Boardgame Thread: Let's organise a beexordgame night.
As long as the space is available... why not?
DavPaz wrote:
As long as the space is available... why not?

That's what I thought but I didn't know whether there was anything in the instructions that said you couldn't? Not that we follow those too closely anyway.

We're working our way through the quest book at the moment but I'm thinking of making my own quest with some funny challenges in (like, your character just found a Gameboy. Get a high score on Pac-man with one life to earn 250 gold pieces) or something like that.

Then at the end of the quest, I was thinking of having the map invaded by a Dreadnought from Space Crusade which would lead us on nicely to play that.
"You rolled a critical hit... tough shit though as you have a sword and it's a fucking Dreadnought. It kills you, with ease."

Curiosity wrote:
"You rolled a critical hit... tough shit though as you have a sword and it's a fucking Dreadnought. It kills you, with ease."


Spot on! I'm going to kill off all the hero characters which would allow the Space Marines to take over. What could possibly go wrong?
TheVision wrote:
I've thought of something this morning though and haven't checked the rule book. Would anyone know if the characters are allowed to backtrack on squares in the same move? For example, roll 12... walk forward 6 spaces and then walk back 6 on exactly the same spaces. ... f-play.pdf

The only things you can't do is move diagonally, end your turn on the same space as any other character, or move through a space if the occupier says you can't (and that rule should be immediately house ruled away).
Fans of conpetitive netrunner might want to know that card rotation is a few days away, so junk the first two cycles of data packs. Also, corecset has been binned and there is now core set 2 which is similar, but dropped lots of cards and added some in from the first 12 datapacks.

We live in a post Jackson Howard world, now.
Exciting Netrunner news I mentioned! ... se-on-life

50% win rate last night, as my Evil Corporation knocked on the runner's door and shot him twice in the head in one game and scored out 10 points in another after the runner survived 2 attempts on her life. I got shot in the head as the runner, and lost by 1 point in the other game.

Then, we played 3 player star realms.
MaliA wrote:
Fans of conpetitive netrunner might want to know that card rotation is a few days away, so junk the first two cycles of data packs. Also, corecset has been binned and there is now core set 2 which is similar, but dropped lots of cards and added some in from the first 12 datapacks.

We live in a post Jackson Howard world, now.

Does this mean all my cards are obsolete?
Curiosity wrote:
MaliA wrote:
Fans of conpetitive netrunner might want to know that card rotation is a few days away, so junk the first two cycles of data packs. Also, corecset has been binned and there is now core set 2 which is similar, but dropped lots of cards and added some in from the first 12 datapacks.

We live in a post Jackson Howard world, now.

Does this mean all my cards are obsolete?

Only some if you want to play in competitive world. Ignore the quantity by the name.
ZOMG Spoiler! Click here to view!
Core Set (18)

1x Accelerated Beta Test ( 55)
1x Corporate Troubleshooter ( 65) ●
1x Experiential Data ( 66) ●
1x Zaibatsu Loyalty ( 71) ●
1x Precognition ( 73) ●●●
1x Cell Portal ( 74) ●●
1x Chum ( 75) ●
1x Data Mine ( 76) ●●
1x Akitaro Watanabe ( 79) ●●
1x AstroScript Pilot Program ( 81)
1x Breaking News ( 82)
1x Matrix Analyzer ( 89) ●●
1x SanSan City Grid ( 92) ●●●
1x Posted Bounty ( 95)
1x Security Subcontract ( 96) ●
1x Aggressive Negotiation ( 97) ●
1x Scorched Earth ( 99) ●●●●
1x Research Station ( 105) ●

ZOMG Spoiler! Click here to view!
Core Set (19)

1x Déjà Vu ( 2) ●●
1x Grimoire ( 6) ●●
1x Corroder ( 7) ●●
1x Djinn ( 9) ●●
1x Medium ( 10) ●●●
1x Parasite ( 12) ●●
1x Wyrm ( 13) ●●
1x Yog.0 ( 14) ●
1x Wyldside ( 16) ●●●
1x Account Siphon ( 18) ●●●●
1x Lemuria Codecracker ( 23) ●
1x Desperado ( 24) ●●●
1x Ninja ( 27) ●●
1x Data Dealer ( 31) ●●
1x Decoy ( 32) ●●
1x Akamatsu Mem Chip ( 38) ●
1x The Toolbox ( 41) ●●
1x Net Shield ( 45) ●
1x Access to Globalsec ( 52)
Starting 'Pandemic Legacy 2' on Wednesday with the same band of heroes I did the first one with. Already quite excited and thinking up hilariously funny names for the characters. Had a skim of the rules last night and it looks like a very different game to the original, with a map that is initially mostly hidden and a mechanism that appears to be a reverse 'Pandemic' spreading hope rather than death. But we'll see.
Really enjoyed playing the 'Prologue' ( a sandbox round to get used to the mechanics) and first month of Pandemic Legacy Two. As with the basic game we were all set to win the first proper round handsomely when we turned over an epidemic card and the game beat us. So we had to play that month again, just like the first Legacy game.

