General Purpose UK TV thread
Worth a download
Doctor Glyndwr wrote:
Lonewolves wrote:
MaliA wrote:
I watched one and thought it was all a bit too smug and "aren't I really clever, look, satire" so ignored the rest.

It's written by Charlie Brooker, so I'm not sure what you were expecting.

Brooker is fucking great, you buffoons.

Indeed. But his stuff is also smug as balls.

Does S03 of Black Mirror have boobs in? Like naked boobs?
Grim... wrote:
Dr Zoidberg wrote:
It's not a patch on old Dwarf at its best, but then neither were the last couple of seasons of the original run.

Eps 3&4 have been very funny.

And 5 and 6. I think this new series has been good, far better than the first episode suggested it would be.

The Cat in particular had some great lines.

"It still counts!"

I agree it's got better and there are some nice lines but they are delivered terribly. The timing is off and the canned laughter is too loud and obscures some of the dialogue.

Speaking of annoying laughter, the latest episode of 2 Broke Girls takes this too far as well. It's line-laughter-wait to end-line-laughter-wait to end. It was terribly distracting in a series that has past its prime. God, the set-up for a "hair in the salad" was so goddamn awful I almost turned it off. And I wish I had because it didn't get any better after that.
2 Broke Girls is a terrible, terrible TV show that I can't stop watching.


BBC Four, 21:00 tonight: Myp TV.

Will let you know if it's worth it.
Grim... wrote:
2 Broke Girls is a terrible, terrible TV show that I can't stop watching.

Kat Dennings is the only reason I've watched an episode all the way through. More than once.
Saturnalian wrote:
God, the set-up for a "hair in the salad" was so goddamn awful I almost turned it off. And I wish I had because it didn't get any better after that.

I thought the Burt Reynolds joke was good.

But it is 4am.
Doctor Glyndwr wrote:
Hearthly wrote:
Although SAN JUNIPERO out of Season 3 is up there as well.

Speaking of this:
ZOMG Spoiler! Click here to view!
It's a lovely story, it's very well written and acted (Mackenzie Davis is as great as ever [1]), but it's a bit bloody cheerful by Black Mirror standards! I kept waiting for the other shoe to drop and then the other shoe was A SHOCK HAPPY ENDING. Although I fear that is perhaps the setup for gut blow sucker punches in the remaining two episodes.

I felt more emotionally invested in the fates of Kelly and Yorkie after ten minutes of that than I do in most films after two hours. When the credits rolled, I couldn't quite believe it had only been an hour long -- it felt like it covered much more ground, somehow, but without a wasted second. It also paced the gradual reveal of what was really going on perfectly, to my mind.

[1] Although she does have an advantage because acting is all in the eyes and her face is about 85% eye.

So in conclusion, it's just a perfectly crafted little slice of television.

Yes I'd agree with everything you've said there.

I've mentioned Black Mirror to my brother a few times over the last two or three years, and he's finally got round to piling through all three seasons with his wife - reaction to San Junipero was:
Kern wrote:
BBC Four, 21:00 tonight: Myp TV.

Will let you know if it's worth it.

This was jolly good fun, and I liked how it was presented as a kind of 1960s BBC 'meet the tribe' documentary about those young people. All the talk of the need for authenticity reminded me far too much of re-enactors, however.
BBC1 - Planet Earth II

Breath taking stuff. Highlights are the komodo dragons fighting and all the penguins. The sequences with the baby marine iguanas and the snakes was the stuff of nightmares.
Just watched tonight's episode of Humans. There was a link in the closing credits that goes to where you can have a live chat with a 'support Synth' about problems you may be having with your synth. Very clever, but got a little scary in places.
BBC Four: Rich Hall's Presidential Grudge Match
Enjoyable romp through the seedier side of US history, looking back at dirty campaigns from Jefferson and Adam onwards.
Kern wrote:
BBC Four: Rich Hall's Presidential Grudge Match
Enjoyable romp through the seedier side of US history, looking back at dirty campaigns from Jefferson and Adam onwards.

We nearly put this on but at an hour and a half we decided to go to bed instead :)
I am watching Humans. It's really good so far!
Anyone catch 2016 Wipe last night? (Not that you can't you just watch it on catch-up, of course.)

