Boardgame Thread: Let's organise a beexordgame night.
That sounds ace
I liked the fact that combat is costly so you have to think hard to decide if the benefits of winning the hexagon outweigh the costs of committing mechs, combat points, and popularity points to it.

Combat, by the way, works by secretly choosing how many of your current combat points you want to commit and how many combat cards you want to put in to bolster your forces. Your opponent does the same, and when revealed the highest win (although the attacker will win a tie). You both then lose the number of combat points committed and the cards, although a losing defender does get a new combat card as recompense.
That does sound fun.

£70 though :(
Stellar night at Netrunner ClubMedium dug through R&D and found all the winning points in the first three turns, and then my Corporation tagged and bagged via BOOM!. Scored out in next game with a casting called kitty cat and then lost I heavily in tne fourth round.
Diamant: Short filler. All the players are exploring a cave for diamonds, avoiding the traps. On each turn, a card is turned over revealing a certain number of diamonds, a relic (worth 5 diamonds), or a trap. If there's diamonds, everyone still in the cave gets an equal distribution of the loot, with the remainder staying on the card. Two traps of the same kind (boulders, snakes, spiders, spiky things etc) end the round and those unfortunate enough to encounter it lose that round's winnings as they flee back to camp. After revealing a card, players secretly decided whether to return to camp and bank their winnings, or keep exploring then reveal their choice simultaneously. If you leave, you get an equal distribution of all remaining diamonds shared out with anyone else leaving, and your winnings are banked in your own treasure chest (complete with lid!). If you're the only person fleeing and you cross over a relic card, you get 5 diamonds. After five rounds, the richest player wins.

It's pretty simple but the decisions about whether to leave to bank the loot and garner the remaining jewels or to push on hoping for more can be mildly agonising. If you're even moderately good at card-counting, you should be able to assess the risk of turning over another trap or not but that might take away the lightness of the fun.

Rhino Hero: Jenga, but by building a house of cards and with a wooden rhino.

Then a few rounds of 'One night Ultimate ['Mafia' - Ed.]' and we finished off the evening with 'Mundus Novus', one of my personal favourites but I seldom play it outside the group because the manual's a bit rubbish and I've never properly worked out a spiel to explain the rules to others. Essentially it's : get goods; trade; buy ships; profit. The artwork is beauiful, however.
I like Rhino Hero.
Grim... wrote:
I like Rhino Hero.

So do I! We got all the cards out the last time we played it.
Grim... wrote:
I like Rhino Hero.

Yes, it was good, silly fun. Definitely a good one for families too. The mechanics are simple and the cards are very well designed. The tower always seemed to collapse when the player after me was waiting to take his turn, alas.
From the games weekend a couple of weeks ago we played:

Original Munchkin: Lots of peeps seem to have a problem with Munchkin but with my group of friends it's the default "What shall we play now?" game.
Space Munchkin: First time we've played this, nice change but still very much Munchkin...actually thinking about it we had the Super Hero version mixed in with this as well.
Eldritch Horror: It's a Fantasy Flight Mythos game so it's cards, cards, cards. Excellent fun, slightly less complex than Arkham Horror and we all really enjoyed the globe trotting setting rather than the claustrophobic feeling of Arkham Horror.
Smash-Up: This is rapidly becoming one of my favourites, I love a card game and this is fantastic (opinion may be biased after the victory of my Halfling / Cthulhu deck).
Judge Dredd: This one always comes out every games weekend, it's pretty basic as a game but it gets by on the theme and the 'screw your neighbour' game play.
Pandemic Reign of Cthulhu: Slightly underwhelmed by this one, there didn't seem to be to many options on your turn and the co-op aspect is really limited...sad face.
Gloom: The classic 'depress em up', what you get out of the game is what you put in regarding the story telling aspect, it's a pretty basic card game otherwise.
King of New York: It's King of Tokyo with more stuff so therefore it is excellent

oh and Fluxx, lots and lots of Flux, Zombie Flux, Cthulhu Flux, Space Flux, completely random, quite a lot of fun when really drunk.
oh and Fluxx, lots and lots of Flux, Zombie Flux, Cthulhu Flux, Space Flux, completely random, quite a lot of fun when really drunk.

