Political Banter and Debate Thread
Countdown to a flight-free UK
298 Clinton
240 Trump

46.5% Trump
47.5% Clinton

Senate goes blue, house does not.
Curiosity wrote:
I'm going for a perfect 50/50 in the Senate

It's possible. Might as well make the Vice-President do something for a change.
298 Trump
240 Clinton.

Trump fits the narrative and a woman US President in a conservative country?
Depression 2 - Me 0
It's 2016. Of *course* Trump is going to win.
Mr Dave wrote:
Depression 2 - Me 0

Depression 2 - Us WHIP WHIP WHIP
Despite being in DC I expect you'll know before me as I'll have fallen asleep before the result and you will wake up to the news.
Sadly I expect a slim trump win.
I've booked tomorrow off to stay up for it
The true nightmare scenario of course is a Clinton win in the EC and a Trump win in the popular vote. That way nightmares lie.
Cras wrote:
I've booked tomorrow off to stay up for it

I am doing a virtual training course today and tomrrow
it's being run by a guy in California, so we're operating on his timezone
starting at 15:00 and finishing at 23:00
So I can stay up late watch this (and the cricket, go multitasking) and then sleep for a bit before finishing my training course
Mr Dave wrote:
Depression 2 - Me 0

Called it.
DavPaz wrote:
It's 2016. Of *course* Trump is going to win.

Also called it
I might as well go and put a grand on Corbyn winning a landslide in 2020, the Lib Dems forming the official opposition, and David Bowie doing a comeback tour with Elvis.
DavPaz wrote:
DavPaz wrote:
It's 2016. Of *course* Trump is going to win.

Also called it

MaliA wrote:
DavPaz wrote:
DavPaz wrote:
It's 2016. Of *course* Trump is going to win.

Also called it


DavPaz wrote:
MaliA wrote:
DavPaz wrote:
DavPaz wrote:
It's 2016. Of *course* Trump is going to win.

Also called it



Still time
Did anyone here actually bet on the US election?
Mr Russell wrote:
Did anyone here actually bet on the US election?

Curio did.

I wish I had.
Mr Russell wrote:
Did anyone here actually bet on the US election?

Outside bet on Rutherford Hayes.
We should have seen 'Boaty Mcboatface' as an omen, not a jolly jape.
Cavey wrote:
Fuck's sake. Please tell me this guy isn't going to be President, guys. Please.
Doctor Glyndwr wrote:
He's not. He's going to be the Republican candidate, is the betting man's option right now, but I wouldn't put any money down on him to win. He's unlectable with everyone who isn't a GOP wingnut.

Hello! Not stopping or anything, but for such a dark, miserable morning you've got to laugh at something, so it might just as well be another one of Gaywood's "science" grand assertion outcomes, eh readers? :roll:


PS: Hi Mali and Kern. :hug:
Hey Cavey, nice to see you, albeit briefly.
Hi Cavey.

Let me know if you're ever in the Shire.

[Quick boys, grab him before he escapes]
Cavey wrote:
Fuck's sake. Please tell me this guy isn't going to be President, guys. Please.
He's not. He's going to be the Republican candidate, is the betting man's option right now, but I wouldn't put any money down on him to win. He's unlectable with everyone who isn't a GOP wingnut.

Hello! Not stopping or anything, but for such a dark, miserable morning you've got to laugh at something, so it might just as well be another one of Gaywood's "science" grand assertion outcomes, eh readers? :roll:


PS: Hi Mali and Kern. :hug:
Heh, it's almost as funny as when you kept saying that having an EU referendum was not a terrible idea since we would never vote to leave anyway.
Yup, I get things wrong too (although without wanting to sound immodest, I call it better than most), but I'm always happy to say so/admit it when I do get it wrong, in all humility and honesty. Better than some I could mention, eh Mark.

But anyway, done and dusted. Given all the digs etc. I've endured over the years, I reckon I've earned having one last good old chuckle, and reading back it is most amusing.

You can have your lame echo chamber back now, before people start demanding thread-hiding buttons (again), or worse. :)
Mr Russell wrote:
Hey Cavey, nice to see you, albeit briefly.

Thanks Russ. Hope all is well. :)
Regards to Meems. :)
Kern wrote:
Hi Cavey.

Let me know if you're ever in the Shire.

[Quick boys, grab him before he escapes]

I will do Kern, I will PM you at some point if you fancy a beer. :)
Wait, your flounce was about my throwaway quip about hiding the politics thread? That wasn't aimed at you, you big dafty. :)
Cras wrote:
The true nightmare scenario of course is a Clinton win in the EC and a Trump win in the popular vote.

" Bill Clinton disparagingly referred to Jeremy Corbyn as being selected for Labour leader because he was “the maddest person in the room”, according to a leaked transcript of a campaign speech he made last year."


“The British Labour party disposed of its most [inaudible] leader, David Miliband, because they were mad at him for being part of Tony Blair’s government in the Iraq war,” Clinton said.

“And they moved to the left and put his brother in as leader because the British labour movement wanted it. When David Cameron thumped him in the election, they reached the interesting conclusion that they lost because they hadn’t moved far left enough, and so they went out and practically got a guy off the street to be the leader of the British Labour party.”
Lonewolves wrote:
Cras wrote:
The true nightmare scenario of course is a Clinton win in the EC and a Trump win in the popular vote.


I still maintain that would have been worse. At least this way the millions of racists are smug instead of angry.
Oh mate, no. Millions of racists now feel they have the full backing of the state.
markg wrote:
Oh mate, no. Millions of racists now feel they have the full backing of the state.

