Things that annoy me
...but shouldn’t, really.
I thought it was a noun as in "quit yo jibber jabber fool"
I quite like ‘Bubble’ because it sounds u inquest yo that group of workers, and kind of happy.
I associate it with Cockney Rhyming Slang.
Lync? It's been Skype for Business for years now hasn't it?
Lonewolves wrote:
Lync? It's been Skype for Business for years now hasn't it?

Yes but the process that runs is still called 'lync.exe'
Link dot ee ex ee me
Lonewolves wrote:
Lync? It's been Skype for Business for years now hasn't it?

You've done corporate IT support before, you know just how far behind the curve most big companies are on the desktop.
Cras wrote:
Lonewolves wrote:
Lync? It's been Skype for Business for years now hasn't it?

You've done corporate IT support before, you know just how far behind the curve most big companies are on the desktop.

Ours changed almost instantly and we were still on Windows 7 so not exactly ahead of the curve. I thought the brand change was just an automatic update. The rest of the software stayed the same (even the executable name as Z said).
Grim... wrote:
Saying "ping me" and expecting an email of some kind makes me want to kill.

Someone once told me we would "follow up on ping" and what they meant was "I'll message you later on Hangouts."
I assume you gutted them there and then.
Cras wrote:
I assume you gutted them there and then.

HR frowns on it
'I'll ping you' means 'I'll send you money using online banking'. I understand your disappointment.
"I'll ping... you pong"
My colleague sitting across from me hums under his breath when he concentrates, it is driving me out of my mind…I want to reach over and bash his brains in with a wireless keyboard. But I’m English, so I won’t, I will continue to roll my eyes to the utmost and occasionally tut.
Morte wrote:
occasionally tut.

Steady on.
Grim... wrote:
Morte wrote:
occasionally tut.

Steady on.

It is very annoying
Comes under the general heading of 'other people.'

I used to sit where I could not avoid seeing a large lady at another bank of desks, who spent the whole day eating snacks and other food that she'd produce out of her desk or bags at the side of it. All day, every day. Drove me crazy, though she was a very nice person apart from this habit.

I bet the hummer doesn't realize he's doing it.

Talking of tutting, that's something I used to do (and possibly still do) without realizing I was doing it, usually when a user was asking for help on some issue to which they really should have known the answer.
There's a woman who comes into our office about once a week with the most amazingly strident, carrying voice. Not necessarily loud, it just really carries. You can hear her from the other side of the office, especially when she's on conference calls.

She's always on conference calls. Massive conference calls. And she always takes a verbal roll call (who does that?!). So basically you just have her voice carrying over everything else droning through a massive list of names. Every week.
Cras wrote:
I'm fine with both upskilling and reach out. Both have a specific meaning not really covered by other terms.

For some reason I think of something like this quite often.
All of the Level 2 managers went away on some 2 day training course where they got overexcited at the dinner service and kept instagramming pictures of how shiny the cutlery was (?) When they came back two days later they had learned ‘a thing’ (from what I could tell it was the only thing that they learned). So, from that day until the day I left the hot word was ‘triggered’.

‘Oh no, have you been triggered?’
‘If you’ve been triggered do you want to step out for five minutes and go sort yourself out?’
‘I think he’s been triggered’.
‘Do you find this triggering’.

No, Stacy, I find issues around rape, coercement and cruelty are my trigger points, not Brenda short-ordering fifty sausage rolls.
Also people who conflate "triggered" with "offended". It's not the same fucking thing.
I think that’s part of the same trivialising of it, though I would also say that in 99.9% of the cases that they were throwing out the word ‘triggered’ the person being spoken to or about was in no way even close to being offended or even upset. Maybe mildly irritated AT MOST. Every single person in that office was labelled as being ‘triggered’ 15-20 times per day, and it was always someone else deciding what your triggers were.

Then there was that time that they made everyone display a coloured ball pool ball on top of their monitor according to which personality ‘type’ they decided you were so that they could communicate to you according to your plastic ball type.

