Nintendo Switch (formerly "NX")
Now public!
Pretty fair review of the system, there.

The dock is pretty awful. Nintendo need to offer a fix for that issue, or at least acknowledge the issue, and quickly.

I really miss the MiiVerse and Mii Plaza from the Wii U. The barebones menu on the Switch doesn't feel as friendly... ... 07220.html

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Is it a not-very-portable portable, or an underpowered home console?
Yeah it's obviously compromised at both functions. I'm waiting until they make a handheld only variant and a home console only variant.
But how are the 'early adopters'* using it? I haven't seen one in the wild yet, but, y'know Stoke.

*People with more money than sense.
Nintendo Direct demonstrates that HD Rumble can simulate the softness of boobs.

Well that's me buying one then.

So apparently there were more copies of Zelda sold than there were Switch consoles: ... top-zelda/
Bamba wrote:
So apparently there were more copies of Zelda sold than there were Switch consoles: ... top-zelda/

Probably because it's the only game available ;)
People eating cartridges, weirdos who like collecting sealed games, people ordering the game and the console but the console not shipping yet, people importing the game from the U.S., people who imported the console to the U.S.

Edit: it's still remarkable.
I had a go on one today and I can confirm the following facts:

1) It's weeeeeeeeeee. Surprisingly tiny actually.
2) it's a nice by of kit, though.
3) The remotes aren't exactly ergonomic. I didn't like them that much.
4) I kept sliding the right remote up because it wasn't clicked in properly when I thought it was.
5) The screen is good. Nice and bright.
6) The UI is ok.
7) I didn't like playing Mario on the wee screen. I much preferred the telly. Two player was ridiculously small on the small screen (smaller than an iPad) and wasn't really much fun. 4 player Mario Kart on the move would clearly be limited fun. It's just too sodding small.
8) I barely leave the house so gaming on the move isn't really for me. If you travel and don't have to, say, control a car then I can imagine it'll be quite groovy.
9) I didn't get to play anything that used HD Rumble but the Rumble felt quite strong even just playing Mario Kart.

Overall: It's not for me. At least not until it's got more big games I can play on the big screen for a big screen experience. Cool though.
I've got a switch. It's bloody great.

They are basically seeding the console space and seeding the portable space, and fighting the tablet space. Which makes sense, as a) phones are going nowhere, and b) they can't afford the arms race of Sony and Microsoft.

Playing on the big tele is great, but with my busy life it fills all the gaps of an iPad. Lazing about, going on the train.

It's fantastic. And it will do gangbusters with parents as a tablet replacement.

Zelda is superb, and I've managed to play 60hrs I would have never managed on a normal console. Mr Shifty is an underrated arcade gem (shitty atmosphere but a far better game, mechanically, than Hot Line Miami. And I love Hot Line Miami).

Puyo Puyo V Tetris is also fucking brilliant. And I never thought I would say that.
Ooooh, excited to hear that the folk behind Ouendan and Elite Beat Agents *might* end up doing a Switch game: Rap Rabbit (kickstarter)

I loved Ouendan and EBA on my DS
Is the Switch ever going to be anything other than a nintendo player though?
New Pro Evo just got announced for everything but the Switch.
my vectrex will be pleased..
LewieP wrote:
New Pro Evo just got announced for everything but the Switch.

If they announce Animal Crossing switch at E3 then I'll buy one. I have a very slim hope they'll release one to work alongside the planned phone app they touted last year.
I think Animal Crossing is a lock. Especially since they didn't release one for ages, and as you say the mobile version is on the way.

It's the perfect kind of game to have connectivity between a mobile game and a console game.
LewieP wrote:
I think Animal Crossing is a lock. Especially since they didn't release one for ages, and as you say the mobile version is on the way.

It's the perfect kind of game to have connectivity between a mobile game and a console game.


Oh man, if they release Animal Crossing for the Switch I would be all over it like a rash.
Mimi wrote:
LewieP wrote:
I think Animal Crossing is a lock. Especially since they didn't release one for ages, and as you say the mobile version is on the way.

It's the perfect kind of game to have connectivity between a mobile game and a console game.



