The 'NAY!' Thread
Doctor Glyndwr wrote:
If it gets strapped up, ask for the really cool waterproof velcro-attached strapping that you can take off to wash your hand and then put back on. When I broke my little finger, I spent a week with crappy tape-based stuff that meant couldn't easily shower and it sucked.

Clingfilm. That's what I was told to use when I scalped my elbow. Just wrap it in clingfilm :)
JohnCoffey wrote:
Doctor Glyndwr wrote:
If it gets strapped up, ask for the really cool waterproof velcro-attached strapping that you can take off to wash your hand and then put back on. When I broke my little finger, I spent a week with crappy tape-based stuff that meant couldn't easily shower and it sucked.

Clingfilm. That's what I was told to use when I scalped my elbow. Just wrap it in clingfilm :)

JohnCoffey wrote:
Clingfilm. That's what I was told to use when I scalped my elbow. Just wrap it in clingfilm :)

Clingfilm doesn't breath. That's vile.
Doctor Glyndwr wrote:
JohnCoffey wrote:
Clingfilm. That's what I was told to use when I scalped my elbow. Just wrap it in clingfilm :)

Clingfilm doesn't breath. That's vile.

It forgets how to air.
Clingfilm is excellent first aid for a really bad burn. Can't see it doing much for a broken finger.
Doctor Glyndwr wrote:
JohnCoffey wrote:
Clingfilm. That's what I was told to use when I scalped my elbow. Just wrap it in clingfilm :)

Clingfilm doesn't breath. That's vile.

It's ok just for a quick shower though, surely?
yes or get a shower cap..
Lonewolves wrote:
It's ok just for a quick shower though, surely?

Oh, I see, I thought JC meant to wear it all the time! Yeah, I guess, although you still can't wash the skin covered by the strapping then. I found with my finger that I could happily tolerate taking the strapping off for short periods, as long as I was very careful with it, so I could wash my hand normally.

These are the straps I used:
Doctor Glyndwr wrote:
Lonewolves wrote:
It's ok just for a quick shower though, surely?

Oh, I see, I thought JC meant to wear it all the time! Yeah, I guess, although you still can't wash the skin covered by the strapping then. I found with my finger that I could happily tolerate taking the strapping off for short periods, as long as I was very careful with it, so I could wash my hand normally.

These are the straps I used:

Yeah they look pretty good. I'll need to have it splinted as well though because the finger has 'dropped' a bit. Basically the tendon that runs across the first joint has torn or stretched, so it needs to be hyperextended to allow it to heal properly.
Just wrap it in electrical tape and get on with it. It never did Sabu any harm in ECW.
Lonewolves wrote:

Lonewolves wrote:

Lonewolves wrote:

Yeah I meant just for a shower. Hilarious picture in my head of Myp walking around with his hand wrapped in clingfilm though so cheers for that :DD
Aww, hope you heal quickly. X
I've just had a krispy kreme doughnut that I thought had jam in it, instead... it had some kind of apple syrup.

Anyone that buys the gimmicky doughnuts from Krispy Kreme rather than the original ones needs to FUCK RIGHT OFF.
Strong words but after todays events, I think I agree (but with less swearing and shouting).
Grim... wrote:
Anyone that buys the gimmicky doughnuts from Krispy Kreme rather than the original ones needs to FUCK RIGHT OFF.

Boston Creme for life, hater.
Dirty traitor, with your filthy American donuts.
Grim... wrote:
Anyone that buys the gimmicky doughnuts from Krispy Kreme rather than the original ones needs to FUCK RIGHT OFF.

Sprinkles are allowed
I'm amazed that Krispy Kremes have retained their premium price tag despite now being anything but. There used to be a handful of places you can get them from, if we still had Woolworths today, you know they'd have a cabinet in every store.

Which is why I don't like people in my team who buy them as if they're special. No they're not. You want to show off with your specialness - go and buy me a box of Cronuts or fuck the fuck off home.
There's a place in canary wharf that does macaroon ice cream sandwiches. They're a bit nice.
Cras wrote:
There's a place in canary wharf that does macaroon ice cream sandwiches. They're a bit nice.

Cras wrote:
There's a place in canary wharf that does macaroon ice cream sandwiches. They're a bit nice.
I wish I worked in canary wharf. It sounds nice.
Cras wrote:
There's a place in canary wharf that does macaroon ice cream sandwiches. They're a bit nice.

Doesn't the bread go soggy?
Macaroons, like coconut macaroons?
Mimi wrote:
Macaroons, like coconut macaroons?

They're ok. Not my first choice though.
Mimi wrote:
Macaroons, like coconut macaroons?

No, like French ones made with almonds. Macarons, maybe. Pfft.
Cras wrote:
Mimi wrote:
Macaroons, like coconut macaroons?

