Political Banter and Debate Thread
Countdown to a flight-free UK
Mimi wrote:
Mr Russell wrote:
Operation "Don't like England and want to see them out; so go and cause violence there whilst wearing an England top" is go!


Not by me, but if you were out there supporting (at random let's say) Portugal, you could stick an England top on, go throw some chairs at cafes or people, and England will get the blame.

Advertising the fact that further violence will get a team kicked out only incentivises the opposing teams.
Mr Russell wrote:
Mimi wrote:
Mr Russell wrote:
Operation "Don't like England and want to see them out; so go and cause violence there whilst wearing an England top" is go!


Not by me, but if you were out there supporting (at random let's say) Portugal, you could stick an England top on, go throw some chairs at cafes or people, and England will get the blame.

Advertising the fact that further violence will get a team kicked out only incentivises the opposing teams.

Well, until the people causing trouble are arrested, and it's found they're not particularly English.
Cavey wrote:
Well personally, nothing would make me happier than to see that moronic, embarrassing, cretinous proletariat have to leave France early with their collective tails between their legs. Mrs C and I have designs on retiring to France in due course, and we, like many other non-football types, abhor the idea of the French associating us with these scumbags.

At least I know now why you're voting Remain :DD

Actually, though, I'm one of those really boring business types who listens to economic forecast upon forecast as against Brexit, and would prefer to avoid a recessionary shock to ours and everyone elses' business too. :)

Plus I like Morbier cheese washed down with a bottle or two of Grand Cru Saint-Émilion...
I am off to France soon - I plan on burning down a few buildings on the way wearing a Cavey mask.
Bobbyaro wrote:
I am off to France soon - I plan on burning down a few buildings on the way wearing a Cavey mask.


Genuine LOL
Mr Russell wrote:
Mimi wrote:
Mr Russell wrote:
Operation "Don't like England and want to see them out; so go and cause violence there whilst wearing an England top" is go!


Not by me, but if you were out there supporting (at random let's say) Portugal, you could stick an England top on, go throw some chairs at cafes or people, and England will get the blame.

Advertising the fact that further violence will get a team kicked out only incentivises the opposing teams.

I didn't mean to post that earlier. I must have been moving my phone out of Darwin's reach.
Bobbyaro wrote:
I am off to France soon - I plan on burning down a few buildings on the way wearing a Cavey mask.

Meh. Mrs C and I were out on our travels this weekend to the Saatchi Gallery, off to see the Rolling Stones' Exhibitionism (which was feckin' awesome by the way, and I now have a signed Tumbling Dice flyer for our, ahem, rather Bohemian dining room). But who should I have bumped into on Kensington High Street underground platform? Your friend and mine, Nick Clegg. :D

He was on his mobile and did look at me as I passed. I had to suppress an almost irresistible urge to do the "L" loser-face-thing with my hand. :D
He'd probably have been happy to be recognised.
I've got admiration for Nick Clegg. He did the best he could with the hand that was dealt, and didn't deserve his party getting annihilated at the GE. 2010-15 would have been much worse without the Lib Dems in govt, as the last year or so shows.
Not got much to say about the events in Orlando, but the photos I've seen on the news and on friends' social media feeds about last night's vigil in Soho have been very moving and reassuring.

eg this one from the Beeb (attached article)
And then I read about shit like this happening in my own city and despair:

Thisisoxfordshire wrote:
RELIGIOUS preachers in Cornmarket Street have clashed with pro-LGBT demonstrators in Bonn Square.

The group, which hails from the U.S but would not give its name, was spotted in the city centre from 12 midday.
Heh, John Oliver nails it.
(Thanks Malia for the tip)
Kern wrote:
Heh, John Oliver nails it.
(Thanks Malia for the tip)

My God, the comments. RIP Humanity
MaliA wrote:

Jo Cox shot

And stabbed. Is in critical condition. Atacker said to have shouted "Britain First"
MaliA wrote:
MaliA wrote:

Jo Cox shot

And stabbed. Is in critical condition. Atacker said to have shouted "Britain First"

What is the motive here? I read the article here and didn't see the Britain First bit.
Mr Russell wrote:
MaliA wrote:
MaliA wrote:

Jo Cox shot

And stabbed. Is in critical condition. Atacker said to have shouted "Britain First"

What is the motive here? I read the article here and didn't see the Britain First bit.

