The 'NAY!' Thread
Is that your actual final cost? When we had the flat Lewisham did works and said estimated cost from the outset was c£10k. When we sold up the purchasers wanted that off the price and I refused and accepted liability to pay - actually cost us £1,000.

Largely because the estimate upfront was total cost of all repairs in the whole Lewisham housing stock divided by number of Lewisham homes properties, no actual reasonable estimate at all , but costs have to accrue to leaseholders on an actual basis.
It is an estimate based on our block, and we have to pay up front (although we have spread the payments over 24 months), so most likely that it will be that, if not more. I find it highly unlikely the contractor will be giving any money back!
I didn't really fancy talking about it publicly at the time, but my relationship ended last Saturday. It's not a huge nay as it hadn't been working for a few weeks, I was a mixture of sad and relieved.

I haven't wasted any time, however, and I've got a first date today. (On Valentine's Day - what can possibly go wrong?)
Lonewolves wrote:
I didn't really fancy talking about it publicly at the time, but my relationship ended last Saturday. It's not a huge nay as it hadn't been working for a few weeks, I was a mixture of sad and relieved.


Lonewolves wrote:
I haven't wasted any time, however, and I've got a first date today.

Such a playa.

(On Valentine's Day - what can possibly go wrong?)

Do you get her a card? Don't you?

Get her this one:
Lonewolves wrote:
I didn't really fancy talking about it publicly at the time, but my relationship ended last Saturday. It's not a huge nay as it hadn't been working for a few weeks, I was a mixture of sad and relieved.

I haven't wasted any time, however, and I've got a first date today. (On Valentine's Day - what can possibly go wrong?)

Well that sucks, but have a fun one tonight. I went speed dating on Valebtines last year. That was...interesting.
Sorry to hear that...

How did the date go?
Ok that went so well it doesn't really belong in this thread
Lonewolves wrote:
Ok that went so well it doesn't really belong in this thread

No-one can resist that card.
Grim... wrote:
Lonewolves wrote:
Ok that went so well it doesn't really belong in this thread

No-one can resist that card.

I did give her a card actually. The most non-committal one I could find in Sainsbury's. :DD

Great news to heat, Myp. Fingers crossed for a next date and much funtimes. :kiss:
"Happy Valentines Day, person I know"
Lonewolves wrote:
Grim... wrote:
Lonewolves wrote:
Ok that went so well it doesn't really belong in this thread

No-one can resist that card.

I did give her a card actually. The most non-committal one I could find in Sainsbury's. :DD


DavPaz wrote:
"Happy Valentines Day, person I know"

More 'Happy Valentines Day, person I don't really know yet'.
Lonewolves wrote:
Grim... wrote:
Lonewolves wrote:
Ok that went so well it doesn't really belong in this thread

No-one can resist that card.

I did give her a card actually. The most non-committal one I could find in Sainsbury's. :DD

Nectar Card?
Grim... wrote:
Lonewolves wrote:
Grim... wrote:
Lonewolves wrote:
Ok that went so well it doesn't really belong in this thread

No-one can resist that card.

I did give her a card actually. The most non-committal one I could find in Sainsbury's. :DD

Nectar Card?

Grim... wrote:
Lonewolves wrote:
Grim... wrote:
Lonewolves wrote:
Ok that went so well it doesn't really belong in this thread

No-one can resist that card.

I did give her a card actually. The most non-committal one I could find in Sainsbury's. :DD

Nectar Card?


801 bananas. We should bring back the banana system of ratings for awesomeness.
Five bananas out of seven.
73 bapercentagenana
A few years ago I had many teeth pulled. As an Aspie I tend to bite and grind a lot, and the more it hurts the more I bite grind and clench. Any way I had a mountain of dental work done in around 2009. They removed 12 teeth in total leaving me with two wisdom teeth. On one of them they performed a root canal, and about a year ago the side of it collapsed and I knew it would have to come out but I was too fanny to do anything about it, until about 10 days back when it started to give me crap. I phoned my dentist and made an appointment for Monday.

So I hoped I would be able to "do a man" and just get it temp patched up and make an appointment for an extraction. However, there was no infection so the dentist asked me if I wanted it pulled there and then. I started to brick it, but thought that if I left it I would end up having a few sleepless nights in agony, so in my infinite wisdom (pardon the pun) I decided to be a man and have it taken out. Obviously this had to be the largest of my remaining two wisdom teeth and it took some moving. All I remember about the extraction itself is me lying there with eyes full of tears and my head being jerked around sideways, then up and down, then repeat. Then all of a sudden I felt the pressure lift, and a few seconds later I looked over at the instrument table and there it was, in all of its bastard glory.

