Bits and Bobs 49
The end is coming !
MaliA wrote:
MrChris wrote:
I downloaded a very well known first year physics degree text book as I wanted to get a taster of it, as I'm considering doing an OU degree in physics. Within a few pages I rapidly realised I needed to refresh my A level calculus knowledge ( I got A in Physics and Maths A level, yo), so I've downloaded some stuff to re-learn it - and my god I must have been a clever 18 year old. This shit is complicated.

Do an MBA barrel roll
Fucking hell. I've done a degree in physics and I really wouldn't recommend it. The only decent bits are the labs and the final year project. The rest is just maths.
MrChris wrote:
I downloaded a very well known first year physics degree text book as I wanted to get a taster of it, as I'm considering doing an OU degree in physics. Within a few pages I rapidly realised I needed to refresh my A level calculus knowledge ( I got A in Physics and Maths A level, yo), so I've downloaded some stuff to re-learn it - and my god I must have been a clever 18 year old. This shit is complicated.

How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Grenades by J.R. Craster.
Curiosity wrote:
The rest is just maths.

That should be on an inspirational poster, perhaps accompanying a photo of the universe.
Curiosity wrote:
Fucking hell. I've done a degree in physics and I really wouldn't recommend it. The only decent bits are the labs and the final year project. The rest is just maths.

You probably weren't doing it right.
Plus most things are really just maths, at some level.
MrChris wrote:
Curiosity wrote:
Fucking hell. I've done a degree in physics and I really wouldn't recommend it. The only decent bits are the labs and the final year project. The rest is just maths.

You probably weren't doing it right.
Plus most things are really just maths, at some level.

Yeah, but it's boring maths. I was tremendously disappointed that almost none of the entire course was about interesting theories or how things work. Instead, you'd have 40 hour long lectures to show how one complicated equation works.

And then you'd never use it again for anything.

The astronomy bits were okay. And the labs.
Curiosity wrote:
And then you'd never use it again for anything..

Ever got bored on a train? Probably a more interesting calculation than just working out current speed by counting passing distance markers.
Kern wrote:
Curiosity wrote:
And then you'd never use it again for anything..

Ever got bored on a train? Probably a more interesting calculation than just working out current speed by counting passing distance markers.

Quantum mechanical equations are rarely of use when comparing towards what a normal person might term 'reality'.
They also mean that the person sitting next to you won't ever speak again, or hopefully move elsewhere.
When I am Prime Minister and something bad happens, I will hold the key meetings in briefing room B just to stop journalistic hyperbole.
First Born has his eleven plus exams tomorrow morning ... Eeeeeeep
MrChris wrote:
First Born has his eleven plus exams tomorrow morning ... Eeeeeeep

On a Saturday? What fresh hell is this?
That's modern selective secondary education for you.
I did mine on a Saturday.
A really long softball season ended today. My team (Misfits) had a playoff against the Tigers to see who would represent EMSL for Division 2 at the BSF National Championships next year. We crushed them 22-6!

Can relax and watch the Division 3 playoff and All-Star game now. :)
Well done, that's fantastic! :)
Got my first new tenner! Bye bye Charlie, hello Jane!
The dimples in the corner are a nice touch.
Lonewolves wrote:
A really long softball season ended today. My team (Misfits) had a playoff against the Tigers to see who would represent EMSL for Division 2 at the BSF National Championships next year. We crushed them 22-6!

Great stuff Myp! Superb photo too.
Lonewolves wrote:
A really long softball season ended today. My team (Misfits) had a playoff against the Tigers to see who would represent EMSL for Division 2 at the BSF National Championships next year. We crushed them 22-6!

Niiiiiice! :D
First Born thinks he probably did ok in the eleven plus – there were a lot of non-verbal reasoning questions (which he’s frankly Rainman-esque with – he normally gets 95-100% on those types of questions) and the maths questions were easier than the ones he’s had form the tutor. Still, I said to him that frankly it doesn’t matter how well he did, the important thing is that he’s worked really hard and did his best, and he’s displayed a very mature attitude to working and putting the effort in. He was very chuffed when his tutor told him he was other only one of the 40 or so kids they’ve been tutoring over the last year to actually do all his homework every week.

