Boardgame Thread: Let's organise a beexordgame night.
Curiosity wrote:
I shall make it a priority to play a game or two of it at the cottage.

Likewise. Malia has a month get up to speed with the game and how to teach it :)
Kern wrote:
Curiosity wrote:
I shall make it a priority to play a game or two of it at the cottage.

Likewise. Malia has a month get up to speed with the game and how to teach it :)

Pretty much. You can play me weekend after next. I think many here would enjoy it.
Oh, there's 4 factions on either side with different cards. One Corporation is all about the firewalls, another is about killing the Criminal and different Criminals factions have different cards.
Yes! Netrunner is awesome, I'm a big fan.
sdg wrote:
Yes! Netrunner is awesome, I'm a big fan.

Come to the cottage and play it!
Played my first game of 'Puerto Rico' last night. I enjoyed it, but despite the relatively simple mechanics there's a lot to learn about how to play it. It's the kind of game where it's too easy to think you're playing a solo game and forget that what you choose to do might help your opponents.
Kern wrote:
Played my first game of 'Puerto Rico' last night. I enjoyed it, but despite the relatively simple mechanics there's a lot to learn about how to play it. It's the kind of game where it's too easy to think you're playing a solo game and forget that what you choose to do might help your opponents.

Can you 'become' the 51st State?
Future Warrior wrote:
Kern wrote:
Played my first game of 'Puerto Rico' last night. I enjoyed it, but despite the relatively simple mechanics there's a lot to learn about how to play it. It's the kind of game where it's too easy to think you're playing a solo game and forget that what you choose to do might help your opponents.

Can you 'become' the 51st State?

No, but most of the game involves importing 'willing colonists' from abroad and putting them to work on your plantations. The colour choice for these tokens is a little unfortunate.
Kern wrote:
Future Warrior wrote:
Kern wrote:
Played my first game of 'Puerto Rico' last night. I enjoyed it, but despite the relatively simple mechanics there's a lot to learn about how to play it. It's the kind of game where it's too easy to think you're playing a solo game and forget that what you choose to do might help your opponents.

Can you 'become' the 51st State?

No, but most of the game involves importing 'willing colonists' from abroad and putting them to work on your plantations. The colour choice for these tokens is a little unfortunate.

Do you have this?
Netrunner club again tonight. I am looking forward to it a lot.
MaliA wrote:
Kern wrote:
Future Warrior wrote:
Kern wrote:
Played my first game of 'Puerto Rico' last night. I enjoyed it, but despite the relatively simple mechanics there's a lot to learn about how to play it. It's the kind of game where it's too easy to think you're playing a solo game and forget that what you choose to do might help your opponents.

Can you 'become' the 51st State?

No, but most of the game involves importing 'willing colonists' from abroad and putting them to work on your plantations. The colour choice for these tokens is a little unfortunate.

Do you have this?

Not currently, but it's gone onto the list.
Played 4. Won 2. Lost 2.

The ones I lost was against a far more experienced player. The first game he used my Corp deck and flatlined me (I lost all my cards) with a trap as it was designed to do. Second game I got no ice up and he snaffled my agendas.

The two I won was against someone as new as me. I flatlined him on turn three with a trap in the first game and then turn 6 in the second.

I love this.

Edit: not all decks are ones like mine to trap and flatlined. Others are geared towards protecting agendas and building them. Mine was geared towards making the runner scared about turning over my cards and making him waste his resources that way.
In case anyone is interested, the moment I fell in love with netrunner:

I won a game by setting up a remote server (I used an agenda card which i can upgrade to score points) with one layer of ice (protects the server by the runner needing things (cash, other cards) to pass it). I upgraded the agenda once. The runner ignored it for his go so on my next turn I got some more cash in then drew more attention to the face down agenda card by upgrading it again. The runner, seeing it was a card that could be worth points and worth having, took the bait, had to pay to get through my ice and got the agenda card. It was a successful run but left him with little cash. On my go, I then used Sea Source (if the runner has made a successful run, whuch he did, you can use money to get a tag on the runner (who has to outbid you for it to not happen) and Scorched Earth (tagged runner loses 4 cards )to flatline him (runner has no cards in their hands). Boom! I got that tingly feeling like when you explode someone in Eve or you see Aunt Tumble.
Next week: Malia learns 'Blast Off'
Kern wrote:
Next week: Malia learns 'Blast Off'

