Gas Guzzling Money Pits
pointless expenses and cars
Ooh, that sounds quite fun! Even hooning her 900cc Kia Pincanto around that would probably be fun. I imagine Hertz wouldn't be too happy if I hired something fancy from them and took it to a track, however :/
Squirt wrote:
Ooh, that sounds quite fun! Even hooning her 900cc Kia Pincanto around that would probably be fun. I imagine Hertz wouldn't be too happy if I hired something fancy from them and took it to a track, however :/

Probably not, although always worth checking Ts and Cs. A lot of hire companies exclude competitive driving, but a track day isn't a competitive event.

There've been a few instances have hired a car, screwed it up, then got people to push the car out of the track area into the nearby villages etc. and called the AA from there ;)
Here's me taking the M5 estate around the track. I had good fun in this, despite it basically being a boat - so a Kia Picanto should be just as fun!

//edit: And just for completeness, here's the Celica...
How much do you want to spend? A PalmerSport day is the best track day you can do,but it costs around £800 for the day...
I did a rally day, it was excellent. Hooning it around a dirt track in a 205.
Trooper wrote:
How much do you want to spend? A PalmerSport day is the best track day you can do,but it costs around £800 for the day...

Jeeez! I mean I love her and all, but that's a lot of cash ;)
Trooper wrote:
How much do you want to spend? A PalmerSport day is the best track day you can do,but it costs around £800 for the day...

Jeeez! I mean I love her and all, but that's a lot of cash ;)

This didn't fit in it.
Seriously thinking about going to take a look at this and waft it around for a test drive, in an attempt to better my '£50K car' for £10.5K shenanigans with the Merc, except this time with Lexus (well, Toyota) build quality.

This is the SE-L variant so its list price at new was at least £71K (!!), and it has a 4.6 V8 putting out 381bhp, so despite weighing as much as one of Jupiter's larger moons, it'll do 0-60mph in 5.5 seconds and charge out to an electronically limited 155mph.

As the SE-L it should apparently be able to park itself and it scans the driver's face at all times, and then nags them if it looks like they're falling asleep behind the wheel, which I guess is a good thing.

I'm just trying to find new echelons of stupid, basically.


It plays CDs!

Yes. Do it
Is the electric retractable rear blind a Roller or Venetian?
Zardoz wrote:
Is the electric retractable rear blind a Roller or Venetian?

That's definitely something I'd be clarifying before making any decision to purchase.

By all accounts the SE-L variant of this car was loaded with what was pretty much space-age technology for cars in 2007 (in a deliberate attempt to better Merc/BMW/Audi which is where Lexus were duelling with this car), and yet the dealer has gone with 'retractable rear blind' (electric!) as a selling point.

Unfortunately as a bit of a niche car there's not a massive amount of info about it out there, but there are some video reviews on YouTube including a Fifth Gear segment - and it says the SE-L parks itself, scans your face all the time and nags you depending on general composure and what you're looking at, has that lane following stuff, and will also dab the brakes if it thinks you're not paying attention enough.

But yes, let's go with 'retractable rear blind' (electric).
A niche car, with aging experimental electronics. What could possibly go wrong? :D
Zardoz wrote:
A niche car, with aging experimental electronics. What could possibly go wrong? :D

What's Lexus for Parktronic?
Dr Zoidberg wrote:
Zardoz wrote:
A niche car, with aging experimental electronics. What could possibly go wrong? :D

What's Lexus for Parktronic?

IPAS, I believe.
I'm strongly considering replacing the Leaf with a BMW 520d (probably estate, but not ruled out saloon) in September when the lease is up.
Grim... wrote:
Dr Zoidberg wrote:
Zardoz wrote:
A niche car, with aging experimental electronics. What could possibly go wrong? :D

What's Lexus for Parktronic?

IPAS, I believe.

I'd pass too.
GazChap wrote:
I'm strongly considering replacing the Leaf with a BMW 520d (probably estate, but not ruled out saloon) in September when the lease is up.

Was that a one year lease?

How did that work out financially? Did you save a considerable amount on fuel?

99% of my driving is to Bedford train station and back, and they have free parking for EVs, so I could potentially save a fortune.

I'm actually quite interested in a G-Wiz, mainly due to the comedy value of me getting in and out of it :D
GazChap wrote:
I'm strongly considering replacing the Leaf with a BMW 520d (probably estate, but not ruled out saloon) in September when the lease is up.