I used to love playing Fluxx. Still got a set from around 15 years ago floating around, and friends would enjoy watching me contort in agony when I couldn't grasp the 'X=X+1' rule. However, recent versions with the 'Creeper' cards have ruined it for me as that seems to be an unnecessary and burdensome rule on what should be a light and fun game. 'We didn't playtest this at all' is now my standard game for wasting 10 minutes playing something arbitrary.
Never heard of that, looks interesting.
I like munchkin. Fucking elves.
I find it's a bit tedious. It's fun, but drags on too long.
Grim... wrote:
I find it's a bit tedious. It's fun, but drags on too long.

MrChris wrote:
Grim... wrote:
I find it's a bit tedious. It's fun, but drags on too long.


Depends whose i guess...
For my birthday I got Superfight! It was lots of fun at the cottage and am looking forward to playing it.

I also got BLOOD RAGE!

Currently ranked #16 on Board Game Geek.

Looks like fun. I shall report once I can get enough people together to play the mofo
Played Scythe again on Wednesday. Made a bot more sense second tine around. I completely mucked up the opening stages so had few resources to draw on in the middle and later stages and came sixth out of six by a long way. Definitely one I want to master.
The lower picture is the player's boards (I was playing Abba Nordics). Each board has the same actions, but the powers and costs vary so different sides have different abilities.
Dark Souls The Boardgame looks sexy AF.

Also expensive AF.
Saturday is International Tabletop Day, may have to wander to the pub and sit there all day playing games.
Morte: sounds like a good way to spend the day!

Three new games last night:

- '10 Minutes to Kill': because we're busy people and have to get three hits out the way before lunch. Hidden identity/hidden target game where you move anthropomorphic animals around the board trying to get them into a position where you can either knife them if they're on the same tile as you, shoot them with a revolver from a tile away (if you're alone and thus unseen), or go for the long range sniper shot (again, only if you're alone). All whilst trying to avoid the cops spotting you. Gain points for taking out your three targets and identifying who other players are. Fast flowing, and the rule about having to identify possible suspects after a kill helps speed the game up by providing more information at each stage. We did spend more time lining targets up and eradicating them than using the investigation action, however, and it took us around 20 minutes. A fun filler.

- 'Escape from the aliens in outer space'. If you're one of the randomly assigned human players, you have a very clear objective. The aliens, meanwhile, want to eat the humans who respawn on the other team. Everyone has a plan of the ship and a log to record their movements, and you only disclose where you are if a card tells you to. With eight people I found it hard to keep track of who was where and we never really formulated a plan once we'd worked out who our fellow aliens were. Might try this again with fewer people.

-'Fun-employed'. Many years ago I had a Cheapass game called 'the Big Idea' where you'd assemble various cards to create an invention which you'd then pitch. 'Fun-employed' is much the same, but with jobs. An interviewer draws a card to describe the role he's looking for (eg stunt double; gigolo; mime; pimp; executioner) and using a hand of four skill cards the other players assemble a CV then make their case before the interviewer picks a winner. In a nice twist, after making a pitch a player draws a card from the deck and has to incorporate it into their spiel. Simple, but caused many laugh-out-loud moments.
Grim..., in September 2015 wrote:
I just played Mystery at the Abbey, which I bought Mrs Grim... for her birthday. It's a bit like Cluedo, but with much more to do and nowhere near as dull.

I played this for the first time last night. It worked really well, and the pacing was just right. I particularly liked the 'revelation' mechanism (make a statement about a characteristic of the villain) as a way to get points as that offered options to throw people off the scent, take a quick gamble, or just help move the game along.

We also played 'Fun-employment' and 'Escape from the aliens in outer space' again. The latter made more sense the second time round, but I decided to try an ambitious tactic to keep the aliens off my tail by playing on the wrong board for the first four turns. Didn't ruin the game too much.
The Networks: construct a TV schedule, hire stars, sell advertising, and gain viewers. The hilarious cards will probably not be as funny on the second game, but the mechanics are easy to pick up and provide plenty of options. Always frustrating when someone else takes the show, star, or ad you wanting to grab that you'd based your whole strategy on. Played over five seasons, once you've constructed your winning schedule or decide to cut your losses you can choose to leave a round, and players who do so early are rewarded with additional cash or additional viewers. Hit shows and stars become less valuable as time goes on, so you can't just build up a machine early on.