No, like French ones made with almonds. Macarons, maybe. Pfft.

Ah, yes, those are macarons. Are they very large macarons? I'd imagine that was pretty difficult to eat, but pretty. Need pictures, Cras!
Next time I get one I shall photograph it :)
Yay :D

I love the way macarons look. All pretty pastels :)


Since we have moved in they have come down three times, each time very dramatically. Each time I have had to phone my mother, who has then phoned my aunt who comes round and puts them back up*

We've tried everything, from putting furniture polish on the rails etc, but it seems these curtains are enormously heavy and the rail just isn't up to the job. I've tried to find a heavy duty bendable rail, but they all seems to say "For light to medium weight curtains".

OK so I kinda pinned down that the reason it was happening was because when you yank on the curtains (hasn't happened to me once BTW only Mrs JC and Ms JC Jr( the stupid twist lock comes undone and they then make a noise like a machine gun and hit the deck.

So today after nearly passing out just looking up there* I decided to get up on the back of the arm chair and investigate. I could just about reach up to see what was going on without looking up too much* and I realised that these locks are fucking stupid. If you turn them to the left they lock the top part of the rail but the bottom is not locked. If you turn them to the right the bottom part of the rail locks on but not the top. What the fuck?

Determined not to be beaten (and not to spend £50 or more on this flat given we could be out of here soon) I got out the heavy duty super glue and one by one glued the cunts. I'm hoping that will work.

Mrs JC is going to kill me when she realises I have dropped three large globules of superglue onto a £600 arm chair, though. Gonna need some acetone for that !

* One of the meds I take (Pregabalin) makes me very dizzy and faint if I look up, or look down too fast. I get enormous head rushes and nearly collapse, so ladders are not a great idea.
Is it your armchair? That's an expensive armchair!
Yeah it's our armchair :( When Mrs JC and her ex husband sold their house we decided to buy a DFS sofa. We found out within 11 months that DFS stands for disposable furniture shop. I'm no lightweight but I'm not *that* heavy and it completely collapsed. I know it was under warranty but Mrs JC decided she wanted a sofa bed and armchair so the girls could come and stay with us in the summer (just had Ruby as it goes :) ) any way yeah, £1500 sofa and £600 arm chair :S

Don't get me wrong it will probably last a lifetime but yeah, spenny. It's handled my fat ass for over a year now.
Probably better that than your landlord's though. At least you didn't stick any part of you to the armchair :)
I was covered in it tbh. It's horrible too, because you lose all sense of touch when your fingers are coated in hardened glue.

Thankfully I have a method of getting it off quick so I'm good now.

Just letting it set now and will try with Mrs JC's help later to get the curtains on. Our living room turns into an oven at about 6pm :S
News on the grapevine is that travellers have moved into some fields round the corner from where I live.

Just opposite a brand new Aldi they're building. They'll be pleased.
TheVision wrote:
News on the grapevine is that travellers have moved into some fields round the corner from where I live.

Just opposite a brand new Aldi they're building. They'll be pleased.

I would be if I moved in next to a supermarket too.
TheVision wrote:
News on the grapevine is that travellers have moved into some fields round the corner from where I live.

Just opposite a brand new Aldi they're building. They'll be pleased.

Reminded me of my maternal great grandfather. He was looking for work in the UK after somehow ending up here from Ireland. He approached a building site and asked the foreman, who had a reutation for being a bit of a hard taskmaster, about work as a labourer. "You don't look the sort to onow tbe diffetence beyween a girder and a joist!" Exclaimed the foreman. "Sure," replied my maternal great grandfather, coolly (for he was also a man short on temper), "One wrote Faust, the other Ulysses. Good day"
News on the grapevine is that travellers have moved into some fields round the corner from where I live.

Just opposite a brand new Aldi they're building. They'll be pleased.

They won't be there long, court orders to move trespassers are quick to process these days. A load of TGB were on our local Tesco car park and they were packed and ready to go when the Bailiffs and Police arrived with the court order around 3 days later.
JohnCoffey wrote:
Yeah it's our armchair :( When Mrs JC and her ex husband sold their house we decided to buy a DFS sofa. We found out within 11 months that DFS stands for disposable furniture shop. I'm no lightweight but I'm not *that* heavy and it completely collapsed. I know it was under warranty but Mrs JC decided she wanted a sofa bed and armchair so the girls could come and stay with us in the summer (just had Ruby as it goes :) ) any way yeah, £1500 sofa and £600 arm chair :S

Don't get me wrong it will probably last a lifetime but yeah, spenny. It's handled my fat ass for over a year now.

