Doom, Doom, Doooooo-um.
Cras wrote:
Most of the time the only enemies that seem to be present on the map at any kind of range are possessed.

A bit less true later on;

ZOMG Spoiler! Click here to view!
the Hell levels are bit more open and airy, and you sometimes get cacodemons, lost souls, and macubi at medium or long range.

(Tiniest of spoilers.)
Only just sussed that the grenades are on a respawn timer last night.

Too damned busy shooting and a stomping.
Multiplayer campaign with damage would be mental fun I reckon.
I'm sure I'm under-using the equipment options. I never seem to remember they are there.
Doctor Glyndwr wrote:
I'm sure I'm under-using the equipment options. I never seem to remember they are there.

I only ever used the grenade.
And even then usually only for the shield guys.
I got the upgrade that gives you two of them. Not really dabbled much with the hologram thing but having two frag grenades to throw is definitely worthwhile.
Yeah, grenades and shotty grenades I pretty much only use for the shield wankers.
I can't even remember what the third piece of equipment was.

I remember it sounding potentially useful, but never changing equipment meant I didn't even know which button to press to change between them.

And it never got to the point where I had to experiment with different approaches.
I tried the holgoram thing a couple of times, it seemed to distract some enemies but not others.
Third one is health siphon grenades.
Doctor Glyndwr wrote:
The fucking Rich Get Richer rune trial can get to fucking fuck.

Yeah, you're Rich enough for everyone
Doctor Glyndwr wrote:
Grim... wrote:
Scoped rifle is a brilliant boss weapon.

Really? Does the mastery for it bring a really, really big boost to DPS then? It doesn't seem powerful enough to me, compared to the gauss gun's scoped powershot thing.

In its fully upgraded + mastery state it makes pretty short work of Hell Knights, it's certainly equivalent to the rest of my arsenal at this moment in time, arguably a bit better, in fact.

I still wouldn't particularly recommend it though, who wants to be pinging Hell Knights in the head at range when you can be strafing around them, pumping out shotgun rounds until they stagger, getting above them and then glory killing them as violently as possible?

The correct answer to 'when should I go for a glory kill?' is, of course, always.
The glory kill upgrade runes are, well, glorious. I'm currently using the one that makes demons more damage resistant when staggered, plus the one that makes you move faster after a glory kill (and has a great thunderclap noise when it triggers), plus the one that lets you do glory kills from miles away. I can strafe a group of possessed or imps, stagger a few of them, then hammer R3 and basically teleport around doing kill after kill while cackling in glee.
Lonewolves wrote:
Doctor Glyndwr wrote:
The fucking Rich Get Richer rune trial can get to fucking fuck.

Yeah, you're Rich enough for everyone

More than enough for your mum.
Doctor Glyndwr wrote:
Zardoz wrote:
How do you go prone?
You can crouch, actually. You press circle. I've probably done it twice, both times to fit into some narrow air duct and get to a secret. I have no idea why else you'd use it when you could be circle-strafe-jumping in gaming's biggest ever endorsement of the Beex Kangaroo Defense.

I do feed that was a waste of an otherwise-handy face button. But I guess you've got to be able to teabag in multiplayer.

Mr Dave wrote:
Doctor Glyndwr wrote:
I'm sure I'm under-using the equipment options. I never seem to remember they are there.

I only ever used the grenade.
And even then usually only for the shield guys.

Siphon grenade makes the bosses rather simple.
Grim... wrote:
I do feed that was a waste of an otherwise-handy face button. But I guess you've got to be able to teabag in multiplayer.

Tebagging involves standing still so someone else can frag you, though. But then again, I don't know what else you'd use that face button for. It's not like there's any missing controls.

I know the multiplayer is reputed to be poor (I wasn't particularly impressed with the beta) but we should at least have a Beex session to try it out.
Doctor Glyndwr wrote:
But then again, I don't know what else you'd use that face button for. It's not like there's any missing controls.

I'd have quite liked to move the glory kill command to it.
Really? I much prefer to be able to do it without taking my hand off the stick.
Grim... wrote:
Doctor Glyndwr wrote:
But then again, I don't know what else you'd use that face button for. It's not like there's any missing controls.

I'd have quite liked to move the glory kill command to it.

Wrong... You need the glory kill on the analogue stick so you don't have to stop moving.
TheVision wrote:
Grim... wrote:
Doctor Glyndwr wrote:
But then again, I don't know what else you'd use that face button for. It's not like there's any missing controls.

I'd have quite liked to move the glory kill command to it.

Wrong... You need the glory kill on the analogue stick so you don't have to stop moving.

Wrong... You should be able to customise what button does what.
Doctor Glyndwr wrote:
Really? I much prefer to be able to do it without taking my hand off the stick.

Wow, you are small.
Mr Dave wrote:
TheVision wrote:
Grim... wrote:
Doctor Glyndwr wrote:
But then again, I don't know what else you'd use that face button for. It's not like there's any missing controls.

