Boardgame Thread: Let's organise a beexordgame night.
Curiositree wrote:
I received the ZOMBIECIDE board game. This appears to be a cooperative zombie killing game. It looks fun.

Ooh, please report back after playing!

Joans has had Marvel Legendary and Ticket to Ride America. I've had loads of little games; Cards and dice, Sussed, Ion and Sushi go. All quick games that I'm hoping to play with Chloe. We've got her Frozen Monopoly and some Shopkins game, I want her to see boardgames as a social thing.

I've had Labyrinth recommended too, so that's gone on my wish list with King of Tokyo.
Festive Warrior wrote:
Portal: The Uncooperative Cake Acquisition Game

I got that.
Festive Warrior wrote:
Portal: The Uncooperative Cake Acquisition Game

You'll have to bring it over when you come and stay next
The Virgin Mimi wrote:
Festive Warrior wrote:
Portal: The Uncooperative Cake Acquisition Game

You'll have to bring it over when you come and stay next

Will do!
Christmas board games:
Pandemic legacy. Played one game and already had to rip up a card and write on the board. Stressful!

Codenames: great fun. Amazingly difficult at times but suits a wide range of people.

Machi Koro: lovely little tableau building game where you buy cards to generate income and ultimately become first to unlock your most expensive cards.

Sheriff of nottingham: take turns being sheriff and trying to figure out who is lying and who is telling the truth when they tell you what goods they have put in a bag. Great fun but you need to be in the mood for it.

Lords of Waterdeep: D&D themed action selection game like a lighter Agricola. Not played it yet but got base game plus expansion!

Space Alert: cooperative simultaneous action timed programming game. Choose your actions all at the same time, for all twelve of your actions. Then after the time is up, resolve them all in order simultaneously while threats creep ever closer and see how terribly wrong it all went. Love it!
I've ordered Risk: Star Wars based on Rock Paper Shotgun recommendation. I hope the game doesn't anger my wife too much, because otherwise i will have no one to play with.
We have Machu Lori. It's quite ice and laid back.

Sherrif is good fun.
RuySan wrote:
I've ordered Risk: Star Wars based on Rock Paper Shotgun recommendation. I hope the game doesn't anger my wife too much, because otherwise i will have no one to play with.

As the wise people say, buy games the people you play with want to play, not games you want to play.
We've been playing Marvel Legendary. Seems good but we've just had a run through to learn the mechanics.

Having a break for baked Camembert. Nom.
I've picked up two X-Wing miniatures game core packs (1 X-Wing and 2 TIE Fighters each). Should be fun for the cottage. Might pick up the Millennium Falcon and TIE Bomber expansion packs before then too.
The Portal boardgame is really, really good.

I just won a game because, as per the rules, I came up with a ten word (or less) plea as to why I should be allowed to win (rather than Gaywood, who made his own plea) without using the letter "e".
Grim-beard... the noisy wrote:
The Portal boardgame is really, really good.

I just won a game because, as per the rules, I came up with a ten word (or less) plea as to why I should be allowed to win (rather than Gaywood, who made his own plea) without using the letter "e".

Brilliant! :DD
Probably doesn't belong here, but fans of Solitaire could do much worse than downloading and playing Regency Solitaire.

The Jane Austen-style story of a society marriage is piffle, but it's so well presented it acts as a firm enough device for stringing together a mass of solitaire hands.

Little power-ups spice things up and the whole is an oddly compelling little thing.

It's begging for an iOS/Android conversion.
Finally got around to setting up the X-Wing Miniatures game. First played this at Gill and Jen's and really enjoyed it. I've bought two core packs so I've got two X-Wings and four TIE Fighters, so four player games are possible. You can just do dogfighting or there are some mission cards too.

I'll probably get the TIE Advanced and Millennium Falcon expansions before the cottage.
I spent some time on my lunchbreak the other day looking at this small display in the new New Bodliean of historical patriotic boardgames. I quite fancy a round of 'Suffragetto'.
Tuesday night's Netrunner got off to a superb start with my newly constructed super duper Criminal Runner deck, err, losing on the first turn.
I might enter a Netrunner tournament.
MaliA wrote:
I might enter a Netrunner tournament.

What will you do with the rest of that hour?
Curiosity wrote:
MaliA wrote:
I might enter a Netrunner tournament.

What will you do with the rest of that hour?


