Metul and metulurs, rejoice!
Morte wrote:
Pundabaya wrote:
Best Metallica: Ride the Lightning.


The man speaketh the truth...Fade to Black is their finest hour (or five minutes if you prefer), the solo that fades out at the end is right up their with the one from Comfortably Numb.

Fade To Black completely changed my life the first time I heard it. I'm not even remotely joking. I love that song more than words could ever express.
Orion's better in my opinion.

edit: in fact, better than most things.
Bluce_Ree wrote:
Orion's better in my opinion.

edit: in fact, better than most things.

Ahh Orion, Cliffy's bass playing at its best.
It's more because Fade To Black was the first song I ever heard which made something click inside my head and sent shivers down my spine. It triggered something in me that has snowballed ever since.

I absolutely love the Metallica Instrumentals, they're probs my fave things they ever did. Call Of Ktulu/Orion/To Live Is to Die are all fucking incredible - and Cliff rules the most ever with Pulling Teeth :metul: Fuck, Metallica were sooooooooooo good, why did it have to go so wrong :'(
pupil wrote:
why did it have to go so wrong :'(

Chin up, fella. There's always Trivium...
Davydd Grimm wrote:
pupil wrote:
why did it have to go so wrong :'(

Chin up, fella. There's always Trivium...

trivium were ok when they weren't ripping off metallica. "The Crusade" was terrible
Master of Puppets is Metallica's peak for me. After that they slowly lost the plot. This new stuff at least sounds better than St Anger, but it's just generic by-numbers stuff. Getting rid of the guitar solos certainly isn't the answer, which doesn't mean 'no solos' as much as 'only simple riffs and nothing else'. They need to write good songs, and they haven't by the sounds of things.

Also, I can't believe someone mentioned Poison without being derisory.

ooh! Genghis Tron!

grabbed (read: stole) the album last night. I like what I've heard so far.
The Krallice album is fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking AMAZING! Mick Barr is God, end of!

Also, not that I'm fussed about Genghis Tron, but Behold... The Arctopus are supporting them on their UK tour in November EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!! 8) :DD :luv: :metul:
pupil wrote:
Behold... The Arctopus are supporting them on their UK tour in November EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!! 8) :DD :luv: :metul:

Fucking YES!

Genghis Tron can get themselves hence, mind.
ltia wrote:
Also, I can't believe someone mentioned Poison without being derisory.

I was derisory!
Since i got paid yesterday, I'm gonna book my ticket for Damnation Festival today. It was mentioned here before, but anyone else going?
Sweet fucking JESUS, Cynic are supporting Opeth on their tour in November! Oh my god how fucking METUL is November gonna be!!!>!?!?!?!!>!11 :metul: :DD
Culture Show special on Metallica on BBC2 tonight.

Obviously just a big fuck off advert for the new album on a channel funded by Joe Public but as long as we don't download any of it Lars Ulrich won't come round to your house and bite your ankles.
Good call.

I would like to see that rockumentary they made a few years ago. I heard there was an excellent hissy fit between Hetfield and Ulrich, with Ulrich shouting in the other's face before flouncing off. He really is the worst thing about the band, esp his drumming.
It's a repeat from about 2 weeks ago. I watched it on iPlayer before going on holiday last week. Quite good, but annoying presenter.
pupil wrote:
Sweet fucking JESUS, Cynic are supporting Opeth on their tour in November! Oh my god how fucking METUL is November gonna be!!!>!?!?!?!!>!11 :metul: :DD

Get rid of Opeth, and very METUL indeed! Gods, I used to love Opeth. You should see my exes tattoo, full backpiece oof the swirly O logo thing. Then they went a bit shit.
Some Kind of Monster really is Spinal Tap - if you didn't know who Metallica were you wouldn't know if it was a parody or not.

Best bits: Lars' dad who looks like he was in ZZ Top in the 1800s (I'm not even sure if he really is his dad or an actor) telling him that one of the new songs is crap (and he's right, of course). Also, the new spinal tap cliche 'stock' - as in 'that sounds stock' when Lars tells James that the riff is too derivative.

Lars comes across as a bit of a tit but probably not as bad as a lot of people already thought of him, but it's James Hetfield comes across as a self centred idiot. That and Kirk has no opinion on anything other than guitar solos.

It looks more like Kirk has opinions, but learned a long time ago that trying to get them heard over James and Lars' huge, warring egos is an exercise in futility. I love the way he just sits and rolls his eyes when the whole 'that's just STOCK' thing kicks off; you can tell he's seen it a million times before.

And yeah, Ulrich Senior is awesome. Possibly the only man in existence who would listen to a new 'tallica track, in the studio, with them there, and say 'Well, it's a bit shit. Sorry'.

It's a shame Dave Mustaine comes across as such a whining idiot, as well; I'm sure there was probably some editing there. I mean, I hate Megadeth as well, but it's a bit of a kick in the teeth for the poor chap.
Death Magnetica is now out at all your usual internet stockists for all your "Well it's not as good as Puppets" needs.
The opener, 'That Was Just Your Life' isn't terrible!

