The Last Jedi - spoiler
I think it points at Finn’s death would have been pointless. That gun was going to fire

While the admiral was going to by time for the ships to escape.

With less than 30. Will be hard to see how the rebels will recover.
I think the kid with the ring at the end suggests we're looking at a big time gap between 8 and 9. In-universe, I mean
The director has signed for 3 more films. But a different arc.
Oh, yes. All of this, this is excellent.

I hope that piece is correct re:

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Rey’s parents really being nobodies, that Ren was telling the truth. I like that a lot, for all the reasons the article says: it's a common failing of mega-franchises to make the universe feel tiny because everyone is related. Star Wars is more guilty of this than most (Anakin made Threepio, wtf?) Burn it down and let the galaxy be big again.
Cras wrote:
I think the kid with the ring at the end suggests we're looking at a big time gap between 8 and 9. In-universe, I mean

I didn't catch this myself but apparently that kid is one of the one's from the casino planet so I don't think it's suggesting anything about timescales, just a hopeful wee moment to throw in.
Side-bar: it took me a surprisingly long time to recognize Adrian Edmondson despite his relatively large amount of screen time. Conversely I clocked Lily Cole instantly despite her fleeting appearance, but then I am slightly in love with her.
That’s who she was!

I found Edmundson a bit distracting, which is a little unfair but there it is. I expected him to make a fart joke or something.
Doctor Glyndwr wrote:
That’s who she was!

I found Edmundson a bit distracting, which is a little unfair but there it is. I expected him to make a fart joke or something.

I felt the same after I realised who he was, but the fact it took me a while to clock him is a slight testament to how successfully straight he played it. I actually found most of the casino scenes distracting because I had a feeling that's where all the cameos would be stuffed so was often more focussed on scanning the crowds for faces than I was properly watching the film. I don't think I noticed anyone else though.
Bamba wrote:
Cras wrote:
I think the kid with the ring at the end suggests we're looking at a big time gap between 8 and 9. In-universe, I mean

I didn't catch this myself but apparently that kid is one of the one's from the casino planet so I don't think it's suggesting anything about timescales, just a hopeful wee moment to throw in.

He was, yep - but they cut from Poe saying "how does the rebellion rebuild from this" to a shot of the kid, which I thought was indicative of 'a new generation of rebels'
Doctor Glyndwr wrote:
I found Edmundson a bit distracting, which is a little unfair but there it is. I expected him to make a fart joke or something.

If you you want to see one of Edmondson's better straight(ish) performances, try and find 'If You See God, Tell Him'.

Only ever aired once in 1993, but did get a DVD release.,_Tell_Him
Yeah, I don't know why Ade Edumndson hasn't had more straight acting roles really. I remember seeing him in a dramatisation of the Chernobyl disaster where he played a nuclear scientist, he was amazingly good and I was looking forward to seeing him in more stuff but it just never happened.
KovacsC wrote:
The director has signed for 3 more films. But a different arc.

Noah way.
Fine with Edmonson being in it, giddily whispered to Mrs Z who it was when I clocked him. A modern day Mr Bronson for the Empire.
Didn't spot him at all.

$450MM opening weekend worldwide. Cor.
On the bridge next to Huss. In the 'I am non hold' scene.
Anyome know what the next "spin off" is?

I had read Han Solo, but also Yoda and possibly Obi-Wan?
Han Solo is the next film (2018) they have cast and stuff sorted, I don't think they have announced 2020's film yet though.
Kit Fisto - Carry On up the Kessel Run.
I saw this yesterday. It was alrite. I got the feeling it was trying to be like empire, but couldn't hit those points. There were a fair few Disney bits (expected), Luke being like Yoda, the cute little bird chicken things that chewwy became friends with. They had the perfect opportunity to kill off Leia, but they didn't, which means we'll get CGI next film I guess, probably at the start reacting to Lukes death just to get it done. I was hoping that Luke would have made Rey lift up his old x-wing that was underwater there which would have been good. But I feel this will need a couple new views for it to sink in.
nickachu wrote:
I saw this yesterday. It was alrite. I got the feeling it was trying to be like empire, but couldn't hit those points. There were a fair few Disney bits (expected), Luke being like Yoda, the cute little bird chicken things that chewwy became friends with. They had the perfect opportunity to kill off Leia, but they didn't, which means we'll get CGI next film I guess, probably at the start reacting to Lukes death just to get it done. I was hoping that Luke would have made Rey lift up his old x-wing that was underwater there which would have been good. But I feel this will need a couple new views for it to sink in.

Leia could be killed off between films, and included in the scrolling text.
There would be outrage.
There is at the moment. The actress has dies, just write her out.
There would bigger outrage at resurrecting her as shitty CGI leia.
MrChris wrote:
There would bigger outrage at resurrecting her as shitty CGI leia.

Like in Rogue One...

The fans are a like a baying mob.
KovacsC wrote:
nickachu wrote:
I saw this yesterday. It was alrite. I got the feeling it was trying to be like empire, but couldn't hit those points. There were a fair few Disney bits (expected), Luke being like Yoda, the cute little bird chicken things that chewwy became friends with. They had the perfect opportunity to kill off Leia, but they didn't, which means we'll get CGI next film I guess, probably at the start reacting to Lukes death just to get it done. I was hoping that Luke would have made Rey lift up his old x-wing that was underwater there which would have been good. But I feel this will need a couple new views for it to sink in.