Probably use the pass to investigate the new hipster bars in Bradford. So it is in my interests to play poorly. The reason I decided to get a game which MrsA would have no interest in whatsoever is so I can get out the house to the pub once a week and not talk about kids and stuff.
MaliA wrote:
Curiosity wrote:
MaliA wrote:
I might enter a Netrunner tournament.

What will you do with the rest of that hour?


Probably use the pass to investigate the new hipster bars in Bradford. So it is in my interests to play poorly. The reason I decided to get a game which MrsA would have no interest in whatsoever is so I can get out the house to the pub once a week and not talk about kids and stuff.

*buys Netrunner*
I would probably win a lot more at NetRunner if I did not showboat into traps.
Grim... wrote:

Tempting. I will ask about it at Netrunner Club on Monday.
Played 'Sheriff of Nottingham' last night. One of my bugbears with that game has always been the scoring at the end (I'm yet to download the app). Someone in my group suggested we use the money supply to count up the points, and this worked really well. I still came third out of five though.

Also played 'Istanbul', a deceptively simple resource-buying-and-selling-resources game with a nice twist on the '5 Tribes' dropping people across the board mechanism, and 'Cockroach poker', a quick bluffing game. We didn't have the time to play 'Secret Hitler'.
I love netrunner club. It is beer. Them a train. Then netrunner. And beer. Then maccyDs. Then a train.
MaliA wrote:
I love netrunner club. It is beer. Them a train. Then netrunner. And beer. Then maccyDs. Then a train.

Did you smash the sinister megaglobal corporation too?
Kern wrote:
MaliA wrote:
I love netrunner club. It is beer. Them a train. Then netrunner. And beer. Then maccyDs. Then a train.

Did you smash the sinister megaglobal corporation too?

Yeah. Sort if. Lost my first game as Corp due to 3 agendas bring next to each other. Won when I was a runner as I was super aggressive and then lost as a runner because "nobody would keep the points in an unguarded pile". Oops.
MaliA wrote:
3 agendas be g be t to each other.


Grim... wrote:
MaliA wrote:
3 agendas be g be t to each other.



Stupid phone text.
do card games live here?
I got exploding kittens nsfw edition for valentines day :) 2 nil to me versus wife. should be more funner with more people too.
krazywookie wrote:
do card games live here?
I got exploding kittens nsfw edition for valentines day :) 2 nil to me versus wife. should be more funner with more people too.

I kickstarted it and took it to the cottage. We played it for a while before getting utterly engrossed by the Great Dalmuti.
krazywookie wrote:
do card games live here?
I got exploding kittens nsfw edition for valentines day :) 2 nil to me versus wife. should be more funner with more people too.

Come to cottage, play it with Craster.
He loves the nope cards.
Mr Dave wrote:
krazywookie wrote:
do card games live here?
I got exploding kittens nsfw edition for valentines day :) 2 nil to me versus wife. should be more funner with more people too.

Come to cottage, play it with Craster.
He loves the nope cards.


actually the shuffle cards are best.
Had a fun afternoon playing various games with my group yesterday. Initial thoughts on each (links are to Boardgamegeek):

-Skull & Roses. Simple gambling game with agonising decisions. Definitely a good filler with simple rules and a lot of stress for the players. I folded far too often.

-Samuri Spirit. Co-op game. We're all samuaris saving a village from evil ninjas. If you get two wounds you transmogrify to your power animal (I went for the bear, obviously) for extra strength. Great opportunities for co-operation and sharing of powers to those who need them, but despite our best efforts the village was still overrun by the bad people. Oh well.

-Secret Hitler. Variant of the 'Resistance' mechanic with a president choosing a chancellor and the players voting on that combination. If approved, the pres draws three policy cards, discards one, and hands the other two to the chancellor to decide which to enact. Policies are either 'liberal' or 'fascist' - you need 6 liberal ones for freedom to triumph. One player is Hitler but he doesn't know who his fellow fascists are. He can also seize power and win. I didn't fall asleep, but everybody wrongly thought I was Adolph. Must speak up more.

-Spyfall. I like this. Everyone's in the same location with a particular role, expect for the spy. For instance, the location is 'beach' and my role is 'lifeguard'. Each player asks questions and answers in character trying to work out who is the spy. The spy has to work out where everyone is. Rounds are timed to 8 minutes. This could work at Cottage or on the board, with suitable amendments.

