Political Banter and Debate Thread
Countdown to a flight-free UK
Mr Russell wrote:
Mr Dave wrote:
And replace him with someone who doesn't want to see the human race wiped out by a meteor too. That'd be nice.

He wants to see us wiped out by a meteor...?

Mr Russell wrote:
Mr Dave wrote:
And replace him with someone who doesn't want to see the human race wiped out by a meteor too. That'd be nice.

He wants to see us wiped out by a meteor...?

Slightly tongue in cheek, but...

http://www.parliament.uk/business/publi ... on=2003-04
Doctor Glyndwr wrote:

You have met me before, right?
True. You are pretty slight.
When Mr Dave meets Jeremy Corbyn he creates more electability.
So, Queen's Speech time.
BBC list of bills.

As usual, it's the IT-related bills that are most irritating.
◾All websites containing pornographic images to require age verification for access

ALL websites? Even Tumblr?

Also, I hope the whole Human Rights Act repeal really has been kicked into the long grass. I also get annoyed when they talk about 'a British Bill of Rights' because we already have one that predates the Convention.
Age verification as in set the year to 1900 and then click "confirm".

Lets make sure no one tells under 18s how to do that.
they'll never figure out; the tories are destroying schools to stop them learning how to use a computer.
Liberal Democrats' Triumphant Return to Government! 100% of party in cabinet!

as Welsh Education secretary
Your NHS is in safe hands with the party of fiscal responsibility!

Patient care could start to suffer after hospitals and other NHS trusts in England overspent by a record £2.45bn last year, experts are warning. The unprecedented deficit for 2015-16 - triple what was recorded the year before - is largely a result of hospitals busting their budgets. They will now need to use extra money they are being given this year to bail themselves out.


Of course, when they say "overspent", what they mean is "underfunded." The NHS is a public service and not a commercial entity.
Might just be coincidence, but the Rt. Hon. Jeremy Hunt was appointed as Health Secretary in September 2012.
GazChap wrote:
Might just be coincidence, but the Rt. Hon. Jeremy Hunt was appointed as Health Secretary in September 2012.

I think most people are probably agreed that we would have been better off with Ron Jeremy than the Rt Hon Jeremy.
Cras wrote:
GazChap wrote:
Might just be coincidence, but the Rt. Hon. Jeremy Hunt was appointed as Health Secretary in September 2012.

I think most people are probably agreed that we would have been better off with Ron Jeremy than the Rt Hon Jeremy.

Trump overtakes Clinton in polls for the first time:

http://uk.businessinsider.com/donald-tr ... ?r=US&IR=T

Still feeling supremely confident that Trump can't win...?

From my POV I was never worried about Scottish Independence and was proved right. Ditto the outcome of the GE, as against all odds and polls - and I'm similarly not worried about Brexit either (i.e. we'll be staying in, albeit it'll be a close vote). But Trump...? I'm not saying he's gonna win - shit, I hope not - but my spidey-senses are jangling like bloody mad. The Americans might just be stupid enough to elect him, in which case it really is 'goodnight, Irene'. :(
The silly thing about reporting on GE polls at this point is that Clinton is still in the middle of a primary race. A huge chunk of the Sanders supporters are deliberately voting for Trump in this sort of poll - because they want their guy to look like he's got a better chance of winning the presidential than Clinton does while there's still a primary race to win (and of course vice-versa for any Trump/Sanders poll).

Any presidential voting poll while there's still a primary race in progress is meaningless.
I've thought that he probably would get elected for quite some time.

The only question in my mind then would be whether the global armageddon happens before or after Boris gets a shot at being PM.

Mmm. Well, I hope you're right.
Might just be that the prospect of a Trump presidency is so utterly and uniquely appalling, but like I say, my gut is not giving me much of a feelgood about this. I remain VERY worried, 50/50 I reckon. (Btw, it has nothing to do with raw black pudding or ill-kept condiments. :D )
Oh don't get me wrong, it'll be a sphincter-clenching election period, but we're not in a position to actually have any real feel for how the election will run until the conventions are done with.
I think Trump will win. It is too soon for a female US president. There will be another President Clinton, and she will be elected some time after 2031 and be Chelsea.
MaliA wrote:
I think Trump will win. It is too soon for a female US president. There will be another President Clinton, and she will be elected some time after 2031 and be Chelsea.

