The 'NAY!' Thread
DavPaz wrote:
flis wrote:
After ongoing lady-drama, I now have to go for a scan to take a look at a suspected mass. I was much, much more concerned about the result of the pregnancy test the doctor made me do while she narrowed down some options...! Thankfully, that came back negative but it was a rather intense 2 minutes. Not unlike conception usually is. Now onto the list of other not-so-sinister/sinister things it could possibly be.

Tempted to ask them to just whip the whole lot out to be honest, it all just causes me grief.

Bold make davpaz laugh.

Two minutes?! Who's he showing off to?
Hope it's all OK flis :luv:
Thanks guys :)

I've gone private for the scan so I can get it all out of the way as soon as possible. It's on Monday so I'll probably have that done before the various other test results are even back with the doctor! Still, waiting around in limbo is the worst part so there's some relief in getting it over with.
Good luck Flis. I hope it all works out for you.
Lost half a stone in a week. Good job, antibiotics
Ice on my window screen this morning. :(
Goddess Jasmine wrote:
Ice on my window screen this morning. :(

So you dropped to one knee, arm aloft and downed it there and then. Good commitment.
Mr Dave wrote:
Goddess Jasmine wrote:
Ice on my window screen this morning. :(

So you dropped to one knee, arm aloft and downed it there and then. Good commitment.

I actually laughed out loud at that. Good work Sir. :)
I've got to have a root canal and a crown on one of my teeth next week... Oh, and a filling.

And then another filling the week after.


Has anyone ever had a root canal before? I think it's going to be painful.
Not that bad really just imagine having a filling but rather that one of those little dentists drills they're using a Black and Decker, on hammer, with a masonry bit.

Honestly, though, I don't remember it being painful at all, just a bit more drilling etc than a normal filling.
markg wrote:
Not that bad really just imagine having a filling but rather that one of those little dentists drills they're using a Black and Decker, on hammer, with a masonry bit.

Honestly, though, I don't remember it being painful at all, just a bit more drilling etc than a normal filling.


They should anaesthetise the fuck out of your face. I didn't have any pain at all for the two I had done. There's a degree of weird discomfort as they hollow out the root with some weird scrapey wire tool, but it shouldn't actually hurt unless they're doing it wrong.
That's reassuring. Thanks.

I only have myself to blame as I haven't been to the dentist in about 9 years.
Don't read that chapter set at the dentist from A Million Little Pieces.
Now I need to read A Million Little Pieces again.
The chapter is here. Linked, so the dentophobic can choose to click:

A Million Little Teethys
TheVision wrote:
Has anyone ever had a root canal before? I think it's going to be painful.

It can be fairly straightforward with minimal discomfort, or really fucking painful.
Depends on the tooth and dentist with some pot luck thrown in I'm afraid.
The root canal itself is unlikely to be painful if the dentist is doing their job properly but there's a small chance you'll be in excruciating pain afterwards.

Jem wrote:
The root canal itself is unlikely to be painful if the dentist is doing their job properly but there's a small chance you'll be in excruciating pain afterwards.


In times like these I find it heartening to hark back to hearthly's ball posts. They ease any imminent pain.
My sister has permanently fucked and infected sinuses and nerve damage due to a botched wisdom tooth extraction. Shame dentists aren't proper doctors, then they might be vaguely competent
Mine is excellent now, but one of the previous dentists I used was a total bodger. This only came to light when a) he vanished without a trace, and b) a few years later, work he'd done fell apart.
So, on Monday I had my root canal treatment and it wasn't that bad. During the procedure I didn't suffer any pain, just a bit of discomfort.

I've now got a plastic cap over my tooth until I have a crown fitted next week but... It's quite painful whenever I bite on it. I know it's only been a couple of days since the procedure so maybe it will ease? But still, it hurts!
Don't bite on it.
It should settle down within a few days.
Dr Zoidberg wrote:

Pardon you.
Hahaha, because his name is like a fart which is rude and funny.
Silent trumpers won him the election. Silent but deadly.
It took my train (and me) five hours to get home from London last night. Fuck you, trains.
Grim... wrote:
It took my train (and me) five hours to get home from London last night. Fuck you, trains.

Thanks Obama Trump!
Grim... wrote:
It took my train (and me) five hours to get home from London last night. Fuck you, trains.

How long does it normally take (for context)?
An hour and a half, once I'm on the train.
Was there a fatality? I try to keep train delays in perspective as at least I'm not dead/grieving a loved one.
Nah, signals got damaged at Luton.
Grim... wrote:
Nah, signals got damaged at Luton.

That tram thing though. Shee-it. Nasty.
Grim... wrote:
An hour and a half, once I'm on the train.

That is quite some delay :(
Jem wrote:
Grim... wrote:
An hour and a half, once I'm on the train.

That is quite some delay :(

I thought he replied quite quickly.
Lonewolves wrote:
Jem wrote:
Grim... wrote:
An hour and a half, once I'm on the train.

That is quite some delay :(

I thought he replied quite quickly.

BBC News are live at Bedford station right now Grim... go get yourself on telly.
Were they talking about the devastated train service?
Indeed, still fucked tomorrow too apparently
So I see. Twats.
Grim... wrote:
So I see. Twats.

If only you had a bike licence...
DBSnappa wrote:
Grim... wrote:
So I see. Twats.

If only you had a bike licence...

And a bike.
My tooth still hurts.
After waiting 5 weeks for my IPhone 7 plus to arriving and owning it for all of 20 hours I dropped it whilst out for a walk an broke the screen :(

There are no companies locally doing repairs on 7's as the moment but found one that does and sent it off

The case I ordered for the 7 plus should arrive today from Amazon :)
Paid a foreign truck driver to do a job for me, but he hasn't completed it and has fucked off with the money! :(
Bobbyaro wrote:
Paid a foreign truck driver to do a job for me, but he hasn't completed it and has fucked off with the money! :(

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