I'll bring it to the Cottage again. ;)
Future Warrior wrote:
Kern wrote:
Next week: Malia learns 'Blast Off'

I'll bring it to the Cottage again. ;)

I has a set, too.
1 for 2 tonight. I won by scoring agendas. I lost by trying to play my game and not stopping theirs.
I suspect this will interest a few of you:

Introducing Ticket to Ride® United Kingdom, the fifth in the Ticket to Ride Map Collection Series. ... -preorder/
Grim... wrote:
I suspect this will interest a few of you:

Yes. I love Pennsylvania :)
Grim... wrote:
I suspect this will interest a few of you:

Introducing Ticket to Ride® United Kingdom, the fifth in the Ticket to Ride Map Collection Series. ... -preorder/

Convenient for Cottage. ..
I just played Mystery at the Abbey, which I bought Mrs Grim... for her birthday. It's a bit like Cluedo, but with much more to do and nowhere near as dull.

It's pretty good fun. For one round (about five minutes) we had to talk in plainsong, or we missed a turn :D
MaliA wrote:
1 for 2 tonight. I won by scoring agendas. I lost by trying to play my game and not stopping theirs.

1 for 2 again!

First game I flatlined the runner really early on. Second game I stalled and he ran in through my trap server which was no longer a trap pile and snagged the winning points. When i was on 5 lointsThird game my criminal runner was having a whale of a time until he stalled in the end game. When I was on 6 points.

I will try and make both decks of cards more efficient and I have learning decks for the cottage.

Play 3 games on either side and you'll be making your own deck right away.

My ploys of "let them run and we'll get them next turn" needs looking at.
Grim... wrote:
I just played Mystery at the Abbey, which I bought Mrs Grim... for her birthday. It's a bit like Cluedo, but with much more to do and nowhere near as dull.

It's pretty good fun. For one round (about five minutes) we had to talk in plainsong, or we missed a turn :D

Like... gregorian chanting?
2 changes to my Corp deck tonight. I was trying a trap that wasn't working. Now people know I like to do it. So I made a not trap which gets me points.
MaliA wrote:
2 changes to my Corp deck tonight. I was trying a trap that wasn't working. Now people know I like to do it. So I made a not trap which gets me points.

Well. That was a terrible idea.
MaliA wrote:
MaliA wrote:
2 changes to my Corp deck tonight. I was trying a trap that wasn't working. Now people know I like to do it. So I made a not trap which gets me points.

Well. That was a terrible idea.

:DD How many did you lose?
Bobbyaro wrote:
MaliA wrote:
MaliA wrote:
2 changes to my Corp deck tonight. I was trying a trap that wasn't working. Now people know I like to do it. So I made a not trap which gets me points.

Well. That was a terrible idea.

:DD How many did you lose?

Played 4 lost 4.

The traps would have worked brilliantly,too.

All 4 games were fun and close on a couple (lost 7-5, 7-6). I need to beef up my runner deck and reinstate the traps in the Corp deck.

First game I had 3 agendas in my hand of 5 cards but my opponent did not run, so I spent the next 5 turns trying to do something with them. I discarded them and he found the winning points in the bin :(
Netrunner tonight! We'll see how my NEW IMPOROVED decks work. I swapped out some cards that were useful at the eh inning if the game for some that are strong get toward the end. And put in a greater variety of Agendas. And switched my Corp ID to one that punishes the runner for taking stuff.
Grim... wrote:
I just played Mystery at the Abbey, which I bought Mrs Grim... for her birthday. It's a bit like Cluedo, but with much more to do and nowhere near as dull.