The dentist asked me beforehand which painkillers I wanted and I requested 30mg Codeine, no paracetamol. Paracetamol is simply wasted on me, as it just doesn't do anything. She then stuffed my mouth full of gauze, handed me a prescription and I was on my way. I phoned a cab (mmph mmph can I have a car pleasemmph) and decided to go straight to the chemist to get the prescription. After that I could return home, take a dose and sleep it off, hopefully avoiding that "it feels like I have been kicked in the fucking jaw" feeling. Into the chemist I went, handed them the prescription and waited. Then about five minutes later the pharmacist comes over and tells me that the prescription is duff. I can't remember exactly what he was going on about now because by then the injections had started to wear off and I was in excruciating pain. I argued with him for a couple of minutes, then realised the cunt just wasn't going to budge. He said that I needed to go back to the dentist and get something changed, I told him (blood bubbles and all) to shove it.

Now by now I am bleeding really heavily. Due to the freezing cold conditions outside and the fact that I had to keep talking to people when I really didn't want to I was absolutely pissing blood. The only method I could think of to get rid of it was to swallow it. I walked home, swallowing mouthfuls of blood as I went, and then when I got in I had to then explain to Mrs JC what had gone down. She had no idea I was going to have an enormous wisdom tooth ripped out just like that.

I really don't remember much of anything else, apart from telling Mrs JC I was going to go and try and sleep it off, after taking some 8mg codeine pills. I got up to walk to the bedroom, but apparently didn't reach it. I got about half way between the bedroom door and the bed where I apparently fainted, dislocating my shoulder on the way. I remember coming too and not being able to distinguish what hurt more, my jaw, or my shoulder. I managed to get my shoulder back in the socket but I could not for the life of me muster up the strength to stand up. Not only that, but I started hearing this really odd low frequency hum that apparently only I could hear, Mrs JC couldn't hear a thing. So we decided to call an ambulance who told me that I had passed out due to swallowing blood. Apparently it's really, really not good for you.

So yeah, like "nay".
Get betterer soon.
I'm good thanks Dave. It still hurts if I talk to much (so that would be all of the time) but the wound itself has healed over nicely now :)

Good did come out of it though. My new dentist has explained why my dentures won't fit properly (I have a very narrow mouth apparently !) so she's going to concentrate on certain teeth rather than trying to make one full of teeth that just won't fit properly (so she obviously knows a lot more than my old dentist who gave up after creating two ill fitting ones).

And I guess what ain't there eventually won't hurt any more. I really don't miss those nights lying in bed in absolute agony.
Gah. Having been to the dentist's way too much over the last four years, you have my sympathies JC.
Shit, I hope you get better soon dude. And, if it helps, getting serious teeth ripped out there and then is pretty 'brave' and I imagine a lot of people would be too worried to just get into it the way you did. And I include myself in that. So, fair play to you.

One thing I would say is that if your dentist is actually asking you beforehand what prescription you want and then handing off shoddy scripts then you probably want to get the fuck out of that shit and get a proper person dealing with your shit because none of that is or normal or right.
Kern wrote:
Gah. Having been to the dentist's way too much over the last four years, you have my sympathies JC.

I had to go a lot between 2009 and 2010. I used to be so terrified (as a kid and teenager) that they would have to put me out, and even then I would freak out whilst under.

It doesn't bother me much any more. Having dental work done doesn't hurt anywhere near as much as a bad tooth ache. God, I can't think of any pain that I've ever suffered that is as bad as a really bad toothache. The kind that makes it feel like your jawbone is on fire.

What's odd is that when I had the main work done they took out 3-4 teeth at a time over three sessions. But I didn't bleed anywhere near as badly as I did with this one. Apparently you're supposed to gently tip your head over a sink and let the blood go out of your mouth rather than swallowing it. I will most certainly use that trick if the last of them has to come out (touch wood it's still pretty much perfect as it doesn't make contact with any other teeth).

Bamba wrote:
Shit, I hope you get better soon dude. And, if it helps, getting serious teeth ripped out there and then is pretty 'brave' and I imagine a lot of people would be too worried to just get into it the way you did. And I include myself in that. So, fair play to you.

One thing I would say is that if your dentist is actually asking you beforehand what prescription you want and then handing off shoddy scripts then you probably want to get the fuck out of that shit and get a proper person dealing with your shit because none of that is or normal or right.

I don't know exactly why he turned down the prescription. All I know was that he muttered something about it not being the right type for a dentist. Very strange, but thankfully Mrs JC still had some 30s left over from her hysterectomy a couple of years back, so they got me through the first day.

I've never seen a dentist work like that. Seriously, she was like something possessed ! I had a full polish and descale, tooth out and fitted for a denture in about 20 mins.
Bamba wrote:
One thing I would say is that if your dentist is actually asking you beforehand what prescription you want and then handing off shoddy scripts then you probably want to get the fuck out of that shit and get a proper person dealing with your shit because none of that is or normal or right.

