Bits and Bobs 50
50 shades of bits
Michael Portillo
Kern wrote:
Michael Portillo

Nope. But it is a politician. Currently active
No, but very close! Balder
Malc wrote:
Vince Cable?

Ding! Winner.
Here he is. With a microphone on his face
Five people who look like they're regretting scheduling something in for a Monday morning.
In the run-up to the local elections I was channel hopping and chanced upon a Lib Dem party political broadcast. It took me a few moments to remember that he was actually their leader now.
He just used the phrase 'go native' about Nigeria. The gent on the right is a Nigerian Economist. Oops!
Trooper wrote:
Looks like a normal size coin to me, difficult to tell as we don't know the scale of the insect.

I saw this fine robot lady in a bar the other day, and it reminded me of MaliA's robot friend.
Do I live in a parallel universe where everyone is in a teen romance novEl? Some just asked me "oh is it you forever house?". What sort of of bullshit is that?
MaliA wrote:
Do I live in a parallel universe where everyone is in a teen romance novEl? Some just asked me "oh is it you forever house?". What sort of of bullshit is that?

I think they're asking if you'll stay there for the rest of your lives.
Sounds like a Stephen King novel.
MaliA wrote:
Do I live in a parallel universe where everyone is in a teen romance novEl? Some just asked me "oh is it you forever house?". What sort of of bullshit is that?

They're saying you look close to death.
Lonewolves wrote:
MaliA wrote:
Do I live in a parallel universe where everyone is in a teen romance novEl? Some just asked me "oh is it you forever house?". What sort of of bullshit is that?

I think they're asking if you'll stay there for the rest of your lives.

What a twee way of doing it.
MaliA wrote:
Lonewolves wrote:
MaliA wrote:
Do I live in a parallel universe where everyone is in a teen romance novEl? Some just asked me "oh is it you forever house?". What sort of of bullshit is that?

I think they're asking if you'll stay there for the rest of your lives.

What a twee way of doing it.

Nice ninja stealth edit btw.
Lonewolves wrote:
MaliA wrote:
Lonewolves wrote:
MaliA wrote:
Do I live in a parallel universe where everyone is in a teen romance novEl? Some just asked me "oh is it you forever house?". What sort of of bullshit is that?

I think they're asking if you'll stay there for the rest of your lives.

What a twee way of doing it.

Nice ninja stealth edit btw.

Yeah, I'm somewhat grumpy with it all. Had enough now. 15 working days left, a 3 month notice period is a long time.
Nabbed tickets for ISIHAC when they record in Oxford next month. I last saw a recording almost 20 years ago, but hopefully Samantha won't have aged a bit.
MaliA wrote:
Lonewolves wrote:
MaliA wrote:
Lonewolves wrote:
MaliA wrote:
Do I live in a parallel universe where everyone is in a teen romance novEl? Some just asked me "oh is it you forever house?". What sort of of bullshit is that?

I think they're asking if you'll stay there for the rest of your lives.

What a twee way of doing it.

Nice ninja stealth edit btw.

Yeah, I'm somewhat grumpy with it all. Had enough now. 15 working days left, a 3 month notice period is a long time.

The idea of 'Forever houses' is forking daft, it's an asset that you hold because it is convenient to do so until it not longer is.
Kris wrote:
The idea of 'Forever houses' is forking daft, it's an asset that you hold because it is convenient to do so until it not longer is.

What a horribly cold view of the world. People often invest a lot of emotional capital into a home. Especially if they've raised a family there.
DavPaz wrote:
Kris wrote:
The idea of 'Forever houses' is forking daft, it's an asset that you hold because it is convenient to do so until it not longer is.

What a horribly cold view of the world. People often invest a lot of emotional capital in a home. Especially if they've raised a family there.

I understand where you're coming from, however, I personally just can't imagine being emotionally attached to a house?
Best not to be - one of the greatest problems people have is being too emotionally invested in their houses. And then they don't leave until it's too late to establish themselves somewhere else, or sort out care, or whatever it maybe. Of course it is laden with emotional significance, but no one should think of a home as 'forever', that really won't help when it comes to decision time.
Aside: My gran was born in the house she lived in all her life, which is pretty crazy.

[edit] She died when she was about 85, btw, not when she was twenty or anything ;)
Kris wrote:
DavPaz wrote:
Kris wrote:
The idea of 'Forever houses' is forking daft, it's an asset that you hold because it is convenient to do so until it not longer is.

What a horribly cold view of the world. People often invest a lot of emotional capital in a home. Especially if they've raised a family there.

I understand where you're coming from, however, I personally just can't imagine being emotionally attached to a house?

This is probably because we were bumped from pillar to post all our lives :P
Aye, that'll probably do it.
Grim... wrote:
Aside: My gran was born in the house she lived in all her life, which is pretty crazy.