Except the head of department decided he didn’t like his perceived personality traits that were associated with his ball so swapped the ball for a colour that commanded more respect for a strong personality type.
I would have replaced the pool ball with an eyeball. The eyeball of whichever idiot came up with that idea.
Isn't it just simple hyperbole, though? A bit like how if I say to someone that I'm starving I don't intend to trivialise the suffering of people who are actually dying through lack of food.
markg wrote:
Isn't it just simple hyperbole, though? A bit like how if I say to someone that I'm starving I don't intend to trivialise the suffering of people who are actually dying through lack of food.

Oh, of course, but if someone tells you how you must be starving 20 times a day, every day, because they went on a course on recognising starvation in the workplace, that would probably start to grate, too.
It’s also worth noting that they were not, in even a single instance, offering any guidance or support in dealing with all these triggered colleagues, just loudly discussing ‘what’s triggered Jonty?’ as if Jonty were a zoo exhibit that couldn’t understand them.
Mimi wrote:
markg wrote:
Isn't it just simple hyperbole, though? A bit like how if I say to someone that I'm starving I don't intend to trivialise the suffering of people who are actually dying through lack of food.

Oh, of course, but if someone tells you how you must be starving 20 times a day, every day, because they went on a course on recognising starvation in the workplace, that would probably start to grate, too.

Ah gotcha, I'd kind of missed that bit.
Same as people saying they have OCD, or - worse - "a little bit OCD".
Mimi wrote:
I think that’s part of the same trivialising of it, though I would also say that in 99.9% of the cases that they were throwing out the word ‘triggered’ the person being spoken to or about was in no way even close to being offended or even upset. Maybe mildly irritated AT MOST. Every single person in that office was labelled as being ‘triggered’ 15-20 times per day, and it was always someone else deciding what your triggers were.

Then there was that time that they made everyone display a coloured ball pool ball on top of their monitor according to which personality ‘type’ they decided you were so that they could communicate to you according to your plastic ball type.

Except the head of department decided he didn’t like his perceived personality traits that were associated with his ball so swapped the ball for a colour that commanded more respect for a strong personality type.

That isn't a "thing that annoys you that shouldn't", that's more of a horrific mix of a Dilbert cartoon and a terrifying CIA PsyOps project designed to drive employees to violence.
Mimi wrote:
Then there was that time that they made everyone display a coloured ball pool ball on top of their monitor according to which personality ‘type’ they decided you were so that they could communicate to you according to your plastic ball type.

Giphy "wtaf":
That little drip you get on your windscreen after you've defrosted and wiped and the screen is clear, but that one little drip keeps returning so you have to do one more wipe to stop it running down in your field of view, but the fucker keeps on coming back.

I reckon there's an invisible gremlin on my roof dribbling on the top of the screen with great glee

Just fucking say what you mean, in plain language, you poetry fops.
Warhead wrote:

Just fucking say what you mean, in plain language, you poetry fops.

Yeah, fuck art! Fuck subtlety! Technical descriptions only!
Song lyrics that make no sense in themselves, or in the way they are sung, e.g.
"You took me from the shelter of a mother I had never known"
"The love of any other"

Should have been..
"You took me from the shelter of my mother,
I had never known the love of any other"
DavPaz wrote:
Warhead wrote:

Just fucking say what you mean, in plain language, you poetry fops.

Yeah, fuck art! Fuck subtlety! Technical descriptions only!


I mean, what did Dylan mean by this:

The seed-at-zero shall not storm
That town of ghosts, the trodden womb,
With her rampart to his tapping,
No god-in-hero tumble down
Like a tower on the town
Dumbly and divinely stumbling
Over the manwaging line.
"Be Excellent To Each Other"
My interpretation is that yer swimmers are all in competition against each other.

It's about S. E. X. Isn't it.

The mucky bastard.

