The 'Yay!' thread
post about good things
*Large family fistbump!*
I have made my wife pregnant
ZOMG Spoiler! Click here to view!
times and we have 4 kids. I am pretty sure there is something not quite right with me.
Took my son to the local Post Office with me today. I know the people who run it quite well.

When I walked in the guy said hello and then said "is that your grandson" :DD

I'm 45 but didn't think I looked that old :)

Told my work mates and have had to suffer amazon links for worlds best granddad mugs etc all afternoon!
I sometimes wonder how many people would assume I'm my son's grandmother when I take him to the park. My friend who has a little boy who has also recently turned one is 45, so has eight years on me, and between us I wonder if folks assume us to be grandparents. It doesn't bother me beyond just feeling really happy/proud that he is my little boy, and wanting people to know that.

Anyway, two generations having babies at 22 isn't particularly young, so you could easily be a grandad! Two generations having babies at 18 would be just 36, after all. We are most of us here grandparent age :)
Mimi wrote:
I sometimes wonder how many people would assume I'm my son's grandmother when I take him to the park. My friend who has a little boy who has also recently turned one is 45, so has eight years on me, and between us I wonder if folks assume us to be grandparents. It doesn't bother me beyond just feeling really happy/proud that he is my little boy, and wanting people to know that.

Anyway, two generations having babies at 22 isn't particularly young, so you could easily be a grandad! Two generations having babies at 18 would be just 36, after all. We are most of us here grandparent age :)

My mum was a grand parent at 46 (I was born when she was 22, my son was born when I was 23. So almost spot on.
Last night, I fulfilled a life long dream.
You have weird dreams.
Eat the bread!

Sidestep left!
DavPaz wrote:
Put the bread into your knapsack!

Sidestep left!

Now go pour Mali a drink!
Cycle to work scheme has arrived at work!
MaliA wrote:
Cycle to work scheme has arrived at work!

yay, £1000 tax free loan :)
MaliA wrote:
Cycle to work scheme has arrived at work!

At my work it was never popular as you were locked in to a couple of places and the vouchers were only for RRP so you were always paying over the odds for a bike, it often worked out better for them to buy at sale prices

Not sure this has to happen in every scheme though.
I think it is down to the suppliers, my bike was reduced to £999, so I could get it on the scheme. I think I ended up paying about £700
Don't forget the weird stuff about actually having to buy it at the end.
Ah. Yeah. Thinking about a Zobop but might have to clear some space* and the color is too low key. N+1

*Removing wheels and keeping them seperate from frame fools MrsA into thinking it is not a bike.
Cras wrote:
Don't forget the weird stuff about actually having to buy it at the end.

That was including the £70 fee to extend by a few years...
Just got an email from my physio, i can get a free months membership to the Nuffield gym.

It has a pool, so free swimmign for a month
Had a really good day off sorting out stuff in the house.

Got rid of loads of crap from my garage and also put in some storage that work didn't want any more

So now garage is nice and tidy, also there has been a knock on effect else where in the house as stuff has been moved around

Sounds trivial but a we have been away for weekends or ill for the last month so its great to get something done for a change!

Also viewed a really nice house, so now have to spend the weekend convincing my wife that new Windows, doors and carpets are not really a big issue aside from money :)
That was a nice touch for the 2 minutes of silence :)
asfish wrote:
That was a nice touch for the 2 minutes of silence :)

What was??
KovacsC wrote:
asfish wrote:
That was a nice touch for the 2 minutes of silence :)

What was??

During the 2 minutes of silence the site showed For the Fallen by Laurence Binyon instead of the normal forum page.
Beex (and all the websites I make) shut down at 11am for two minutes. They actually did it at 11am this year, which was nice.
Grim... wrote:
Beex (and all the websites I make) shut down at 11am for two minutes. They actually did it at 11am this year, which was nice.

Never seen this before, surprised the BBC etc don't do it.
Nice touch Grim...

Of course, most of us don't notice it as we don't use the two minutes silence to surf on the information super highway! :attitude:
Zardoz wrote:
Nice touch Grim...

Of course, most of us don't notice it as we don't use the two minutes silence to surf on the information super highway! :attitude:

This. I don't so I missed it
MiniPaz (the 5yo girl. Keep up!) lost her first baby tooth last night. It's been wobbly for fucking ages, but she's been too much of a wuss to just pull it out.
DavPaz wrote:
MiniPaz (the 5yo girl. Keep up!) lost her first baby tooth last night. It's been wobbly for fucking ages, but she's been too much of a wuss to just pull it out.

I remember when I was a kid as soon as a tooth started wobbling I'd jab it back and forth til it came out. Usually took a couple of days max. My little girl is also a massive wuss and as such it'll take weeks and weeks for wobbly teeth to come out, meanwhile she moans every time she eats that it hurts.
In the pub at 11am, watching the test match.

Alright, we're only here for brekkie and surrounded by kids, but still... pub!
The wife and I are off out tonight with no kids!

We're going to see Chris Barron from the Spin Doctors as he's doing a solo tour.. I fully expect there to be about 4 people in the audience but that's alright. I reckon it'll be fun all the same.
TheVision wrote:
The wife and I are off out tonight with no kids!

We're going to see Chris Barron from the Spin Doctors as he's doing a solo tour.. I fully expect there to be about 4 people in the audience but that's alright. I reckon it'll be fun all the same.

Good for you! Every parent needs a few kid free nights, just watch the beer though as the kids will be there in the morning showing no regard for your bad head!
asfish wrote:
TheVision wrote:
The wife and I are off out tonight with no kids!

We're going to see Chris Barron from the Spin Doctors as he's doing a solo tour.. I fully expect there to be about 4 people in the audience but that's alright. I reckon it'll be fun all the same.

Good for you! Every parent needs a few kid free nights, just watch the beer though as the kids will be there in the morning showing no regard for your bad head!

That's fine, I don't drink so I'll be the one getting up early with them... I'm also off out tomorrow night with a couple of old friends so I guess it's the least I can do.
asfish wrote:
TheVision wrote:
The wife and I are off out tonight with no kids!

We're going to see Chris Barron from the Spin Doctors as he's doing a solo tour.. I fully expect there to be about 4 people in the audience but that's alright. I reckon it'll be fun all the same.

Good for you! Every parent needs a few kid free nights, just watch the beer though as the kids will be there in the morning showing no regard for your bad head!

Not in Portugal
We had our first night away without our daughter the other week. Arrived in Manchester at lunchtime, looked in a few shops then hit the bars wandering from one to the next, had a bite to eat and then went to a gig at the Deaf Institute and a couple of beers afterwards. All the while knowing that we could take as long as we needed the next day before going home. It was brilliant.
As much as I love the boys, I love it when we get a night out just the two of us, even if it's not a whole night away and a quiet morning the next day. But at some point in the evening we invariably end up talking about the bloody kids.
MrChris wrote:
As much as I love the boys, I love it when we get a night out just the two of us, even if it's not a whole night away and a quiet morning the next day. But at some point in the evening we invariably end up talking about the bloody kids.

Talk to Mark about Quadcopters instead?
So Talk About Games instead?
The outcome of babyjoans-gate has arrived.

I now seem to have a neice.

Joans wrote:
The outcome of babyjoans-gate has arrived.

I now seem to have a neice.


Congrats :)
(Partial) TATTIES!
Excellent work.
Congrats! Be the best uncle and spoil her rotten.
The family resemblance is uncanny.
Brilliant, Uncle Joans :)
Congratulations :luv:
Congrats, Joans!

(sorry only just seen this)
Why are you congratulating Joans, he didn't do anything!

Congratulations Joans :)
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