Funny pictures
That can't be true. Russell has got thumbs the size of saucers. We'd be doomed.
Trooper wrote:


Only that's bollocks. That rule actually pertains to bleves. These are 'boiling liquid expanding vapour explosions' and are highly destructive, it says here. Firemen have a 'rule of thumb' for these where if the scene is too big to cover with a thumb held outstretched, then you're too close. Even a small bleve (from say a propane cylinder) can fling debris half a mile.

In the instance of mushroom clouds the official line is to seek shelter for a number of very pertinent reasons. First of all unless the curvature of the earth was between you and the cloud, it would most likely always be bigger than your thumb. Secondly, the blast wave would have knocked over trees and telegraph poles even up to thirty miles away, impeding your exit. Thirdly, you don't want to be outside when the next one goes off owing to thermal pulse that can scorch you or blind you up to dozens of miles away. Fourth, the wind direction might actually be taking the fallout away from you and you may evacuate into the shadow of another mushroom cloud fallout zone. Fifth, fallout zones can spread hundreds of miles, especially from ground bursts. Sixth, seeking shelter for a period of several weeks away from the dust if possible is infinitely preferable to stumbling around in it.

That man is needlessly endangering people's health during nuclear armageddon!
Jeez Pete, you take all the fun out of nuclear armaggedon.
Trooper wrote:
Jeez Pete, you take all the fun out of nuclear armaggedon.

Yu... you're right. Must find FUN in the nuclear SUN. :'(

John Goodman is here to dig me out of my radioactive comedy grave!
This person just appeared as someone to possibly connect to on LinkedIn


Which is basically a carbon copy of;

arnie choke.jpg

Why would you choose that picture? WHY?
You ner nuffin, Jon Snurr!

Hnnnngh. I hate Anchorman, but even I know the quote is "Boy, that escalated quickly."
GazChap wrote:
Hnnnngh. I hate Anchorman, but even I know the quote is "Boy, that escalated quickly."

Yep, but the best know meme is this one, so it was probably copied from that.

This is apparently from an actual video game:

Taken from this article on PC Gamer: The 10 worst and most WTF adventure game puzzles

I can't upload gifs in my phone but this has made me laugh a lot today.

I like that the student was awarded 0.5 marks and 'nice try.'

Actually laughed out loud.

edit: Fuck it, click the link

No I can't do that either
Saw this on a walk around town earlier.

Bowel of chips anyone? The 'noddles' sound good too.

I'm stealing that!
I have a bowel of chips right now
I'm too busy eating my noddles
What's worse is when they put the dirty dish on the wrong side. There must always be a smooth flow from dirty -> sink -> drying bit.
Dirty dishes put straight in the sink *rage*
Cras wrote:
Dirty dishes put straight in the sink *rage*

Do they require a prewash cycle of you licking them clean then?
Mr Dave wrote:
Cras wrote:
Dirty dishes put straight in the sink *rage*

Do they require a prewash cycle of you licking them clean then?

No, they should be put to one side so you can then fill the bowl with clean warm water and start washing.
If dishes or cutlery just get thrown in there, you either have to empty everything out again, or start the washing up with filthy water.
Dr Zoidberg wrote:
Mr Dave wrote:
Cras wrote:
Dirty dishes put straight in the sink *rage*

Do they require a prewash cycle of you licking them clean then?

No, they should be put to one side so you can then fill the bowl with clean warm water and start washing.
If dishes or cutlery just get thrown in there, you either have to empty everything out again, or start the washing up with filthy water.

So very much :this:. Only fucking savages do anything else.
Bamba wrote:
Dr Zoidberg wrote:
Mr Dave wrote:
Cras wrote:
Dirty dishes put straight in the sink *rage*

Do they require a prewash cycle of you licking them clean then?

No, they should be put to one side so you can then fill the bowl with clean warm water and start washing.
If dishes or cutlery just get thrown in there, you either have to empty everything out again, or start the washing up with filthy water.

So very much :this:. Only fucking savages do anything else.

What's even more annoying is when we have *A DISHWASHER* and someone comes back from work and throws the minging cutlery straight into the bowl instead of putting them in the machine.
Bamba wrote:
Dr Zoidberg wrote:
Mr Dave wrote:
Cras wrote:
Dirty dishes put straight in the sink *rage*

Do they require a prewash cycle of you licking them clean then?

No, they should be put to one side so you can then fill the bowl with clean warm water and start washing.
If dishes or cutlery just get thrown in there, you either have to empty everything out again, or start the washing up with filthy water.

So very much :this:. Only fucking savages do anything else.


*glares at Joans*
WTF?!?!? Who the fuck fills the bowl up with water? You sploosh detergent onto the sponge, then just wash everything under a running tap.
MrChris wrote:
WTF?!?!? Who the fuck fills the bowl up with water? You put everything in the dishwasher.

Fixed that for you.
MrChris wrote:
WTF?!?!? Who the fuck fills the bowl up with water? You sploosh detergent onto the sponge, then just wash everything under a running tap.

Which is equally fine, but there'a not space to do that if some cocknozzle has filled the sunken with dishes.
Sunken? Fuck you, Apple
Baaabe, can we go to this restaurant please?

Only when the tide is out.
That took me a lot longer than it should have.
The boys are waiting.
Well, I am not sure what ice-cream has to do with anything, tbf.
Recruitment ad outside a local supermarket.

Screenshot 2016-07-26 at 10.54.50.png
That's some quality proofreading
Well, spell check allowed it so it MUST be ok, right?
Cras wrote:
That's some quality proofreading

IKR. Pretty sure Ramsay is spelt with two As.
Ainsley Harriott's face on things.

I find it gets funnier the more of them you see.

Screenshot 2016-08-01 at 11.13.51.png
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