I'm taking this to William Hill... Can you lend me a tenner?
TheVision wrote:
MaliA wrote:
I think Trump will win. It is too soon for a female US president. There will be another President Clinton, and she will be elected some time after 2031 and be Chelsea.

I'm taking this to William Hill... Can you lend me a tenner?

Palin as vp.
MaliA wrote:
TheVision wrote:
MaliA wrote:
I think Trump will win. It is too soon for a female US president. There will be another President Clinton, and she will be elected some time after 2031 and be Chelsea.

I'm taking this to William Hill... Can you lend me a tenner?

Palin as vp.

Man, this just get better... :'(
The best firewall against Trump being President is non-White Americans.

He may absolutely smash already Republican states, but swing states could cost him where there are large minority numbers.

It's too far out to call accurately though. Clinton is being demonised by Sanders and the more wacko parts of his support, but Trump can't attack from that particular angle (though he will undoubtedly go for corruption amongst other angles). It's tremendously interesting; I just hope that Clinton (who is no saint) can unite the Dems and appeal enough to the independents.

If not, I can just hope that the good old bureaucrats can derail the more stupid of his ideas. Or else it'll end up with a military coup.
Curiosity wrote:
good old bureaucrats can derail the more stupid of his ideas.

I can't see him having much luck in the Congress, even if the Republicans control both Houses.
Sanders fails to win democrats race, stands as independent, splits vote and Trump gets in.

Shades of 2000.
Mr Dave wrote:
Sanders fails to win democrats race, stands as independent, splits vote and Trump gets in.

Shades of 2000.

Not a chance. He's not deluded enough to think there's space in this election for a third party candidate.
Cras wrote:
Mr Dave wrote:
Sanders fails to win democrats race, stands as independent, splits vote and Trump gets in.

Shades of 2000.

Not a chance. He's not deluded enough to think there's space in this election for a third party candidate.

And yet he thinks he has a chance in the primaries.
Well - he does. More, by staying in the primaries he's opening the door for a run by a progressive democrat in 4 or 8 years, whether he wins or not, without doing any real harm to democratic chances in the presidential.
Cras wrote:
Mr Dave wrote:
Sanders fails to win democrats race, stands as independent, splits vote and Trump gets in.

Shades of 2000.

Not a chance. He's not deluded enough to think there's space in this election for a third party candidate.

Ummmmm, Gary Johnson is consistently polling 10% as the Libertarian candidate. I'd not be surprised for him to make a play for the Bernie Bros. Unlikely to win any states, but could potentially swing one for the other two.
Okay, I was unclear - there's no room for a third party candidate who would look to take existing blue votes with him. Because that's just handing the win to the Republicans, and he knows that as well as anyone does.
Cras wrote:
Okay, I was unclear - there's no room for a third party candidate who would look to take existing blue votes with him. Because that's just handing the win to the Republicans, and he knows that as well as anyone does.

That said, Bernie isn't really a Democrat anyway.

But he won't run as independent.

Question is whether he will try to help Hillary or not. I hope so, as I would like her to be a little more to the left, and if he can make her bend that way I think it would help.
Him as VP would be the dream ticket, and it makes so much political sense. Won't happen though.
Shitstorm incoming.

POLICE are currently investigating 220 alleged cases of child sex grooming in Keighley and across Bradford district.

Police said the cases involved 261 suspects and 188 victims.

The figures were obtained after the town's former MP Ann Cryer spoke about how the battle must go on to bring perpetrators of the vile crime to justice.

Mrs Cryer suffered verbal abuse and was accused of 'demonising' the Asian community when she began a campaign more than a decade ago to get the authorities to tackle child sex grooming in Keighley.

Hopefully the hard right won't come visiting.
MaliA wrote:
Hopefully the hard right won't come visiting.

