Game Of Thrones (TV)
Spoilers after the 9pm show!
markg wrote:
Grabbing it even though I'll hate myself for it next Monday.

Absolutely this. Then two weeks to wait for the finale like a dick.
Satsuma wrote:
markg wrote:
Grabbing it even though I'll hate myself for it next Monday.

Absolutely this. Then two weeks to wait for the finale like a dick.

But 2 working days lording it over the show fans at work that doesn't know how the interweb works for downloads

First, stop Finance department tomorrow morning :)
You filthy pirates!
Where's the 2gb link? DM plz x
I need to change my list to add Tormund
That was a good episode
This show has the uncanny ability to make me feel like a 12 year old again. I can't sit still whilst I'm watching it. I've never been so tense and excited by TV in my life.

And me. I sat up after I'd watched the leaked episode and I'd got a reet good sweat going. That was intense.

ZOMG Spoiler! Click here to view!
Stuff happened.

ZOMG Spoiler! Click here to view!
The Jon and Dany scene was somehow the best bit for me. I've gone a complete 180 from not caring about her plot to almost welling up.

ZOMG Spoiler! Click here to view!
Called "ZOMBIE DRAGON" as it went in the lake.
I feel a bit bad for watching it... But zomg. So tense. And I'm getting less bothered by the distance/time travel stuff as long as there is stuff happening, finally. Took them what, 3 or 4 episodes to get between main kingdoms in previous seasons so now the instant, RPG style fast-travel is getting shit done, it's way more exciting.

ZOMG Spoiler! Click here to view!
I called zombie dragon in the first episode when there was a big, cinematic shot of the Army of the Dead and it zoomed right in on the giant. Like he was just the start of big, dead monster things to come.
Got a little Downloaders remorse now.

Two weeks until the season finale... :'(
I'm going to watch it again on Monday
DavPaz wrote:
I need to change my list to add Tormund

DavPaz wrote:
I'm going to watch it again on Monday


Copy I got yesterday was about 2GB in size, I normally get 4GB or larger sized 1080p

Last nights was fine picture wise but not quite as good as normal.
I feel dirty for watching it.. will watch it again on Monday
The version of ep6 at my local multiplex has some fecking awful lipsync issues... I'd complain to the management
I was at the same showing, but it was fine.
How odd. It may have been my 3d glasses.
In other news, holy shit.

The conversation between Thormund and The Hound was one of the best things ever.

Great episode. It's been a cracking series and I am well on board with shit happening quickly. The cost of these episodes must be huge, and they're getting in the important things.

Surprised Beric lived!
Curiosity wrote:

That was, oddly, the thing that bothered me most about the episode. The chains seemed... odd. Out if place in their armoury.
Mimi wrote:
Curiosity wrote:

That was, oddly, the thing that bothered me most about the episode. The chains seemed... odd. Out if place in their armoury.

Yes, both Ruth and I were "so where did they suddenly get the giant chains from then"? Clearly, the Great North Of the Wall Giant Chain Emporium.
Cool with living dead army and dragons though?
Bloody Southerners. There's loads of chains everywhere in the North.
And you don't have to pre-book them.
I was less impressed with Arya and Sansa. Arya's performance has been particularly wooden this season and I wasn't entirely sure where they were going with their "dispute". Jon and Dany had some lovely chemistry at the end though. Time to sex up your auntie!
Oh. My. Aargh is well off the deep end, isn't she?
We've watched this from the beginning over about the last three weeks. Last nights episode made me laugh the most so far! Looking forward to the last episode of the series.
Zardoz wrote:
Cool with living dead army and dragons though?

This is silly. Any work of fiction has some suspension of disbelief to get inside the premise. For GoT, that's magic and dragons and wights. But once you're inside the story, it should be internally consistent. For GoT, that's the north of the wall bring populated by an army of the dead who show little tool-using ability and probably aren't much of a fan of forges plus a large number of (now dead?) wildlings who are not technologically sophisticated either. It's not weird to find it jarring that the Night King happened to have half a mile of foot-thick chain just lying around just when he needed it.
Yes a story should stay true to its own internal logic otherwise it's more jarring than a difference from reality.

I can imagine that over thousands of years though there's probably been all sorts of stuff left north of the wall though, for example from when the wall was built and stuff. There will be a whole salvage yard of stuff up there.

Have you seen the map of how little of the North we've seen? It's like going from the UK and bolting Alaska on instead of Scotland.
I reckon they made the world too big. 1000 miles from Winterfell to Kings Landing? Remember when Robert rode up to collect Ned? There and back at dawdling pace? That would take *months*!

The wall is supposedly 300 miles wide! How can that possibly be manned? You'd need thousands of men. In shifts!
DavPaz wrote:
I reckon they made the world too big. 1000 miles from Winterfell to Kings Landing? Remember when Robert rode up to collect Ned? There and back at dawdling pace? That would take *months*!

The wall is supposedly 300 miles wide! How can that possibly be manned? You'd need thousands of men. In shifts!

They should shrink it down to, say, the size of Nuneaton.
Mr Russell wrote:
Yes a story should stay true to its own internal logic otherwise it's more jarring than a difference from reality.

