessing is probably the start to the next series.
Ah, I see. But it could be towards the end of this series though; we just don't know. Also, all sorts of spooky time shit could be going on. In an interview in Empire, one of the producers said "the island has moved in time as well as space".

Is the translation for that "we wrote ourselves into a corner, and it's going to take a lot of fucked up shit and suspended disbelief to get us out of it." ?

Always proof read carefully in case you any words out

 Post subject: Re: Lost Thread
PostPosted: Thu Jan 22, 2009 15:56 
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Time Out for Fun

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thats possible there was that future flashforward of Ben when he ended up in istanbul or somewhere and asking what year it was.

 Post subject: Re: Lost Thread
PostPosted: Thu Jan 22, 2009 16:00 
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Mr Russell wrote:
Is the translation for that "we wrote ourselves into a corner, and it's going to take a lot of fucked up shit and suspended disbelief to get us out of it." ?
Hopefully not. They claim to have written the plot outlines for each episode right up to the end back near the end of season 3, when they negotiated the end point with the studio. Certainly, the show had a real shot in the arm then, with the flash forwards a fascinating storytelling device.

The yawning moment when you realise Bearded Whining Jack is in the future, and off the island, was one of the best giddyness-inducing piece of TV ever. And the second time Lost has managed that (the first time being the long pull back away from Desmond in the first ep of S2, around the corridor, up the tunnel, and out through the hatch, revealing Desmond was inside the base). I was literally open-mouthed at both those moments.

 Post subject: Re: Lost Thread - Spoiler caution
PostPosted: Thu Jan 22, 2009 16:12 
Im watching it now and

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Moving the island through time! wtf!?!?!

 Post subject: Re: Lost Thread
PostPosted: Thu Jan 22, 2009 16:52 
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Kovacs Caprios wrote:
I will do what I normally do with lost. Record the whole run and watch it over two nights. Then i don't have to wait from cliff hanger to cliff hanger.

I'll do what I normally do, let my wife fill up the HDD on the tellybox until we have no space left, so she has to watch it all quickly to make room while I sit at the computer/play DS/read and occasionally glance at the screen and pick up what's happening*. Towards the end of the series I'll pay more attention as it gets way more exciting then. That's what I've done for the past 2 series and it works well for me.

*Or ask. Or find a brief summary somewhere.

rumours about the high quality of the butter reached Yerevan

 Post subject: Re: Lost Thread - Spoiler caution
PostPosted: Thu Jan 22, 2009 19:22 

 Post subject: Re: Lost Thread - Spoiler caution
PostPosted: Thu Jan 22, 2009 19:35 
The first one was pretty good, gave an explaination for all the flashing stuff sorta before farraday does.

Annoying thing now is waiting another week for the next episode!

 Post subject: Re: Lost Thread - Spoiler caution
PostPosted: Thu Jan 22, 2009 23:10 
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Kinda Funny Lookin'

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First episode is definitely better than the second (although that's still pretty good) and does feature much more of the best player in the piece, Hurley.

If work was so rewarding the rich would have bought it all.

 Post subject: Re: Lost Thread
PostPosted: Fri Jan 23, 2009 23:03 
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Lost is back! :)

 Post subject: Re: Lost Thread - Spoiler caution
PostPosted: Sat Jan 24, 2009 1:07 
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Time Out for Fun

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I wish the second episode kept up the momentum, it seemed like most of the second episode should have been intertwined with the first. There was a few 'whoa' moments in the first that made the second episode a bit tedious in comparison.

 Post subject: Re: Lost Thread - Spoiler caution
PostPosted: Tue Jan 27, 2009 1:03 
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Morte wrote:
First episode is definitely better than the second (although that's still pretty good) and does feature much more of the best player in the piece, Hurley.

Ben is the best character, by such a large distance that they should really just rename the show after him.


Just watched the first two episodes. Some good stuff in there. The old lass was apparently in a previous episode, speaking to Desmond when he flitted through time.

I fully expect the time jumps to give us some fun stuff about the Black Rock, about the statue, etc etc.

