Boardgame Thread: Let's organise a beexordgame night.
Bro got me 'Small World' so played it with Dad for the first time this afternoon. Although we got the rules slightly wrong, it worked really well with two so looking forward to more games over the next few days.
Goddess Jasmine wrote:
Grim..., Did she like it?

Yeah, we planned to have a quick go on Christmas Eve and ended up having two goes and she came first both times.

She liked her board game, too.
Grim... wrote:
Goddess Jasmine wrote:
Grim..., Did she like it?

Yeah, we planned to have a quick go on Christmas Eve and ended up having two goes and she came first both times.

She liked her board game, too.

Ba dum tish
Relative got us pandemic, sister in law says we have to play it tomorrow morning before we go home - looks surprisingly simple. First born read the back of the box and declared he didn't really see the point... He is not getting a choice. Anyway, night beex, you're all lovely
We've played it three times over the last couple of days and really got into it. I think I much prefer co-operative games, the conversation seems much better.
We played it this morning - the kids,me and their granddad - they loved it! It's great for Sam it being non-competitive, as he's a bloody sore loser
Ohhu!! Lmk on Arkham. Revolution is excellent.
I'd like to play Arkham. Takes a long time though, right?
I played junior monopoly with two women and a four year old yesterday. I destroyed them in 20 minutes. Some people just don't play monopoly properly
Grim... wrote:
I'd like to play Arkham. Takes a long time though, right?

No idea! I will let you know.
When we play it, it usually lasts 2.5 - 4 hours.
Blimey, looking forward to hearing about that then.

Our Christmas gaming so far:
Me and my wife bought Twilight Struggle to gift each other for christmas. It's brilliant and I can't stop thinking about it. It's my new favourite boardgame, brazilian-ish translation not withstanding

I also got Munchkin on the christmas haul, which is quite fun with a big group and works better as a social experience.

Jasmine, I see those Forbidden Island tin boxes in stores all the time and they look pretty great. Is the game worth it?
RuySan wrote:
Me and my wife bought Twilight Struggle to gift each other for christmas. It's brilliant and I can't stop thinking about it. It's my new favourite boardgame, brazilian-ish translation not withstanding

I also got Munchkin on the christmas haul, which is quite fun with a big group and works better as a social experience.

Jasmine, I see those Forbidden Island tin boxes in stores all the time and they look pretty great. Is the game worth it?

Well I really like them, but probably because they are cooperative and get some good discussion going. If you're going to choose one of the two Forbidden Island is slightly more simple to start with. My favourite from that stack has to be Pandemic though. I've loved it since Kern first taught me how to play it at the cottage.
I got myself Colditz for Christmas, first game was a bit of a mess learning all the rules and took about 4 hours! second was much more fun and I can see the more we play the more fun will be had with misdirection and maximum-poker-face. Immersive and fun game but requires a pretty big time commitment, definitely worth getting into character and shouting German words at the other players when you're a guard.
krazywookie wrote:
I got myself Colditz for Christmas, first game was a bit of a mess learning all the rules and took about 4 hours! second was much more fun and I can see the more we play the more fun will be had with misdirection and maximum-poker-face. Immersive and fun game but requires a pretty big time commitment, definitely worth getting into character and shouting German words at the other players when you're a guard.

Is that the same as the Escape From Colditz classic game?
Mr Russell wrote:
krazywookie wrote:
I got myself Colditz for Christmas, first game was a bit of a mess learning all the rules and took about 4 hours! second was much more fun and I can see the more we play the more fun will be had with misdirection and maximum-poker-face. Immersive and fun game but requires a pretty big time commitment, definitely worth getting into character and shouting German words at the other players when you're a guard.

Is that the same as the Escape From Colditz classic game?

Yes exactly
krazywookie wrote:
Mr Russell wrote:
krazywookie wrote:
I got myself Colditz for Christmas, first game was a bit of a mess learning all the rules and took about 4 hours! second was much more fun and I can see the more we play the more fun will be had with misdirection and maximum-poker-face. Immersive and fun game but requires a pretty big time commitment, definitely worth getting into character and shouting German words at the other players when you're a guard.

Is that the same as the Escape From Colditz classic game?

Yes exactly

That is supposed to be good. Glad you had a good time, and the getting into character bit sounds a blast!
Mr Russell wrote:
krazywookie wrote:
Mr Russell wrote:
krazywookie wrote:
I got myself Colditz for Christmas, first game was a bit of a mess learning all the rules and took about 4 hours! second was much more fun and I can see the more we play the more fun will be had with misdirection and maximum-poker-face. Immersive and fun game but requires a pretty big time commitment, definitely worth getting into character and shouting German words at the other players when you're a guard.

Is that the same as the Escape From Colditz classic game?

Yes exactly

That is supposed to be good. Glad you had a good time, and the getting into character bit sounds a blast!

It was almost as much fun just unboxing it, everything in oldy looking cardboard and there's some other bits and bobs in the box
ZOMG Spoiler! Click here to view!
copies of Propaganda posters and postcards and all the little counters are painted wood - lovely :)

that make it quite special :nerd:

Manhattan Project: place workers, build research and enrichment facilities, spy on others, bomb their facilities, develop the biggest nuclear bombs.
I got this as a birthday present last year, but due to a poorly written rule book (the 1950s newspaper format was a neat idea, but not very helpful for getting a grasp of the rule sets) and a summer of Pandemic Legacy related mental gymnastics, only got round to watching a couple of videos explaining the game this week. I then realised that it really was as simple as either place workers or recall them, so took it to my group last night. Some had been wanting to play it for a while.

