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 Post subject: Re: Fallout 3 Anticipation Blog
PostPosted: Sat Nov 01, 2008 20:31 
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Eggcellent Member

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I don't think I'm going to get tired of head shotting in slo mo for quite some time.

I have mostly been doing side quests and wandering north of Megaton; more of the same tomorrow. I have just finished the quest where
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you go to the Super Duper Mart and fight lots of raiders and release a robot

possible spolier
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I don't think I have been conservative enogh with ammo as the trader in Megaton is beginning to run out!

Also, frag grenading super mutants is ace

 Post subject: Re: Fallout 3 Anticipation Blog
PostPosted: Sat Nov 01, 2008 20:35 
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Eggcellent Member

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Oh yes, I have also been evicted from The Big Telly so I have played this evening on my 24" CRT - many colour settings had to be adjusted!

Am wondering whether to play on my desktop's 19" WS TFT and just sit a bit closer tomorrow.

And desperately trying to resist impulse buying a new Big Telly given impending financial woes, wedding and holiday!

 Post subject: Re: Fallout 3 Anticipation Blog
PostPosted: Sat Nov 01, 2008 21:06 
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Doctor Glyndwr wrote:
Damn, that didn't happen.

He also had a rather decent Chinese Assault Rifle too.

Re: Egg, yeah the amount of caps they have also discourages me from looting corpses too much, as I can now never get more than about 90 caps a time for any items. >:| I have quite a lot of stuff stashed in a toolbox at the Radio station in D.C. though, and it has persisted so far. I may do a big move now I've got my own shack in Megaton.

Also this game suffers from the Dead Rising effect of disintegrating sledgehammers >:(

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 Post subject: Re: Fallout 3 Anticipation Blog
PostPosted: Sat Nov 01, 2008 21:11 
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Chu chu chu!

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The Egg wrote:
possible spolier
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I don't think I have been conservative enogh with ammo as the trader in Megaton is beginning to run out!

Also, frag grenading super mutants is ace

That's not too much of a spoiler, but I'll play along :ninja:

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Yeah, I worried about that early on too. Just try scabbing as much as you can from raiders and the like for the time being, and look out for passing trader caravans, as they can be well-stocked with ammo. I won't spoil anything, but there's plenty of other settlements a little later on that'll be only to happy to sell you masses of ammo.

And yes, frag grenading mutants/raiders/random onlookers is hilariously excellent.

Today I just abandoned the main quest entirely and wandered around to see what random stuff I could stumble on. So far, there's been (massive sidequest spoilers ahead!)...

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- Tenpenny towers, where you meet a whole lot of conservative arseholes looking to get rid of a ghoul problem. I solved their problem by colluding with the ghouls and hacking into an underground entrance to let them in. They gave me a ghoul mask to stop the ferals attacking me, and I strode zombie-faced into the complex behind an army of feral ghouls, spraying lead into the fleeing fogeys.

- An idyllic 50's town where everyone marries their cousins, and eats their visitors. Or at least they used to until I got there :p

- The central slaver outpost, where you can join up, which lets you hypnotise characters, collar them up(think The Running Man/Battle Royale-style) and send them off to a life of misery.

- A settlement populated entirely by children, where they send anyone over 16 off to 'Big Town'.

- The actual 'Big Town', which was little more than some barricaded shacks with almost no survivors.

- The 'Roach King', a man in a motorcycle helmet on a makeshift throne in the middle of nowhere, armed with a minigun.

And that's just a small selection of what comes to mind right away. Absolutely fantastic, I'd say the random shit you can get up to's the best of the lot.

 Post subject: Re: Fallout 3 Anticipation Blog
PostPosted: Sat Nov 01, 2008 21:25 
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Any tips on money making? I'm finding myself scrabbling for pennies and I want my own lab bench.

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 Post subject: Re: Fallout 3 Anticipation Blog
PostPosted: Sat Nov 01, 2008 21:42 
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Chu chu chu!

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Well, bad shit tends to pay well. If you can't bring yourself to be nasty, try killing the more unsavoury characters if you can get them on their own (in their rooms, or similar). It seems a lot more lenient on lawbreaking than Oblivion was in that respect. They tend to carry good stuff on them, as well as strongbox keys and the like. If you can pickpocket at all, try leaving a live grenade in their trousers to avoid any suspicion(!). Even if you're crap at thievery, just chuck a frag in there and you might well get away with it. You can always loot the body afterwards.

Never spend cash if you can help it. Most of the time you should be carrying enough crap to straight trade your stuff for any ammo or stims you need, often with enough left over to trade for all the money the shopkeeper has. Also, grab all the exotic ammo and drugs you can find, as they both fetch a decent price and don't weigh anything in your inventory so can be easily stockpiled. Extra armour and weapons aren't worth the weight, but mines and frags are.

Decent barter skills will net you great prices, and eventually lead to a perk which gives you 25% off everywhere. Decent speech skills will let you coerce anyone you help into giving you more caps for your trouble.