It's pretty good fun. For one round (about five minutes) we had to talk in plainsong, or we missed a turn :D

How many people at a minimum do you need to play this, Grim...?
Mimi wrote:
Grim... wrote:
I just played Mystery at the Abbey, which I bought Mrs Grim... for her birthday. It's a bit like Cluedo, but with much more to do and nowhere near as dull.

It's pretty good fun. For one round (about five minutes) we had to talk in plainsong, or we missed a turn :D

How many people at a minimum do you need to play this, Grim...?

...and can you bring to cottage?

Edit: I picked up Kill Dr Lucky for £3 in a charity shop at the weekend.
Mimi wrote:
Grim... wrote:
I just played Mystery at the Abbey, which I bought Mrs Grim... for her birthday. It's a bit like Cluedo, but with much more to do and nowhere near as dull.

It's pretty good fun. For one round (about five minutes) we had to talk in plainsong, or we missed a turn :D

How many people at a minimum do you need to play this, Grim...?


MaliA wrote:
...and can you bring to cottage?

No, Mrs Grim... doesn't trust me to bring it back.
A wise lady, her.
Grim... wrote:
Mimi wrote:
Grim... wrote:
I just played Mystery at the Abbey, which I bought Mrs Grim... for her birthday. It's a bit like Cluedo, but with much more to do and nowhere near as dull.

It's pretty good fun. For one round (about five minutes) we had to talk in plainsong, or we missed a turn :D

How many people at a minimum do you need to play this, Grim...?


Boo. The day our little one is old enough to play board games and the like a whole new world of games will open up to us with a third player finally available.
MaliA wrote:
Netrunner tonight! We'll see how my NEW IMPOROVED decks work. I swapped out some cards that were useful at the eh inning if the game for some that are strong get toward the end. And put in a greater variety of Agendas. And switched my Corp ID to one that punishes the runner for taking stuff.

Played 2 won 2 so far!
MaliA wrote:
MaliA wrote:
Netrunner tonight! We'll see how my NEW IMPOROVED decks work. I swapped out some cards that were useful at the eh inning if the game for some that are strong get toward the end. And put in a greater variety of Agendas. And switched my Corp ID to one that punishes the runner for taking stuff.

Played 2 won 2 so far!

Won 3 lost 1.

Runner deck worked really well. Corp deck got bogged down a couple of times.

Won 2 through stealing agendas and not letting the Corp do stuff. Won one by not letting the runner do stuff. Lost 1 by the runner putting up a superb attack.

Annoyingly: I put those cards back in that would have been of use last week. They should have stayed out.....
zaphod79 wrote:

That sounds brilliant.
I just almost bought that temple escape game but then thought how tricky it would be to play in the car
Morte wrote:
zaphod79 wrote:

That sounds brilliant.

I'll probably get it for the cottage next year!
I was back in the Minor Leagues last night. The European Map has ferries (need a love train card and colors), tunnels (draw 3 from the top, need to match the color being played with am additional card to proceed) and stations (can use someone else's track). Stations make it a bit less fraught when MrsA takes all the track you want but are worth 4 if unused. The US map is still the Board though.
Netrunner data pack Opening Moves has been reprinted. If you need Jackson Howard I suggest you bobble along to amazon.
MaliA wrote:
Netrunner data pack Opening Moves has been reprinted. If you need Jackson Howard I suggest you bobble along to amazon.

Cripes. It is back up to £90! Luckily,
I ordered 2 packs of it. I will have one and I will sell the other at what I paid for it to someone in the netrunner group. I am too kind, I know.
For my birthday a few days ago, I was given (with no prompting) Colt Express.

The flashbacks to being shot over. and over. and over.

(It also appears we were playing the punch incorrectly according to the rules I read)
Punch and they drop gold?
MaliA wrote:


In seriousness, I think that makes the girl less overpowered as after a few punches the room should be clear and she can finally be hit.
Now I want to play Colt Express again.

Also, happy birthday An Dave.
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