What have you bought?
Don’t say it, display it
If he could read books then that's the sort of book I reckon Donald Trump might read.
Does it come with a gigabit?
GazChap wrote:
Does it come with a gigabit?

Packets of 'em!
It doesn't even come with router bits, let alone gigabits
I do love silly videogame-related stuff.
I have one of those. I've never worn it out the house.
I am off to asda
That really isn't helping us in the middle-aged spread thread
Doesn't pay my mortgage, jazzy

2017-02-08 17.54.34.jpg

This one is Craster's, actually. I have a black one.
Oh, shit, he's bought a tazer
Actually it sounds more like "beeeeeeeeeee".
Not in my head it doesn't!
What happens when you touch it?
Cras wrote:
Bobbyaro wrote:
What happens when you touch it?

You decide to not do it again
DavPaz wrote:
Bobbyaro wrote:
What happens when you touch it?

You decide to not do it again

Unlike my mum
Grim... wrote:
Actually it sounds more like "beeeeeeeeeee".

My manager at work has one. It sounds like one of those things they use to frighten teenagers away from corner shops, although the cutoff was much older in our office. It seems anyone older than their late 40s couldn't hear it (I was the oldest person that could hear it) and everyone that could hear it hated it!
I can hear those fuckers. There's also a whiny noise in my parent's living room that only I can hear.
How the hell do your ears have high frequency being an ex-dj?

I bloody hate transformers for high-oitched squealing.

Bought this, should get it today

http://www.halfords.com/cycling/turbo-t ... bo-trainer

Also I to, have that Deadpool Grim.
BikNorton wrote:
How the hell do your ears have high frequency being an ex-dj?

An excellent question. I have no idea.
Grim... wrote:
There's also a whiny noise in my parent's living room that only I can hear.

I get that too. Mind you, my parents are both deaf and they watch that Paul O'Grady 'Love of Dogs', so that could be it.
Do they still have a CRT? I could always hear CRT screens. Not sure if I still can or not.
Nah. I think it's some power supply somewhere.
Always liked the sound of CRTs, though I'm surprised I can still hear them.
Holy shit, a Davydd!
*Hurls Pokéball*
Zardoz wrote:
*Hurls Pokéball*

Doctor Glyndwr wrote:
Holy shit, a Davydd!

Hi! Remember, I am always watching. Always.
Hearthly wrote:
I'm on leave this week so today me and Mrs Hearthly went kettle shopping at Curry's via Maccy D's. (There are loads of nice eateries to choose from but we both just fancied a Maccy D's.)

Anyway, the kettles ranged from £13 to £80 (£80 FOR A FUCKING KETTLE), we settled on this midrange £35 affair that we agreed had the most generously sized spout to enable easy filling via the spout rather than taking the lid off.

It boils water very well and overall I would recommend this kettle to friends.

I'm hoping that tomorrow will feature more shagging and less kettle shopping.


So this fuckface of a shit kettle brought my works Christmas do to an early end yesterday (for me at least).

At about 5pm I got a WhatsApp message from Mrs Hearthly asking for the password for the Minecraft Server PC account (which I've already given her, but anyway), as the power had tripped (hard powering the server down) and she needed to get it running again. (She'd already flipped the power back on at the master fuse box.)

A short while later I got a message asking if there was any reason why all of Jnr's buildings in her world looked cut in half. (Obviously some of the world files had been corrupted when the power effectively got yanked, and this is a MASSIVE world.) She'd already tried restarting the server and the client PCs with no change.

Then she said she'd ring me so I excused myself from the conversation I was having and took the call outside. I could hear Jnr screaming and wailing like a banshee in the background, banging and throwing things around (she's autistic and stuff like this causes a full-on meltdown).

The server backs up at 10pm every night but there was no way I was going to be able to talk Mrs Hearthly through doing the restore with Jnr in that state, plus we'd been at the pub since mid-day so I was already quite merry.

I said 'I'll jump in a taxi and come home to get it sorted' and she's like 'But it's your work Christmas do' to which I said 'This is more important'.