Leia could be killed off between films, and included in the scrolling text.

But they had the perfect moment in the film and decided to make her float in space instead.
They needed her for the Luke bit or it would not have worked. Luke is linked to his sister and that might have allowed him to focus his 'force holo', without her he had no tie.
Despite everything, know friend Beexers that I will be offering my usual convoluted review.

Now I shall leave you in giddy suspense.
KovacsC wrote:
They needed her for the Luke bit or it would not have worked. Luke is linked to his sister and that might have allowed him to focus his 'force holo', without her he had no tie.

Nah, that's cobblers. The force is enough made up hoodoo that Luke could have projected himself there without a 'tie' to Leia.

But killing her off at that point would have required huge reshoots. They could easily have had her finally collapse at the end, succumbing to her still unhealed wounds when Luke returned to the force.
That is how I saw it, similar to Rey and Ben 'chatting'
There's no rules though, you can handwave anything away. Besides, that was Snoke, and he has no 'connection' to Rey.
KovacsC wrote:
That is how I saw it, similar to Rey and Ben 'chatting'

But look at how much Effort it took for Luke to do his thing, whereas Rey and Kylo barely had to do anything (and yeah Snoke may have helped, but I think Luke just willed it with all his might)
Yeah Luke convinced everyone there he was present where as Ben* and Rey just Force skyped.

*There's still hope
I enjoyed it despite having a 2 hour long panic attack during it, which was tres fun.

Some great lines, Luke was ace, and I thought the Ben/Rey stuff worked really well.
I thought the bit with Yoda was silly. A long dead thing can control the weather?! That would possibly have been handy at other times.
Why don’t these have the images?!
Grim... wrote:
They do.

They’re there, they just don’t make sense.
Is C3PO in it, has he got a red arm still and is said arm explained?
Is there really a romance subplot between Chewbacca and R2D2?
Ade Edmondson! Did not spot that at all. I thought it just did a great job of capturing the sense I had as a kid, that we were seeing some events in a world, not all, so we can go off and make our own adventures. So keeping them true to character is the main thing that matters, not, whether they get enough time on screen or not (Capn Phasma, i read, as being wasted.)

Best sense that it was playing with its world and audience was the iron, though, wasn't it? Loved the iron.
Oh yeah! Great touch that.
Just back from from my second warch and my sons first.

I enjoyed more the 2nd time.

Noticing more. Like Luke not leaving foot prints in the salt
First thoughts: better than VII

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I thought I was being really funny when I turned to Sal and said, 'it's an iron.' :(

Also also:
ZOMG Spoiler! Click here to view!
*very Mali voice* it's a light freighter
KovacsC wrote:
Like Luke not leaving foot prints in the salt

Which contradicts the physical weight of the dice ornament he bought back.

I liked the film, but it was just... Messy. And the "Empire can't shoot straight" thing is wearing fucking thin.

Also: isn't the Falcon meant to be considerably bigger than the TIE fighters that were chasing it?
Yes, but the 'falcon flies through small spaces that TIEs can't is a regular thing, and it's supposed to be a reflection on piloting, not size.
If Empire was released today....

I just got done watching Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back, and I wanted to express my displeasure with it.
It’s like Irvin Kershner just doesn’t understand what makes a Star Wars movie a Star Wars movie.
First off, there’s so many questions left unanswered from A New Hope. What were the Clone Wars? Why didn’t we get to see the Kessel Run? Who’s this Jabba character, and why didn’t we meet him?
Whole characters are completely abandoned. Where was General Dodonna? Shouldn’t he be leading the rebellion?
To compensate, Empire fills time with completely useless plots and tons of new characters just to sell toys.
The entire mynock scene could have been completely edited out. All it does is force a weird love-triangle angle into the universe, when it’s clear after A New Hope that Luke and Leia are meant to be together.
Then they add in a bunch of bounty hunters. Boba Fett? 4LOM? IG-88? What is this junk? They only let one of them talk, because now the story needs to move to the SJW portion of adding some space diversity in Lando Calrissian. I’m so tired of these movies adding that crap in instead of just telling us a nostalgia-filled story. That’s what I expect in sequels.
Think of everything that made A New Hope good — world-destroying weapons, romance, daring escapes, epic space battles, and the good guys triumphing in the end.
And Empire Strikes Back throws ALL of that away.
Why wouldn’t the Empire just build another Death Star? Or maybe an even more powerful weapon, to raise the stakes higher?
On the romance, what the heck was that? They split up Luke and Leia. What, are we supposed to ship Luke and Yoda now? What would we call that? Yoke?
They can’t even get the daring escapes right, even with the movie just being one extended chase scene. The heroes are reduced to pretending to be garbage, then ultimately failing.
I haven’t even gotten to the worst part. They ruined Vader. They took the greatest villain ever, and they turned him into a second-in-command. Why did we ever need to see him bowing to this Emperor? It’s a wasted moment, and it makes me think that Vader is having to punch a clock to work every day. All to set up some lame, contrived plot twist of “I am your father.” Spoilers LOL. Because everyone has to be related now.
I only hope that they fix everything with Return of the Jedi, especially the Luke-Leia relationship.
Darren J. Gendron is a known scallywag, comedian and webcomic creator.
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