That's all I can really think of, it can be a right bugger getting some decent funds together.

 Post subject: Re: Fallout 3 Anticipation Blog
PostPosted: Sat Nov 01, 2008 21:47 
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Ta! I noticed that munny was hard to find.

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 Post subject: Re: Fallout 3 Anticipation Blog
PostPosted: Sun Nov 02, 2008 2:08 
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I reloaded my start-of-game save and blew Megaton up to see how it went down. It was awesomesauce.

 Post subject: Re: Fallout 3 Anticipation Blog
PostPosted: Sun Nov 02, 2008 3:45 
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Honey Boo Boo

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So, I'm underway at long last, then.

-the intro bits in the vault are excellent... though not *quite* long enough. Suffice it to say, you are there long enough that you don't really want to leave when the time comes.
-perhaps I've been spoiled by stuff like Halo 3, Arse Effect and Call of Duty 4... but man, should games really look THIS rough? And I don't mean 'gritty' so much as I mean 'amateurish' and 'unfinished'. It's almost as if the camera is further away from the NPCs than it was in Oblivion so you can't gripe about how pants they still look. It looks like a mod for Oblivion rather than a proper new game, in the same sense that CoD: Arf Arf Arf looks like a mod for CoD4.
-SO MANY VOICE ACTORS! Even if they do say similar things ("If you need equipment, so-and-so's shop is the best, etc") most of the time, at least there's more than four of them, and so far nobody's changed accent mid-sentence on me yet.
-travelling the wastes is annoying. Unlike Oblivion, you come under attack often without realizing there even was a threat nearby, especially when the threats have guns. Often I'd be walking along when suddenly my health just started dropping. Someone miles away was shooting at me. Or I'd try and run, only to find a rat or bug or something had kept pace with me and I was forced to fight.
-not that it matters, as VATS lets you blast the crap out of stuff easily. But so far, guns don't seem strong enough in many situations, a la Arcanum. Why waste two or three bullets on a bug when a few swipes with the baseball bat takes it out far quicker? Heck, why doesn't one bullet kill a bug outright?

A few thoughts on the overall setting (incredibly minor spoilers that you will inevitably come across, but still):
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Everyone seems to know about Vault 101 so far. Whereas Vault 13's location was a closely held secret and most folks in the originals only knew what they were but not where to find them; EVERYONE in Megaton knows Vault 101 is a three minute walk away and seems to view them as more of an introverted neighbour than anything else.

Anyway, the diary of Sheelagh the unwashed vault dweller, part the first:
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I don't want to think about what happened in the Vault, so don't ask. I wish I'd shot the bastard's head off when I had the chance, but I didn't want to upset Anata.

Megaton is a fucking shithole. The sheer luck of that bomb landing in this crater is unbelievable, which might explain why some kooks here worship it - only through divine providence could it have not exploded.

It seems strange to me that these folks have the engines of the old jets working but didn't then consider trying to fly the planes somewhere instead of just dismantling them to build a ramshackle wall out of. Perhaps I don't understand this new world yet, perhaps there's nowhere worth flying to. I find that hard to believe - even with all the nukes the old world had, they wouldn't have wasted them on each tiny island nation.

A woman called Moira asked me to help her write a guidebook to the wasteland. I decided to help her, I don't see any harm in it. She wants me to get radiation poisoning so she can study the effects and then cure me. I don't know why she needs me to do it. Everyone else in this town seems desperate enough to settle down, and my geiger counted started clicking as I passed the bomb that is the centrepiece of this place setting of shit.

While looking for a place to stay and drinks a young woman called West asked me to deliver a letter to her folks back home. I needed the money and so I agreed. The place was half a day's walk north from Megaton, perched precariously atop an old highway overpass.

Everyone here is nuts. They sit, holed up in their houses, hiding from a group of raiders they call 'The Family' who come by and cause trouble. Quite why they never come out to fighter nor why the Family never just set fire to the houses isn't clear to me. It didn't matter - young Miss West's family are all dead. The self-appointed Sheriff (every crackpot town out here seems to have one) reckons their son might have survived. I wasn't interested, and headed for home. Along the way, a group of raiders accosted me. Their barely-functional weapons and crude armour didn't compare with the way VATS lets me shoot them in the face.

I got back to Megaton late afternoon. Rest up until tomorrow and then plan my next move, I reckon.

 Post subject: Re: Fallout 3 Anticipation Blog
PostPosted: Sun Nov 02, 2008 4:39 
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Is anyone a bit... disappointed? I mean, I didn't really like Oblivion much, either. Does it get better? I'm just finding it boring and I can't really be arsed to play it. I want to play Multiwinia some more instead.

 Post subject: Re: Fallout 3 Anticipation Blog
PostPosted: Sun Nov 02, 2008 5:18 
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jonarob wrote:
Is anyone a bit... disappointed? I mean, I didn't really like Oblivion much, either. Does it get better? I'm just finding it boring and I can't really be arsed to play it. I want to play Multiwinia some more instead.

