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1) Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night (Xbox) - 7/10
2) The Division 2 (Xbox) - 8/10
3) Horizon: Zero Dawn (PS4) - 6/10
4) Horizon: Zero Dawn (DLC - The Frozen Wilds) (PS4) - 7/10
5) Ghost Recon: Breakpoint (DLC - The Terminator) (PS4) - 3/10
6) The Surge 2 (PS4) - 6/10
7) BioShock 2 (DLC - Minervas Den) (PS4) - 6/10
8 ) Bioshock Infinite (DLC - buried at Sea Episode 1) (PS4) - 3/10
9) Bioshock Infinite (DLC - buried at Sea Episode 2) (PS4) - 7/10
10) Sea Salt (Xbox) - 8/10
11) Astral Chain (Switch) - 5/10
12) Legend of Zelda: Links Awakening (Switch) - 7/10 6/10
13) Code Vein (PS4) - 5/10
14) Call of Duty: MW Warzone (PS4) - 8/10
15) Ori & The Will of the Wisps (Xbox) - 10/10
16) Dark Souls: Remastered (PS4) - 9/10
17) Flashback (Switch) - 2/10
18) Gradius/Nemesis: The Gradius Collection (PS4) -
19) Hyper Dot (Xbox) - 10/10
20) Outrun (Switch) -
21) Remnant (Xbox) - 9/10
22) Monument Valley 2 (iOS) - meh
23) Streets of Rage 4 (Xbox) - 9/10
24) Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney (PS4) - 8/10
25) Star Wars: Republic Commando (Xbox OG) - 7/10
26) Persona 4: The Golden (PS Vita) - 10/10
27) Panza Dragoon: Orta (Xbox OG) - 8/10
28) The Last of Us Part 2 (PS4) - 9/10
29) Children of Morta (Xbox) - 9/10
30) Control (PS4) - 7/10
31) Subnautica (Xbox) - 7/10
32) Shantae: Half Genie Hero (Xbox) - 6/10
33) Star Wars: Battlefront 2 (PS4) - 4/10
34) Superhot: Mind Control Delete (PS4) - 5/10
35) Carrion (Xbox) - 8/10
36) Shovel Knight: Shovel of Hope (PS4) - 9/10
37) Resident Evil 3 (PS4) - 8/10
38) Shovel Knight: Plague of Shadows (PS4) - 8/10
39) Shovel Knight: Spectre of Torment (PS4) - 9/10
40) Shovel Knight: King of Cards (PS4) - 9/10
41) Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Remastered (PS4) - 8/10
42) Fall Guys (PS4) - 8/10
43) Hyper Scape (PS4) - 4/10
44) PUBG (PS4) - 7/10
45) Nioh 2 (PS4) - 8/10
46) Battletoads (Xbox) - fuck you/10
47) Touhoo Luna Nights (Xbox) - 9/10
48) The Division - 8/10
49) A Plague Tale: Innocence (Xbox) - 9/10
50) LUMO (PS4) - 5/10
51) Call of Duty: Modern Warfare: Classic Special Ops (PS4)
52) Mad Max (PS4) - 5/53)
53) SOMA (PS4) - 7/10
54) Halo 4 (Xbox)
55) Double Dragon Neon (Xbox)
56) Risk of Rain 2 (PS4) - 10/10
57) Alan Wake (Xbox) - 3/10
58) Demon’s Souls (PS5) 11/10
59) Spiritfarer (Xbox) - 7/10
60) Man of Medan (Xbox) - 5/10
61) Maid of Sker (Xbox) - 3/10
The SOMO boys are back. SOMO’s got a decent story and nice graphics with unfortunately dull gameplay. Let’s see if they did anything better this time around.
What was that game that was a boring horror walking simulator about a painting? They made a sequel. Anyway, it looks a bit like that, but this time the game is set around a Resident Evil 1-esq house with doors locked by keys that have a Raven, a Queen, or a crown or some shit. Just like Resi. Anyway, it looks nice. It probably runs like shit on base consoles but there’s an “unlocked frame rate” option so next generation machines are alriiight. There’s also options for chromatic aberration, FXAA, TSA x 4 or 8 and some other shit that PC people will be jerking their tiny cocks off about. Frankly, I don’t know which of those options were better or worse and would have preferred some text explaining what those options actually meant. No, I’m not interested in googling it or having it explained outside the game.
Gameplay is the same as SOMA or Outlast where you skulk about veeeery slowly. The enemies all have bags on their heads so it’s all about being quiet. It’s as interesting and innovative as that sounds.
Then we’ve got the story. It’s got one and it’s nowhere near as interesting as SOMA. It’s some bollocks about a woman in an attic that you keep in touch with by phones that are dotted around the mansion. Yes, they went there. Again.
And it took 2 1/2 hours to finish. I got the bad ending cause I missed something that I had actually picked up but then died without saving and then forgot to re-pick up cause it was an annoying section to replay where you can get trapped by hooded guys on these narrow walkways with hearing like owls. The weird thing is, I could probably go back and get it for the good ending and I reckon it’d only take 5-10 minutes but I can’t be arsed. It’s just not memorable. It’s actually a step back from the good work done by SOMA. The only improvement on that game is the inclusion of a decent speed run. Everything else is shitterer.