Mimi have you played Stardew Valley? It's kinda like a Harvest Moon / Animal Crossing spin off. More Harvest Moon like than AC but a fantastic little game :D
I kind of hope they don't bring out a new AC, since I'm still religiously playing the last/current one on the 3DS.

I'm stupidly attached to the people in my town, and have about six there who've been there since I started it, and I love them so much I don't let them leave. :luv: :luv:

I'd be all for a new AC if you could transfer over the town though, and the characters.
That turned awfully sinister.
Cras wrote:
That turned awfully sinister.

I'm guessing, this bit:
I'm stupidly attached to the people in my town, and have about six there who've been there since I started it, and I love them so much I don't let them leave. :luv: :luv:

Jem wrote:
Mimi wrote:
LewieP wrote:
I think Animal Crossing is a lock. Especially since they didn't release one for ages, and as you say the mobile version is on the way.

It's the perfect kind of game to have connectivity between a mobile game and a console game.



Mimi have you played Stardew Valley? It's kinda like a Harvest Moon / Animal Crossing spin off. More Harvest Moon like than AC but a fantastic little game :D

I haven't! I know of it, but have never actually played. I think my first game of the ilk was The Adventures Of The River King in game boy... or Maybe Aninal Crossing, which I imported a year or two before they released it here... I've played loads of the Harvest Moon games, but my favourite one was the GC one where I starved my goat (RIP Goat), but I'm still kind of turn up about that. Sorry, Goat :(
Holy fuck.

Mario+Rabbids Kingdom Battle is Mario Xcom?

Where the fuck has this come from!?

I'm astonished but also amazed. I don't care much for Xcom etc but I'm super happy for those who are.
Well, doesn't look like there's any AC news. No Swtuch for me. My face has a sad.
Nintendo typically announce a game or two in their later E3 Streams.
LewieP wrote:
Nintendo typically announce a game or two in their later E3 Streams.

Or just set trailers loose into the world like the 3DS 2d Metroid that they just let the trailer out for with nothing - unlike the 50 second trailer which is a space floating 4 for Metroid Prime 4 ... ds-e3-2017
Mario looks amazing

zaphod79 wrote:
Mario looks amazing

And the world feels like a better place already. Fuck trump, fuck brexit. Here's Mario.
There's nothing quite like Mario, is there?
Luigi is pretty similar
All the other Marios.
I'm completing the transition to having the Switch as my main games console.

I've had Sonic Mania on order now since October last year for the Xbox One. I've just cancelled that version and have ordered it on the Switch instead. I've got more chance of playing it as a handheld I reckon.
TheVision wrote:
I'm completing the transition to having the Switch as my main games console.

When are you booked in for the surgery?
Bamba wrote:
TheVision wrote:
I'm completing the transition to having the Switch as my main games console.

When are you booked in for the surgery?

Nah, it's the best console I've owned since the Dreamcast. It's great and is making me enjoy games again.
Why do you need surgery?
Grim... wrote:
Why do you need surgery?

I'm not sure that I do. Or even if I do, no one has told me. :shrug:
Very lame trans joke from Bamba. Best to ignore ;)
Grim... wrote:
Why do you need surgery?

It's the only way to cancel Xbox live
Lonewolves wrote:
Very lame trans joke from Bamba. Best to ignore ;)

Eh, it was less about being a transexual reference and more riffing on Vision's implication that deciding to turn on one console rather than another was apparently a process that required a transition at all. So still a lame joke, but possibly not for the reasons you thought.

ETA: though I do like the way he replied to my comment without having the slightest idea what he was replying to. :D
Yeah, I took it that you thought I needed my head looking at for liking the Switch. Simple as that really. I think we'd all best brush this under the carpet and move on as we've reached the end of the cul-de-sac with this conversation.
TheVision wrote:
Yeah, I took it that you thought I needed my head looking at for liking the Switch.

Nah man, I wouldn't say that. Nintendo stuff isn't really for me (I only like one of their own IPs and no one picks up a Nintendo console for the third party stuff) but I'd never say someone else is mad or whatever for liking their games.
Bamba wrote:
TheVision wrote:
but I'd never say someone else is mad or whatever for liking their games.

You might not fit in so well around that place they call 'the internet'
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