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 Post subject: Re: Lost Thread - Spoiler caution
PostPosted: Tue Jan 27, 2009 9:18 
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The whole double-ep was made entirely of awesomesauce.

It was a triple, mrak, and there were apparently transmission issues of some kind to boot, with the 2nd ep being ("broadcast") before the 1st. The third (ie zeroth) was the recap.

 Post subject: Re: Lost Thread - Spoiler caution
PostPosted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 11:15 
Running this fucking operation

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Posts: 145
I'd urge anyone who's given up on Lost to get up to date with S5. Last night's episode The Little Prince was a cracker. It's all beginning to reconnect with S1 in a very satisfying way. I didn't expect them to pull it out of the bag but it looks like they're doing so.

 Post subject: Re: Lost Thread - Spoiler caution
PostPosted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 11:23 
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Watched ep3 last night. Everything's starting to go rather weird...

GoddessJasmine wrote:
Drunk, pulled Craster's pork, waiting for brdyime story,reading nuts. Xz

 Post subject: Re: Lost Thread - Spoiler caution
PostPosted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 11:32 
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Craster wrote:
Watched ep3 last night. Everything's starting to go rather weird...
A theory on Desmond and Daniel:
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Daniel has established that you cannot change the past, which makes his insistence on telling Desmond something, and Desmond waking up in the future, rather odd. But I think Desmond is special, he somehow lives outside of time, as established in that S4 episode; and Daniel is aware of this because he met Desmond in Oxford. When Daniel told Desmond to find his mother, he actually did change the past, and Desmond woke up with a new memory of the message.

The opener, with Daniel working underground with hard-ass WWII Dharma (notably different in tone from late-60s hippy-Dharma), is presumably going to come about in the next episode or so as a result of Daniel's current uncontrolled time travelling.

Did anyone notice Dharma scientist Orientation Video dude had two hands? He has a prosthetic in the Orientation Video we saw back in S1, I'm sure.

I feel like Lost might be worth re-watching from the beginning once it has finished.

 Post subject: Re: Lost Thread - Spoiler caution
PostPosted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 11:34 
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Daniel explicitly says that the rules about totally changing time don't apply to Desmond, which is why he's the only one that can help them.

GoddessJasmine wrote:
Drunk, pulled Craster's pork, waiting for brdyime story,reading nuts. Xz

 Post subject: Re: Lost Thread - Spoiler caution
PostPosted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 11:39 
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(I'm not using Spoiler Tags cos the thread is spoilered)

Also: Whitmore... in Dharma... on the Island!

It wasn't WWII era BTW, it was mid-late 50's

 Post subject: Re: Lost Thread - Spoiler caution
PostPosted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 11:40 
Running this fucking operation

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Doctor Glyndwr wrote:
Craster wrote:
Watched ep3 last night. Everything's starting to go rather weird...
A theory on Desmond and Daniel:
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Daniel has established that you cannot change the past, which makes his insistence on telling Desmond something, and Desmond waking up in the future, rather odd. But I think Desmond is special, he somehow lives outside of time, as established in that S4 episode; and Daniel is aware of this because he met Desmond in Oxford. When Daniel told Desmond to find his mother, he actually did change the past, and Desmond woke up with a new memory of the message.

The opener, with Daniel working underground with hard-ass WWII Dharma (notably different in tone from late-60s hippy-Dharma), is presumably going to come about in the next episode or so as a result of Daniel's current uncontrolled time travelling.

Did anyone notice Dharma scientist Orientation Video dude had two hands? He has a prosthetic in the Orientation Video we saw back in S1, I'm sure.

I feel like Lost might be worth re-watching from the beginning once it has finished.

ZOMG Spoiler! Click here to view!
It does seem that Desmond is special, in fact Daniel specifically said as much to him and also stated that there was someone who could operate outside the established laws of time travel when they were back at the hatch.

Hmm, are you sure that was WWII Dharma? I think it was regular, 70s-era Dharma (note than Marvin Candle, Orientation video man, seemed to be the same age.)

As for his arm ...["Jughead") spoiler below]

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The Others (specifically young Widmore) were going to cut off Juliet's arm to prove they were serious until Locke rescued her. Might be their regular modus operandi, which Candle fell foul of?

