Beex, Yo.

The evil Sauron wants to destroy the world. Are we going to let him?
Hopefully not.
It is up to the Fellowship of the Ring to stop him by destroying the One Ring of Power. Of course, there will be other people trying to throw a dead fish in the works. So, who's in the game?
The Fellowship of the Ring
Win condition - Town
1 Frodo Baggins (a hobbit, and bearer of The Ring)
Knows and can converse with Sam. Has no powers. Wants to keep the ring away from baddies so he can lob it into Mount Doom. If Gollum steals the ring then he gains a night action whereby he can try to steal it back each night by nominating someone he thinks might be Gollum.
1 Samwise Gamgee (a hobbit, and Frodo's best friend)
Knows and can converse with Frodo. If Frodo dies Sam becomes bearer of the ring. If both die, the ring passes to a random, named, unpowered member of the Fellowship.
1 Aragorn, son of Arathorn
Destined to be King. Cannot be killed overnight by ringwraiths.
0-1 Legolas Greenleaf (an elf)
At any time, day or night (but only once per day+night phase), you may notch an arrow and try to take down an enemy (by sending me a PM). If you pick a bad person, they die. If they are a member of the company or an innocent, you leave the quest in shame, never to return.
0-1 Gimli, son of Gloin (a dwarf)
They have your axe! Once per GAME, you may prevent all night actions occurring to the entirety of the Fellowship
0-1 Meriadoc Brandybuck, aka Merry (a hobbit)
No special powers
0-1 Peregrin Took, aka Pippin (a hobbit)
No special powers
0-1 Boromir, on of Denethor (a human)
0-1 Gandalf the Grey (a wizard)
Master wizard. Each night he can either protect someone from all night effects, or learn the exact role of a player
The Other Good Guys
Win condition - Town
1-11 Gondorians
You are a simple Gondorian who wants to help rid the world of Sauron and Saruman.
Team Gollum
Win condition - Gollum
1 Gollum (once a hobbit, now corrupted by the power of The Ring)
Wants ring. Each night he picks someone and tries to steal the ring off them. If they have the ring he steals it. If not he gets angry and kills them while they sleep. If Gollum has the ring then each night he goes invisible and is immune to all night effects other than Frodo's.
The Nazgul
Win condition - Sauron
1 Ringwraith Leader
Wants the ring and the company to die. Each night he can choose two of his colleagues to venture out and use their abilities. If there are fewer than two, he himself can go out and use any ability his remaining colleague does not possess. If killed, a random ringwraith will assume duties of leader.
0-2 Ringwraith Soldiers
Each night, if ordered to do so, the solider can go out and kill someone.
0-1 Ringwraith Hunter
Each night, if ordered to do so, the Hunter can provide between one and five player names, and find out if a specific character is among them
0-1 Ringwraith Terror
Each night, if ordered to do so, the Terror may cause such fear in a pair of nominated players that they can take no night action
Team White Wizards Matter
Win Condition - Saruman
1 Saruman (a wizard)
Saruman is trying to raise an army, but he's not having the best time of it due to a surprising orc shortage. Each night he can choose someone to recruit to his cause, but he can only recruit non-named, non-ringwraith characters. Recruits can converse freely with Saruman (and amongst themselves, if Saruman chooses to let them).
Win conditions:
Town - All ringwraiths and Saruman (and his army) removed. Gollum does not have the Ring.
Gollum - All ringwraiths and named characters removed. Gollum has the Ring.
Sauron - All fellowship killed. Gollum does not have the Ring.
Saruman - Saruman's army outnumbers the rest; no powered characters capable of stopping Saruman remain.
Role descriptions added. I will send out the actual roles in a bit.
Feel free to ask questions if I've not been clear.
There is a lot of powers here. Good luck with the spreadsheet!
If Frodo dies, does his 'steal ring back' power pass as well?
If Frodo and Sam die while the ring is in Gollum's power then is the ring gone for good?
If Gollum gets the ring and nobody can steal it back, does he lose his kill power?
What happens if a blocker blocks a blocker?
Oh, and will players be informed of if their actions succeed, were blocked etc?
Mr Russell wrote:
There is a lot of powers here. Good luck with the spreadsheet!
If Frodo dies, does his 'steal ring back' power pass as well?
If Frodo and Sam die while the ring is in Gollum's power then is the ring gone for good?
If both die, the ring passes to a random, named, unpowered member of the Fellowship
Mr Russell wrote:
There is a lot of powers here. Good luck with the spreadsheet!
If Frodo dies, does his 'steal ring back' power pass as well?
If Frodo and Sam die while the ring is in Gollum's power then is the ring gone for good?
If Gollum gets the ring and nobody can steal it back, does he lose his kill power?
What happens if a blocker blocks a blocker?
1 - Nope
2 - Yes, unless Gollun is killed, whereby it passes back to a random Fellowship type
3 - Yes, he just wants to hide at that point
4 - Argh! Didn't think of that. I will have a think.
What happens if saruman targets a named person? Is his target told?
Trooper wrote:
What happens if saruman targets a named person? Is his target told?
Nope! Saruman is just told it didn't work.
I think that I have sent out all of the roles now. Drop me a PM if not, or if you have a question.
Game will start soon.
Can someone open the dead thread please...
Dead thread me up would you