Political Banter and Debate Thread
Countdown to a flight-free UK
He's a stupid vain twat. He's never had the best interests of the labour party at heart, he's been there as a representative of the hard left only. He's head of a fucking sect.
MrChris wrote:
He's a stupid vain twat. He's never had the best interests of the labour party at heart, he's been there as a representative of the hard left only. He's head of a fucking sect.

A sect called: the Labour Party membership :D
Doctor Glyndwr wrote:
Corbyn is refusing to stand down, has to be listed on a leadership ballot, and still enjoys lots of support from the party members. He's actually untouchable. So: the Labour party is dead, right? I don't see how this schism can mean anything else.

Maybe The PLP will follow the stonecutters model.
Corbyn statement
What does plp stand for
Parliamentary Labour Party
Lonewolves wrote:
MrChris wrote:
He's a stupid vain twat. He's never had the best interests of the labour party at heart, he's been there as a representative of the hard left only. He's head of a fucking sect.

A sect called: the Labour Party membership :D

Well, some if it, and a lot of them were new members or Dave Sparts.

No one can seriously believe he actually gives a toss about opposing and replacing the Tories more than his attempt to remake the labour party in his own tired image.
Tory leadership prediction. 5 Candidates who get voted down to 2, one of whole is Boris. Before it goes to the membership vote, Boris and other candidate come to a deal where other candidate drops out for a cabinet post, and Boris takes the leadership in August without a wider vote.
ApplePieOfDestiny wrote:
Tory leadership prediction. 5 Candidates who get voted down to 2, one of whole is Boris. Before it goes to the membership vote, Boris and other candidate come to a deal where other candidate drops out for a cabinet post, and Boris takes the leadership in August without a wider vote.

Isn't that what happened with Gordon Brown though? I'm sure they won't want to make that mistake.
There was never a contest with Brown though was there? No one would stand against him as I recall.
ApplePieOfDestiny wrote:
There was never a contest with Brown though was there? No one would stand against him as I recall.

Yeah you're right. McDonnell ran but didn't secure enough nominations.
Also I think the process whereby Cameron won leadership has only ever been followed once. Until Cameron it has always been decided solely by MPs, so it's not like they're rolling back decades of tradition and process as Labour did.
ApplePieOfDestiny wrote:
Also I think the process whereby Cameron won leadership has only ever been followed once. Until Cameron it has always been decided solely by MPs, so it's not like they're rolling back decades of tradition and process as Labour did.

I thought IDS was chosen mostly by party members, and was considered try MPs to be too right-wing to be an election winner (hence being replaced swiftly by Michael Howard)? (Some parallels with Labour's current situation, there.)

Edit: No, just checked and I was completely wrong; he was elected by MPs.
If we're going to have a Muppet in charge, I'd rather have the Swedish Chef.
Nicky Morgan, Jeremy Hunt, Boris Johnson, Stephen Crabb... these are some of our 'best' options for Prime Minister?

It's a "Who's Who?" of massive shitehawks and idiots.
Curiosity wrote:
Nicky Morgan, Jeremy Hunt, Boris Johnson, Stephen Crabb... these are some of our 'best' options for Prime Minister?

It's a "Who's Who?" of massive shitehawks and idiots.

Theresa May might be the best option here. :(
Bobbyaro wrote:
What does plp stand for

Can I claim any of it back?
Curiosity wrote:
Nicky Morgan

Shite Education Secretary who voted against gay marriage whilst being the Minister for Equality

Curiosity wrote:
Jeremy Hunt

Shite Health Secretary who is hell-bent on destroying the NHS (or is a willing fall guy for those who do, depending on your outlook)

Curiosity wrote:
Boris Johnson

Pantomime clown that has somehow gained unimaginable power and has led the country to the brink of implosion.

Curiosity wrote:
Stephen Crabb

Has links to organisations that think they can cure homosexuality, allegedly.

Curiosity wrote:
It's a "Who's Who?" of massive shitehawks and idiots.

Vote May! She's the least worst option (and I stuck a tenner on her to win).

In international news, Donald Trump decided the Brexiteers can't have all of the idiot pie, and doubled down on increasing use of torture on prisoners, and kept on referencing how America was being 'raped' in trade deals. Ugh.
The best pro I have for May is her loose association with The Fawcett Society, which is an ACE feminist UK charity that publishes analysis based on independent research and factual evidence. I know that doesn't necessarily mean anything, but might be worth a punt.

I just really love The Fawcett Society, everyone should go visit their website now.
The best pro I have for May is her loose association with The Fawcett Society, which is an ACE feminist UK charity that publishes analysis based on independent research and factual evidence. I know that doesn't necessarily mean anything, but might be worth a punt.

I just really love The Fawcett Society, everyone should go visit their website now.
I'd choose May, she's just seems callous but smart. But at least the sort of person who will be consistent in her horrible views and you'll know where you are with her. I can work with that more than any these other fucking opportunist clowns.
I fucking hate Nicky Morgan. However, she is better than Diane Abbott whom i also hate.
Early May was good, especially when she would openly criticise ACPO and the Police Fed. It's taken a long time, but I think HomeOfficeitis has got to her so it's time to move on.
Kern wrote:
Early May was good, especially when she would openly criticise ACPO and the Police Fed. It's taken a long time, but I think HomeOfficeitis has got to her so it's time to move on.

Troo, dat
MaliA wrote:
I fucking hate Nicky Morgan. However, she is better than Diane Abbott whom i also hate.