Very funny as usual, Charlie Brooker is now quite skinny, and a lot of depressing stuff happened during the year. I liked January when it was just about a puddle.

Then there was Philomena Cunk on Christmas afterwards, 'So how do you make chickens into turkeys?'
Yep, very much mandatory seasonal viewing. Plenty of good bits, but the key standout line was:

ZOMG Spoiler! Click here to view!
'Haunted art gallery owner Theresa May'
Yes I liked the way he had about 50 different amusing names for her :D (See also, Trump.)

Trump is so fucking depressing, seeing some of his worst transgressions lumped together in a short space of time was awful, and to think he's going to president of the United States. Fuck me. He actually makes make my skin crawl, which I thought was something you just see written down for dramatic effect, but it turns out it's really a thing. Me and Mrs Hearthly were watching the programme together and were united in disgust. (Jnr was asleep upstairs on a rare early night.)

The only aspect of the episode I found a bit weak were the telly review segments (which I appreciate get their lineage from Screenwipe), I mean, Eastenders, really? Does anyone still watch that? (Not that I ever watched it anyway.)

But yes, good telly, anything by Charlie Brooker I really look forward to, basically.
So, the latest Sherlock, then?

I did enjoy it, and glad it's back to normal after last year's rubbish Victorian one.

I see it's getting criticism in some quarters for being too clever-clever, but that's a daft thing to say, as surely the character has always been a smug smart-arse?


Anyway, yeah, I liked it. Good start to the year.
I thought it was rubbish.

Remember when Sherlock solved mysteries and wasn't a bit-player in some shitty soap opera?
Hearthly wrote:
Yes I liked the way he had about 50 different amusing names for her :D (See also, Trump.)

Trump is so fucking depressing, seeing some of his worst transgressions lumped together in a short space of time was awful, and to think he's going to president of the United States. Fuck me. He actually makes make my skin crawl, which I thought was something you just see written down for dramatic effect, but it turns out it's really a thing. Me and Mrs Hearthly were watching the programme together and were united in disgust. (Jnr was asleep upstairs on a rare early night.)

The only aspect of the episode I found a bit weak were the telly review segments (which I appreciate get their lineage from Screenwipe), I mean, Eastenders, really? Does anyone still watch that? (Not that I ever watched it anyway.)

But yes, good telly, anything by Charlie Brooker I really look forward to, basically.

Pretty much :this: .

Just now watched it, and yes very funny and such but, as you say, seeing all the Trump stuff together like that is awfully depressing.

And to think 2017 is certain to be massively worse in literally every way.

Still, Happy New Year, etc, if you're a weirdo who says things like that and thinks it might be.
I hate the way they brush of genuinely interesting mysteries just to make Sherlock look like a genius. We get it.
Grim... wrote:
I thought it was rubbish.

Remember when Sherlock solved mysteries and wasn't a bit-player in some shitty soap opera?

Pretty much this. It did make we think about going back and watching the first few again though.
Grim... wrote:
I thought it was rubbish.

Remember when Sherlock solved mysteries and wasn't a bit-player in some shitty soap opera?

I agree. More mysteries, less touchy feely!
Oh and I've recently watched two episodes of Class which are pretty good. It's decidedly grim though isn't it? And quite disturbing at times. Despite her gorgeousness Quill tends to be a bit distracting by being a bit too cbbc-ish.

Overall though I rather like it.
The Dirk Gently adaptation is very good and worth your time. Builds to a really satisfying ending.

(It's a BBC America show and is on UK Netflix. I have no idea if that means it belongs in our UK or US thread, though.)
We watched the first episode and found Dirk Gently to be too annoying to continue with it.
It could be in the Dirk Gently thread.
markg wrote:
We watched the first episode and found Dirk Gently to be too annoying to continue with it.

You got further than I did. I think I lasted ten minutes.
Derek The Halls wrote:
Oh and I've recently watched two episodes of Class which are pretty good. It's decidedly grim though isn't it? And quite disturbing at times. Despite her gorgeousness Quill tends to be a bit distracting by being a bit too cbbc-ish.

Overall though I rather like it.

