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Which Song Is The Better Of The Two?
Poll ended at Tue Dec 23, 2008 19:52
Björk - Big Time Sensuality 46%  46%  [ 7 ]
Mexican Institute of Sound - Escribeme Pronto 53%  53%  [ 8 ]
Total votes : 15
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 Post subject: QTR FINAL: Spinglo Sponglo! vs Bluecup
PostPosted: Fri Dec 12, 2008 19:52 
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It's the start of the knockout round. For those not keeping an eye on the discussion thread, competing players are now expected to 'show their workings', and qualify just why they've chosen their track. Only one choice can be made from the two, so please make the effort to listen to both songs before voting, not just going for the one you've heard of.

Note: Due to the voting kicking off late, the voting period has now been extended until the 23rd of December at 11pm, which gives around eleven days for the scores to tot up. At that point, there will be a short Christmas truce in the trenches of the Song Wars, with the semi-finals kicking off on the 27th of December (all choices being supplied by participants permitting).

But tish and pish, on with the songs:

Björk - Big Time Sensuality

"Initially I was going to choose "Human Behaviour" by Björk. I remember watching some late night TV program on ITV, I think it was on friday's at about 02:00 in the morning and was called something like "The Big E" and it was a look at European music and entertainment. One night in about 1993 (I was about 18 or so) that came on, and I loved it, and I raved about it to all my friends over the next week or so, but they did not know what I was talking about, and then it came out, and still people didn't really get her. I bought her album (I think it was about the 5th CD album I owned) and put it in my multi cd player and it rarely came out. On the album were several songs that I could have chosen, and I loved them all. In the end it came down to two songs: "Big Time Sensuality" or "There's More to Life Than This". Now I love "There's more to life than this", but I decided that the song I've chosen is a much more "up" song, I can't help but be happy when listening to it. For Almost 5 minutes my mood is lifted and all my troubles are gone. It's one of those songs that instantly takes me back in time when I listen to it. A time when every month was better than the one before. So yes, this is my song."

Mexican Institute of Sound - Escribeme Pronto

"Now I know very little about the band, however I heard the song on a Pizzahut ad at the cinema and I was blown away. They had all the different sounds coming out all over the place. I just had to hunt it down and now I'm passing it on to everyone else. Basically sounds like the Go Team but just that little bit madder."

So, Iceland, or Mexico. But which is better? There's only one way to find out!

BrokenTV: The TV Blog That Was Quite Good For About A Month In 2007
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 Post subject: Re: QTR FINAL: Spinglo Sponglo! vs Bluecup
PostPosted: Sat Dec 13, 2008 13:37 
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Isn't that lovely?

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I think Bluecup's choice is the 2nd best song out of the 8 on offer. Shame I'm up against the toughest (imo) song :(


Where's the Kaboom? I was expecting an Earth shattering Kaboom!

 Post subject: Re: QTR FINAL: Spinglo Sponglo! vs Bluecup
PostPosted: Sat Dec 13, 2008 17:23 
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Rude Belittler

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Almost as easy to choose as the Bomb the Bass vs Billy Bragg. For the opposite reason. I'd take a single cowbell being played out of time over Bjork, and the mexican thing is quite good.

 Post subject: Re: QTR FINAL: Spinglo Sponglo! vs Bluecup
PostPosted: Sat Dec 13, 2008 19:47 
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What happens in the event of a tie? I think Mark X should be head judge with the casting vote.


 Post subject: Re: QTR FINAL: Spinglo Sponglo! vs Bluecup
PostPosted: Sun Dec 14, 2008 0:04 
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Nirejingle Bells wrote:
What happens in the event of a tie? I think Mark X should be head judge with the casting vote.

I think this is a bad idea. ;)


 Post subject: Re: QTR FINAL: Spinglo Sponglo! vs Bluecup
PostPosted: Sun Dec 14, 2008 4:01 
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I had considered this eventuality earlier on today while in Manchester trying to find a skinny indie kid blazer in Trafford Park.Giving me the casting vote probably isn't the right option (I mean, clearly I've got the best taste in music here, as my recent purchases of 1960s German lounge music compilations will attest, but it's not really fair when I'm still involved in the competition). I would have said 'golden goal extra time' would be the best method to determine the victor, with the next vote winning the tie, but that would involve me staying up late, endlessly pressing F5 to see if anyone else has voted yet. I propose that in the event of a draw, the person with the higher number of total votes in the group stage goes through. It not only rewards the performance in the first ten weeks of the competition, but as I'm quite sure I've got the lowest total votes of everyone in the knockout stage, it also clears me from any accusations of match-fixing. Sorted.

BrokenTV: The TV Blog That Was Quite Good For About A Month In 2007
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 Post subject: Re: QTR FINAL: Spinglo Sponglo! vs Bluecup
PostPosted: Sun Dec 14, 2008 10:26 
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Isn't that lovely?

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I better hope I win outright then!



Where's the Kaboom? I was expecting an Earth shattering Kaboom!

 Post subject: Re: QTR FINAL: Spinglo Sponglo! vs Bluecup
PostPosted: Sun Dec 14, 2008 11:53 
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Posts: 3742
Give me the casting vote instead then. As I've contributed the best songs to this competition. Even if the public vote doesn't recognise that fact.


 Post subject: Re: QTR FINAL: Spinglo Sponglo! vs Bluecup
PostPosted: Sun Dec 14, 2008 11:54 
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Urgh Bjork! >.<

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 Post subject: Re: QTR FINAL: Spinglo Sponglo! vs Bluecup
PostPosted: Thu Dec 18, 2008 17:31 
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Nirejingle Bells wrote:
Give me the casting vote instead then. As I've contributed the best songs to this competition. Even if the public vote doesn't recognise that fact.

Give me the vote, as I clearly have the worst taste in music here. ?:|

No, it was a giant robot castle!

 Post subject: Re: QTR FINAL: Spinglo Sponglo! vs Bluecup
PostPosted: Fri Dec 19, 2008 16:12 
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I'm good with that.


 Post subject: Re: QTR FINAL: Spinglo Sponglo! vs Bluecup
PostPosted: Fri Dec 19, 2008 21:30 
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Ticket to Ride World Champion

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Nirejingle Bells wrote:
I'm good with that.

You weren't supposed to agree! >:( :DD

No, it was a giant robot castle!

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