Do you hate any male politicians? ;)
Nicola Sturgeon.
Kern wrote:
Early May was good, especially when she would openly criticise APOD.

How I read it.
Early May was shit - too much rain.
Stephen Crabb

Has links to organisations that think they can cure homosexuality, allegedly.

I know someone who was sent to one of those groups. They're great for hook-ups, apparently.
The Great Tyrant wrote:
The best pro I have for May is her loose association with The Fawcett Society, which is an ACE feminist UK charity that publishes analysis based on independent research and factual evidence. I know that doesn't necessarily mean anything, but might be worth a punt.

I just really love The Fawcett Society, everyone should go visit their website now.

Yeah, she does have some good qualities, sadly overshadowed by her hardline authoritarianism as Home Secretary (although it seems they all go that way).
Early May was shit - the solo in Seven Seas of Rhye was awful.
MrChris wrote:
Nicola Sturgeon.

Having Nicola Sturgeon and Ruth Davidson in Westminster would be excellent.
Kern wrote:
Stephen Crabb

Has links to organisations that think they can cure homosexuality, allegedly.

I know someone who was sent to one of those groups. They're great for hook-ups, apparently.


Kern wrote:
MrChris wrote:
Nicola Sturgeon.

Having Nicola Sturgeon and Ruth Davidson in Westminster would be excellent.

Ruth Davidson possibly, although I suspect under the "I'm a cuddly fun Tory" mask is a proper bastard right winger.

Sturgeon is just a thinner Alex Salmond. Ghastly, the pair of them.
MrChris wrote:
Sturgeon is just a thinner Alex Salmond. Ghastly, the pair of them.

No they're not, they're awesome. Also Salmond reminds me of an older, fatter, Scottish Riles.

Sturgeon the only political leader who had a plan in case of a Leave vote.
Lonewolves wrote:
MaliA wrote:
I fucking hate Nicky Morgan. However, she is better than Diane Abbott whom i also hate.

Do you hate any male politicians? ;)

I'm continually impressed by how Sturgeon presents herself. Unlike Salmond, who is a political bruiser and plays up to this reputation, since she became First Minister she's wrapped the robes of office around her to convey the idea that the she is the head of a free state and expects to be treated like one. That shot of Cameron on steps of Bute House shortly after the election last year looked to me like he was visiting a foreign leader.
Lonewolves wrote:
MrChris wrote:
Sturgeon is just a thinner Alex Salmond. Ghastly, the pair of them.

No they're not, they're awesome.

No they're not, they're ghastly.
Kern wrote:
I'm continually impressed by how Sturgeon presents herself. Unlike Salmond, who is a political bruiser and plays up to this reputation, since she became First Minister she's wrapped the robes of office around her to convey the idea that the she is the head of a free state and expects to be treated like one. That shot of Cameron on steps of Bute House shortly after the election last year looked to me like he was visiting a foreign leader.

Did you see Alyn Smith's speech to the European parliament? Pretty stirring stuff.
MaliA wrote:
Lonewolves wrote:
MaliA wrote:
I fucking hate Nicky Morgan. However, she is better than Diane Abbott whom i also hate.

Do you hate any male politicians? ;)


Feckin' terrorist.
MrChris wrote:
Lonewolves wrote:
MrChris wrote:
Sturgeon is just a thinner Alex Salmond. Ghastly, the pair of them.

No they're not, they're awesome.

No they're not, they're ghastly.

No they're not, they're awesome.
Lonewolves wrote:
MrChris wrote:
Lonewolves wrote:
MrChris wrote:
Sturgeon is just a thinner Alex Salmond. Ghastly, the pair of them.

No they're not, they're awesome.

No they're not, they're ghastly.

No they're not, they're awesome.


(I see Stu has adopted the Icelandic flag as his new Twitter logo LOL)
Lonewolves wrote:
MrChris wrote:
Lonewolves wrote:
MrChris wrote:
Sturgeon is just a thinner Alex Salmond. Ghastly, the pair of them.

No they're not, they're awesome.

No they're not, they're ghastly.

No they're not, they're awesome.

:) :luv:
Not all doom and gloom: shares rallying strongly, pound recovering... maybe the city slickers know something we don't?
Not unless they've got an actual, fully functional crystal ball.
markg wrote:
Not unless they've got an actual, fully functional crystal ball.

Mine broke after the General Election ;)

But seriously, this has to be at least a little ray of sunshine, no?
Cavey wrote:
Not all doom and gloom: shares rallying strongly, pound recovering... maybe the city slickers know something we don't?

Those Bankers, eh? Good lads them. Never steered us wrong...
Cavey wrote:
Not all doom and gloom: shares rallying strongly, pound recovering... maybe the city slickers know something we don't?
I think the reality is that for now, and for some period down the line, fundamentals remain the same, but there is downside risk to uncertainty.

I've just received the HSBC Brexit briefing and they've marginally cut 2016 growth figures for current year (1.8% to 1.5%), although 2017 is a little harder at 2.1% to 0.7%. Forecast USD rate at 31/12 is £1=$1.2 though, which imports inflation to increase the 2017 inflation rate to 4.0% as opposed to anticipated 1.7%.

Therefore nothing is anticipated to overperform, but neither are the wheels anticipated to come off.
How much have they recovered? I was looking for this this morning, but couldn't find anywhere (by a solitary lazy google) that showed the recovery in context of where we were a week ago.
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