[edit] She died when she was about 85, btw, not when she was twenty or anything ;)

My GF's sister is still living in the house that she was born in, and is in her 40s now.
When her dad remarried and moved out, she basically just hung around and got given the keys.
I like my house, we've done loads to it and made it how we want it, and next year we're getting married in it. But as soon as the mortgage is paid we're selling it so we can buy two. Or one and a plot of land. If we build one from scratch in 10 years time, I could possibly see that being a 'forever house'.

My boss has found a house he loves, he's knocking half of it down and rebuilding it with a view to stay in it forever. Which is actually probably the only way he can justify doing it, as it'll likely cost more to do than it will be worth any time soon.

Mr. Flis' mum was born in the house she died in, she was 85 when she died and one of her sons still lives in it now, he's lived there all his life too.

So there's loads of different reasons and levels of investment into properties that leads people have forever homes, I don't think any of them are stupid or particularly weird.
flis wrote:
one of her sons still lives in it now, he's lived there all his life too.

Did he take her bedroom?
Our next house has been referred to as the “forever house” although in this context it means, when the kids leave school well fuck of out of London.
I guess I have the fortunate circumstance in that I won't be having kids so the house we're in now is plenty big enough (needs a new kitchen & bathroom though).
We’re not planning on moving anytime soon. Firstly as I’ve done a shitload of work on the house in the last three years, making it feel largely new to me, and secondly, we would need to win the lottery or accidentally discover I was heir to some recently deceased billionaire to be able to afford a ‘better’ house in London.
Also your place is well nice.
I wasn't planning on going anywhere after this move but all the problems we've had since we got the keys have coloured my view of the place somewhat. I imagine once we're settled and everything is fixed it'll be fine but it's not the fresh start I hoped for :(
I love the house we moved into last year, it's pretty much everything we wanted. Bags of room and plenty of character too. Just in a right mess at the moment while the loft is being done and there will be LOTS of decorating to do, but I enjoy doing stuff like that.

I can see us staying here for good.
Zardoz wrote:
I love the house we moved into last year, it's pretty much everything we wanted. Bags of room and plenty of character too. Just in a right mess at the moment while the loft is being done and there will be LOTS of decorating to do, but I enjoy doing stuff like that.

I can see us staying here for good.

You mean it's your forever house.
No Myp, it's our forever house :luv:
Fuck off to Sylvania.where your sort are tolerated.
Learnt about Richard the Lionheart this morning (On the Rex Factor podcast Kern recommended) Amazing fella, total wanker, but what a guy (DickyLion, not Kern) Anyway, here is how he died after literally spending almost all of his life at war;

ZOMG Spoiler! Click here to view!
In the early evening of 25 March 1199, Richard was walking around the castle perimeter without his chainmail, investigating the progress of sappers on the castle walls. Missiles were occasionally shot from the castle walls, but these were given little attention. One defender, in particular, amused the king greatly—a man standing on the walls, crossbow in one hand, the other clutching a frying pan he had been using all day as a shield to beat off missiles. He deliberately aimed at the king, which the king applauded; however, another crossbowman then struck the king in the left shoulder near the neck.He tried to pull this out in the privacy of his tent but failed; a surgeon called a "butcher" by Howden, removed it, "carelessly mangling" the King's arm in the process.

The wound swiftly became gangrenous. Richard asked to have the crossbowman brought before him; called alternatively Pierre (or Peter) Basile, John Sabroz, Dudo,[115][116] and Bertrand de Gourdon (from the town of Gourdon) by chroniclers, the man turned out (according to some sources, but not all) to be a boy. He said Richard had killed his father and two brothers, and that he had killed Richard in revenge. He expected to be executed, but as a final act of mercy Richard forgave him, saying "Live on, and by my bounty behold the light of day", before he ordered the boy to be freed and sent away with 100 shillings.

Legend. ... s-44560769

How is the commute these days Grim...? Not been kicking down gates I hope...
Well, I gave up at about 7:40 this morning and went back home, if that answers your question.

I'm not in that photo though, sadly.
I have a friend that lives over in Bletchley and I've been through the Bedford station a couple of times, it doesn't look big enough to handle anywhere near that volume of passengers what are they thinking?
Kris wrote:
I have a friend that lives over in Bletchley and I've been through the Bedford station a couple of times, it doesn't look big enough to handle anywhere near that volume of passengers what are they thinking?

MaliA wrote:
Kris wrote:
I have a friend that lives over in Bletchley and I've been through the Bedford station a couple of times, it doesn't look big enough to handle anywhere near that volume of passengers what are they thinking?


I'd heard of Sleeper Trains, but Fucking Trains seems like a step too far.
devilman wrote:
MaliA wrote:
Kris wrote:
I have a friend that lives over in Bletchley and I've been through the Bedford station a couple of times, it doesn't look big enough to handle anywhere near that volume of passengers what are they thinking?


I'd heard of Sleeper Trains, but Fucking Trains seems like a step too far.

Given how ironically named Sleeper trains are, I'd assume Fucking trains would take you to a convent.
Kern wrote:
No, Austria.

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