Star Wars Rebellion has shot into my top five, and might be my number one game after my first two plays this weekend.
Played most of our second game yesterday. I tried to build a stronger rebel force early in the game and expanded quicker. Unfortunately, I was playing against my wife and despite it being her first game she managed to:
•capture Chewbacca
•turn Chewbacca to the dark side.
•Capture Luke
•Torture Luke to find out the location of the rebel base (narrowed down to three systems)
•release Luke and capture Wedge
•attempt to freeze wedge in Carbonite, which he managed to resist against heavily stacked odds
•discover the rebel base by round five
I'd managed to make it look like the rebel base was on one of the other systems so if it wasn't for the empire tying off loose ends I wouldn't have been discovered, but luckily she only landed one AT-ST because she thought it was a nothing planet. I took them out, and had started the turn by playing the card that lets you relocate the rebel base so I just had to try and wait it out and luckily she'd committed most of her forces toward the other system. I decided to try and get a minor victory out of the round and launched an attack on a star destroyer, but she retreated before I could destroy it. Then, she retaliated by coming to me with the Death Star! I survived the first space battle, played the Death Star plans and succeeded in the final turn of the round. As the Death Star explosion was lighting up the sky in one system, the rebels were relocating to another system. I ended up winning one turn before the Death Star under construction came online. Which was a lucky escape, because she was constructing it in the new rebel system with the intention of blowing up Tattooine which would have won her the game.
LOVE this game!