Dr Zoidberg wrote:
Super Stardust Ultra is the Ps4 version. I've bought one off eBay which should be here in a couple of days.
I really liked it. Maxed out the trophies on it, at least until they made the VR compatible DLC. There was one trophy in that that I couldn't get. I might download it to play the main game again (I got rid of PSVR ages ago).
Zardoz wrote:
Blucey wrote:
Macross Shooting Insight is pretty weak so far. Full of text conversations from Anime characters and the gameplay feels weedy. It does mix vert/hori and even a bit of 360 action which is cool but it's not clicking yet.
A LOT of dialogue! Play mechanic feels weird, the shots feel weak and missiles powerful and it’s hard to engage my brain quick enough to switch between the two, early days though. Patterns to be learned I guess, that will help.
It's super odd. I'm struggling to get my thoughts straight on it for the review.