Hetfield sounds fucking awesome, like he means it again. I do not like this kick sound at all though.
I might buy it on the way home but I have no idea where my nearest music store is.
Edit: ah, cd is out on the 12th.
pupil wrote:
Also, not that I'm fussed about Genghis Tron, but Behold... The Arctopus are supporting them on their UK tour in November EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!! 8) :DD :luv: :metul:

I knew I clicked onto this forum for a reason. Me = going to go off like a hand grenade. I just hope Tron play 'White Walls' and Arctopus play, well, anything. But especially 'Exospacial Psionic Aura'.

Sticking on Iowa now. Bought it for a quid because it was a quid, and then never really listened to it. More intense a #1 than Far Beyond Driven?

And because I can't be arsed focusing on specific examples, a general lol at the odd bits of dipshittery in the last few pages. Lol also at Opeth if they don't think Cynic is going to blast them off the fucking stage.

Hmm, this is sounding oddly like I expect Disturbed to sound.
Metallica! You've come back to me! *hugs Metallica*
Hmm, Dimrill seems impressed. And I decided to wait til I got the album physically before hearing any of it.

I am intrigued!

ZOMG Spoiler! Click here to view!
This had better not suck.
"Broken, Beat & Scarred" I have a full on robot chubby about. Ooohooho tingle neck! YES! YESSS!
throughsilver wrote:
ZOMG Spoiler! Click here to view!
This had better not suck.

ZOMG Spoiler! Click here to view!
It really, really doesn't. And this is Davydd fucking Grimm speaking; I hate Metallica. The new stuff is energetic and fresh.
HHNNMMN!NH!M!HMH!MHMMMHHHH!HH! The chorous bit to ALl Nightmare Long. I'm in love, I think.
Dimrill wrote:
HHNNMMN!NH!M!HMH!MHMMMHHHH!HH! The chorous bit to ALl Nightmare Long. I'm in love, I think.

It's like being 13 and hearing 'For Whom The Bell Tolls' again, isn't it? I am pleasantly surprised.
Dimrill wrote:

My word. It's like Regurgitate album cover...

Ooh fuck you all. I even liked some of Reload, so I had better love this.

Wait, why the fuck is the record fifty quid?

I know it's Metallica and all, but I'm sure their albums didn't used to be fifty quid. Or even forty-nine. I'm tempted to just buy Ride the Lightning and Master of Puppets on posh double 45 discs. That'll show them, err, spending almost as much money on their own products in protest against them.

Yeah, didn't think that one through very well.

[edit] Crisis averted!
I know people who have ordered the coffin box set thing at insane prices. Metallica fans, eh?
Dimrill wrote:
"Broken, Beat & Scarred" I have a full on robot chubby about. Ooohooho tingle neck! YES! YESSS!

Oh YES, I fucking think so. That is tremendous.

I'm only that far into DM so far, but already it's... fucking hell. A massive return to form, and that's the current highlight.
IN OTHER NEWS: The new Psycroptic is shit, and I really like Alcest.
After listening to it for the best part of yesterday and today, All Nightmare Long is currently my favourite track off of there loike.
I gots me the Discordance Axis bootleg dvd 'A Leaden Stride To Nowhere', and fucking hell it's a bit good. Four full live sets, including their final ever from two angles in quite sparkly sound quality. All I need now is the video of the Capitalist Casualties split and I think I have everything, barring the TID Perfect Edition, which I will realistically never own.

I like Discordance Axis.
Davydd Grimm wrote:
pupil wrote:
Sweet fucking JESUS, Cynic are supporting Opeth on their tour in November! Oh my god how fucking METUL is November gonna be!!!>!?!?!?!!>!11 :metul: :DD

Get rid of Opeth, and very METUL indeed! Gods, I used to love Opeth. You should see my exes tattoo, full backpiece oof the swirly O logo thing. Then they went a bit shit.

I love Opeth since 99 or something, and for me Ghost Reveries is their best, and i have Morningrise rated very high. The last one was average though
I hated Ghost Reveries. It has this really weird squashy guitar tone, and you can tell Lopez was sick to death of playing that 6/8 clave all the time. It was apparently going to be an 'almost black metal' album, according to Akerfeldt, but I imagine Roadrunner clipped their wings, there.

Don't get me wrong, I fucking love Opeth. Just nothing since they signed to Roadrunner.
Opeth would be the most fantastic band in the world...if there was some way of removing all the Death Metal nonsense singing from the mix. Really does spoil some lovely tunes.

oh bloody hell...

that's me traumatised for life.

Meshuggah btw.
Come now, it's impossible to be scared by 'posh' metal videos...
Wow, you can tell Nuclear Blast are chucking their weight behind Meshuggah now. As well they should.

That video isn't as good as the one for New Millenium Cyanide Christ, though.
It's the band off Destruction Derby 2! With terrible, terrible vocals!
The video for NMCC is amazing. I love Meshuggah and was really glad when they came over in 2004.
Were you at the gig in the Basement, with Phantom Limb Management?
Davydd Grimm wrote:
Were you at the gig in the Basement, with Phantom Limb Management?

Yep. :)
Bit good, wasn't it? I just sort of hid at the back, it all looked a bit rough for me. They're there again on saturday, some chums are badgering me to attend. Can't afford it, sadly.
It was bloody brilliant. I was about halfway back and yes, it was a bit rough.

I can't afford to go on Saturday either. :(
Some more amusing Meshuggah. Mmm, I'm in a polyrhythmic mood now.
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