-Formula D. Roll-and-move racing game. Change gears for to go faster (ie, use larger dice) but be careful you don't damage your wheels, engine, suspension, or gears as you take damage around the track. Within seven people it was surprisingly fun and tense.
Kern wrote:

-Spyfall. I like this. Everyone's in the same location with a particular role, expect for the spy. For instance, the location is 'beach' and my role is 'lifeguard'. Each player asks questions and answers in character trying to work out who is the spy. The spy has to work out where everyone is. Rounds are timed to 8 minutes. This could work at Cottage or on the board, with suitable amendments.

That sounds fun and simple enough to play, plus it sounds as if it will also give the quieter players among us the chance to play if everyone has questions asked of them if we played at the cottage, etc.
A corner haas been turned! Criminally I dragged out two wins, albeit down to the wire. And then lost a third. But! Ended up 2 for 1! Hurrah!
Was quietly pleased to hear the 'Ford's board game café feature on the 18:30 comedy on Radio 4 this evening.
Was due to start 'Pandemic:legacy' this evening with my board game pards but have just dropped out due to sickness. Oh, the irony.
MaliA wrote:
A corner haas been turned! Criminally I dragged out two wins, albeit down to the wire. And then lost a third. But! Ended up 2 for 1! Hurrah!

Hadn't won a single game since then. Until last night where I scooped a win using a new (for me) character. I really like my runner game at the moment, even if someone was telling me I was using the wrong cards.

My Corp game isn't great right now, I am struggling to score out agendas and have a hand full of them. I will look into this.
I now own Colt Express. Yay!
Curiosity wrote:
I now own Colt Express. Yay!

Curiosity wrote:
I now own Colt Express. Yay!

I really enjoyed playing this but 'The Lady' seems to be a bit OP compared with the rest of the characters - and you almost need to plan to deal with her separately from everyone else
zaphod79 wrote:
Curiosity wrote:
I now own Colt Express. Yay!

I really enjoyed playing this but 'The Lady' seems to be a bit OP compared with the rest of the characters - and you almost need to plan to deal with her separately from everyone else

You shoot Mr Dave
zaphod79 wrote:
Curiosity wrote:
I now own Colt Express. Yay!

I really enjoyed playing this but 'The Lady' seems to be a bit OP compared with the rest of the characters - and you almost need to plan to deal with her separately from everyone else

Is that the one you can't attack unless she's on her own?

She did seem a bit OP when we played at the cottage, but I think we played the rules slightly wrong about punching people. Can always just take her out of the deck if you're playing with 5 or fewer.
Curiosity wrote:
Is that the one you can't attack unless she's on her own?

You cant attack her unless she is the only person you can attack , so punch and it just needs to be you and her / shoot and if you can shoot anyone else then you need to shoot them and not her.

I played twice a few weeks ago and the person playing the Lady won both games - one was close but I think thats because we all realized 'she' was the person to beat so tried hard to target her.
We started 'Pandemic:Legacy' last night. Lost the first game due to a poorly-timed epidemic card but won the second. Defacing the board and tearing up cards for the first time felt odd at first but we'll get used to it. When you eradicate a disease, you get to name it. So we called the blue cubes 'Thematic Irony' and wrote this on the spot.

Don't want to say too much because of spoilers etc.

We then relaxed with shooty-shooty fun in 'Colt Express', with the stagecoach expansion.
Easy victory at 'Pandemic:legacy' last night. We romped home, although we now fear that the game will punish us next time. We also realised we'd made a mistake in the rules in the first game but don't think it's going to seriously affect how we play.

Then played 'Quadropolis'. It's a city building game with an interesting grid mechanic for getting your tiles that offers lots of possibilities to screw people over.

Ended with 'Dixit' which I'm still not sure about but I won so that's ok.
Sounds good. A colleague of MrsA's has bought her 'Powergrid', ( or as I like to call it 'Kraftwerkindustrie'. Looking forward to playing that.

Dixit- looks like articulate?
Yes, I think it's because I don't have enough shared experiences with the people I play with to know how to pitch a description or guess theirs.

'Powergrid' is excellent.
Kern wrote:
Yes, I think it's because I don't have enough shared experiences with the people I play with to know how to pitch a description or guess theirs.

Younger generation dream team represent.
'Powergrid' is excellent.

Is it ok with 2? Is it quick to learn? Does it really take 2 hours?
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