We got a couple of rules wrong, but that didn't really harm the gameplay other than reduce the circulation of workers. You get the bits for your weapons by placing workers on squares that generate engineers or scientists, give you cash, mine for yellowcake, or purchase buildings. You can also place someone on the espionage space, allowing you to sneak your workers into other people's buildings, or launch conventional bombing raids to destroy them (the rule book explains that any workers heard the sirens and were safe in the air raid shelters). Once your piece is in a space, nobody else can use it until you retrieve your workers. Of course, that opens up the board for others.

The mechanics worked well, and we had a lot of fun bombing the crap out of each other, cursing people for occupying the espionage space, and developing both uranium based and plutonium weapons. The 1950s artwork added to the atmosphere.

Now we've ironed out the ruleset, it's definitely one we're going to play again.
SMASH HAMMER MAn did well at Netrunner club, last night. INTERNET GUARD also did. MrsA is away on Saturday, and there is a store championship in Huddersfield...
Exciting times
Was that taken 3 years ago?

Anyway, I played some more Hero Quest last night. Two of my fiends became champions and earned 500 gold pieces for their troubles.

There's a lot of ambiguity in the equipment cards but never the less, we're carrying on. At this rate we'll have completed the included quests by 2020.
If I recall correctly there's a short sword that allows the player to roll 2 die in combat. It doesn't say EXTRA die though like other cards do.

What's the point of this? Everyone can already roll two die in combat. Shouldn't it say extra die?
No. Very few things allow you to roll anything extra (just the shield and the helmet, iirc).

It can attack diagonally, though.
It doesn't say it does. If it did, I would see the use but as it stands, I cant see the point of this sword.
Oh yeah. Dunno, then.
The plot thickens! ... hort-sword says the short sword can attack diagonally in the German version of the game.
There are many different versions of HeroQuest. In the American version the monsters have hit points, even.
Can't tell if you're being serious... My first thought was "how do you kill them?"
Have you seen the youtube video of Yanks playing Hero Quest?

Hang on...

There you go. Slow paced is the watchword.
Grim... wrote:
By... Er... Hitting them with a sword? ... ur-version

I was confused but now I am not... I read that as that they DON'T have hit points. Got it.

Get you scans of all the various rulebooks and quests, right here! Roll* up!

*lol is your one-stop location for everything HeroQuesty. I basically lived there while I was writing the online game.
Isn't that the proposed D&D set?
The set would be great for people who like role playing games like Hero Quest and Dungeons & Dragons. It would also be fun for people who like medieval settings, though if the figures are replaced with modern heroes and villains it would work just as well.

So, I guess? No WOTC branding, interestingly.
Someone local is selling this...


Anyone here be interested in it...? I could pick it up and post it out to you?
Already have it.

Bugger me, it's expensive now.
I done GamesMastering today.

2017-03-05 13.38.55.jpg
Looks fun. How many showed up? Which game was the 'hit' of the day?

I played 'Takenoko' for the first time yesterday. It's an adorably cute tile-laying game with a lovable panda and towers of bamboo. Easy to pick up and offered different ways to acquire victory points. Not too taxing, and there's little room for screwing your buddy over, so it was a friendly hour or so rather than an ultra-competitive one.
Probably about seventy people - we had to drag out extra tables.

King Of Tokyo, Carcassonne and Ticket to Ride were popular, mainly because I kept pushing them on people.

Loopin' Louie ( was rather good fun, too.
Did you play the Beex card game?

I didn't play anything.
'Scythe'. Hexagonal conquest with worker placement, hidden objectives, resource production, surprise events with multiple choices of varying benefit/cost/morals, and giant mechs.

Once I got the hang of the mechanics and I enjoyed it but too late to form much of a strategy. Not being able to do the same action on your next go is easy to forget about and disruptive if you haven't planned ahead.

I liked it and want to play again. Lovely board too.
Color me interested. What does what, with whom and how?
On your go, you can either bolster your attack score, move pieces, produce stuff, or buy in resources. Each player has their own control board, and you indicate your choice by putting your pawn on the relevant square. Once you've done the action, you can choose to do the other actions on that square, which upgrades a power (produce more, move faster, increase your popularity, build permanent structures) for a cost. Get four steels and you can release one of your four mechs onto the board. You can't, however, do the same action on your next go.

Only the mechs and your large player character piece can actually enter opponents' hexes and fight. If you win the mechacombat, the opposing mechs flee back to base along with any little people, but you lose one popularity point for each little person who flees from your almighty mechanical megakilling tractor of doom (yes, the yellow player has mechatractors).

Each player has six stars, and when certain things are accomplished (eg getting all little people out, winning in combat, building all the four structures, getting max attack or max popularity points, achieving an objective), they get a star against that entry on a tracker. When someone gets six stars, the game ends. Depending on how popular you are, you get bonuses for how much land you hold, how many resources you have, and how well-loved you are. Person with the most money (doubling as victory points) at the end wins. So you don't need to fight if you don't want to and yet still win just by being excellent to people. But that's not as fun as unleashing giant mechs on unsuspecting yokels.
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