Yes yes yes! I'm plugging away at it, but man it's doing its best to be as shit as possible as far as I'm concerned. I didn't really like Oblivion all that much, but this is a step below even that.
I think Bethesda got far too wrapped up in making it look and feel like you're actually trying to survive in a post-apocalyptic world and completely forgot to put a half decent game in.

Thank fuck I rented it.

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 Post subject: Re: Fallout 3 Anticipation Blog
PostPosted: Sun Nov 02, 2008 5:34 
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I'm holding off on judgement until I've played it a lot more, but I'm struggling to see how the 10/10 scores all over metacritic are anything more than people going along with mega hype. When I played Fable 2 a couple of weeks ago, I knew straight away and right through to the end - this is great. Fallout 3 just isn't appealing to me. And look at THIS:

eurogamer wrote:
180 years later, literally at your birth, you join the game in the depths of a shelter known as Vault 101. The opening hour plays out as a wonderfully engaging run through the first 19 years of your life, through baby steps and petty infighting with the other children. With the sudden, unexpected departure of your father, you decide to fight your way out of the sterility of the Vault and emerge blinking into the shattered wilderness of Wasteland for the first time.


Sorry, but I thought the whole opening malarky and growing up was a tedious slog of boredom. Killing giant cockroaches and taking a test (that took fucking ages and didn't have any answers in it that I immediately wanted to choose) is not my idea of fun. I know you're supposed to create your character and stuff, but seriously, a birthday party and a test? SNORE.

 Post subject: Re: Fallout 3 Anticipation Blog
PostPosted: Sun Nov 02, 2008 11:56 
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Chu chu chu!

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MetalAngel wrote:
-travelling the wastes is annoying. Unlike Oblivion, you come under attack often without realizing there even was a threat nearby, especially when the threats have guns. Often I'd be walking along when suddenly my health just started dropping. Someone miles away was shooting at me. Or I'd try and run, only to find a rat or bug or something had kept pace with me and I was forced to fight.

I only really had this problem once or twice so far. If your perception's decent, they'll show up as red blips on your compass long before you even see them or they you. If you're sneaking, you'll get 'caution' flash on the screen too. Also, if you buddy up they'll really help out here.

-not that it matters, as VATS lets you blast the crap out of stuff easily. But so far, guns don't seem strong enough in many situations, a la Arcanum. Why waste two or three bullets on a bug when a few swipes with the baseball bat takes it out far quicker? Heck, why doesn't one bullet kill a bug outright?

This is fallout we're talking about, it's done that since forever. Suffice to say, the guns get better and you'll be blowing them away in a single shot after a while. Keep in mind that repairing weapons can massively increase their stopping power. It seems to be a fairly critical skill to have yourself, as I haven't met a character who's been able to repair a weapon past about 50% yet.

 Post subject: Re: Fallout 3 Anticipation Blog
PostPosted: Sun Nov 02, 2008 13:24 
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The atmosphere is starting to drag me in now. It is just Oblivion again though. Not necessarily a bad thing, but I was groaning inwardly about being sucked in to another massive RPG thing. (shouldn'e have bought an RPG game then, you belming mong) The start in Vault 101 is almost exactly the same as the tunnels in Oblivion, as far as I'm concerned. Something to slog through until you're allowed outside to play.

It's a small thing, but changing my HUD colour from green to blue has made me happier.

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 Post subject: Re: Fallout 3 Anticipation Blog
PostPosted: Sun Nov 02, 2008 13:36 
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Honey Boo Boo

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I rather like how on the 'are you ready to leave the Vault forever?' screen there's no option to go back and wander around the cave.

While it's great being able to see for miles, I'm slightly concerned that I might be seeing far more of the game world than I should as I wander around. That there's not much vegetation (it feels rather like a game where you've turned or hacked the vegetation engine off, so all you can see is the bare level geometry) doesn't help.

The camera angles seem a bit funny. I remember saying in Gayness Ex 2: Electric Boogaloo that you seemed to be leaning forward constantly. Here it's the opposite, it's like you're leaning back, and everything seems rather far away no matter how close you get.

The AI is as spasmodic as ever - the Vault guards were all running around in circles, the raiders I encountered didn't seem sure of how to attack apart from charging at me, and I think I evaded one enemy by luring it into a paddock and then running out of the paddock and around from the entrance. It was so intent on getting straight at me that it didn't think to turn around and go back out the entrance.

Also... and I can't believe it... I was skipping dialogue ALREADY.

Is it easy to find ways of getting rid of radiation? Only almost every environmental interaction (including using the toilet, for goodness' sake) seems to increase your dose.

I suspect I just need to give it time, as it's early days and both Mass Effect and Oblivion seemed a bit odd and pants at first.

While I'm keeping my HUD green, I changed the PipBoy to orange.