No idea. 1433 update is the Britain First bit
In happier news, Prince William is the cover star of this month's 'Attitude', making him the first royal to be so honoured (unless Quentin Crisp counts). And we all thought the honour was going to fall to Prince Harry.
Kern wrote:
In happier news, Prince William is the cover star of this month's 'Attitude', making him the first royal to be so honoured (unless Quentin Crisp counts). And we all thought the honour was going to fall to Prince Harry.

I can't believe they photoshopped out the microphone, though.

Absolutely good on him. I don't give a monkeys about the royals, beyond any tourism they may bring in, but at least if they are going to continue existing the two lads from our generation seem to be pretty decent chaps.
Cameron has announced that the Conservatives won't put up a candidate for the by-election triggered by Jo Cox's murder. Classy of him, I'll admit. Grant Shapps has urged all the other parties to let Labour run a candidate unopposed as a mark of respect. I hope they will.
Batley town hall just now. Near silence. There is a book of condolonce here
So, the by-election will be contested by Liberty GB

http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/jo ... ed-8230561

What a fine, upstanding chap he seems to be.
DavPaz wrote:
So, the by-election will be contested by Liberty GB

http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/jo ... ed-8230561

What a fine, upstanding chap he seems to be.

Isn't that the arsewipe Bolshy Pete photographed looking like an arsewipe?
Mr Dave wrote:
DavPaz wrote:
So, the by-election will be contested by Liberty GB

http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/jo ... ed-8230561

What a fine, upstanding chap he seems to be.

Isn't that the arsewipe Bolshy Pete photographed looking like an arsewipe?

Why, yes it is!

Well spotted.
DavPaz wrote:
So, the by-election will be contested by Liberty GB

http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/jo ... ed-8230561

What a fine, upstanding chap he seems to be.

Not only is that vile grandstanding and opportunistic scene stealing literally over that poor girl's corpse, it's also incredibly moronic. Whoever's standing in that by-election for Labour now just basically need to take the podium once, point to a picture of him and say 'don't vote for this despicable twat', and that's the election done.
That is just vile...
It makes little sense for the Tory party to run a candidate. They don't particularly need the seat, not having it isn't a net loss to them. Not running means they don't have to put together a plan to overturn a 6.5k majority, especially as those 6 5k are going to be hard to come by. The better result is to ride the good vibes by stating it won't be contested, and capitalise on that elsewhere, where it is needed. It isn't a magnanimous gesture at all. Smaller parties cannot move so quickly on this so probably came to the same conclusion.

An opportunity to further the visiblity of whatever party Knobby Dickface is in has presented itself and has been taken. It would be foolish of them to not do this, given the steps forward it could take them.

Previously, murdered MPs seats have been contested, so there isn't a breach of protocol or anything. If it were one of the right wing Tory MPs would there be such a showing of distaste?
Galloway pays damages.

A former aide to George Galloway has accepted undisclosed damages from the Respect Party leader over claims she conspired to run a dirty tricks campaign against him.

Aisha Ali-Khan, of Keighley, brought libel proceedings in London's High Court after the former Bradford West MP published a statement on his website in October 2012.
Not sure that Mair has got the best lawyer, to be fair.
MaliA wrote:
Batley town hall just now. Near silence. There is a book of condolonce here

Bbc news are here and there are at least 12 council workers hurridly tidying up the roads in advance of the service today. There are stacks of flowers outside the town hall and her office.
MaliA wrote:
MaliA wrote:
Batley town hall just now. Near silence. There is a book of condolonce here

Bbc news are here and there are at least 12 council workers hurridly tidying up the roads in advance of the service today. There are stacks of flowers outside the town hall and her office.