I'd have quite liked to move the glory kill command to it.

Wrong... You need the glory kill on the analogue stick so you don't have to stop moving.

Wrong... You should be able to customise what button does what.

Actually, now I think about it.. You can on the Xbox one. There's an app for your pad which can change the buttons around to what you like.
TheVision wrote:
Grim... wrote:
Doctor Glyndwr wrote:
But then again, I don't know what else you'd use that face button for. It's not like there's any missing controls.

I'd have quite liked to move the glory kill command to it.

Wrong... You need the glory kill on the analogue stick so you don't have to stop moving.

Left stick does the moving, though, and your direction is taken over when you hit the glory kill.

You could put on on a sholder button instead, I guess.
I do just keep waiting to reply back with 'all the buttons should do a glory kill' :-)

And the button remapping features are also available on the PS4 (if you really want then you can map a facebutton to R3) but i did not see it as that much of a problem.
zaphod79 wrote:
And the button remapping features are also available on the PS4

Controls feel right to me.

Only thing I had to change AGAIN was the vertical axis.
Grim... wrote:
zaphod79 wrote:
And the button remapping features are also available on the PS4

SAY WHAT ... ork_on_ps4

You'll find the option tucked away in the Accessibility section of the Settings menu. First you'll need to enable Custom Button Assignments, and then you can manually reprogram every button on the DualShock 4. Selecting an input will give you a list of alternate outcomes, so you can, for example, swap Circle and X around. It'll take you a while to get everything as you want it if you're making multiple adjustments, but it's all fairly intuitive stuff.

The important thing to remember is that these tweaks will occur at a hardware level, meaning that they'll be consistent throughout all of the games that you play
Yeah, that's pretty much what you can do on the Xbox One. The pro controller has a little switch in the middle which means you can save 2 different control profiles to it and switch between them at will. Worth every penny.
zaphod79 wrote:
Grim... wrote:
zaphod79 wrote:
And the button remapping features are also available on the PS4

SAY WHAT ... ork_on_ps4

You'll find the option tucked away in the Accessibility section of the Settings menu. First you'll need to enable Custom Button Assignments, and then you can manually reprogram every button on the DualShock 4. Selecting an input will give you a list of alternate outcomes, so you can, for example, swap Circle and X around. It'll take you a while to get everything as you want it if you're making multiple adjustments, but it's all fairly intuitive stuff.

The important thing to remember is that these tweaks will occur at a hardware level, meaning that they'll be consistent throughout all of the games that you play

Yeah but you'd need to keep changing it back as it's not per game.
TheVision wrote:
Mr Dave wrote:
TheVision wrote:
Grim... wrote:
Doctor Glyndwr wrote:
But then again, I don't know what else you'd use that face button for. It's not like there's any missing controls.

I'd have quite liked to move the glory kill command to it.

Wrong... You need the glory kill on the analogue stick so you don't have to stop moving.

Wrong... You should be able to customise what button does what.

Actually, now I think about it.. You can on the Xbox one. There's an app for your pad which can change the buttons around to what you like.

Yeah, that's mainly what prompted me to say it. If I were to be playing with my xbox elite pad*, I'd chuck it on one of the rear paddles with the xbox remapping thing.

Although ui prompts would still be wacky. Same (but worse) for the ps4 equivalent.

* - hurrah for drunk purchases.
markg wrote:
Yeah but you'd need to keep changing it back as it's not per game.

That's true, but I only really play one game at once.

It is annoying that no-one has got a decent config system on their consoles - it wouldn't be impossible to have an api that the devs could take a look at that said "This player like to use R2 to fire, L2 to aim, L1 to switch weapons, etc".

360 tried it with some stuff, but most games (IIRC) ignored it.
Most games didn't ignore the "invert Y" bit of it but that's all I ever used.
Grim... wrote:
360 tried it with some stuff, but most games (IIRC) ignored it.

There were only two, weren't there? Invert-Y and "use A/B for accelerate/brake in driving games", which was only of interesting to mentalists.

It can't have been much of a success, I guess, given that even the Xbone doesn't do this. Which seems counter-intuitive because (like you) I found it very useful.
I still like to mention Halo when this subject comes up. The first thing it gets you to do is calibrate your suit by "looking up at the ceiling". If you go down on the right stick, your Y axis is inverted. If you go up, it's not. Simple and brilliant.
Except if you're used to playing with the y-axis the correct way then you are used to the wrong way being the default and act accordingly. If all games just had an invert-y checkbox along with the set brightness thing then that would be dandy.
markg wrote:
Except if you're used to playing with the y-axis the correct way then you are used to the wrong way being the default and act accordingly. If all games just had an invert-y checkbox along with the set brightness thing then that would be dandy.

It had that too.

Also "correct way" yaright ;)
Mr Dave wrote:
Yeah, that's mainly what prompted me to say it. If I were to be playing with my xbox elite pad*, I'd chuck it on one of the rear paddles with the xbox remapping thing.