I can imagine that over thousands of years though there's probably been all sorts of stuff left north of the wall though, for example from when the wall was built and stuff. There will be a whole salvage yard of stuff up there.

Have you seen the map of how little of the North we've seen? It's like going from the UK and bolting Alaska on instead of Scotland.

I reckon the chains and resources used to make them would be too precious to just be left as scrap. Stop justifying the sloppy realisation.
The chains could have been left around from the construction of the wall or an old ship yard.

They had / have giants up there too, could have been from their gaff.
You'd still keep them. They'd be valuable in their own right, as well as for making weapons and goods
Mimi wrote:
You'd still keep them. They'd be valuable in their own right, as well as for making weapons and goods

Not if you were killed by white walkers and effectively left your whole civilisation behind.
I get confused between who the not main characters are. I knew Eyepatch and Drinky were part of the cult that The Hound ended up with, but couldn't remember who, what or why they were doing stuff. I wasn't sure who died or if it was important.
Mr Russell wrote:
Mimi wrote:
You'd still keep them. They'd be valuable in their own right, as well as for making weapons and goods

Not if you were killed by white walkers and effectively left your whole civilisation behind.

Hum, fair point. Did that happen?
Mimi wrote:
Mr Russell wrote:
Mimi wrote:
You'd still keep them. They'd be valuable in their own right, as well as for making weapons and goods

Not if you were killed by white walkers and effectively left your whole civilisation behind.

Hum, fair point. Did that happen?

It's possible. There were Giants north of the wall, but now they have either fled or been killed. Maybe they have giant chains for their giant needs?
MaliA wrote:
I get confused between who the not main characters are. I knew Eyepatch and Drinky were part of the cult that The Hound ended up with, but couldn't remember who, what or why they were doing stuff. I wasn't sure who died or if it was important. ... 8691205120
MaliA wrote:
I get confused between who the not main characters are. I knew Eyepatch and Drinky were part of the cult that The Hound ended up with, but couldn't remember who, what or why they were doing stuff. I wasn't sure who died or if it was important.

They recap the main character traits enough, man. Thoros (drinky) was a priest of Rhollor (like the Red Witch) who has frequently resurrected Beric (Eyepatch). They have spent a while killing Lannister thugs in the Riverlands, in a round about way on orders from Ned Stark when he was Hand Of The King in S1.

So... now you know.
Doctor Glyndwr wrote:
MaliA wrote:
I get confused between who the not main characters are. I knew Eyepatch and Drinky were part of the cult that The Hound ended up with, but couldn't remember who, what or why they were doing stuff. I wasn't sure who died or if it was important. ... 8691205120

Apology accepted.

Who's gonna die?

I have so many scenarios that would be fun, but I think most important is that everyone is too safe now. There's been no major 'good' character to die since when? Robb Stark? Some more minor ones like Thoros have popped it, but for major characters where everyone knows their name it's been a bit safe. Time to kill off some proper big ones.

My pick? Tyrion.

We all know shit is gonna go down at the meeting. So something kicks it all off, either Cersei springing a trap or something else, and it descends into chaos of sorts.

Tyrion has been ignored by Dany, and when listened to has messed up his plans constantly. He has looked mournful at seeing his Lannister brethren killed and is worried that Dany may go off the deep end. I could see him getting killed saving Jaime from someone. Maybe Dany threatens Cersei, Jaime steps in the way, Dany goes to kill anyway, and Tyrion steps in the way and gets it. Not sure how that would work, but I think it would be fun!

Other picks:
Cersei - gets rid of most of the moaning about the civil war and allows the final season to be about humans vs zombies. Who to kill her? Maybe Jaime finally realises she's a crazy and does it. It's meant to be him or Tyrion (prophecy), so maybe she does something that makes Tyrion kill her and then Tyrion gets squashed. Or she does something to destroy peace and Jaime realises she needs to go (and he finds out she's telling fibs about the pregnancy). Or something.

The Mountain
The Hound (Cleganebowl is a draw)

That'd leave people all messed up, right?

Maybe Arya has killed Pod, and skulked off with Brienne to the summit. Then he/she casually wanders over and slits Cersei's throat after peace has been agreed, ruining everything.

In the north, what's Beric up to? He's there with Sansa. I wonder if they can parallel the books here: someone murders Sansa, and he gives up his own life to bring her back for some reason. Or similar. I dunno.

Anyway! Thoughts and theories!
Curiosity wrote:
Cersei - gets rid of most of the moaning about the civil war and allows the final season to be about humans vs zombies. Who to kill her? Maybe Jaime finally realises she's a crazy and does it.
This has a satisfying narrative rhythm to it, in particular because of the parallel to Jamie killing the Mad King.

The Mountain
The Hound (Cleganebowl is a draw)
The show is setting itself up for the Hound to kill the Mountain, which brings closure to Oberyn's shocking death and the Hound's decades of PTSD. But that could be a headfake.

Anyway! Thoughts and theories!
Have you see the fan theory that Bran is the Night King? I don't buy it, but it's interesting.
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