Prescription paperwork is fiddly. Pharmacists are allowed to correct one error using their judgement, but no more, so if the prescriber doesn't get the format exactly correct the pharmacist's hands are usually tied. Mrs Doc has managed to twice leave her doctor's office with an unfillable script despite (a) him being a highly paid private consultant and (b) her being an actual pharmacist. I can't remember what was wrong with the second one, but for the first it was that the doctor's scrawled "mg" looked like "mcg" and that he'd written for 60 pills for a 28 day period taken twice a day (ie. it didn't add up.) As you can see, very trivial things can mess this up, and if you're a consultant, a dentist or a vet you don't actually write a lot of prescriptions.
Doctor Glyndwr wrote:
Five bananas out of seven.

A perfect score?
Doctor Glyndwr wrote:
Bamba wrote:
One thing I would say is that if your dentist is actually asking you beforehand what prescription you want and then handing off shoddy scripts then you probably want to get the fuck out of that shit and get a proper person dealing with your shit because none of that is or normal or right.

Prescription paperwork is fiddly. Pharmacists are allowed to correct one error using their judgement, but no more, so if the prescriber doesn't get the format exactly correct the pharmacist's hands are usually tied. Mrs Doc has managed to twice leave her doctor's office with an unfillable script despite (a) him being a highly paid private consultant and (b) her being an actual pharmacist. I can't remember what was wrong with the second one, but for the first it was that the doctor's scrawled "mg" looked like "mcg" and that he'd written for 60 pills for a 28 day period taken twice a day (ie. it didn't add up.) As you can see, very trivial things can mess this up, and if you're a consultant, a dentist or a vet you don't actually write a lot of prescriptions.

This isn't about paperwork, this is about a patient *requesting* specific drugs and getting a prescription for them. Seriously though?
Christ JC. That sounds awful. I hope today us better.
Hope you're back to normal soon mate.
Bamba wrote:
Doctor Glyndwr wrote:
Bamba wrote:
One thing I would say is that if your dentist is actually asking you beforehand what prescription you want and then handing off shoddy scripts then you probably want to get the fuck out of that shit and get a proper person dealing with your shit because none of that is or normal or right.

Prescription paperwork is fiddly. Pharmacists are allowed to correct one error using their judgement, but no more, so if the prescriber doesn't get the format exactly correct the pharmacist's hands are usually tied. Mrs Doc has managed to twice leave her doctor's office with an unfillable script despite (a) him being a highly paid private consultant and (b) her being an actual pharmacist. I can't remember what was wrong with the second one, but for the first it was that the doctor's scrawled "mg" looked like "mcg" and that he'd written for 60 pills for a 28 day period taken twice a day (ie. it didn't add up.) As you can see, very trivial things can mess this up, and if you're a consultant, a dentist or a vet you don't actually write a lot of prescriptions.

This isn't about paperwork, this is about a patient *requesting* specific drugs and getting a prescription for them. Seriously though?

I was drunk throughout this exchange and in the sober light of day I see exactly the point you were making; not sure how I managed to be so dense or weird about it. Apologies.
Hah! I did wonder what you were on about. No offence taken though!
Doctor Glyndwr wrote:
Hah! I did wonder what you were on about. No offence taken though!

I had somehow fixated on the 'giving JC the drugs he requested bit' to the point of completely forgetting the meat of the story with the pharmacist refusing the prescription. At the time I was genuinely wondering why on Earth you were babbling about illegible handwriting and whatnot.

tl;dr: I'm a twat. :D
I'm due to collect a prescription this week, so I will ask him exactly why he refused it now that I'm sort of better :)

Another tip though, don't load a cheese sandwich with jalapenos less than a week after having a big tooth removed. It stings.
Had to do a tax return today, I'm PAYE but cashed some work shares in so owed capital gains.

I had worked out what I owed and I was right within £100. Then when the calculation online was done, I owed them another £1600 as my tax allowance was reduced in the over all calculation.

Bang goes the new TV I had planned for upstairs :(
asfish wrote:
I had worked out what I owed and I was right within £100. Then when the calculation online was done, I owed them another £1600 as my tax allowance was reduced in the over all calculation.

I know how much you have to earn before that happens, and this is thoroughly into "my diamond shoes are too tight" territory.
Was it really capital gains? Or have you returned it as income from employment related shares?
I know how much you have to earn before that happens, and this is thoroughly into "my diamond shoes are too tight" territory.

My 3 pairs of those fit fine, but thanks for asking.
ApplePieOfDestiny wrote:
Was it really capital gains? Or have you returned it as income from employment related shares?

Yes the first time you get shares to cash in, they split the option in 2. Half is approved so they just wire you the money and you get to use a Capital Gains Allowance.