Wait, so you can afford 2100 on 2 chairs, 500 on fucking computer mice, 100 on an (at least) second pair of trainers you don't even need, hundreds of pounds on monitors that you don't use, thousands of pounds maintaining a pc at a ridiculous spec, a 40" tv in your bedroom, that you can afford to destroy by throwing things at it, a mini car and god knows what other hugely expensive luxury items you have. And you come in this thread moaning about having to spend "your own" money on your accommodation and are currently attempting to con the council into giving you a free place to live?

I wish I could afford a pc a third AAA good as yours, a sofa half as good, I don't have a tv in my bedroom and my main tv is only 32". No point getting bigger, I can't afford sky, I certainly can't afford to wantonly destroy things as you seem to like doing, and I have never thrown more than 50 at a pair of shoes, because I can't justify it.

I think you need to reevaluate your priorities, and as is de rigour, check your privilege.
Bobbyaro wrote:
JohnCoffey wrote:
Yeah it's our armchair :( When Mrs JC and her ex husband sold their house we decided to buy a DFS sofa. We found out within 11 months that DFS stands for disposable furniture shop. I'm no lightweight but I'm not *that* heavy and it completely collapsed. I know it was under warranty but Mrs JC decided she wanted a sofa bed and armchair so the girls could come and stay with us in the summer (just had Ruby as it goes :) ) any way yeah, £1500 sofa and £600 arm chair :S

Don't get me wrong it will probably last a lifetime but yeah, spenny. It's handled my fat ass for over a year now.

Wait, so you can afford 2100 on 2 chairs, 500 on fucking computer mice, 100 on an (at least) second pair of trainers you don't even need, hundreds of pounds on monitors that you don't use, thousands of pounds maintaining a pc at a ridiculous spec, a 40" tv in your bedroom, that you can afford to destroy by throwing things at it, a mini car and god knows what other hugely expensive luxury items you have. And you come in this thread moaning about having to spend "your own" money on your accommodation and are currently attempting to con the council into giving you a free place to live?

I wish I could afford a pc a third AAA good as yours, a sofa half as good, I don't have a tv in my bedroom and my main tv is only 32". No point getting bigger, I can't afford sky, I certainly can't afford to wantonly destroy things as you seem to like doing, and I have never thrown more than 50 at a pair of shoes, because I can't justify it.

I think you need to reevaluate your priorities, and as is de rigour, check your privilege.

Given that seems to be a rather personal attack I would probably need to answer it with personal details and facts, which I won't.

So go and have a bad day somewhere else and take out your anger on someone else.

It's not a personal attack. It's a strongly worded statement of facts expressed from a position of not having a clue how they can possibly tie together.

At least follow generally accepted online protocol and incorrectly define it as trolling.
Indeed, no facts. Years ago I would have explained it but I'm not now. Assumptions eh?
Well, assumptions based on things you've posted.

I don't think I'd be a million miles out if I said Bobby spoke for a lot of us.
If they aren't facts, they are your lies.

Except the stuff about me, that was true about me.
Grim... wrote:
Well, assumptions based on things you've posted.

I don't think I'd be a million miles out if I said Bobby spoke for a lot of us.

Really? So you spend your life concerned about what other people have?

Couple of things should explain it.

1. The sofa and my PC were bought by Mrs JC when she sold her house. Before that happened she'd lost everything and had a haemorrhagic stroke leaving her disabled permanently. She lost her house and she has two kids so we needed a decent sofa and a spare bed. So she used her money to buy it and the TVs, given we hardly ever go out etc.

2. We don't claim anything we are not entitled to and have no more in savings than we're allowed. We've provided receipts for everything we own

3. When we got married our benefits were cut by 30 percent but we didn't care because we don't cheat or lie.

4. I get a set amount a month. I'm left with around £100 a month to spend as I wish. I don't go out, have no friends, don't drink etc. That's how I can save and buy things.

5. The trainers did not cost £90 Mal posted that not me but FYI just lately I've not been very well and had been,erm, injuring myself so Mrs JC bought them for me, hence me not confirming or mentioning the price.

6. Just because Mrs JC and I claim benefits does not mean that I should have had to post points 1-5.

How would you feel if I stuck my nose into your personal affairs?
You are free to spend your money how you wish, but perhaps keep in mind that people may not be pleased with it considering how you plead poverty in one thread and ask for advice on how to get sheltered accommodation, then boast about your profligate spending in others. It is bound to rankle people who (whether rightly or wrongly) feel they work hard and don't get as much of a comfortable lifestyle, while you take for granted your situation and the benefits you receive.
Then that's their tough titty isn't it?

What about all of the years where I had fuck all?

Like I said I don't get anything I'm not legally entitled to nor are my finances really any of anyone's business.

There are loads of threads on here where people are openly spending money. Cavey is always bragging about something he's bought . Porsches, Harleys etc.

Radio control planes, consoles, games etc. Face it I'm being discriminated against for being on benefits aren't I ? The way the world sees it I should have fuck all because I don't deserve it.
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