Nintendo Switch (formerly "NX")
Now public!
Lonewolves wrote:
I would only recommend this if you'd get a lot of use out of handheld mode. Most of them are available on PC for cheaper.

handheld mode would be 100% of my usage i imagine, because jem always plays stardew valley on the telly.

Jem can play Stardew Valley on the PC and you can play on the Switch. Job done.
GazChap wrote:
Lonewolves wrote:
I would only recommend this if you'd get a lot of use out of handheld mode. Most of them are available on PC for cheaper.

handheld mode would be 100% of my usage i imagine, because jem always plays stardew valley on the telly.


Fuck off do I. I've barely had the switch on the TV for months because the kids are always watching that shit "Odd Squad" on netflix.
Get a room!

With a TV in it!
DavPaz wrote:
Get a room!

With a TV in it!

Don't need to when you've got 2 Switches. One each in handheld mode. Easy.
I got my 8bitdo joypad via AliExpress, the SF30.. it feels a bit more plasticcy than i thought, but the dpad is very nice as are the other buttons, and it worked with my switch and macbook out of the box, so now the whole family can join in..

Multiplayer sale going on.. ( ... sale-61319 ) unfortunately it seem be mostly the same games again reduced (like mario rabbids, which has been on a bit of a constant sale)
did buy enter the gungeon,( ... eon-review ) which is a fun twin stick dungeon crowler.. perfect for handheldmode..

and will probably by fast rmx, after seeing this little movie ... over-wii-u
seems like a quite complete package, even though i found the wiiU ( ... neo-review ) version a bit empty (even thouh impressed by it visually).. and did learn there actually was a wii version too... ( ) .. might want to revisit Fzero GX after this, which remains quite amazing in my book

Nintendo finally opened gold points to switch discounts, stingy as expected.. at least you get a warning before running out these days, i got new luigi U DLC for free which is sort of nice, (although i wonder when if ever i will play it) ... -purchases
Enter the Dungeon is godly. It made Binding of Isaac obsolete imo.

Does the Switch port holds up?
In the 15 minutes or so i played it does, not that much on the screen yet though ( i suspect it will end up in some bullit hell sometime).. it's smash tv for this gen!

Saw that someone here had celeste.,. how's that? ... 4-xbox-one
You have very ladylike hands, Rick.
(those are not mine)
romanista wrote:
(those are not mine)

Shame. You could have been a hand model like George Costanza.
Celeste looks awesome. I think it's Lave who has it.
It popped up in my Facebook feed that Descenders is out on Steam today. I'd not heard of it, so I looked into it more and I see there's a Switch version on the way too... might have to get that if it's a decent port.

Published by my buddy Mike.

I've been playing it last few days. It's great.
I follow him on Twitter and it does indeed look ace. Colour me interested.
Ah that looks nice, how much is it?
romanista wrote:
Ah that looks nice, how much is it?

Unfortunately, I couldn't find a release date or a price for it, so we'll have to wait and see.
Kids will bloody love this.

Not for me though - apart from the motorbike handles which was cool.
Lonewolves wrote:

It’s next on this list! Gotta finish The Evil Within 2 first.
Need to give Mario + Rabbids a break now. I can't beat the World 3 midboss and it's getting frustrating.

I think I'll try Golf Story next.
Have you tried being better?
Mr Dave wrote:
Have you tried being better?

It seems that the gold weapons from 2-S make it easier but I haven't been back through that world yet and don't have the motivation at the moment.

I'll come back to it.
You need more 5.56.
I've had to uninstall Rabbids as I didn't have enough space left for the 1gb update to Rocket League. Still haven't played Rabbids or Mario Odyssey yet.. any day now.

Why is that not the first thing anyone does when they get a Switch? Madness.
Because you might end up like me and not play anything else for 2 months.
Joans wrote:
Because you might end up like me and not play anything else for 2 months.

That is not a problem.
I've got Mario Rabbids and Zelda to play.
Joans wrote:
I've got Mario Rabbids and Zelda to play.