 Post subject: Re: Lost Thread - Spoiler caution
PostPosted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 12:05 
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Regarding era of the Dharma initiative;

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We've seen two eras with very different outlooks: the post-WWII ones (thanks for correction 4thD), who are pretty brutal, and the ones when Ben Linus arrives as a boy (in the 80s I guess?) when they are a bunch of usless hippies who don't know anything about the island any more. Candle seems to belong much more with the prior era than the current day ones, although I guess he could be anytime inbetween.

 Post subject: Re: Lost Thread - Spoiler caution
PostPosted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 12:09 
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I suspect that Richard *mumblemumble* the non-ageing chap is going to be pivotal.

Case in point - 50's era Dharma had him as the leader. If memory serves, by the time Ben leads the purge and makes the Others the dominant species, Richard (Alpert, remembered) was already on the outside. Maybe he wasn't best pleased with the 'hippy' version of Dharma

 Post subject: Re: Lost Thread - Spoiler caution
PostPosted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 12:10 
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You're quite right there, 4thD. Trivia: Richard wasn't in S4 at all because the actor had other commitments -- this was after they'd shown him non-aging when he visits the Locke in childhood, so it must have been a real blow. It was good they've managed to get him back now.

 Post subject: Re: Lost Thread - Spoiler caution
PostPosted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 12:20 
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Doctor Glyndwr wrote:
You're quite right there, 4thD. Trivia: Richard wasn't in S4 at all because the actor had other commitments -- this was after they'd shown him non-aging when he visits the Locke in childhood, so it must have been a real blow. It was good they've managed to get him back now.

Which John *told* him to do! It's all starting to come together.

I did see the actor who plays him in something else... give me second...

Edit: Dark Knight!

 Post subject: Re: Lost Thread - Spoiler caution
PostPosted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 12:41 
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4thDimension wrote:
Which John *told* him to do! It's all starting to come together.
Yes, and I'm pretty sure one of the items he gives John to choose from is that compass. Although Richard gets all huffy and leaves. I wonder if I still have the file somewhere, I'd like to rewatch that scene.

 Post subject: Re: Lost Thread - Spoiler caution
PostPosted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 12:56 
Running this fucking operation

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Dudes, Richard's folk aren't 50s-era Dharma, they're just the Others.

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They ambush the US army expedition and steal their clothes and equipment. That's why Goodwin has a US army knife in S1.

 Post subject: Re: Lost Thread - Spoiler caution
PostPosted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 12:59 
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John was asked "Which of these already belong to you?"

John chose the compass (Rich HAPPY!), the bottle of sand (Rich HAPPIER STILL!) and reaches for the philosophy book (RICH NEARLY COMES!) but ultimately picks up a knife (RICH GETS PISSY AND WALKS OUT).

I like the fact that they're demonstrating there is no mystical reason why Alpert was around when John was a kid (aside from time travel and immortality obv), he's simply doing as he was told. Major Self-Fulfilling prophecy.

 Post subject: Re: Lost Thread - Spoiler caution
PostPosted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 13:00 
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The Count of Six wrote:
Dudes, Richard's folk aren't 50s-era Dharma, they're just the Others.

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They ambush the US army expedition and steal their clothes and equipment. That's why Goodwin has a US army knife in S1.

You're quite right. Pre-Dharma I assume. 'Hostiles' I believe Dharma called them (TOTAL RECALL!!!)

 Post subject: Re: Lost Thread - Spoiler caution
PostPosted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 13:00 
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The Count of Six wrote:
Dudes, Richard's folk aren't 50s-era Dharma, they're just the Others.

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They ambush the US army expedition and steal their clothes and equipment. That's why Goodwin has a US army knife in S1.


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They're filming the orientation tapes

GoddessJasmine wrote:
Drunk, pulled Craster's pork, waiting for brdyime story,reading nuts. Xz

 Post subject: Re: Lost Thread - Spoiler caution
PostPosted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 13:02 
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No wait - ignore me. That was a different part of the show.