Everything after that is done through PAYE and you pay tax accordingly
Unless you've burnt out your CGT allowance so have tax to pay, any excess shouldn't be affecting your personal allowance as it shouldn't be income. The PAYE element of it will have cleared your allowance in year, so again shouldn't give you an additional income tax charge.

In conclusion, I can't work out how you have a payable amount based on what you've said.
My guess is: the shares are unrelated, it was his base pay that tipped him over into reduced personal allowance. He'd allowed for the former but didn't know about the latter until he got to the end of the self assessment process.
P35 process should capture that into a recoding well in advance of this point though. To my knowledge a CGT requirement alone shouldn't be enough to push you out of the automatic (and usually incorrect) recoding when you have a single main employer, although RTI does improve that. However if you do your return well earlier than 'late' you'd be able to shove anything under £2k through the following years code anyway, so that may be the issue here.
Fucks sake I've spent all day trying to resolve tax mysteries with half the fucking information and now I'm missing walking dead doing the same in a non specialist area for no money and without being asked to it even knowing there's an issue in the first place.
P35 (whatever that is, I've never seen one) didn't work for me -- I had to pay a hefty lump sum this year after having my personal allowance clawed back. (I did do my return late, which is on me.)

My shares work differently though. I don't get options, I get full shares, granted quarterly. The US office assesses the entire value of the grant as income and withholds some high amount as tax, 65% I think, rounded down to a whole number of shares; the fractional share is refunded to me as cash. Then the UK office works out what I was actually due to pay under PAYE, which is less than 65%, and refunds me the difference plus the fractional share. I only come liable for CGT then on any gains between that grant price and the eventual price when I sell, which is unlikely to cause me any liability unless we cure cancer.
Only the employer (and hmrc) see the p35. Which is so redundant now I'm going to speculate they don't even exist. Anyway it's a mirror of your p60.

The rest, US share schemes be funky.
ApplePieOfDestiny wrote:
Fucks sake I've spent all day trying to resolve tax mysteries with half the fucking information and now I'm missing walking dead doing the same in a non specialist area for no money and without being asked to it even knowing there's an issue in the first place.

The first time you exercise work share options they are split in half

One half is unapproved so gets paid with your wages and taxed, the other half is approved and you just get sent the gross amount and can claim capital gains allowance then pay tax on the rest. Every one after that is unapproved so goes through payroll.

So I filled in the tax return for the CG, then had to put in what I had been paid on PAYE from my P60 and any benefits from my P11D which was just BUPA

After that was calculated I had an under payment of tax @£1600, I did this with one of our senior accountants at work who told me its right, also been told (but forgotten about until today) that this happens, from other people my grade who had cashed shares in.
Doctor Glyndwr wrote:
P35 (whatever that is, I've never seen one) didn't work for me -- I had to pay a hefty lump sum this year after having my personal allowance clawed back. (I did do my return late, which is on me.)

My shares work differently though. I don't get options, I get full shares, granted quarterly. The US office assesses the entire value of the grant as income and withholds some high amount as tax, 65% I think, rounded down to a whole number of shares; the fractional share is refunded to me as cash. Then the UK office works out what I was actually due to pay under PAYE, which is less than 65%, and refunds me the difference plus the fractional share. I only come liable for CGT then on any gains between that grant price and the eventual price when I sell, which is unlikely to cause me any liability unless we cure cancer.

What I used to get (stopped last year) is a number of options as a given price. So lets say they were £20. After 3 years I could cash then in and have 7 years from when they go "live" to do so

So if I cashed them tomorrow and the live company share price was £50 I would get number of shares X £30

What they do now is just give me some shares, around 85% less than the old amount but they are just cash in the bank which I have to wait 3 years to take, sounds like what I get now is the same as you.

Not exercised any of the new ones yet, have a year to wait, but from what I understand then take off the tax element once you can vest them and you just get the rest.

There is no way in a million years that you can complain at what is just cash given to you, but in my company information on what you need to do etc is none existent. I had no idea I needed to any sort of Tax Return until I got a letter in November, even then I thought it was a mistake until I spoke to people in finance. My attitude until this point was I'm PAYE so the company sorts it all out.
Had my mate around last night for some food and drink.

He knocked 1\3 bottle of red wine all over the floor and wall (which was all re decorated this week)

So nice blue stain\streaks on the wall this morning, wife home in 7 hours so frantically trying to cover it up with paint before she gets back

Got 2nd coat on now and its looking better!
asfish wrote:
Had my mate around last night for some food and drink.

He knocked 1\3 bottle of red wine all over the floor and wall (which was all re decorated this week)

So nice blue stain\streaks on the wall this morning, wife home in 7 hours so frantically trying to cover it up with paint before she gets back

Got 2nd coat on now and its looking better!

How not to shake a bottle of brown sauce.



Thankfully the sofa covers came off.
Wow, must have been some force to blow the sofa covers off
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