 Post subject: Re: Fallout 3 Anticipation Blog
PostPosted: Sun Nov 02, 2008 13:42 
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I've been skipping the dialogue, too. I'm just 100% not interested in it. I'm only forcing myself to play to review it, during which I hope it turns into this "best game EVER" people are going on about. Also, I'm angry that Gears 2 didn't show up yesterday and will now come on Monday at the earliest. Cunting Microsoft.

 Post subject: Re: Fallout 3 Anticipation Blog
PostPosted: Sun Nov 02, 2008 13:48 
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Honey Boo Boo

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I blame the dialogue not being particularly interesting yet. Hell, I've decided I hate both the radio stations too, because the DJs (the President and Threedog or whatever his name is) both drone on for AGES.

Thing is, I was somewhat drunk while playing this so perhaps I was expecting too much?

 Post subject: Re: Fallout 3 Anticipation Blog
PostPosted: Sun Nov 02, 2008 13:54 
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Radiation can be got rid of at An Doctor or by taking An Rad Away.

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 Post subject: Re: Fallout 3 Anticipation Blog
PostPosted: Sun Nov 02, 2008 14:12 
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MetalAngel wrote:
Is it easy to find ways of getting rid of radiation? Only almost every environmental interaction (including using the toilet, for goodness' sake) seems to increase your dose,
You're not using the toilet. You're drinking from it!

I totally don't understand people hating on this, I'm loving it. Just been up to Minefield
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a happy little minridden town. Found a guy taking potshots at me; he has a key to every house in town on him. There are a bunch of skillbooks in the houses.

Also last night I blew up Megaton in an alternative save; you get your alignment changed all the way to Very Evil immediately. It's very stunning to watch.

Has anyone created a character with Int/Cha 1 yet, to see if you can only grunt like in the first two games?

 Post subject: Re: Fallout 3 Anticipation Blog
PostPosted: Sun Nov 02, 2008 14:13 
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Found 3 munny making methods, spoilered, like.

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As soon as you get Megaton unlocked, find Walter in the water processing plant. Fix the 3 pipes and he'll then give you caps for any scrap metal you bring him. Wish I'd found this at the start as I've passed and chucked loads of scrap metal so far :(

Complete the errand for Lucy West in Megaton. Broker a deal between the vampires and the village and the vamps will pay you for any blood packs you bring them.

While doing the above quest, you should come across An Ghoul Lab in a subway station. I managed to get him to pay me 27 caps for each box of sugar things he wants me to bring him.

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 Post subject: Re: Fallout 3 Anticipation Blog
PostPosted: Sun Nov 02, 2008 14:17 
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Doctor Glyndwr wrote:
MetalAngel wrote:
I totally don't understand people hating on this, I'm loving it. Just been up to Minefield
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a happy little minridden town. Found a guy taking potshots at me; he has a key to every house in town on him. There are a bunch of skillbooks in the houses.

Don't forget his sweet arse
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sniper rifle
that he drops too. Managed to use that on a particularly tough brute super mute to get his minigun.

I take it you reloaded to keep Megaton? If not, you'll miss out on quite a few quests/achievements.

Also, stop using "bunch" as a collective noun.

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 Post subject: Re: Fallout 3 Anticipation Blog
PostPosted: Sun Nov 02, 2008 14:24 
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Chu chu chu!

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MetalAngel wrote:
While it's great being able to see for miles, I'm slightly concerned that I might be seeing far more of the game world than I should as I wander around. That there's not much vegetation (it feels rather like a game where you've turned or hacked the vegetation engine off, so all you can see is the bare level geometry) doesn't help.

There's a bit of that, aye. I like it personally as it encourages exploration. In Oblivion I just couldn't be arsed slogging through trees and trees to find anything noteworthy, but here if you see an unusual building in the distance, chances are there's something interesting going on there.

It's a little more dynamic too. I just stumbled across one of the wandering traders who had run into a random encounter with a Deathclaw and had his whole caravan butchered, leaving behind an absolute fortune of inventory. Not just some random window dressing, but someone I'd dealt with through the game, and it didn't seem scripted either. On top of that, quest characters can and do get butchered if you're not careful, and I've only run into three of those annoying invincible types from Oblivion, though later I
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got authorisation to terminate two of them. Hurrah!

Is it easy to find ways of getting rid of radiation? Only almost every environmental interaction (including using the toilet, for goodness' sake) seems to increase your dose.

It hasn't been a problem really. Just use a RadAway before your radiation level reaches the first 'bar' ad you won't suffer any side effects. All water (besides the purified kind, which is extremely rare) and food is radiated, so just avoid those. It's usually not a problem, as their benefits are rubbish unless you're in a pinch and completely stimless.

Some other annoyances: Fast Travelling into an ambush, which happens far too bloody often. The rubbish subway crawls, which almost made me quit the whole thing completely at one point until I got the worst of them out of the way.

And more good stuff: The 'mysterious stranger' perk, dang dang dahh nang! Shooting weapons out of people's hands and watching them run away and hide. The time I fragged a raider fifteen feet away who was bringing a missile launcher to bear, taking her arm off, the launcher spiralling through the air in slow motion and landing at my feet. Building a 'Rock It' launcher and taking someone's head clean off their shoulders with a high-velocity teddy bear/toy car/garden gnome. Love it.

