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 Post subject: Usenet recommendations?
PostPosted: Fri Nov 28, 2008 20:03 
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I've been away from the world of Usenetting for quite a while and wish to get back to things.

Last I used it, NewsLeecher was my app of choice and EasyNews was recommended by a few back on the other forum. Is this still the case?

Thought I'd ask everyone here since this is the more busy place and I'm sure some have interesting stories to tell and recommendations to make. Cheers.

 Post subject: Re: Usenet recommendations?
PostPosted: Fri Nov 28, 2008 20:20 
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MarzSyndrome wrote:
I've been away from the world of Usenetting for quite a while and wish to get back to things.

Last I used it, NewsLeecher was my app of choice and EasyNews was recommended by a few back on the other forum. Is this still the case?

Thought I'd ask everyone here since this is the more busy place and I'm sure some have interesting stories to tell and recommendations to make. Cheers.

Still Newsleecher for me. Although I've used binaries once in about 2 years.


 Post subject: Re: Usenet recommendations?
PostPosted: Fri Nov 28, 2008 20:27 

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Posts: 8679
MarzSyndrome wrote:
I've been away from the world of Usenetting for quite a while and wish to get back to things.

Last I used it, NewsLeecher was my app of choice and EasyNews was recommended by a few back on the other forum. Is this still the case?

Thought I'd ask everyone here since this is the more busy place and I'm sure some have interesting stories to tell and recommendations to make. Cheers.

Newsleecher and Newsdemon here.

 Post subject: Re: Usenet recommendations?
PostPosted: Fri Nov 28, 2008 20:45 
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I use Giganews as their 240 day retention comes in handy. I use Newzbin for getting nzbs as it's handy reading the comments on things to help avoid viruses.

It's about $12.99 for 25GB from Giganews. I left Easynews ages ago as their retention was getting terrible. I went to Newshosting who have 70 days retention and offer an unlimited package for about $15 a month.


 Post subject: Re: Usenet recommendations?
PostPosted: Fri Nov 28, 2008 20:45 
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I still use Usenext. Not cheap, but you can pull a fair bit in with the free trial you get.

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 Post subject: Re: Usenet recommendations?
PostPosted: Fri Nov 28, 2008 20:52 
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I use alt.binz for downloading and Newzleech to search for NZBs (with Yabsearch as a backup -- I prefer Newzleech's one-click-to-download interface but the site does go down very occasionally).

 Post subject: Re: Usenet recommendations?
PostPosted: Fri Nov 28, 2008 21:04 
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I think usenet is kind of dead, certainly for discussion groups. I remember the glory days of which was fecking awesome, but all the groups I read slowly died.


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 Post subject: Re: Usenet recommendations?
PostPosted: Fri Nov 28, 2008 21:43 
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I would still swear by Agent (yes, really) as I've been using it since I started needing multipart files off Usenet and Netscape's terrible built in newsreader (which basically displayed it as little more than a list of hyperlinks) could no longer cope.

The only paid-for newsgroup provider I've ever used was Supernews... but that was back in 1999 and I just used it to leech pr0n. Managed to exceed their monthly download limit several times as well!

 Post subject: Re: Usenet recommendations?
PostPosted: Fri Nov 28, 2008 23:59 
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Newzleech's search is nowhere near as good as Newzbin's but then you have to pay for Newzbin. 25p a week isn't too much to ask though I reckon. Those comments on them really are very helpful.


 Post subject: Re: Usenet recommendations?
PostPosted: Sat Nov 29, 2008 0:10 
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Isn't that lovely?

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I use grabit and astraweb for my news leaching needs.


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 Post subject: Re: Usenet recommendations?
PostPosted: Sat Nov 29, 2008 0:15 
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Nirejhenge wrote:
Newzleech's search is nowhere near as good as Newzbin's but then you have to pay for Newzbin.
And it seems Newzbin have closed themselves off to most of the public nowadays. A quick check of their site after not using their services for eons reveals them to have adopted a new invite-only service.

 Post subject: Re: Usenet recommendations?
PostPosted: Sat Nov 29, 2008 0:50 
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ltia wrote:
I think usenet is kind of dead, certainly for discussion groups. I remember the glory days of which was fecking awesome, but all the groups I read slowly died.

I think peeps here are only concerned with stealing stuff off the internets, not talking about subjects.

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 Post subject: Re: Usenet recommendations?
PostPosted: Sat Nov 29, 2008 1:14 

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Posts: 8679
MarzSyndrome wrote:
Nirejhenge wrote:
Newzleech's search is nowhere near as good as Newzbin's but then you have to pay for Newzbin.
And it seems Newzbin have closed themselves off to most of the public nowadays. A quick check of their site after not using their services for eons reveals them to have adopted a new invite-only service.

This is both correct and not a problem to the Beexer with a double digit or higher IQ and access to the PM button.

 Post subject: Re: Usenet recommendations?
PostPosted: Sat Nov 29, 2008 1:35 
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Dudley wrote:
MarzSyndrome wrote:
Nirejhenge wrote:
Newzleech's search is nowhere near as good as Newzbin's but then you have to pay for Newzbin.
And it seems Newzbin have closed themselves off to most of the public nowadays. A quick check of their site after not using their services for eons reveals them to have adopted a new invite-only service.

This is both correct and not a problem to the Beexer with a double digit or higher IQ and access to the PM button.

Still, is one at risk of losing the account again if it's forgotten for ages? I tried to login to Newzbin just now, having registered an account back in the Good Old Days (read: last year), only to fail dismally. I guess they decided to start afresh with their userbase, although how they would've had people to use up invites to begin with in that case is unknown.

 Post subject: Re: Usenet recommendations?
PostPosted: Sat Nov 29, 2008 2:52 
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Spinglo Sponglo! wrote:
I use grabit and astraweb for my news leaching needs.


Speaking of GrabIt, you've reminded me of their quite handy 3-day quick download service (at the bottom of this page) - useful if you need to temporarily access Usenet for a few small things you can't get elsewhere.

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