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 Post subject: GLR reminiscing thread
PostPosted: Sun Oct 26, 2008 21:38 
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Joined: 24th Sep, 2008
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Location: Cardiffs
Being only 7 when it originally launched (yep, curse me for being young etc) GLR was possibly the most supercool station in London for years until it was remodelled for crappy chat people like Vanessa Feltz and Jon "I have kids argument" Gaunt to talk rubbish to cab drivers.

Well it was launched 20 years ago, as this Guardian Organ Grinder blog post reminds us:

I became hooked on GLR just about the time XFM was sold to Capital and I went to university just outside London, it became my lifeline to find out what was going on, with Gary Crowley giving me my lost fix of all things London. Before that I tuned in for lots of random stuff, but mainly for the music they played. To say it was eclectic was an understatement

As with all great radio, it came to an end too soon, but for the years it was about it left some good memories with a lot of people (and some great Chris Morris/Wayne Carr recording to still listen to)

You don't know what you got till its gone, etc...

Edit: ooh err, I think I;ve got dates and times mixed up when it all changed, but I did listen, honest

 Post subject: Re: GLR reminiscing thread
PostPosted: Mon Oct 27, 2008 23:04 

Joined: 30th Mar, 2008
Posts: 5318
I only listened to it once, never having really had time to listen radio when in London. I was traveling from my PR company to Finsbury Park to organise photos for magazines at the Kiss thing there, about eleven summers ago. We were driving from near the Odeon in Streatham on a Saturday morning - not a quick journey. We were in the car and there was a mock yet authentic news story on about a the government having spent a billion pounds on a 'monkey accelerator' to see what happens when one smashes things somewhat larger than a hadron, e.g. a monkey, into one another at close to the speed of light. My boss, driving, was in apoplexy, cursing his head off about robbing us in taxes to fund this shit, and so on.

Epic broadcasting, and I only wish I'd heard more. No, I also wish the monkey accelerator was real.

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