 Post subject: Re: Fallout 3 Anticipation Blog
PostPosted: Sun Nov 02, 2008 14:26 
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Dimrill wrote:
Found 3 munny making methods, spoilered, like.
I knew about the first one, but I'm about to do the second two. Cool.

Dimrill wrote:
Don't forget his sweet arse
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sniper rifle
Yeah I snagged that of course.

I take it you reloaded to keep Megaton? If not, you'll miss out on quite a few quests/achievements.
Actually, I saved Megaton in my main game, and asploded it in an alternate game. Doing so opens up a new questline working for
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the people who live in Tenpeny Tower -- you even get an apartment there, to rival the one you get in Megaton.

Also, stop using "bunch" as a collective noun.
Damn, I've used that a bunch of times.

 Post subject: Re: Fallout 3 Anticipation Blog
PostPosted: Sun Nov 02, 2008 15:02 
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I got properly into this when I started doing the quest in the town full of fire ants, and I am fucking loving it. It's so atmospheric and creepy in places, and the quests feel like fallout quests.

Only bads so far:

1) Guns are a little underpowered at this stage
2) The radio is painfully repetitive.
3) The bad guys seem to be able to hit you at 95% from half a mile away using a shotgun, whereas I can't even see where they are.

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The school was well unpleasantly creepy.

GoddessJasmine wrote:
Drunk, pulled Craster's pork, waiting for brdyime story,reading nuts. Xz

 Post subject: Re: Fallout 3 Anticipation Blog
PostPosted: Sun Nov 02, 2008 15:07 
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I've just cleared out the school. A nice
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Chinese Officer's Sword

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 Post subject: Re: Fallout 3 Anticipation Blog
PostPosted: Sun Nov 02, 2008 15:18 
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Chu chu chu!

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If we're talking unusal weapons, be sure to check the musem of national history. You'll end up there anyway as part of a few quests, as...
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...that's where the ghouls' hometown of Underworld is.

Anyway, a little searching around and you'll find a real doozy.
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Lincoln's repeater, a hugely powerful .44 rifle, in pristine condition, and completely unique to that location.

 Post subject: Re: Fallout 3 Anticipation Blog
PostPosted: Sun Nov 02, 2008 15:46 
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I watched it for a bit yesterday. A friend was playing it and saying how amazing it was. It looked incredibly boring to me. Also seeing it in third person mode made it look very shoddy. The character glides around the surface in a completely ridiculous manner. Still I suppose it was designed for first person. All the stats worry me a lot too. I don't really like stat heavy games. I never know what to go for. He loves that sort of thing though. More stats the better.


 Post subject: Re: Fallout 3 Anticipation Blog
PostPosted: Sun Nov 02, 2008 16:03 
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I won't be able to buy this until after Christmas, but just out of curiosity, which of you who are not having much fun haven't played the first two games?

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 Post subject: Re: Fallout 3 Anticipation Blog
PostPosted: Sun Nov 02, 2008 16:13 
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Nirejhenge wrote:
I watched it for a bit yesterday. A friend was playing it and saying how amazing it was. It looked incredibly boring to me. Also seeing it in third person mode made it look very shoddy. The character glides around the surface in a completely ridiculous manner. Still I suppose it was designed for first person. All the stats worry me a lot too. I don't really like stat heavy games. I never know what to go for. He loves that sort of thing though. More stats the better.

It always struck me as a bit odd that you could play Oblivion in 3rd Person mode, seeing as the characters were barely animated.

I've just got back from buying this. I'll post my thoughts later.

Turns out a friend I haven't seen in a year is now the assistant manager at my local GAME store. He tapped the shoulder of the guy serving me, and got him to punch through a small-but-very-appreciated 10% discount. Ace.

I feel Farcry will never get played again if this is any good.

 Post subject: Re: Fallout 3 Anticipation Blog
PostPosted: Sun Nov 02, 2008 16:36 
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The Museum of History could not be better designed to shit me up. Take a shotgun is all I can say.

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 Post subject: Re: Fallout 3 Anticipation Blog
PostPosted: Sun Nov 02, 2008 20:55 
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Still loving in; turns out I've played for 16 hours so far!

Pleased with most things so far, bit tired of tunnels and spookiness (I've never enjoyed any games like that) but thoroughly enjoying my scoped magnum .44 and being outside in the wilds.

Unlocked quite a few locations as part of side quests and just been to GNR to meet the DJ.

Anyone found a way to mute the radio? (Bingo Bongo donta wanta leave the Congo is ace though)

 Post subject: Re: Fallout 3 Anticipation Blog
PostPosted: Sun Nov 02, 2008 21:00 
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MetalAngel wrote:
While it's great being able to see for miles, I'm slightly concerned that I might be seeing far more of the game world than I should as I wander around. That there's not much vegetation (it feels rather like a game where you've turned or hacked the vegetation engine off, so all you can see is the bare level geometry) doesn't help.