We finished the evening with a round of Skull, a gambling game I've played many times before where people bid on how many cards they can turn over without revealing a skull. Everyone places either a skull or a safe card face down, and going round you can either add to your pile, fold, or make a bid. When someone makes the first bid (eg, 2 cards) people can either raise or fold. The player remaining then starts by turning over all their cards before picking players to turn over theirs. If you reveal a skull, you lose one of your cards at random. Lose all four and you're out. It's challenging, but I feel the game doesn't really encourage people to take the risk. You can stay in for the whole game and not do anything, whilst those having a punt are generally out too soon.
Kern wrote:
Skulls[...] It's challenging, but I feel the game doesn't really encourage people to take the risk. You can stay in for the whole game and not do anything, whilst those having a punt are generally out too soon.

That's because you followed this rule:
The player remaining then starts by turning over all their cards

If you don't do that (ie. the player can choose which of their cards to turn over) then it's much better.

Especially when people forget what they've put down.

Note that it was originally played with beer mats, and one had a cross (or something) drawn on it.
Yes, that would improve it. I'll have to suggest it next time we get it out.

Beermats would probably solve another problem I've had with the game in the past: the set we were using has such fancy tattoo-inspired designs sometimes I had trouble recognising which side was which.
I have purchased some games...still waiting to play them though.

Legendary Encounters: Predator - I know one of you has got this (Grim... I think), really looking forward to playing this, especially after sorting all the bloody cards out.

Elder Sign - So in my gaming group we've played Arkham Horror and Eldritch Horror (enjoying both immensely) so it's about time to get round to their little brother.

Blood Bowl Team Manager (and expansions) - Had to buy this from ebay because after finally deciding I wanted to get it FFG and GW had broken up and it's no longer in the shops. I love me a bit of Blood Bowl and the game looks intriguing.

Also it's the UK Games Expo on the first weekend of June so I will be toddling along to that at the NEC with a mate on the Saturday. 13 quid for day ticket (although parking seems expensive).
Had an evening of lighter party games, mostly old favourites but we tried out one new one.

Cash and Guns: surprised we haven't played this at Cottage. A fun bluffing game with the added bonus of pointing foam guns at friends and looking them in the eye, hoping they'll withdraw.

Let them eat cake: in the aftermath of the Revolution, the Committee for Public Safety fights amongst itself to get the most honours, the most support from the army, and, of course, the most cake, whilst the Enemies of the Revolution are despatched on the guillotine. Each round involves players voting for various positions (head of committee - breaks ties; enemy of the people - if tied; guillotine operator - can either do his duty or show mercy; secretary - deals out cake and generals, and decides the allocation; food inspector - declares cake fit to eat). Once you've voted for a player, you can't do so again until you've voted for all the others. Deals, bribes, and backstabbing is encouraged.

You start with three pawns but if you become an enemy of the people and the guillotine operator (who can also be you) pulls the lever, you lose some influence as the number of pawns you have multiplies the number of votes (so at the start, everyone's vote is worth 3). The generals allow you to either demand a re-run of an election, guarantee yourself some cake, or hold a coup and determine the outcome. It costs you some honour though, and the person with the least honour is always the next enemy of the people, unless there is a tie.

Although we got a couple of rules wrong, we had a great time jostling for position. By the end of the game there was a clear cartel dominating the committee which I wasn't part of. Grrr.

Once upon a time: compose fairy tales and interrupt others so you can lead the story to your secret end.

5 Second rule: agonising name-three-things-in-five-seconds game with the fart timer. The rule that if you can't get it, it passes to the next player who cannot repeat anything that's already been said makes it even more tricky.
Kern wrote:
Made a bot more sense second tine around.

Bought all this for £10. Fighting robots!
That cover needs more power chords.

Giphy "power chords":
Good haul! I used to have the manual and the tech readout 2023. It's got the weird ass Marauder variant in it.
Yeah, I've got them now. :)

I still have loads of manuals, tech readouts, maps and miniatures. It's a shame the game mechanics are such a clunky unwieldy tedious mess, though.
Great Western Trail:

Not, I realised as my friend put the box on the table, a game specifically about trains. I really liked this. Multi-coloured cows are the currency in this game. Different breeds are worth different amounts of both in-game points and final victory points. Earn money, build huts, and buy bovine as you go along the trail to Kansas City, Missouri, where you trade in your cows to get money and make deliveries across the Pacific railway. You can also chug your steam train along to pick up more points. Once done, you teleport back to the start of the trail to go again, although there might be more traps to cost you gold or new huts owned by other players to slow you down as you can't use their features.

It took around 2 and a half hours to play but didn't feel like it. Your turn comes round pretty quickly and there's plenty of ways to earn points. I'm definitely adding this one to my list, and not just for the steam train meeple.