They can wait. You won't be able to get them much cheaper in that time.

I might go back to Mario soon.
Lonewolves wrote:
Need to give Mario + Rabbids a break now. I can't beat the World 3 midboss and it's getting frustrating.

I just did it first time in three turns. The gold weapons help but they're only +10% or +15% so they're not dramatically better. What team / powers are you using? I used Rabbid Mario and Peach (who get the gold weapons, which is a hint I think.) How it went down:

ZOMG Spoiler! Click here to view!
First round: took out all three minions, mostly by hitting all three with Rabbid Mario's boom dash, upgraded so each dash hit at least two minions. Use Mario and Rabbid Mario to mop them up. Hit boss with Grenaduck from Peach and activate Hero Sight.

Enemy moves, I got some hits in from Mario. Fires a grenade but it doesn't do much damage.

Second round, move up Peach to heal everyone, activate M-power (upgraded) to buff everyone +40%, move Mario up to ground pound Calavera then hammer attack. I was unlucky and Spring didn't trigger. Move Rabbid Mario up for a second hammer attack -- this hit Mario unfortunately, because Spring didn't work, but couldn't be helped. Mario left on about 50 health. Peach couldn't get a shot but I used Princess Sight. (I probably could have done something clever with Magnet Dance here to pull the boss off Mario before hitting him with Rabbid Mario's hammer. Only just thought of that.) With M-power, the hammer attacks are doing 250-300 each.

Enemy hit Mario and Rabbid Mario, KO-ing Mario. Moves, Peach got a shot off. By this point he was on about 150 health.

Third round: finish him off before the reinforcements arrive.
Annoyingly I got him down to about 150 health the first time I tried, and haven't been close since. I was using the same characters as you.
Maybe your character builds are a bit different? (Probably a silly question, but: you know you can reset your power orbs right?)
Doctor Glyndwr wrote:
Maybe your character builds are a bit different? (Probably a silly question, but: you know you can reset your power orbs right?)

Yeah, I need to look at that again.

Currently back on Odyssey and I've just passed 400 moons.
448 here...every week or so i get another 10, so to have something left.... wonder what happens at 500... (managed to avoid spoilers)

the dlc is coming next week?
530-odd and I'm mostly reduced to asking hint toad for help, but finding a whole new level tucked in some corner of a map I've not been near is still fun.
Close to 500 now!
romanista wrote:
448 here...every week or so i get another 10, so to have something left.... wonder what happens at 500... (managed to avoid spoilers)

the dlc is coming next week?

You get eaten by a grue
I've had my Switch for a year today and what a year it's been! I've used it loads more than I expected and I absolutely love it.

Happy first birthday Switch.
To celebrate, Nintendo are wiping everyone's activity log lol.
Yeah, I was just reading about that: ... -op.26842/

For all their innovation and excellent games Nintendo sure don't seem to know WTF they are doing at times when it comes to system software. Still no save game backup ability either!
It's the revenge of the millennium bug!
There was a Nintendo Direct this evening and among other things, Super Smash Bros was announced for the Switch.

They also announced the original Luigis Mansion for the 3DS which fills me with delight.
Yeah , i immediately wanted to go and play it in the loft on the gamecube! Sort of hoped it would be a virtual console game for the switch (since have luigi's mansion 2 on the 3ds)

Other new things: Captain toad! (but i have that.. improved/cheap?), platoon DLC (subway!), crash bandicoot, dark souls, hyrule warriors... so mainly ports.... but the switch library is really growing really fast now...
Luigis Mansion is such a brilliantly charming game. I can't see that being anything but a day one purchase for me on the 3DS.
TheVision wrote:
Luigis Mansion is such a brilliantly charming game. I can't see that being anything but a day one purchase for me on the 3DS.

They had better sort out that button in the mirror but. I couldn’t see it on my 14” TV, theres no chance I’d see it on a DS.
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