Dude, nuclear wasteland.

This is An Most Excellent Game.

The only thing I have against it after three hours or so of play is that it's a bit big and open ended. I had a quick wander around the local area after getting out of The Vault, and ended up in Springvale School. Ouch. Bit early for that, I thought, and so scarpered.

I could then have happily kept walking off into the distance, but wandered into Megaton on the basis that that was possible scaled for me.

Before that I'd wandered past the supermarket thing, and I started getting shot by people from the other side of the river. DOWNSIDE here: there were fuck loads of graphical glitches - patches of the river started going HUD green.

The AI is as spasmodic as ever - the Vault guards were all running around in circles,

Wasn't like that for me - they were quite capable of trying to smack me down, to the extent that I had a very panicked "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH" while running around in circles.


Eagles soar, but weasels don't get sucked into jet engines.

 Post subject: Re: Fallout 3 Anticipation Blog
PostPosted: Sun Nov 02, 2008 21:12 
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The Egg wrote:
Anyone found a way to mute the radio?

The one you can turn off and on in your Pip Boy, you mean? B - Data - Radio - click on the station.

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 Post subject: Re: Fallout 3 Anticipation Blog
PostPosted: Sun Nov 02, 2008 21:28 
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Dimrill wrote:
The Egg wrote:
Anyone found a way to mute the radio?

The one you can turn off and on in your Pip Boy, you mean? B - Data - Radio - click on the station.

I am obviously being a mong - when I looked it seemed as though you could ony choose between stations rather than have a 'listen to none' option

edit - I see what you're saying now, click again and it goes off.

 Post subject: Re: Fallout 3 Anticipation Blog
PostPosted: Sun Nov 02, 2008 21:40 
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Song Wars 08/09 Champion

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Has anyone tried the PC version at all?


 Post subject: Re: Fallout 3 Anticipation Blog
PostPosted: Sun Nov 02, 2008 21:46 
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Sheepeh wrote:
Has anyone tried the PC version at all?

Now, does that come with achievements? I think you know my answer...

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 Post subject: Re: Fallout 3 Anticipation Blog
PostPosted: Sun Nov 02, 2008 22:35 
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The Egg wrote:
I am obviously being a mong

At least you're not drinking out of the toilets like some other people.

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 Post subject: Re: Fallout 3 Anticipation Blog
PostPosted: Sun Nov 02, 2008 22:42 
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Dimrill wrote:
The Egg wrote:
I am obviously being a mong

At least you're not drinking out of the toilets like some other people.

See, it would actually be useful if the game told you what the action was that you were about to undertake by pressing the blue button, or whatever, as I was a bit surprised that I drank toilet water rather than, say, taking a slash.

Eagles soar, but weasels don't get sucked into jet engines.

 Post subject: Re: Fallout 3 Anticipation Blog
PostPosted: Sun Nov 02, 2008 23:18 
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Sheepeh wrote:
Has anyone tried the PC version at all?

I have, but I've only played it for an hour so far; I'm out of the Vault and into Megaton (not very far at all). It is Oblivion so far — technically not a complaint, but everything feels slightly disappointingly familiar.

Obviously I need to play for longer before I can really get an impression. And that time will be straight after my dinner in a minute, now I have some free time again.

 Post subject: Re: Fallout 3 Anticipation Blog
PostPosted: Sun Nov 02, 2008 23:27 
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I'm really in two minds, as I don't have *that* much disposable income for gamage, and I REALLY didn't get on with Oblivion but I loved the Fallout series.

HNNNGH. Maybe I'll just play Fallout and Fallout 2 again.


 Post subject: Re: Fallout 3 Anticipation Blog
PostPosted: Sun Nov 02, 2008 23:56 
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I forgot about this - how vain

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Sheepeh wrote:
I'm really in two minds, as I don't have *that* much disposable income for gamage, and I REALLY didn't get on with Oblivion but I loved the Fallout series.

HNNNGH. Maybe I'll just play Fallout and Fallout 2 again.

Simple then. Wait a few months for the hype to settle then get it cheaper. That way you'll have lower expectations and enjoy it more.

Also best screen shot ever:

Curiosity wrote:
The Rev Owen wrote:
Is there a way to summon lave?

Faith schools, scientologists and 2-D platform games.

 Post subject: Re: Fallout 3 Anticipation Blog
PostPosted: Mon Nov 03, 2008 0:11 
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Lave wrote:
I'd love to know what happened next. That weapon is the Fat Man -- a tactical nuke launcher. It causes a really big bang with a little mini-mushroom cloud.

 Post subject: Re: Fallout 3 Anticipation Blog
PostPosted: Mon Nov 03, 2008 0:12 
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Lave wrote:
Sheepeh wrote:
I'm really in two minds, as I don't have *that* much disposable income for gamage, and I REALLY didn't get on with Oblivion but I loved the Fallout series.