Although ui prompts would still be wacky. Same (but worse) for the ps4 equivalent.

* - hurrah for drunk purchases.

Did you know that if you double tap the connect button, it disables the paddles so you can put your pad down without them being triggered?
I just use the second profile to disable them entirely currently. But no, I didn't know that.

(Also: It's really quite nice)

ZOMG Spoiler! Click here to view!
I didn't realise the final battle of the level was a timed event. (Yes I know there's a voiced 10 second countdown, I just didn't think it'd automatically end the level.)

Bit of an arse to have to go back for the quad damage challenge, as the first quad power up is a reasonable way into the level. I could just leave it, I suppose - it's not like I'm needing the weapon upgrade tokens. More of the drone thingies, that's what's required.

One of the (many) battles on this level was a truly epic set-piece, proper heart-pounding stuff.

I missed that challenge, too.
Went back and finished that one off. The way the game handles stuff like this is really good.

1) It didn't reset the counter for how many quad-damage kills I required, so it was just a case of get to the first quad-damage power-up on the map and finish off the kills.


2) It was quite happy to let me quit out of the level at that point with the challenge done (and duly registered) and the weapon upgrade token acquired, no nonsense like making me finish the level or anything like that - but I've still 100% completed the level stats-wise now.

(Although I did run into the next main arena battle arena just for the shits and giggles of giving my newly upgraded Super Shotgun a proper workout.)

A truly splendid game and peerlessly good design choices running right the way through it. Case in point it could have made that missed challenge an annoying and tedious faff to go back and finish, but in fact made it a genuinely fun endeavour.
I have mastery of every mod except the pistol charged shot, shotgun explosive rounds, and rocket launcher remote donation. I also have a fully upgraded suit and all weapon mods. Need a few more weapon points for the last few upgrades. I'm teasingly close to a lot of PSN trophies.

Rune story not so pretty though. There's two I can't do (Rich Get Richer and Saving Throw), and three I am miles away from upgrading (more ammo, vacuum, air control.)

Also just did

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the boss fight with the rocky dude who becomes two rocky dudes. It has belatedly occurred to me that boss fights get easier if you swap your runes out from the glory kill ones to ones like vacuum.
Air control is plenty easy if you nip back to level 1.
Plenty of hnnngnh last night at first, getting killed by stupid falls as much as by hell spawn :DD

Then nice progression with beautifully brutal battles (love this game when you're in the zone and it just flows) and another Rune challenge done (4th one so I can use two slots now).

Met a few new enemy types last night too

ZOMG Spoiler! Click here to view!
Cacodemons - Rocket face
Lost Souls - chain gun face
Baron of Hell - Surrounded by Imps who didn't like him! :D
Doctor Glyndwr wrote:
Rune story not so pretty though. There's two I can't do (Rich Get Richer and Saving Throw),

Just hit Rich Get Richer myself, definitely the toughest Rune Challenge yet and probably took me about 12-15 attempts at a guess. (Although some of those were a total bust almost from the start, as your first few shots really need to count.)

The key I found is lots and lots of movement, don't worry about the timer, move around the arena freely to find the next target you can take on safely (it's a very small space so it doesn't take more than a few seconds) - as splash damage is more likely to kill you than the baddies themselves. About half the targets are single shot kills, there are only 6 or so that are really dangerous.

All that said I simply can't imagine taking this one on without K+M, and restart times of about 9 seconds help as well.

Working my way through Level 9 at the moment (which is where Rich Get Richer is), and still finding the game endlessly fantastic fun. Superb stuff.

I tried RGR a number more times, without luck. Gngh. I think you're right -- I'm going too fast, taking too many risks, and absorbing too much splash damage.

I did, however, unlock Saving Throw and start working on its upgrade. I also found a dead easy way to do Air Control -- use the plasma gun's heat blast, jump into a group of weak enemies, jump, trigger the alt-fire. You can get 3-5 enemies towards the rune upgrade each time. No need to aim because the hear burst has an area of effect.

I'm pondering going for the platinum trophy on this.
Doctor Glyndwr wrote:
I tried RGR a number more times, without luck. Gngh. I think you're right -- I'm going too fast, taking too many risks, and absorbing too much splash damage.

I did, however, unlock Saving Throw and start working on its upgrade. I also found a dead easy way to do Air Control -- use the plasma gun's heat blast, jump into a group of weak enemies, jump, trigger the alt-fire. You can get 3-5 enemies towards the rune upgrade each time. No need to aim because the hear burst has an area of effect.

I'm pondering going for the platinum trophy on this.

Do you have to do ultranightmare for that?

If yes... oof.
Just the first level. The trophies are actually pretty fair across the board.
Work colleague who platinums pretty much everything he plays says that he can't because of some glitch or other stopping a trophy from popping. You might want to check that out and make save files accordingly.
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