GoddessJasmine wrote:
Drunk, pulled Craster's pork, waiting for brdyime story,reading nuts. Xz

 Post subject: Re: Lost Thread - Spoiler caution
PostPosted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 13:02 
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What was all that stuff with the cabin and that guy Jacob, that only Locke and Hurley could see/find? He gives the orders to Ben, or something.

This was in part of the series I wasn't paying too much attention to (obv).

rumours about the high quality of the butter reached Yerevan

 Post subject: Re: Lost Thread - Spoiler caution
PostPosted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 13:10 
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Jacob has not been explained yet. Although the scene at the end of S4 where:
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Clare and Tom were chilling out in his cabin, despite Tom being very dead

Hints at greater depth to come.

 Post subject: Re: Lost Thread - Spoiler caution
PostPosted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 14:30 
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Sawyer gets the best lines in the last episode...

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Thankyou God...I take it back

If work was so rewarding the rich would have bought it all.

 Post subject: Re: Lost Thread - Spoiler caution
PostPosted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 14:53 
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4thDimension wrote:
Major Self-Fulfilling prophecy.
Odds on it ending with the jet noise and time unwinding itself, and none of it ever having happened? A huge sequence of paradoxes and "coincidence" arranged to undo the original one.

 Post subject: Re: Lost Thread - Spoiler caution
PostPosted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 14:54 
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BikNorton wrote:
Odds on it ending with the jet noise and time unwinding itself, and none of it ever having happened? A huge sequence of paradoxes and "coincidence" arranged to undo the original one.
Lost computer game spoiler:
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That's exactly how the game ends.

 Post subject: Re: Lost Thread - Spoiler caution
PostPosted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 14:59 
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BikNorton wrote:
Odds on it ending with the jet noise and time unwinding itself, and none of it ever having happened? A huge sequence of paradoxes and "coincidence" arranged to undo the original one.
That would be rubbish. I hate non-endings. The series should end with Widmore and Sun's companies arming themselves with nukes and bringing the world to brink of annihilation, until the losties decide to move the island directly into the middle of LA, killing millions but reminding the world that they should work together against aliens.

Or something.

 Post subject: Re: Lost Thread - Spoiler caution
PostPosted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 15:04 
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Doctor Glyndwr wrote:
BikNorton wrote:
Odds on it ending with the jet noise and time unwinding itself, and none of it ever having happened? A huge sequence of paradoxes and "coincidence" arranged to undo the original one.
Lost computer game spoiler:
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That's exactly how the game ends.

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Jesus, really? Right, fuck programming for a living, I'm off to be a world-renowned Hollywood scriptwriter-type.

 Post subject: Re: Lost Thread - Spoiler caution
PostPosted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 15:09 
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Of all TV shows ever in the history of time, Lost has to end well. They can't end it with a cop-out.

GoddessJasmine wrote:
Drunk, pulled Craster's pork, waiting for brdyime story,reading nuts. Xz

 Post subject: Re: Lost Thread - Spoiler caution
PostPosted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 15:20 
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Yup, for reals. The protaganist is a journalist who crashed on 815. All the way through the game he has flashbacks that reveal his partner was killed because he didn't save her. At the end of the game, he finds a boat he can use to get off the island, but as he's leaving he hears the bright-sky time-travel noise. He looks up to see 815 splitting apart in mid-air, then blacks out and wakes up back on the beach just after the craft... but the previously dead girl, who the protaganist is in love with, is there with him now.
Although the game isn't canon the show's writers did have a hand in it, and it does have thematic links to the show, so it's relevent, I think.

Also, although the game was widely panned, I didn't hate it at all. Admittedly I probably feel better because I completed it in two evenings and traded it in for only £5 less than I paid for it, but I thought it did some interesting things (like the episode structure), had a plotline neatly woven around the show's one, and was generally a reasonable way to pass a few hours if you like the show. It was streets ahead of most movie/TV tie-in games.

 Post subject: Re: Lost Thread - Spoiler caution
PostPosted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 15:26 
Running this fucking operation

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I wish I'd read that post before I read the spoilet-fronted one because I thought the game was so poor I couldn't possibly want to play it. :(

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