Gas Guzzling Money Pits
pointless expenses and cars
Whoa! Sorry to hear that, glad you're OK.
Blimey we've had our differences but I'm glad you're not dead. Also where are the pictures? Nobody in their right mind rolls a car, gets out and doesn't take pictures.
Cavey wrote:
KovacsC wrote:
Cavey wrote:
Two belms for the price of one too... it's an S4, not an S6, which sadly doesn't come with a Lamborghini engine. So my bad again.

I'm doing well today :'(

we missed you :)

How are you doing fella?

Aw thanks Kov, I'm okay, hope you are too. Still recovering from smashed ribs etc but back to 80% now - rolled the A3 at 50mph after a foreign van driver did an impromptu u turn from the inside lane of an A road, directly in front of me when I was literally almost alongside in the second lane. Nice, but happy to still be here. :)

Hence the full size Range Rover. :) I want 0% chance of Mrs C ever having to go through that.

Oh bloody hell!!
markg wrote:
Blimey we've had our differences but I'm glad you're not dead. Also where are the pictures? Nobody in their right mind rolls a car, gets out and doesn't take pictures.

When I was younger, my dather's office in tbe middle east had pictures of the Discoveries, Cherokees and Vitaras that had been crashed in the desert. It was somewhat sobering, but we always travelled in the one with the roll cage.
Cavey wrote:

rolled the A3 at 50mph.

Now who's swivel-eyed? :p

Sounds horrible, glad you're recovering well.
Cavey: survival 5 o/
Cavey wrote:
Gah sorry my bad. Hate typing on phones.
It's just the one 'Sport' ;)

Ok cobber
Thanks very much guys :hug:
Photo incoming stand by
Jesus. Glad you survived!
It was lucky that you landed right infront of that fire engine Cavey.

Seriously though, glad you're OK! That looks like it could have been really, really nasty!
MaliA wrote:
How's Eric and Ernie?

They weren't in the car bank goodness. They are fine mate but Rric is getting very old now and has sore eyes we're sending him to a specialist :(
Says something about Audi's design language that it looks better upside down ;)

(glad you're OK dude)
Technically only a half roll. 6/10.
My gran parks better than that and she's been dead for 18 years
Heh! :D
My parking is usually WQRSE than that...
Everything is very tidy underneath with all those covers.

Should have whipped them bits off for weight reduction and maybe you'd have got your full roll then.

Dab of oppo' and away.
Death traps those Audis. Especially white ones.
Holy shit Cavey glad you were all in one piece!

Did the dodgy van driver stick around to help out?
Hearthly wrote:
Holy shit Cavey glad you were all in one piece!

Did the dodgy van driver stick around to help out?

Cheers bud. :)
Nah, the van driver got the bloody ambulance while some lovely young lass (a total stranger) had to drive me home - about 30 miles and completely out of her way! Some people are just lovely, such kindness.

When I went to the minor injuries unit they said ", I think you need to get your ass down to A&E, you knob". But heck, it could've been so much worse, I got off amazingly light.

Never again will I moan about airbags and suchlike. If it wasn't for "all that safety crap", I never would've seen my wife, kids and friends again. Not often I'm *totally* humbled but I certainly am on this one.

It's actually the case that you think about all this stuff *in real time*. I swear time slows down one-hundred fold; I was calm but preparing myself mentally, considering my own mortality and not even seeing my lovely wife's face ever again even as the car rolled. It's the weirdest thing ever, like some overdrive mode.
Buy a dash cam for the new car. It won't stop the crashed but it'll be handy evidence should anyone do something daft.
You missed "posters on BeeX", there, Cavey.
Good grief Cavey - I'm glad to hear you're okay! :hug:
Glad to hear you're ok Cavey.
Thanks guys. I'm okay, honestly... a tough old git! :D

@ Dr Z - I was very fortunate to have two excellently placed witnesses to the crash, but I do take your point about a dashcam. Time will tell of course, but I've been told it's about as clear cut liability-wise as it's ever going to be (even though liability has not (yet) been admitted... bring it on if it goes to court I say).
Blimey! Glad you're okay mate!
Fuuuuuuuuuck! Jesus, Cavey!

I'm glad you're alright, bloody hell. :/
Blooming Nora! Congratulations on coming out okay (and strolling insouciantly into minor injuries, that's a corker). Phew!
Christ Cavey, glad to see you are ok,
Crumbs, I'm glad you're OK Cavey.

I hope you dragged yourself out of your mashed up car and said something bad-ass and cool - "It's times like this you need to *roll* with the punches".
Squirt wrote:
Crumbs, I'm glad you're OK Cavey.

I hope you dragged yourself out of your mashed up car and said something bad-ass and cool - "It's times like this you need to *roll* with the punches".


But seriously thanks guys I am fine, I live to witter on about shite another day. :luv:
Cavey wrote:
But seriously thanks guys I am fine, I live to witter on about shite another day. :luv:

Which is awesome..
This company does good deals for car leasing and will email them out each week if you register.

Don't lease myself but 5 or so guys I work with have leased from there guys in the last 18 months
Took the S4 out for a proper test drive of around 12 miles, (he gave me the key and sent me on my way so it wasn't a chaperoned test drive), was shaking hands on it soon after getting back to the dealer's.