There's that, of course, and we've seen the results of that here - but I honestly think that if Trump lost narrowly, we'd have seen rioting.
I would be chuckling too, Cavey, if only Trump wasn't the kind of man that he is... openly supporting sexual abuse, with alleged child sex offences, openly racist and homophobic, etc.

So laughing right now seems a little insensitive to those of us without privilege of being born white male.

You're missed by many, but not for smugness.
TheVision wrote:
MaliA wrote:
I think Trump will win. It is too soon for a female US president. There will be another President Clinton, and she will be elected some time after 2031 and be Chelsea.

I'm taking this to William Hill... Can you lend me a tenner?

Wish I had.
I like that his throbbing rage hard-on for me is seemingly the only thing that can bring Cavey out of retirement. Still, as wrong as my post was in the end, I think it was a reasonable enough supposition at the time; it was a long time ago and the world changed, is all. On balance I think I'll continue to put trust in science over whatever Cavey has used to convince himself climate change isn't real.
Being told by the Doc that political science is proper science pleases me greatly.
Jem wrote:
I would be chuckling too, Cavey, if only Trump wasn't the kind of man that he is... openly supporting sexual abuse, with alleged child sex offences, openly racist and homophobic, etc.

So laughing right now seems a little insensitive to those of us without privilege of being born white male.

You're missed by many, but not for smugness.

Sorry Jem. :luv:
For the avoidance of any doubt, I'm as gutted as anyone here at the election of a man like Trump to President; this unforeseen (to me at least) regressive landslide back to (ahem) 'Caveman Politics' we're witnessing is beyond appalling, surely to anyone with a sense of decency, as against the backdrop of all that has been painstakingly (and painfully incrementally) achieved - rightfully of course - by many. This, together with Brexit, is almost too much to bear.

I'm sorry, then, that my post looked smug - actually it was gallows humour, taking the piss out of Gaywood's pomposity if you will, an easy enough target if ever there was, but it's a wry, empty laugh. (To be honest I was clinging onto the hope he was right, as no doubt some others were re. my being right about Brexit.... democracy's a bitch).

Anyway, hope you're well sweetheart. :)
Yeah, it didn't come across well, Cavey. Glad to see you though - hope you'll stick around as the person who was unnecessarily cruel to you is on their last warning.
Doctor Glyndwr wrote:
I like that his throbbing rage hard-on for me is seemingly the only thing that can bring Cavey out of retirement. Still, as wrong as my post was in the end, I think it was a reasonable enough supposition at the time; it was a long time ago and the world changed, is all. On balance I think I'll continue to put trust in science over whatever Cavey has used to convince himself climate change isn't real.

Being told *I* am supposedly the one with the throbbing hard on for *you* results in chandrasekhar limit-sized ironing, though I freely admit to enjoying this particular swipe at that ego of yours. Sorry, I know I shouldn't, but I'm only human after all. :D

No doubt this another furious gif-fuelled, graphics-heavy response will ensue from you. I do hope so, as I always enjoyed them.
Kern wrote:
Being told by the Doc that political science is proper science pleases me greatly.

Well, sciencish. Let's not go mad :)
Doctor Glyndwr wrote:
Kern wrote:
Being told by the Doc that political science is proper science pleases me greatly.

Well, sciencish. Let's not go mad :)

I was on the verge of being able to call myself a master of science. But sadly I am the master of sciencish. It'll have to do-sciencish is what people probably want now, anyway.
JBR wrote:
I was on the verge of being able to call myself a master of science. But sadly I am the master of sciencish. It'll have to do-sciencish is what people probably want now, anyway.

The big issue is the repeatibility one; you can't run an experiment twice and verify the results. Without a parallel universe machine or a really big computer simulation, anyway.
Looks like it's between me and MaliA as to who wins the prediction game, it's all down to the last few states to declare.
Not sure who is Trump and who is Clinton in this particular battle...
Trooper wrote:
Looks like it's between me and MaliA as to who wins the prediction game, it's all down to the last few states to declare.
Not sure who is Trump and who is Clinton in this particular battle...

You're both unlikable tbf
Cavey wrote:
Anyway, hope you're well sweetheart. :)

Utterly distraught just about covers it.
Jem wrote:
Cavey wrote:
Anyway, hope you're well sweetheart. :)

Utterly distraught just about covers it.

Gah, it's only politics Jem, the power of the Presidency is far from absolute and there's just no way he's going to be able to pull off more than a small fraction of the demented stuff he was banging on about during his campaign - and that's even assuming he even wants to do so? After all, he's been playing to the gallery (among the more swivel-eyed demographic elements) just to get elected, plain and simple.

I'm not suggesting this isn't a bleak day, nor that we haven't regressed 15 years, but there will be a recovery from this. In the grand scheme of things and on decades timescales, this will, I am sure, be viewed as little more than a symptomatic blip, the "fuckwit's last hurrah" if you like; it's not as though the fundamental, Big Picture liberal drivers that push human advancement positively forward have gone away.

Yes, I'm an Optimist for sure, but this is my take on it. Plus, from this moment forwards, I very much doubt that any liberally progressive Party will ever, ever put forward a damaged-goods and/or uncharismatic, lacklustre candidate just because it's their turn or whatever, ever again. Complacency be damned.

(On a more personal note, if you ever fancy a chat you know where I am. If nothing else, my blind, child-like worldview has got to raise spirits a little, amirite? :hug: )
Cavey wrote:
the power of the Presidency is far from absolute

It was for Obama because Republicans controlled the house and the senate. Now they hold all three key positions.
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