Either way, fingers crossed – results are back in two weeks.
Good luck to him... You should get him a Switch to show how proud you are!
Just counter-signed a friend's passport application. These days, you have to write a small essay on the back of the photo. At least she didn't have any middle names as I'm not sure I would have had the space.
Would anyone like to see the promotional video for my wedding band? It's a bit rough and ready but it's the best I can do with the time allowed..

Looks good, man! One question, was it a conscious decision to make the vocals so high in the audio mix? It makes the band seems quite thin. Great mix of songs though. That drummer features quite heavily too, strangely
What's the arcade machine?
DavPaz wrote:
Looks good, man! One question, was it a conscious decision to make the vocals so high in the audio mix? It makes the band seems quite thin. Great mix of songs though. That drummer features quite heavily too, strangely

Strange that, I can't think how that happened?

As for the vocals, I didn't think they were that high until you mentioned it. I don't think the band suffer as a result though and to be honest, she is clearly the most talented one out of us.

Grim... wrote:
What's the arcade machine?

It's a MAME cabinet and it's great! This was all filmed in the studio in the bassists garden. He records bands in there and makes a couple of bucks on the side of his day job.
Is that a Blues Brothers reference?
Pundabaya wrote:
Is that a Blues Brothers reference?

TheVision wrote:
Would anyone like to see the promotional video for my wedding band? It's a bit rough and ready but it's the best I can do with the time allowed..

Can you keep the 22nd September free next year - in Manchester?...

I'll speak to the future Ex Mrs Trousers later and see what she thinks but that is right up our street, my daughter is called Megan so she will love it.
Accidentally left myself with a soul patch.
Trousers wrote:
TheVision wrote:
Would anyone like to see the promotional video for my wedding band? It's a bit rough and ready but it's the best I can do with the time allowed..

Can you keep the 22nd September free next year - in Manchester?...

I'll speak to the future Ex Mrs Trousers later and see what she thinks but that is right up our street, my daughter is called Megan so she will love it.

Consider it pencilled in!
TheVision wrote:
Trousers wrote:
TheVision wrote:
Would anyone like to see the promotional video for my wedding band? It's a bit rough and ready but it's the best I can do with the time allowed..

Can you keep the 22nd September free next year - in Manchester?...

I'll speak to the future Ex Mrs Trousers later and see what she thinks but that is right up our street, my daughter is called Megan so she will love it.

Consider it pencilled in!

You're doing divorce parties now?
Heading to Harrogate on the train in an hour or so...
Would anyone like to see the promotional video for my wedding band? It's a bit rough and ready but it's the best I can do with the time allowed..

That's a good video and your band is good as well!
asfish wrote:
Would anyone like to see the promotional video for my wedding band? It's a bit rough and ready but it's the best I can do with the time allowed..

That's a good video and your band is good as well!

DBSnappa wrote:
Heading to Harrogate on the train in an hour or so...

Harrogate is lovely.
MaliA wrote:
DBSnappa wrote:
Heading to Harrogate on the train in an hour or so...

Harrogate is lovely.

It is. It's very sedate. Lots of superb properties.

I've been three times in the last two weeks, and each time I've ended up in M&S's front window display.
Warhead wrote:
MaliA wrote:
DBSnappa wrote:
Heading to Harrogate on the train in an hour or so...

Harrogate is lovely.

It is. It's very sedate. Lots of superb properties.

I've been three times in the last two weeks, and each time I've ended up in M&S's front window display.

There's a beautiful art deco house on one of tje roads on the way in.
MaliA wrote:
DBSnappa wrote:
Heading to Harrogate on the train in an hour or so...

Harrogate is lovely.

That it is.
Do you know what blunts the fuck out of scalpel blades? Extruded polystyrene. After a few cuts through that the blade is very unlikely to be able to, for example, open a jugular.

Apropos nothing, obvs. It's just that every day is a learning day.
MrChris wrote:
Do you know what blunts the fuck out of scalpel blades? Extruded polystyrene. After a few cuts through that the blade is very unlikely to be able to, for example, open a jugular.

Apropos nothing, obvs. It's just that every day is a learning day.

Use swan morten 11s, and change it loads. They aren't meant to be reused.
Equinox 24 done. It is a 10k course and the team has to run for 24 hours.

I did 3 laps, my team did 22 laps. Tired but happy.
Well done!
How late were your shifts? Did you include catnapping into your training schedule, or did you just drink an awful lot of energy drinks?
Rochdale has a lake!
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