HNNNGH. Maybe I'll just play Fallout and Fallout 2 again.

Simple then. Wait a few months for the hype to settle then get it cheaper. That way you'll have lower expectations and enjoy it more.

Also best screen shot ever:

Aye. That's what I *should* do. But will I? I guess I'll get stuck in to 1000 pointing Pure first and pick it up after that.


 Post subject: Re: Fallout 3 Anticipation Blog
PostPosted: Mon Nov 03, 2008 0:17 
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Song Wars 08/09 Champion

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Dimrill wrote:
Sheepeh wrote:
Has anyone tried the PC version at all?

Now, does that come with achievements? I think you know my answer...

Yes, yes it does have acheivements. Shiney.


 Post subject: Re: Fallout 3 Anticipation Blog
PostPosted: Mon Nov 03, 2008 0:22 
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I've turned into a tramp. I'm picking up everything I see just in case I need it to make something on my workbench.

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 Post subject: Re: Fallout 3 Anticipation Blog
PostPosted: Mon Nov 03, 2008 1:08 
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Oh awesome. Hold on to those pre-war books fellows, because
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An Wimmin in Arlington Library will pay 100 caps each for them

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 Post subject: Re: Fallout 3 Anticipation Blog
PostPosted: Mon Nov 03, 2008 3:23 
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Further play (just over 7 hours now) and it's finally hitting its stride. I suppose all Fallout games have to have a slightly pants, off-puttingly rubbish beginning (FO1 with the cave, Vault 15 and Shady Sands, FO2 with the godawful temple, tribal village and Klamath Falls) that you have to grit your teeth through to get to the good bits.

The map is bigger than it first seemed... certainly now I've wandered around a bit. The 'vicious dogs' are damned annoying, one crippled my leg earlier. The bloatflies are also annoying, while the super-accurate fire from the raiders seems a bit unfair at times.

I note that traits are gone, and a number of them (Bloody Mess, Night Person among them) have become Perks instead. I'd also note that skills that had a less direct or obvious effect (such as sneaking) are much more and appreciably useful than they were in the original games. It seems that the game is a lot stricter about whether or not you can do certain things, or at least more explicit about telling you: in the original games, you could try your lockpicking or repair or whatever skill on an appropriate item and you might succeed, you might not. Whereas here, you try and hack/pick/repair something and unless you meet the exact skill requirement it won't even let you try.

The Eurogamer review made an interesting point in that you have to learn to let go of Megaton... he describes using it as a 'lifeboat' and struggling to build the nerve to leave it for the other proper towns. I too have yet to do this.

I am, by the way, playing Ironman style. It certainly makes for a more tense, exciting time of it... whereas I might have quicksaved or quick reloaded if I had a bad fight and felt I'd wasted equipment, I just have to deal with it here. A costly (both in terms of ammo and healing stuff) battle with raiders becomes a very tense affair indeed.

Sheelagh the vault dweller's diary, part the second:

ZOMG Spoiler! Click here to view!
An Irish arse called Moriarty who runs the local bar claimed to have information about my dad. Unfortunately, he wasn't giving it away for free, and it would have cost all my money to get it. Fortunately, he let me solve a little problem for him, and go and deal with a former employee who'd run off with some drugs and money that were supposedly his. I don't care to being treated like this... so I agreed to take only some of the caps off her in exchange for warning her to move on before he finds her.

It would appear that my dad has gone to Galaxy News Radio, which is popular in Megaton. This was confirmed by a mention of my dad on the radio... and they seem to know I've come out of the Vault as well.

Lacking anything else to do, I decided to help Moira with her book some more. My next task was to research scavenging food from old supermarkets. I duly made my way over to the nearby Super Duper Mart. Outside, I encountered something very creepy - a giant ant. I'd seen dead ones outside Megaton, but this was the first living one I'd seen. Inside the supermarket, a group of Raiders were on patrol. I snooped around until one spotted me. I shot him in the face, and was astonished that none of his friends heard me. Trying to find some medicine for Moira, another opened fire with an assault rifle. A huge fight broke out, and I emerged from the dust with half a dozen dead raiders on the floor and more new weapons and armour than I could carry. Raider armour doesn't seem particularly useful (huge parts of your body are exposed) so I left most of it behind, but kept the guns.

I'd been in the store for hours, and had found a lot of very nice items, including two laser pistols, a whole mess of energy cells and even some purified water. That Micky guy outside Megaton was going to be happy. As I was climbing back up the ridge towards Megaton, I spotted a blip on my HUD. Spinning around, I drew my gun only to see it was a young boy in ragged clothing. It seemed his village not far away had been attacked by giant ants, and his dad was missing.

I agreed to help... later. The boy, Bryan, returned to the town to wait for me, while I gave Moira her food and medicine. Her next task was to irradiate myself so she could study the effects and test her homemade radiation sickness remedy. A few gulps of water from the pool surrounding the infamous bomb and I was at over 600 rads. And I'll tell you what: radiation sickness is almost preferable to how you feel after gulping down Moira's medicine. Blerugh. I still don't feel the same.

