Moana 2: Yeah it's alright. I am getting a bit tired of Rock 'The Dwayne' Johnson. We saw it at a funny little dingy cinema that had weird roman style decorations, including statues either side of the screen. I enjoyed it for what it was but I wouldn't recommend it to anyone, nor would I discourage anyone from seeing it. Its just... alright.
Sonic 3: I went on a 'daddy daughter date' to see this. Jim Carrey brings the fun, he was really good, possibly even moreso than the previous two in which he was also really good. Knuckles is a great character too and they 'steal the show' really. I'd also like to have seen a bit more of James Marsden in this - I like him and like his character too. It's pretty good but I think the first two are overall better films and I am wondering how much mileage there is left in this... I suspect it will end up getting milked beyond dry.
Sir Taxalot wrote:
Sir Taxalot wrote:
We're a sucker for a franchise, in case you didn't notice, so after watching all eleventy Transformers films we decided the next family slog would be through the Harry Potter films. We had made a start on these about 4 or so years ago, but stopped after (I think) the third one as they were getting thematically quite dark and the kids were still little.
So, now it's time to start again, to go back to where it all began with Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone. It's a nice film, child like wonder and excitement. Some of the acting is dreadful but we can look past that. I've always had quite a fondness for this film.
The info box said the film came out in 2001, which felt like a surprisingly long time ago now (I didn't think it was that long ago, I still remember what a cultural phenom all of this stuff was, before the unpleasantness etc).
We are still plugging away at these but I've been forgetting to post about them. They are all pretty good films, decently made and enjoyable, I still like them.
Yesterday we watched Harry Potter #4: (
the Goblet of Fire). It was good but felt like it dragged on a bit. I mean, it is quite a long film anyway but it probably felt even longer because we should have started it earlier in the evening and the kids were being fidgety and annoying. The end bit is quite tense and a little bit emotional. From here on, all the films will be new to the kids, and If I remember correctly, after here the films started getting much busier and there was a lot going on in them.
Sometimes I forget the order of the films, so I have to check which is which. But fans of me being very vague and wishy-washy will be pleased to read that we watched #5 (
Order of the Phoenix) and then #6 (
The Half Blood Prince) and even now I'm struggling to remember exactly which bit happened in which film. They're both pretty good but not as good as the films that came before, although I do enjoy the feeling of them building up to a climax. Aside from a few good bits I'm not all that fond of #6. They're also a bit longer than I realised, so starting to watch these with the kids at any time after 7pm was, for us, really not a good idea. Still, only two more of them to go now.
I've observed that my feelings are both 'these films are good, I'm fond of the series' and yet at the same time 'mehhhhh, motivation is waning'. What a very modern-feeling kind of malaise.