Much hilarity was had naming our characters and initial sea bases. In the end we went for 'Titanic' in the North east Atlantic, 'Atlantis' in the southern Atlantic, and 'Brexit' in the Gibraltaran straits.

Looking forward to the rest of the game. Non spoiler photo of the set up for the prologue:
So what happens when you finish the game, sell it? I'm guessing there's no replay value.
Can't replay it because you have to destroy cards, scribble on the board, unlock new rules, twists, and pieces, and generally play a different game by the end from what you started with. You just have to treasure the memories, although someone's thought about framing the final board and some character cards.
Given that we played around 20 games of the original, we certainly got our money's worth from it.
I think we’re considering buying this for Christmas. Well... the first one, I mean.
Hmm, though it is very expensive and says best with four players.
Yes, not sure how it would work with fewer, or if it is enjoyable going all the way through but with a changing group of players. Part of the fun (for me at least) was that we agreed to meet almost weekly to play through it, and we still joke about various incidents along the way even now.

I remember we found it very hard to tear a card up for the first time. Like writing in books, it's just something that there's a huge taboo about which is really hard to overcome.
It's not spoilery to note that the prologue and first round work like a kind of 'reverse Pandemic'. The cubes you can see on the board are supply cubes, which we can produce, deposit, and move around. When a city gets infected, you take a cube away. When there's none left, the next time it gets infected it gets a green plague cube. These remain (at least for now) even though you can resupply them. If you are on a town with a green cube at the start of your go, you have to scratch of an exposure panel on your card and possibly suffer Bad Things. It took us a little while to remember to remove cubes when infecting rather than add them.

Of course, as the game progresses these mechanisms are likely to change but, well, spoilers.

Also, the basic rule book contains my favourite rule of the year so far:

You cannot do the Sail or Charter boat actions [equivalent to flying in the normal game - K.] over land. We hope you understand why.
Mimi wrote:
Hmm, though it is very expensive and says best with four players.

Did we play Pandemic when you and Sal were over? I remember Horse Racing and... Takeneko, maybe? Probably Balderdash. We have Cranium... you should come over and play Cranium. It’s not fancy, but it’s fun.
Don't think so, but we are up for anything! Wait, that sounds a bit wrong.

Well, Fire us over some Free Dates and we’ll get another game Night in the diary.
I did not put a single oneof those uppercase letters in (well, apart from the first one).
Thrilling heroics at the Flamme Rouge table last night when my clever card management sent both my cyclists across the line together , only to be pipped at the post by another player. Love this game.
Yeah I want to get that. Remind me of the old 60s Formula One game.
I have Formula D, which is lots of fun. It's pronounced "Formula Day" but I don't know why.
Grim... wrote:
I have Formula D, which is lots of fun.

Yes, played several games of that. Works great with a large group as we spend our time trying to cut people up without spinning off the road whilst our cars fall to people.

It's pronounced "Formula Day" but I don't know why.

Kern wrote:
Grim... wrote:
I have Formula D, which is lots of fun.

It's pronounced "Formula Day" but I don't know why.


K2: uphill 'Flamme Rouge'

Much like the peak itself, K2 is a deceptively challenging game. On setting it up, you see a lovely board with the mountain laid out and squares (actually, circles) setting out various routes up the mountain. You get your own deck, with movement and heat cards, two budding mountaineers, and two tents. You also get a board for recording your two climbers' body heat. Draw six cards, play three, and allocate the points between the players as you wish, and reach the top. The higher your players reach, the more points you get. Sounds really simple.


Except that to reach squares (actually circles) you might need to pay more movement points due to difficulty. Except that at higher altitudes, the cold causes you to lose body heat more quickly (and in real life, too). You can offset it by pitching one of your two tents, but once a tent is up, you can't move it. Moreover, because at higher altitudes, fewer people can linger on each square due to the risk of crevices and narrow footings etc, you might not be able to abseil down to a lower altitude if your route's blocked, instead freezing to death at the peak. And unlike Mallory, you won't get the maximum points if you don't make it down alive.