I got a nice quiet stretch of the mountain to myself, came to a halt, and then planted my foot on the accelerator. 333bhp from a supercharged three litre V6, delivered through Audi's quattro system, feels and sounds about as awesome as you would imagine.

It is very 'Audi A4' in a lot of ways but I'm fine with that, and this example is well equipped. (The dual SD card slots are a nice touch.)

Got £8K for the Merc, it was booking at £7650 but he bumped it up to £8000 and also apologised for the trouble I've had with the Parktronic. He said he hadn't realised I'd taken it back so many times and if he'd been involved personally would have got it sorted out for me a lot sooner. (Apparently he delegates a lot of stuff to his other dealership and doesn't get involved unless something is flagged up as needing him.) Obviously there was no 'penalty' for the Parktronic situation and he'll take the Merc back as is and take on responsibility for getting it fixed once and for all.

S4 will come fully serviced, taxed until end-April next year, two new front tyres, and 12 months warranty. Should be ready to collect on Tuesday with all change of ownership gubbins done and paperwork ready.

On the test drive I averaged 16.2mpg.....



Be alright once you've sprayed the wheels black.
And installed a Park-tronic.
I took my boss' S4 for a test-drive once (the generation before that) and I found it to be a horrible understeery mess.
Does it come with a roll cage?
GazChap wrote:
I took my boss' S4 for a test-drive once (the generation before that) and I found it to be a horrible understeery mess.

Wasn't that the one with the massive V8 lump in it though? This has the positively sprightly V6 in it and they totally sorted out all the understeering probably.

There are quite a few reviews of this car on YouTube and generally speaking it seems to be pretty well regarded in terms of its handling.
Nigel Farage likes his.
Lonewolves wrote:
Does it come with a roll cage?

Nice wheels mate. :)

It's a smart, understated motor; no-one would batt an eyelid if turning up to a meeting or whatever, but it goes pretty damn well, and has foolproof, default (benign) understeer handling, with great traction and roadholding. Stonking turbo midrange too.

It'll never bite, basically, which anyone sensible (i.e. not me) would say is a good thing. Plus it's well made and safe, and someone else has taken the initial depreciation hit.

I loved my TTs, and the A3 saved my ass. You could do much worse I reckon. :)
Hearthly wrote:
GazChap wrote:
I took my boss' S4 for a test-drive once (the generation before that) and I found it to be a horrible understeery mess.

Wasn't that the one with the massive V8 lump in it though? This has the positively sprightly V6 in it and they totally sorted out all the understeering probably.

Yep, 4.2 V8.

Kerb weights for both generations seem similar, not sure which engine is heavier though.
Looks good. Still won't let you out at junctions, mind.
Cavey wrote:
Nice wheels mate. :)

It's a smart, understated motor; no-one would batt an eyelid if turning up to a meeting or whatever, but it goes pretty damn well, and has foolproof, default (benign) understeer handling, with great traction and roadholding. Stonking turbo midrange too.

It'll never bite, basically, which anyone sensible (i.e. not me) would say is a good thing. Plus it's well made and safe, and someone else has taken the initial depreciation hit.

I loved my TTs, and the A3 saved my ass. You could do much worse I reckon. :)

Thanks Cavey, and wouldn't disagree with anything you've said there.

An S4 won't provide the levels of involvement or excitement that your Porsche will, or that something along the lines of an M3 would - but it's very fast in a straight line and reasonably adept through the corners in the way I'll be driving it, which is to say not on the edge as it'll always be on public roads! (I have no intention of tracking it, although they do run track days up at Jurby Airfield on a reasonably regular basis, I'm not sure I'd want to destroy a set of tyres and brakes in an afternoon :D)

In my head I've been looking for some sort of midpoint between the Scooby and the Merc. Four doors, good sized boot, capable family vehicle basically, plus a good turn of speed and fun to drive, but nicely equipped and comfortable. (The Scooby was somewhat spartan and uncomfortable, the Merc didn't tick the 'fun' box at all, and whilst the 7G-Tronic was good it was a long way behind either a decent manual box or the DSG on the S4.)

At 9 months before moving on the Merc has been pretty short-lived even by my standards (I generally manage 12-24 months), so let's see how the S4 fares :D

EDIT - There was a revision on the insurance as well, the £425 was from Elephant as the local broker who I normally go through was having trouble finding the car so couldn't quote. I returned again this afternoon to basically say 'You need to find this car on your system before Tuesday next week or I'll have to get insured somewhere else', and then one call to the dealer later to clarify what it might turn up as (something totally daft like 'Audi A4 Multitronic Quattro S4' or something), and I was told it'd be just £20 for the rest of the year, and then the full year renewal would come in at around £300, which is hardly any more than the Merc. The benefits of being an old fucker I suppose :)
It may as well be painted in corduroy. Jesus, that is one dull arse looking car. If I was chucking that much cash at something that's just a car, I'd have bought something somewhat dafter and more interesting.

Mind you, it's your toy, and as long as you're happy with it!
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