Looks like the army are here, too.
Nicky Morgan considering leadship bid. Kill me.
A motion of no confidence in Jeremy Corbyn has been issued.
Grim... wrote:
A motion of no confidence in Jeremy Corbyn has been issued.

Not surprising. He's either been lying about supporting Remain or he's totally incompetent, as he's run the most feeble of campaigns possible.
Grim... wrote:
A motion of no confidence in Jeremy Corbyn has been issued.

Every cloud etc.
Good riddance to Corbyn, hopefully!

Cavey, mate - you were 100% correct about Corbyn.
Cavey wrote:
Grim... wrote:
A motion of no confidence in Jeremy Corbyn has been issued.

Every cloud etc.

Interesting you would want that. I thought having Corbyn in charge was great for you?
Lonewolves wrote:
Cavey wrote:
Grim... wrote:
A motion of no confidence in Jeremy Corbyn has been issued.

Every cloud etc.

Interesting you would want that. I thought having Corbyn in charge was great for you?

Yep. Right up until his utter uselessness meant we fell short by a mere 1.9% to avert the worst possible disaster to befall this country imaginable.
I don't blame him for this of course; Cameron took the gamble and lost. He's already paid the price.
However, Corbyn was just so uselessly lukewarm and non-believable (not to mention invisible) during what was surely the most important political campaign for 40 years, and actually was lost due to the huge disconnect between his party and its demographic, that he was supposed to sort out.
Cavey wrote:
Lonewolves wrote:
Cavey wrote:
Grim... wrote:
A motion of no confidence in Jeremy Corbyn has been issued.

Every cloud etc.

Interesting you would want that. I thought having Corbyn in charge was great for you?

Yep. Right up until his utter uselessness meant we fell short by a mere 1.9% to avert the worst possible disaster to befall this country imaginable.
I don't blame him for this of course; Cameron took the gamble and lost. He's already paid the price.
However, Corbyn was just so uselessly lukewarm and non-believable (not to mention invisible) during what was surely the most important political campaign for 40 years, and actually was lost due to the huge disconnect between his party and its demographic, that he was supposed to sort out.

I...completely agree.

:'( :'( :'( :DD

He was either lying that he wanted a Remain vote or utterly incompetent. He ran the most feeble campaign imaginable.
Oh get a room, you pair. :luv: ;)
Lonewolves wrote:
Cavey wrote:
Lonewolves wrote:
Cavey wrote:
Grim... wrote:
A motion of no confidence in Jeremy Corbyn has been issued.

Every cloud etc.

Interesting you would want that. I thought having Corbyn in charge was great for you?

Yep. Right up until his utter uselessness meant we fell short by a mere 1.9% to avert the worst possible disaster to befall this country imaginable.
I don't blame him for this of course; Cameron took the gamble and lost. He's already paid the price.
However, Corbyn was just so uselessly lukewarm and non-believable (not to mention invisible) during what was surely the most important political campaign for 40 years, and actually was lost due to the huge disconnect between his party and its demographic, that he was supposed to sort out.

I...completely agree.

:'( :'( :'( :DD

He was either lying that he wanted a Remain vote or utterly incompetent. He ran the most feeble campaign imaginable.

Well as a lifelong Eurosceptic it's safe to say that his heart wasn't in it. But his head should have ruled.
Lonewolves wrote:
He was either lying that he wanted a Remain vote or utterly incompetent. He ran the most feeble campaign imaginable.

No, he did exactly what he could have been expected to do. He's cynical of the EU, and justabout wants to remain in as the lesser of two evils. And that's exactly the campaign he ran. Yes, it was pretty disastrous for the remain cause, but it was exactly the opposite of lying or cynical. He was completely honest, and that unfortunately sunk labour support for Remain.
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