The weather changes each round too, so higher altitudes might suddenly become colder, or middle layers harder to move across. You get to see the next five weather conditions so can plan accordingly, but it's still frustrating when you miscalculate your heat cards and can't get off the peak due to too many people in your way.

I really enjoyed it, but it's a very taxing game with a large number of variables to juggle each go.
Mission: Red Planet . Steampunk colonialism!

It's the height of the Victorian era and, having conquered the world and placed flags everywhere, it's clearly time to start colonising Mars. All you have to do is launch rockets, conquer territories, and exploit its precious resources!

Each player controls a sinister global corporation seeking to bring the benefits of civilisation to the solar system. We all have the same set of cards, setting out different roles (soldier; explorer; travel agent; etc), and a lot of really cute astronauts. Mars and Phobos (because, frankly, fuck Demios), are all ours for the taking, all helpfully sliced up. A launchpad with five rockets of varying capacities are sitting idle, each with a named destination. Once a rocket's full, off it goes!

There are nine rounds, and each works with players picking a role card and placing it face down. On a countdown from 9, you reveal your card when its number is called and resolve it. You might be placing astronauts on a ship, changing a ship's destination, launching a rocket that's not full, moving around the planet, or shooting another astronaut, amongst other tasks. Everyone has the same characters on the same number. Once played, you can't be that character again until you play the card that lets you pick up all your discards.

There are three parts of the game when we mine the Martian soil and get its gems, ice, and jewels. Whoever has a simple majority on a particular territory of Martian soil gets the loot, unless there's a tie when it's shared out amongst the victors. So part of the game is getting people into the territories at the right time to get the spoils. There are also secrets that might be placed next to an area for reveal at the end that might change something (although you can look at this beforehand if you play the right card). There's also a randomly chosen collective mission for bonus points and everyone has their own secret mission. At the end of the game, the person with the most money wins!

I really loved this. I grasped the rules pretty quickly, and had so much fun planning moves to screw over my friends whilst they, in turn, screwed me over. Planning when to play certain roles, and hoping another player won't disrupt your carefully worked out move was a great bit of tension. And of course, 'MOON PARTY!' became the game's signature shout whenever someone went to Phobos. Definitely one I'm going to play again.

We also played 'Flamme Rouge' with the expansion, and after a tense game I crossed the finish with a long line of cyclists behind me. Love that game, and the narrow cobblestone tiles increased its challenge and frustrations.
k2 and te Mars game sound awesome.

Did you know Flamme Rouge National Championships fall in xmas period?
MaliA wrote:
k2 and te Mars game sound awesome.

Did you know Flamme Rouge National Championships fall in xmas period?

World Championships were in the autumn...
Curiosity wrote:
MaliA wrote:
k2 and te Mars game sound awesome.

Did you know Flamme Rouge National Championships fall in xmas period?

World Championships were in the autumn...

We should get a rainbow striped knitted pullover
MaliA wrote:
Curiosity wrote:
MaliA wrote:
k2 and te Mars game sound awesome.

Did you know Flamme Rouge National Championships fall in xmas period?

World Championships were in the autumn...

We should get a rainbow striped knitted pullover

For the winner, I mean, this wasn't a "hey, let's share clothes" thing.
Time Team cosplay, surely?
'When I dream'.

In 'When I dream', one player is blindfolded whilst the contents of his dreams are revealed on the bed in the centre of the board. Like Dixit the cards show surreal imagery, but the key word is also printed, in case you didn't realise that the dinosaur in underpants represents 'briefs'. The dreamer has to guess what's written on the card. To help him, the other players in turn say a one word clue, and carry on going round doing this until the dreamer gives an answer. So for 'briefs', the circle might go:


When the dreamer says an answer, the card is removed. If the dreamer got it right, it gets placed on one side of the bed; if wrong (or he passes), it goes on the other side. A new card is revealed and play continues until the timer runs out. Before the dreamer wakes up, he gets the chance to recount his dream and if he says all the answers on the 'correct' side of the board, he gets two bonus points.

But, unfortunately, each player has a secret role. Players are randomly assigned membership of three teams: fairies, bogeymen, and sandmen. Team Fairy want the dreamer to have sweet, happy dreams, and get points for each correct answer the dreamer says. Team Bogies want the dreamer to have a series of horrific nightmares, and get points for each incorrect answer. Team Sandmen, who just want the player to sleep well, get points based on the balance between right and wrong answers - too much of an imbalance hurts them. After scoring, the blindfold is passed to the next player and the role cards are shuffled and redealt so you might have a different role in each round.