I think people need to remember what this thread is titled. Sometimes I feel like I'm the only one who's really putting any effort in :metul:
Hearthly wrote:
Sometimes I feel like I'm the only one who's really putting any effort in :metul:

Ahem. I've still got a Tomcat (and it's running again! Excite!).

When you get that barge down to 11MPG let me know.
Grim... wrote:
I'm actually quite interested in a G-Wiz, mainly due to the comedy value of me getting in and out of it :D

Grim... wrote:
GazChap wrote:
I'm strongly considering replacing the Leaf with a BMW 520d (probably estate, but not ruled out saloon) in September when the lease is up.

Was that a one year lease?


How did that work out financially? Did you save a considerable amount on fuel?

Depends how you look at it, really. Here's the total costs for the two year period (with the time up to September 2017 estimated, and assuming nothing unexpected)

£500 deposit.
£236.29 per month for the lease, for 24 months = £5,670.96
Insurance for two years = approx. £820
Cost to replace all four tyres (two due to wear, two due to damage) - £400
"Fuel" - difficult to gauge as it just gets added to the electricity bill, but I reckon it's between £40-50 a month, perhaps less as we recently changed provider to a cheaper kWh rate.
So, in total about £8,500 for the two years, or £354 a month.

Now, if you look at it from the perspective of me driving literal gas guzzlers previously, I've saved a fuckton of money. The last M5 for example was costing me near enough £400 per month in fuel alone, and that was before my daily commute increased from 10 miles to 36 miles. Plus the £500 a year tax, the insurance, the warranty payments and the cost for the finance, I've saved megabucks with the Leaf, even if it doesn't feel like it.

BUT, there's no escaping that range is a definite issue. Most of the time it's no problem, but occasionally it rears it's ugly head. Yesterday, for example, I drove to work (18 miles) and then had to drive immediately home again to rescue Jem from her "locked out" situation. That's 36 miles straight off. I'd have then needed to drive it back to work, then back home, then back to Shrewsbury again for shooting later in the day, and then back home - that's 108 miles, give or take a couple.

I might have been able to do it with strategic charging, but I couldn't be arsed so I just took the Celica instead.

I've not done the full maths yet, but in a year's time a decent 520d should be about £4K (for the E60/1 model at any rate) and that'll get around 50-55mpg. It should end up costing about the same or be slightly more expensive, but without worrying about range issues. I'm also considering the newer 5-series (F10/11) but they're pricier to purchase.

The challenge is that I need to find a car that will be frugal enough on fuel that it competes with the EV, whilst also being relatively pokey and fun to drive (the Leaf is surprisingly fun) and have enough of the creature comforts that I'm used to.

99% of my driving is to Bedford train station and back, and they have free parking for EVs, so I could potentially save a fortune.

If you do almost exclusively short journeys (journies?) and are paying a decent chunk out per month at the moment for your car, an EV does make a lot of sense.
Or if you pay out a fortune in station parking tickets.
Are ht leads a push fit?
Right, i shall give it a proper yank then. Presumably as ignition is off there is no power runningthrough them. Misfire dropped fuel consumption to 29mpg!
As opposed to the Lexus which I was perilously close to going to take a look at (but not committed to anything), I am definitely going to look at this on Thursday as the appointment is arranged.

This car has just appeared on his website in the last day, and it is the same chap I bought the Merc off. So the plan is I go down in the Merc, he decides what he wants to offer me for it (obviously he's very much aware of the Parktronic situation), and I take the S4 for a test drive - and then from there we can hopefully reach an accommodation.

The problem is that when I take a car for a test drive I almost inevitably end up buying it, because I already know I want it.

This is a 'not too crazy' option IMO, it's got a V6 3 litre supercharged engine putting out 333bhp, with a nice 7-speed DSG (with flappy paddles or using the stick for manual changes if one prefers). Obviously it comes with standard A4 practicality in terms of four doors and a decent boot which is a must for family needs.

It's a March 2010 car, 46000 miles, local car from new, full service history. Seems to have a reasonable list of options on it as well, because in typical German fashion, even on the high-end models the standard equipment list isn't quite as comprehensive as you might expect.

I've already checked out insurance and that's coming in at around £425 which is a bit more than the Merc but nothing overly concerning. (The Merc was £272, but the S4 is a much higher insurance group.)

If I can get £8K for the Merc that's £8K cash to find, but borrowing money is super-cheap at the moment. (I don't have £8K stuffed under the mattress, or indeed in the bank account.)