I loved it. Really builds brilliantly over the series, and Quill becomes the best thing in it
I'm on about episode 6 now I think and there's still good stuff happening but Quill does often seem a bit too overacted. Still interesting character developments at the end with the petals...
Another of the History Boys makes it to the big time, too.
Watched last week's 'Sherlock' yesterday. Felt far too long, and like other comments on this thread I wanted more mystery and less soap. I'll probably record the next two episodes and watch them at my leisure, but it's not got the 'wow' factor it had six (or is it seven) years ago. I had more fun starting my rewatch of '1864'.
Oh, the latest Sherlock is much, much better.
Oh FFS, the episode ended on a cliffhanger and then the trailer directly afterward told you what would happen.
Grim... wrote:
Oh FFS, the episode ended on a cliffhanger and then the trailer directly afterward told you what would happen.

They always do. So annoying. I try to avoid them but sometimes I forget or remember but miss out on a post-credits scene.
Grim... wrote:
Oh, the latest Sherlock is much, much better.

Agreed. Superb. Managed to avoid the preview but I reckon he'll be OK
Ducking under my desk because people at the new row of benches are talking about it.
Think we'll grab it off iPlayer tonight. Thanks about the warning about the trailer for the next episode by the way, they often leave those on, so we'll be stopping it pretty quick :)
That was brilliant!
Just watched it. The drama aspect was quite good for once and actually tied into the detecting part!
Really enjoyed the first episode of new BBC drama, Taboo. Starring Tom Hardy and set in olden days times it's a dark and quite trippy tale about murder, revenge and what have you.
markg wrote:
Really enjoyed the first episode of new BBC drama, Taboo. Starring Tom Hardy and set in olden days times it's a dark and quite trippy tale about murder, revenge and what have you.

I really enjoyed the first episode. Want to see how it plays out.
Thinking about Sherlock: I'm half-tempted to rewatch 'Trainspotting' to see how much of a homage some of the sequences were. At least the first half or so was some of the most visually exciting, dramatically mysterious, and, dare I say, joyful television I've seen in a while.

I didn't see it, but Mimi pointed out that when he fell onto the couch one of the cushions flopped over a bit on his head, and the houndstooth pattern on it made it look like a deerstalker hat.
ZOMG Spoiler! Click here to view!
The whole Jimmy Saville thing was completely unintentional, of course.
Sorry: I misspelt 'spoiler' as 'quote'. If only there were an option to show BBcode buttons.
Kern wrote:
Sorry: I misspelt 'spoiler' as 'quote'. If only there were an option to show BBcode buttons.

If you're on the main site in Fast Reply you can click Show Reply Options (near the top left) and then tick Show BB Codes.
Mr Russell wrote:
Kern wrote:
Sorry: I misspelt 'spoiler' as 'quote'. If only there were an option to show BBcode buttons.

If you're on the main site in Fast Reply you can click Show Reply Options (near the top left) and then tick Show BB Codes.

And the mobile site had the m too.

No faces or greetings to titler though.
Kern wrote:
ZOMG Spoiler! Click here to view!
The whole Jimmy Saville thing was completely unintentional, of course.

On Watson and Mary following ep2.

ZOMG Spoiler! Click here to view!
According to Popbitch, Martin Freeman and Amanda Abbington have split in real-life, partly because he was caught sending a ton of emails to a female Sherlock fan. Of course it's probably coincidence, but the fact Watson cheats with "a fan" of his blog, and the way Sherlock pointedly says "It was only texts" regarding his correspondence with the dominatrix... well, it all felt purposeful and like penance for Freeman, meted out in the script. If any show could do something so knowing and meta in its writing, it's Sherlock.
Watched the first of the new episodes and enjoyed it, so hopefully the second one will blow my tiny little mind!
Curiosity wrote:
Watched the first of the new episodes and enjoyed it, so hopefully the second one will blow my tiny little mind!

Watched the second one too!

Very good, though certainly no less soap opera than the previous one. Which is to say I didn't think either overdid it and they tied in together quite nicely.

The ending of the episode and all that attaches to it, though; seems slightly forced, but I shall reserve judgement until I've seen the whole arc.

EDIT - Yer man was great at being creepy af in ep2
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