On another point, someone commented last night that every time I learn a new game, and most weeks I am, I tend to come last yet still enjoy it. This time I was only four points behind in a tight game. It usually takes me three or four games to get the basic strategy, but I still have fun nonetheless. Anyone else feel that they're the 'designated loser' most nights, or do they find it easy to quickly interpret the rules and board to see a way to victory? Course, get 'Ticket to Ride' out and I am become invincible, as is well known.
Had a splendid day at the UK Games Expo yesterday...spent a lot of time at the Chaosium stand playing a couple of Reiner Knizia games. Miskatonic University, a push your luck game, based on doing research in the Miskatonic University library. Seemed dull at the beginning, with not much 'game' being apparent. However as the game went on the tactics come through the limited number of actions you can perform. Interesting game, not on Kickstarter yet, if it's cheap I'll back it. Khan of Khans is on kickstarter and is based on the Glorantha lore (in terms of names and artwork...there's not much theme in the game), it's an entertaining little cattle raiding game with a 'screw your neighbour' mechanic.

...also spent too much money.
Sounds excellent. I need to get to the expo someday.

What did you get?
Cosmic Encounter and a bunch of expansions (decided it was time to have my own copy)
VWars (It was going cheap...well it had 20 quid knocked off)
A whole bunch of White Wizard stuff (Hero Realms, Star Realms, Epic...)

Would have got more (nearly pulled the trigger on Mansions of Madness 2nd Ed) but common sense prevailed...damn common sense.

While it was crowded, I'd recommend going if you get the chance. I had a cracking time hanging out with the Chaosium peeps and some of the stuff they are producing is gob smackingly lovely (namely the new Glorantha Lore books and the Orient Express Cthulhu 'luxury' campaign). They were doing gangbuster business, I have no idea how people were going to lug that stuff about all day. Also spent time with a (Scandinavian, I think) couple who are trying to get their dice battling game onto Kickstarter, so I'm looking forward to backing that (even though we were playing a version of it last night using a game box lid as the arena).

Next time I'll probably go for an overnight stay as there seemed to be a lot going on in the evening and it would make for a more relaxing experience.
Sal trying to make sense of the Arkham Horror rules!
He he, once you get it, the rules of Arkham are pretty straight forward...but at the beginning it's somewhat overwhelming (and that's just the set up).
Flamme Rouge. Played this for the first time on Thursday night and fell in love with it. I don't know who else has tried to simulate a bike race as a board game (as a child, I vaguely remember a roll-and-move travel round the country game called 'Bike About') but this seems to nail it.

Each player has two cyclists, a sprinter and a non-sprinter, and each cyclist has a set of move cards. You shuffle each deck, choose one, and draw four. You then choose how far that cyclist will move, and place the remaining cards face up underneath his pile (for reshuffling once you've got through the deck). You then do the same for the other cyclist. Everyone then reveals their moves for that turn, and in race order the cyclists move up the track. The move cards are removed from the game. Then comes the splitstream simulation. If there's a gap of a square between a cyclist and another one, they move up to be behind them (as does every cyclist behind this one). So the pack will always try to catch up.The cyclist at the front and any cyclist who is lagging behind gets dealt a tiredness card that goes into his deck and can be played as a move two card.

Because cards, once played, are out of the game, you've got to pace yourself and work out when to play your limited number of fast cards, when to stay with the pack, and when to risk sprinting ahead. It's a simple mechanism but very tactical and you could find yourself lacking that final energy burst as the finis approaches.

The only downer I came across is that distinguishing between your sprinter and the other one is a little tricky. The former is standing up on his bike but it's not as obvious as you might think. Nothing that a quick dollop of paint couldn't solve.

I really loved this, and not just because I won.
I need this.

And the teammate be a domestique or a roleur.
MaliA wrote:
I need this.

Currently marked as in-stock at Meeples. I think they have reasonable UK delivery charges.
MaliA wrote:
a roleur.

That's the one.
It's such a simple set of mechanics but creates such a tense atmosphere. I love it. We didn't try the hills but that adds even more tactics to it as going up every card is a two and going down a five.
Kern wrote:
MaliA wrote:
I need this.

Currently marked as in-stock at Meeples. I think they have reasonable UK delivery charges.

[edit] Holy shit it's in stock at Amazon YOINK!
Huzzah, Alien Legendary Encounters was (briefly) in stock at Amazon and I managed to bag a copy.
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