As are the lyrics of "Love resurrection" which is a song I particularly like

What can I do to make light of this dull dull day?
(I'm horny, as you will soon learn)
What switch can I pull to illuminate the way?
Show me one direction
(Get your stiffy out, handsome)
I will not question again
For a warm injection
Is all I need to calm the pain
(Jizz in me, but make sure I come first)
We all need a love (resurrection, just a little divine intervention)
We all need a love (resurrection, just a little divine intervention)
What seed must I sow to replenish this barren land
Teach me to harvest, I want you to grow in my hand
(I'll give you a hand job to get you started)
Let's be optimistic, let's say that we won't toil in vain
(I hope we have earth shattering orgasms, preferably simultaneously)
If we pull together we'll never fall apart again
(If it's good we can do it together forever)
We all need a love (resurrection, just a little divine intervention)
(We all need a regular shagging, good enough for us to exclaim "Oh God" when it's really good.

It always amuses me that the Beeb didn't twig and ban it.
Mimi wrote:
Cras wrote:
I'm fine with both upskilling and reach out. Both have a specific meaning not really covered by other terms.

‘Oh no, have you been triggered?’
‘If you’ve been triggered do you want to step out for five minutes and go sort yourself out?’
‘I think he’s been triggered’.
‘Do you find this triggering’.

And the latter is the problem with the former - yes, 'reach out' can mean trying to get in touch with someone and not knowing if you have or not, or not having had a reply (which becomes "reply back" in corporate overtalk). But it also gets used for "contact". And soon becomes meaningless, because who knows how people are using it?
Unconvinced. Context provides pretty much everything you need there, I think.

"Can you reach out to Susan in accounts and get the quarterly figures?"
"Gary's been having a hard time since his wife left him. We should reach out and see if he's okay"
"Before the school reunion, Laura reached out to her old friend group but heard nothing"

Not exactly tough to get the right meaning there.
I think a lot of phrases get doomed by association, rather than something inherently wrong with them. Anything that suddenly starts getting bandied around a lot in boardrooms is headed for the shitlist.
‘Action’ as a verb. Can you action that email? Have you actioned that request? I know it’s so widely used today that it’s become the norm, I just personally don’t like it.
Since we’ve had a US and Canadian office, more than half the company uses “Reach out to...” for literally every interaction with another person.
It’s very annoying.
I've actually come to enjoy some of the business speak. The IT Applications manager likes dropping these into meetings and I think he does it on purpose as a bit of a laugh. The other day we had 'don't try to boil the ocean' when discussing a very big task from an already long list.

Grim... wrote:
Same as people saying they have OCD, or - worse - "a little bit OCD".

This never used to bother me, until you mentioned it (I think you might have mentioned it a couple of times) and now I can't help but bristle when people say it. I haven't yet pulled anyone up on it, mostly as I don't want to seem more pedantic than I am already perceived, although I prefer to think of it as 'high standards in the workplace'
Cras wrote:
Unconvinced. Context provides pretty much everything you need there, I think.

"Can you reach out to Susan in accounts and get the quarterly figures?"
"Gary's been having a hard time since his wife left him. We should reach out and see if he's okay"
"Before the school reunion, Laura reached out to her old friend group but heard nothing"

Not exactly tough to get the right meaning there.

I understand the meaning and how it's used, I just don't like it.

I'd prefer:
To speak to Susan.
We should call Gary
Laura mail her old friend group.

Reach out annoys me, but maybe it shouldn't.
I’llllllllllllllll be theeeeeeeeere.
Dr Zoidberg wrote:
Since we’ve had a US and Canadian office, more than half the company uses “Reach out to...” for literally every interaction with another person.
It’s very annoying.


You can certainly come up with sentences that make sense and give context. I hear very few.
Zardoz wrote:
I’llllllllllllllll be theeeeeeeeere.

He said reach out, not reach around
Sir Taxalot wrote:
Grim... wrote:
Same as people saying they have OCD, or - worse - "a little bit OCD".

This never used to bother me, until you mentioned it (I think you might have mentioned it a couple of times) and now I can't help but bristle when people say it.

Maybe you're a little bit OCD.
Maybe you should reach out to someone for help
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