However, we have caught sight of Saint Nick and the Blessed Margaret for the first time, calling things a total mess, and rolling their sparkling eyes heavenward
And finally, I get a good look at Howard, who is scary-looking, with steel-grey eyes, a forehead that stretches halfway to the moon and a slight sense that he files his teeth. *shudder*.
"Cars washed while they wait..."
And the alternative is what, exactly? Hang on to the aerial, and use the momentum as they drive round corners to reach the door sills?
Anita, who is quite a lot like a potato (in a nice way, I am a big fan of potatoes)
"Anita, did you just sit there with a calculator?"
"No!" says Spudulike "I was in charge of hoovering!"
Ah. I think I won't watch the rest, as they were mostly cocks. But I will read about it.