Her final task for the first chapter of the book was to research landmines. There were a few in an old town a long way to the north, but I didn't feel like hiking up there quite yet, so I helped Walter with the leaking waterpipes first. As we stood out by the purification plant having a cigarette that evening, I remembered Bryan and the giant ants. Whoops. He'd still be waiting for me by his house. I'd get straight over there... first thing tomorrow morning. Still no beds in the flophouse, so I slept rough, again.

The following morning I found myself in Greyditch, fending off giant ants. As per Bryan's directions, his old house was in an old apartment block. His dad was in there, all right... dead, surrounded by dead ants. He'd gone down fighting, as the place was filled with guns. He even had a Chinese assault rifle! Cramming my pockets with weaponry and ammo, I headed outside to the personal bomb shelter where Bryan was hiding. He was understandably upset, and wanted the fire ants stopped once and for all so nobody else would suffer a loss like he had. Sure, kid. I'll get around to it.

However, with my new weapons, I felt ready for the long trip to this 'Minefield' place. Stopping by Megaton along the way, I unloaded all my damaged Raider weapons and unwanted junk with Crazy Wolfgang, and headed out.

It was a LONG way. The water level in the rivers sure has gone down compared to what the old maps show: there were a few beached boats sitting on what must have been the old riverbed. A few raiders were easily dealt with using my new laser pistol, including one unfortunate who was completely incinerated.

Minefield seemed like a nice enough little town... until I spotted the first mine. Except, it was a reflective cat's eye set into the road. This threw me so much that I didn't even spot the first actual mine, and when I heard it beep I didn't react quickly enough to disarm out. That hurt like HELL, and as I was injecting myself with stimpacks another mine further up the road exploded, causing a nearby car to burst into flame. I barely had time to stumble backwards before the old fusion core exploded and knocked me flying.

Proceeding with much greater care this time, I continued towards the playground in the centre of town and managed to disarm and recover one of the mines. As I entered the playground, I scanned the area with VATS as I always do every little while... and detected someone. An older looking man with a sniper rifle was atop a building in the distance, keeping a lookout over the town. I was no mood for any further injury, so I took my leave as soon as his back was turn. Creepy guy.

I began heading back towards Megaton, but the journey out had taken me well into the afternoon, and the sun was now setting. I bumped into a hunting party, who sold me some strange looking meat. I opted not to eat it. A group of raiders ambushed me, and I sustained several wounds before managing to elude them. I was even further off course now, it was getting dark and I needed a place to bunker down for the night. A huge valley stretched out to the right, so I went to have a look. At the bottom of the cliff was an old train yard. I picked my way down the cliff and wandered among the wrecked trains. None offered any shelter, but the tunnel portals leading into the DC subway system had maintenance rooms which I gratefully curled up in for the night.

The following morning, it was with trepidation that I peeked into the tunnels themselves. No way I'm going down there. Checking my rifle, I headed back to Megaton. Moira was delighted, and rewarded me with much-needed stimpacks and a few frag grenades. Time for a beer and a rest, I think. I've earned it.

 Post subject: Re: Fallout 3 Anticipation Blog
PostPosted: Mon Nov 03, 2008 4:07 
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Peculiar, yet lovely

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Mr Chris wrote:
MetalAngel wrote:
While it's great being able to see for miles, I'm slightly concerned that I might be seeing far more of the game world than I should as I wander around. That there's not much vegetation (it feels rather like a game where you've turned or hacked the vegetation engine off, so all you can see is the bare level geometry) doesn't help.

Dude, nuclear wasteland.

With people living in it. If humans are quite safely living there, there'd be loads of plants that would be just as happy. It doesn't have to be a forest, but there should be lots of pioneer type scraggy bushes and grasses at least. You can do grey and dilapidated without it being totally dead.

Lonely as a Mushroom Cloud

 Post subject: Re: Fallout 3 Anticipation Blog
PostPosted: Mon Nov 03, 2008 4:13 
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I won't have a PC that can run this until about the year it's actually set in, so it's not an option for me, but I would strongly suggest that anyone unsure whether to get it (particularly if it's because of the lingering Oblivionitis) wait not only until it's cheaper, but get it on the PC. Achievements can sod off (and you can just make up your own), but more importantly, one word can make a world of difference, be it major overhauls of the levelling, better sounds, better dialogue, or just little tweaks to the raider range/accuracy, or gun stats, or lots of little significant little flaws: Mods.

Lonely as a Mushroom Cloud

 Post subject: Re: Fallout 3 Anticipation Blog
PostPosted: Mon Nov 03, 2008 4:26 
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Song Wars 08/09 Champion

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As I said, the PC version comes with proper LIVE achievements. They count towards your Eggbox total and everything. This is why I was thinking about getting the PC version rather than the Eggbox one, as I tend to prefer titles like that on PC, and there's no multiplayer anyway.


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