One thing I will definitely do this time though is take it out for a proper test drive (i.e. out onto the mountain for a decent run and back), which I didn't do with the Merc, which is really stupid as that's the road I do the vast majority of my miles on.

I'd be a fucking millionaire if it weren't for cars.

I can't believe you're thinking of upgrading from Park-tronic, to Multi-tronic.

I can't wait to hear about this one! :)
From the same guy who lied about the work done on your Parktronic system?
Zardoz wrote:
From the same guy who lied about the work done on your Parktronic system?

I haven't spoken to the main guy for many months, he's proxied everything through one of his franchised dealerships for quite some time.

Yes there has been a slight, ahem, 'disconnect' between what I was told was going on with the Merc, and what was actually going on with the Merc, but fundamentally there have been no quibbles over ongoing and repeated attempts to get the Parktronic fixed. (And the Merc was going up to the specialist when they said it was, but not necessarily for as long as I was being told was the case.)

I'm an eternal optimist, as such I like to think my experience with the S4 will be both transformative and life-affirming.

I'll know if I'm definitely going to buy it or not tomorrow, which is when I will either have, or not have, the conversation with Mrs Hearthly that starts off with an opening gambit that goes something along the lines of 'So I'm going to go and look at a car tomorrow'......

Because that means there'll be a different car turning up outside the house within the next few days.
I think it is a sound idea.
As one of my colleagues is fond of saying when he senses a doomed adventure of some description being undertaken:

'Set sail...... for fail.'
Is the Parktronic fixed yet?
Grim... wrote:
Is the Parktronic fixed yet?

No. It's booked in again on the 29th.

If I don't go for the S6 I will still want to get the Parktronic fixed on the Merc, and if I do go for the S6, he'll have a Merc with broken Parktronic on it that will need fixing - so it seems sensible to retain that date in the calendar.
God that Audi is so boring. I fell asleep looking at it
Well it's a bland sort of Q-car by design, which as an old man, seems appropriate for me.

I'm not sure I'd be getting another Scooby or the new Type-R at my age.
Lonewolves wrote:
God that Audi is so boring. I fell asleep looking at it

That'll be the drugs and the comfy bed ;)
You should return the Merc, get your full money back for it, then buy elsewhere.

I can't really see a dealer wanting to take in a car with a known and seemingly unfixable problem.
MaliA wrote:
You should return the Merc, get your full money back for it, then buy elsewhere.

I can't really see a dealer wanting to take in a car with a known and seemingly unfixable problem.

I don't think you can return a ten year old car under the sale of goods act when you've had it for 9 months and 8000 miles, just because the parking sensors are a bit wonky.

We shall see what he says about it tomorrow.
This will surprise no one but personally speaking I've never given a second thought to this whole 'I'm too old for car x or bike y' business? Some people will always resent anything you drive or ride that isn't some bog standard snooze mobile Golf or whatever but bollocks to em Hearthly. :)

S6 is a hoot. Sure it's boring to look at but it's got a Lamborghini engine so I think I could live with the looks lol.

Btw, have replaced the little A3 with a very Grim... Range Rover Sport HSE 3.0TDV6 Sport, which is rather nice I must say. :)
Gah sorry my bad. Hate typing on phones.
It's just the one 'Sport' ;)
Two belms for the price of one too... it's an S4, not an S6, which sadly doesn't come with a Lamborghini engine. So my bad again.

I'm doing well today :'(
Cavey wrote:
Two belms for the price of one too... it's an S4, not an S6, which sadly doesn't come with a Lamborghini engine. So my bad again.

I'm doing well today :'(

we missed you :)

How are you doing fella?
KovacsC wrote:
Cavey wrote:
Two belms for the price of one too... it's an S4, not an S6, which sadly doesn't come with a Lamborghini engine. So my bad again.

I'm doing well today :'(

we missed you :)

How are you doing fella?

Aw thanks Kov, I'm okay, hope you are too. Still recovering from smashed ribs etc but back to 80% now - rolled the A3 at 50mph after a foreign van driver did an impromptu u turn from the inside lane of an A road, directly in front of me when I was literally almost alongside in the second lane. Nice, but happy to still be here. :)

Hence the full size Range Rover. :) I want 0% chance of Mrs C ever having to go through that.
Yeah it was nearly a permanent flounce. :D
How's Eric and Ernie?
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