So I grabbed my stuff, made my apologies and grabbed a taxi on the promenade, trip home is about 25-30 minutes, the house looked like a wrecking ball had gone through it from all the stuff Jnr had been chucking around, and she was wailing uncontrollably upstairs. (In the kitchen the kettle's light was on but the water in it was lukewarm, so I quickly surmised it'd blown its element, which would have tripped the power.)

Mrs Hearthly managed to coax her out of the room so I could concentrate on getting the restore done, it's a fairly quick process, and a few minutes later the server was restored back to how it'd been at 10pm last night. Jnr calmed down a little bit at the news, came downstairs and logged back in to check and was happy that everything was back to normal again, and over the next 2-3 hours gradually calmed back down to her usual self.

I think I'll get a UPS for the Minecraft Server, and praise jeebus for a proven backup and restore process.

Mrs Hearthly was saying that the world looked dreadful, like something had methodically sliced everything that Jnr had built in her world over thousands of hours into half, and that the sight of it in that state really upset her.

Anyway, so today I will be buying a new kettle, the last one didn't even last two years, shit thing.
Not sure I'd fancy doing that on a mobile device TBH, and anyway I don't like letting shit like that in through the router because of Chinese Hackers and things.

Moreover, coming home was the right thing to do regardless, it really needs both of us on deck when there's been a meltdown.

It did deny me pulling loads of lasses which is what usually happens on the Christmas do because I'm so sexy and stuff, especially when I show them my YouTube channel, that's a knickers removal device, right there.
Hearthly wrote:
I said 'I'll jump in as taxi and come home to get it sorted' and she's like 'But it's your work Christmas do' to which I said 'This is more important'.

Fair play, I reckon you can award yourself some Good Parenting points for that.
Doctor Glyndwr wrote:
Hearthly wrote:
I said 'I'll jump in as taxi and come home to get it sorted' and she's like 'But it's your work Christmas do' to which I said 'This is more important'.

Fair play, I reckon you can award yourself some Good Parenting points for that.

+1 the reason for your kid having a meltdown might be a tad esoteric, but in the moment that's not the point.

The most important thing is, what's the review score for the kettle now?

I got a new one from the Co-Op over the road, and have ordered a UPS.

Doctor Glyndwr wrote:
Hearthly wrote:
I said 'I'll jump in as taxi and come home to get it sorted' and she's like 'But it's your work Christmas do' to which I said 'This is more important'.

Fair play, I reckon you can award yourself some Good Parenting points for that.

You went back out though, right?
Hearthly wrote:

I got a new one from the Co-Op over the road, and have ordered a UPS.


Disappointed there wasn’t a picture of the kettle. Tch.
Didn't really cross my mind TBH, I checked back in with a couple of the folks who were still out on the do to see how things were going, but it took Jnr a good while to get settled down and a meltdown/meltdown aftermath is very draining for all of us so I wasn't much minded to go back out, and it wouldn't have been fair anyway.

Once Mrs Hearthly and Jnr had gone upstairs I just grabbed a beer and watched a fillum on Netflix. (CONTAGION, which I've seen before but figured I'd watch it again, any film that kills Gwyneth Paltrow in the first ten minutes gets my vote. And I fancy Kate Winslet. And Laurence Fishburne is cool.)
Dropped mine and smashed the LCD :(


Then two days later my Efest decided to run out after about an hour, turns out one is dead. So I decided to get some Sanyos.


Obligatory for this time of year.


Then 300ml of liquid for vaping and finally this.


First NVME drive I've bought. My old one is a 180gb Intel but it's M.2 SATA so only hits about 500mb RW. Plus that now bumps me to over 3tb of SSD only storage. About the same I had, but with spinning drives. More than enough for me.
I recognise what the slippers are so 1 out of 4 ain't bad.
Also.. I bought this.
Oh cool, so you get a Gamecube controller and a splitter to use other Gamecube controllers.
Are we going to get to see this bloody kettle or not?
TheVision wrote:
I recognise what the slippers are so 1 out of 4 ain't bad.

Battery box for vaping, batteries that go in it and a 1tb ssd hard drive.

My phone just changed vaping to gaping. Fnarr.
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