Nintendo Switch (formerly "NX")
Now public!
I’d love to know what people are playing on the Switch to make them gush about how brilliant it is and it’s the best console eva.

Mario, sure.
Zelda, well I played that on the WiiU.
Splatoon 2, is Splatoon on the WiiU again.
Mario Kart, is Mario Kart on the WiiU again.
Lots of the indie games are available on other systems.

So what exactly should I be playing on the Switch that I can’t experience elsewhere to make me gurn over it too?
Golf Story, Arms, Xenoblade Chronicles 2 & Mario + Rabbids would be the main other games on my list.
Satsuma wrote:
I’d love to know what people are playing on the Switch to make them gush about how brilliant it is and it’s the best console eva.

Mario, sure.
Zelda, well I played that on the WiiU.
Splatoon 2, is Splatoon on the WiiU again.
Mario Kart, is Mario Kart on the WiiU again.
Lots of the indie games are available on other systems.

So what exactly should I be playing on the Switch that I can’t experience elsewhere to make me gurn over it too?

I think the big thing is the portability aspect, like playing those indie games that exist on other systems on the go. Because if not, I don't see the big deal about it.
I preferred the PS4 version
Satsuma wrote:
Lots of the indie games are available on other systems.

Don't forget the portability of the Switch - many people are re-buying ports of older games simply because they prefer to play the game on the go (or on the toilet!) even though they may often already own the same game on the PC, PS4, etc. I see many people state that they already have Dark Souls (for example) but really want to buy it on the Switch because they can then play it on the go. Stardew Valley is another - many say that it's a perfect match for the Switch because the "in game" days are about 14 or 15 minutes long so they can play a couple of days while on a break, sitting in the car waiting for someone, before going to bed, and so on.

The portability is a huge selling point for the Switch, even people who thought they would only play it docked are finding that they want to play it as a handheld because of the flexibility that it offers.
My Switch is docked 99% of the time. Although some of the games are available on other console formats, I don't own any of those, so although I own games like Rocket League and Binding of Isaac on the PC, it's nice to put my feet up and play them on a console on a big TV. I think the appeal of the Switch for me is that there's more potential to have different games from the usual FPS and driving games that you get on the Xbox and PS4 (generalising, I know).

If they decide to add Netflix to it too eventually, then it'd probably get a lot of use as a handheld here too, as it'd be handy for watching stuff in bed.
LewieP wrote:
Golf Story, Arms, Xenoblade Chronicles 2 & Mario + Rabbids would be the main other games on my list.

yeah, basically that.. the flexibility, and the super fast interface.... How it brings the advantages of a handheld to a console... the continue where you were immediately really changed my gaming.... otherwise i would never have spent so much time on mario
And yet, the price of the games puts me off completely. It's a great concept, but until Nintendo starts pricing their games more reasonably (or at least making them cheaper, faster), there's no way i'm going to buy one.
I have to agree with RuySan. Given the price of PC games, I'd pitch Mario and Zelda at around £40 max. 1-2-Switch being the price it is is offensive considering the difference in quality.

I think there's also a Tetris game of some description that's £32!
I completely agree regarding the prices, the problem is that as long as so many people are prepared to pay over the top prices for ports of old games (and that's despite them moaning about it) those prices will unfortunately remain high. Cost of game cards is also part of the problem. On the whole though i think that many publishers of Switch ports are simply being greedy.

Not all though - Stardew Valley for example (digital only) is a mere £10.99 and it's worth every penny (and more).
Comparing Mario and Zelda to PC game prices is apples and oranges. They're comparable to FIFA, COD and Battlefield prices on the PS4/XBO. The main difference is that they don't seem to come down in price quickly (or much at all), mainly due to the fact people don't tend to sell them on as fast due to there not being an annual 3D Mario game. From what I've heard there is enough content in Zelda to keep you going for months. If any game is worth £50 then it's that.

Splatoon 2 and Mario Kart 8 again and I could possibly get on board with those being at a cheaper price point. 1-2 Switch for £40 is ridiculous, agreed. The prices on the eShop are silly.
The pricing is certainly a bit erratic - the sale prices have been pretty good, so I don't know if the RRPs have been set high to allow for discounting later on or it's just a case of gouging newcomers to the Switch looking for other titles to buy once they're done with Mario and Zelda. £35.99 for a download version of Binding Of Isaac is steep though, given that the Steam equivalent is £25.97 and the Switch version has no new features at all.
Best of getting the physical copy of Isaac which is £28. So not far off the Steam version.
I'm not even comparing to PC prices. Just checking on Spanish Amazon, new Zelda is 60€ and new Horizon: Zero Dawn is 32€. Those are similar games, released more or less at the same time, and console exclusives.
If your okay with Digital and 'shopping around' there are some bargains to be had by simply creating a regional account to buy certain titles

Is a spreadsheet that has all the games available in every currency - you can either look for the green square (cheapest) or hit the 'best deals' tab at the top

Its often just a few quid but for some games its a bit more - not quite as easy to do as some other systems but it is do-able
If your not worried with Digital stuff then generally buying the carts is cheaper
(quick example UK Zelda is £60 / US is £44)
zaphod79 wrote:
If your okay with Digital and 'shopping around' there are some bargains to be had by simply creating a regional account to buy certain titles

Is a spreadsheet that has all the games available in every currency - you can either look for the green square (cheapest) or hit the 'best deals' tab at the top

Its often just a few quid but for some games its a bit more - not quite as easy to do as some other systems but it is do-able
If your not worried with Digital stuff then generally buying the carts is cheaper

I did something like that for Mario Kart 8. Unfortunately, the site I was buying it from didn't explain that I had to have another Nintendo account as part of the process, so I just have to leave the account on my Switch now to continue to have access to the game. In hindsight, I probably wouldn't have bother going down that route.