So when you've got the blindfold on, not only are you trying to decipher the clues but you're also trying to work out who can be trusted and who can't. All you know is what role you were given so you know that there might be more fairies on this round than bogeymen. But that guy is saying 'swordfish' so confidentily whilst the others are saying fruits so surely he can't be Team Bogies, but what the heck is the link between these words, and it feels like I've been stuck on this card for ages and why are they laughing and...argh...

This game went down really well with my group. It felt just the right length for a party game, and didn't drag on. Being the dreamer was an interesting challenge as you had to pay attention not only to what was being said but who was saying it. The novelty of the blindfold added an element of unease and made the two minutes feel far longer than it was.

Moreover, unlike other guessing games, it was also challenging to be one of those giving the clues as not only did you have to think fast to come up with a new clue every time it got round to you but you also had to decide what kind of clue to give depending on your role. For example, if you were on Team Bogies, there's no point in reeling off lists of cutlery if the card said 'bear' as you'd obviously be ignored, but if you could identify who else was on your side you might be able to build up a convincing alternative scenario. Having Team Sandmen needing to get a balance of right/wrong answers added an extra layer of complexity and made the game that much more interesting for the clue-givers.

As was aptly demonstrated at the last Cottage, I'm not very good at 'Codenames' . This game moves fast, and has all the players interacting and laughing throughout. Definitely one I'm going to use an icebreaker in future.
That sounds like an awesome game. Definitely goes on the shopping list.
The game's components and artwork are really well designed and attractive to look at too.

Everyone loved wearing the blindfold:
Looked at the Amazon listing and it pointed me towards "Codenames Duet" which is a version of the game that's designed to be playable with only two, and is apparently balls to the wall hard compared to the others.
GazChap wrote:
Looked at the Amazon listing and it pointed me towards "Codenames Duet" which is a version of the game that's designed to be playable with only two, and is apparently balls to the wall hard compared to the others.

Hadn't heard of that one before but looking at descriptions on BGG it looks excellent.
Finished Pandemic Legacy 2 last night with a nail-biting can-we-do-this-before-the-game-kills-us final game.

Without spoiling it for others, it's a much more varied game than the original and the exploration mechanic, opening up the map over time, works well. There was some other gameplay changes throughout the months which both worked mechanically and within the 'storyline' of the game.

I felt that perhaps we were a little too cautious when it came to things like using the one-shot cards or risking characters to enlarge the play area or get benefits, but those decisions are all part of the fun. We scraped a final score in the second-highest banding, similar to what we achieved with the original.

Time to take a break from Pandemic and world-saving for a bit.
I bought Fog of Love to play on Valentine's day. Presents for myself FTW!
Played Pandemic last weekend on the highest difficulty setting and kicked its ass. Ah yeah.
Curiosity wrote:
Played Pandemic last weekend on the highest difficulty setting and kicked its ass. Ah yeah.

Awesome stuff! I don't think I've ever won on super-mega-hard mode.

Someday I'll try playing Grizzled using the extra hard mode but that bleak game of wartime comradeship is difficult enough to win as it is .
Grim... wrote:
I bought Fog of Love to play on Valentine's day. Presents for myself FTW!

Lucky Mrs Grim...
Kern wrote:
Curiosity wrote:
Played Pandemic last weekend on the highest difficulty setting and kicked its ass. Ah yeah.

Awesome stuff! I don't think I've ever won on super-mega-hard mode.

Someday I'll try playing Grizzled using the extra hard mode but that bleak game of wartime comradeship is difficult enough to win as it is .

To be fair, we were quite lucky with the set up and the role cards we got. Took out the yellow virus in turn one, and then got the quarantine character to sit between the two red areas that kept having outbreaks, which massively slowed things down. Even then it was fairly close as the black virus had three tokens on most cities when it was the last one to be cured.
Mimi wrote:
Grim... wrote:
I bought Fog of Love to play on Valentine's day. Presents for myself FTW!

Lucky Mrs Grim...

It looks legit good:

I'll have to get me some of that aftershave, though.
Grim... wrote:
Mimi wrote:
Grim... wrote:
I bought Fog of Love to play on Valentine's day. Presents for myself FTW!

Lucky Mrs Grim...

It looks legit good:
I'll have to get me some of that aftershave, though.

That’s one of the most intriguing games I’ve ever read a review of. How did you hear of it?
Interest very piqued
I'm not sure. Maybe it was in someone's "ten best games of the year" list, or something?
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