I think Cavey's busy that day
The IMF may be turning away from austerity:

[T]here are aspects of the neoliberal agenda that have not delivered as expected. Our assessment of the agenda is confined to the effects of two policies: removing restrictions on the movement of capital across a country’s borders (so-called capital account liberalization); and fiscal consolidation, sometimes called “austerity,” which is shorthand for policies to reduce fiscal deficits and debt levels. An assessment of these specific policies (rather than the broad neoliberal agenda) reaches three disquieting conclusions:

•The benefits in terms of increased growth seem fairly difficult to establish when looking at a broad group of countries.­

•The costs in terms of increased inequality are prominent. Such costs epitomize the trade-off between the growth and equity effects of some aspects of the neoliberal agenda.­

•Increased inequality in turn hurts the level and sustainability of growth. Even if growth is the sole or main purpose of the neoliberal agenda, advocates of that agenda still need to pay attention to the distributional effects.­
International Nonetary Fund
Lonewolves wrote:
MaliA wrote:
Hopefully the hard right won't come visiting.

I think Cavey's busy that day

Cavey wrote:
Lonewolves wrote:
MaliA wrote:
Hopefully the hard right won't come visiting.

I think Cavey's busy that day


Lonewolves wrote:
Cavey wrote:
Lonewolves wrote:
MaliA wrote:
Hopefully the hard right won't come visiting.

I think Cavey's busy that day



Cameron to face vote of no confidence over EU campaign?

Tory MP seem to think so.

http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2016/05 ... um=twitter

Party in absolute disarray!
http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2016/05 ... rsonal-a1/

Is this the day the EU referendum campaign turned dirty? Two front pages lead on personal attacks on the Prime Minister and his immigration record from cabinet ministers.

The Sunday Telegraph carries a piece by Priti Patel, the eurosceptic employment minister, suggested David Cameron and George Osborne are too rich to care about immigration.

Meanwhile The Sunday Times has a letter form Boris Johnson and Michael Gove, the two most prominent Tories backing Brexit, saying the Prime Minister has eroded public trust on immigration.

And then a few hours later on TV:

Here are the key Nadine Dorries quotes as she revealed during ITV's Peston on Sunday show that she has formally called for a leadership contest.


"My letter’s already in. If the Remain camp wins by a large majority, let’s say 60:40, then David Cameron might just survive. But if Remain win by a narrow majority or if Leave – as I certainly hope, I think – will win he’s toast within days."


"I always have backed the only politician I think in Westminster who has a proven track record of achievement and that’s Boris Johnson."


“No and I will tell you why – because he’s lied profoundly and I think that is actually really at the heat of why Conservative MPs have been so angered.

“To say that Turkey is not going to join the Europe Union for as far as 30 years is a lie and if you look at what David Lidington, the minister, has said during the [Commons] debates in Hansard Turkey are well on the way to being part of the European Union.

“There are many issues about which David Cameron has told outright lies and the trust because of that has gone in both him and George Osborne. …

"So because of those very reasons the trust has been absolutely shattered in both David Cameron and George Osborne in the Conservative Party and it would be very hard for either of them to survive in the future.”

No way is this coincidental timing. It's a co-ordinated attack.

It takes 50 letters from MPs to force a vote of no confidence, apparently. That seems like a very achievable goal if the Leave camp are determined to get it.
Wait - if Remain win, but only narrowly, Cameron is clearly incompetent as he can't win a landslide in a referendum. So Nadine, paragon of consistent thought that she is, will support Boris for the leadership...who will have just lost the referendum.
Nobody said it had to make sense. Political left infighting looks like holier-than-thou intellectuals dancing around each other. Political right infighting looks like a bare knuckle street brawl.
Bobbyaro wrote:

They want Cameron to know he's not popular, somewhat publicly, and George O isn't their star signing either.
"I want to stab him in the front so I can see his face," said the MP, speaking off the record.
"Labour are in meltdown, how can we best capitalise on this?"
"Clearly we collapse in a puddle of embarrassing infighting and backstabbing"
"Great plan!"
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