Lonewolves wrote:
Best of getting the physical copy of Isaac which is £28. So not far off the Steam version.

That's what I did, although I paid £32 at the time. Still a good idea though as it's not taking up valuable storage space.
Nintendo do every trick in the book to maintain high prices. They're pretty smart about it. Print runs never higher than they need to be, games that are appealing not because they're the latest hot tech but because they are beloved series with well maintained heritage, very modest digital discounts. They can get away with it because their ip/software doesn't really have any direct substitutes, and people buy Nintendo platforms primarily for their games, whereas Horizon could more easily be substituted by a variety of third party alternatives, and people buy PS4s for COD, FIFA, Assassin's Creed etc.

I do think ultimately it is somewhat harmful to their platforms, but the harm is offset by the big bags of money they make selling expensive games/accessories.

They are the Apple of video games.

Lonewolves wrote:
Best of getting the physical copy of Isaac which is £28. So not far off the Steam version.

Except on PC you have the option of not buying all of the DLC.
devilman wrote:
I did something like that for Mario Kart 8. Unfortunately, the site I was buying it from didn't explain that I had to have another Nintendo account as part of the process, so I just have to leave the account on my Switch now to continue to have access to the game. In hindsight, I probably wouldn't have bother going down that route.

Its one of the things you would just have to put up with - also if your buying credit in the other regions you want a card that does zero (or next to zero) non sterling charges (something like Revolut)
Just took delivery of one of these: (in waxed canvas) and it's really lovely.
Doctor Glyndwr wrote:
Just took delivery of one of these: (in waxed canvas) and it's really lovely.

Looks really nice - i have one of these ... B01N357OCG

That I bought at the start just to have something to protect it.
Zelda is £48 at Amazon right now. Why would you pay £60 for it? ... 4090606597

Zero Gunner 2 is out on the Switch today for £6.99. For those that don't know, it's an old arcade shoot em up that only ever saw a port on the Dreamcast in Japan. You control 1 of 3 helicopters and can fire in a full 360 degree motion.

It's great.
It's a fantastic game, but I saw reports of this port being pretty buggy.
Splatoon 2 is just more Splatoon but that is no bad thing. I really enjoyed it on the Wii U but the gamepad always put me off playing it for long stints.
Do we have enough people for some Bezzie action on the Switch yet?
TheVision wrote:
Do we have enough people for some Bezzie action on the Switch yet?

What games? I only have Mario, Splatoon and Rabbids.

Don't forget to download the mobile app for voice chat.
Splatoon seems like it could be a good choice with enough people.
TheVision wrote:
Splatoon seems like it could be a good choice with enough people.

We could do:

4 Bezzies v 4 Bezzies private matches
4 Bezzies v 4 Randos public matches
4 Bezzies Salmon Run horde mode
I have Mario & Xenoblade Chronicles 2. That is all.
Lonewolves wrote:
Don't forget to download the mobile app for voice chat.

Fucking hell, Nintendo.
Satsuma wrote:
I have Mario & Xenoblade Chronicles 2. That is all.

So, nothing with online multiplayer then.
Cras wrote:
Lonewolves wrote:
Don't forget to download the mobile app for voice chat.

Fucking hell, Nintendo.

It's quite well executed, but yeah.
Only just started Mario + Rabbids but it seems pretty fun so far!
Lonewolves wrote:
Cras wrote:
Lonewolves wrote:
Don't forget to download the mobile app for voice chat.

Fucking hell, Nintendo.

It's quite well executed, but yeah.

Quite well executed:

What did you think of it when you tried it then?
Has anybody actually tried the voice connection? that graphic really put me off when i first saw it... but would a regular earbudsplitter work here? i do somewhere have one of those...

for bezzie action: i'm in for splatoon, mariokart and arms

@thevision good to hear you like zero gunner, have you read this? ... sibilities

(still want a virtual console too though)
Do we have two consoles, two copies of Splatoon and Mario Kart and four pairs of joy cons between us? Seems like playing 8 player local network games at the cottage is a must this year!

We even have two TVs in the main cottage now so wouldn't have to crowd round an 8-inch screen.
Forget Splatoon. You can only play one player per console so we'd need 8 Switches. :/
I think there were 3 Switches at the Cottage last year so let's not rule it out... We're almost there!
Mario Kart would be incredibly doable though. One console docked on each TV, two copies of the game, two pairs of joy cons each - et voila! 8-player Bezzie Kart.
So now september for the switch online service... wonder what will be inside. ... -september
romanista wrote:
So now september for the switch online service... wonder what will be inside. ... -september

Cloud-based save game backups I hope! Although in all fairness this should have been implemented from the get-go.

So many people are losing their save games when the Switch develops a fault, the latest victim is Brian Altano of IGN who lost a huge amount of save game progress when his was sent in for repair - ... ves.20679/
i'm seriously considering getting a switch. yes, we already have one, but it's jem's and there seems to be an increasingly diverse library of indie games popping up on the eShop...
GazChap wrote:
i'm seriously considering getting a switch. yes, we already have one, but it's jem's and there seems to be an increasingly diverse library of indie games popping up on the eShop...

I would only recommend this if you'd get a lot of use out of handheld mode. Most of them are available on PC for cheaper.
GazChap wrote:
i'm seriously considering getting a switch. yes, we already have one, but it's jem's and there seems to be an increasingly diverse library of indie games popping up on the eShop...

You just need an excuse to spend money.

Just use mine :P
Just pretend it's yours and that Jem uses it every now and again.
Nah, don't do that Gaz chap. Buy one! You know you will eventually.
Don't encourage him :P
Do your bit for Cottage Mariokart!
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