Bits & Bobs 45
is the name of your sextape.
Carry on!
Not sure if there is a tech topic, but if so move this there.

There's an RC topic, and we've (predictably) spunked all over Lily: viewtopic.php?f=3&t=126&p=861883#p861883
I was poking around today in Google's new-ish account summary page when I noticed that not only does it store your actually 'OK Google' voice search strings but it even stores the audio clips and you can play them all back from here. I can't comprehend the amount of storage space that must take up.
I believe this fits into the remit of "Bits and Bobs"

In the 1880s, a young woman was found floating in the Seine River in Paris. It was exactly like the beginning of The Bourne Identity, if that movie had been 10 seconds long and about drowning. The police fished her body out of the water and sent her off to the coroner, because the 19th century was a time when investigative techniques went about as far as checking the immediate area for evil spirits and then going back to the police station to wait for someone to confess to the crime. The coroner became smitten with the corpse and took her body straight to a molder to have a plaster cast made of her dead face, because everything was terrifying back then.

Before the coroner could come back to pick up his plaster corpse mask, random customers in the molding shop took notice of the piece and began requesting duplicate casts of their very own. Because money often helps you ignore the pleas of your conscience as it is torn apart by foul wrongness, copies of the anonymous dead girl's face were soon mass produced. By the turn of the century, the mask was a must-have across France and Germany, which are a pair of countries that know a thing or two about horrifying craziness.

The fad mercifully waned, but the masks could still be found all over Europe. So when the first CPR dummy was created by a Norwegian toy maker back in 1960, he decided to base its face on the Woman of the Seine's famous lifeless fear helmet, because why the fuck wouldn't he? Every single rescue dummy manufactured since then has had her face, which means that if you've ever been a lifeguard or had to take CPR training in high school, you have wrapped your lips around the mouth of a 130-year-old dead girl. And to this day, nobody has any idea who she was, so odds are she's haunting at least one of us right now.

TL;DR - CPR dummies are based on the face of an anonymous corpse from the late 19th Century.
Bamba wrote:
I was poking around today in Google's new-ish account summary page when I noticed that not only does it store your actually 'OK Google' voice search strings but it even stores the audio clips and you can play them all back from here. I can't comprehend the amount of storage space that must take up.

Heh. I'd forgotten this voice search: "fuck off you useless piece of shit", which unusually for that day it interpreted perfectly.
Bamba wrote:
I was poking around today in Google's new-ish account summary page when I noticed that not only does it store your actually 'OK Google' voice search strings but it even stores the audio clips and you can play them all back from here. I can't comprehend the amount of storage space that must take up.

Not much in my case.
Overnight in Brum tomorrow added bonus of department curry somewhere in Sparkhill. Should be interesting.
TheVision wrote:
Bamba wrote:
I was poking around today in Google's new-ish account summary page when I noticed that not only does it store your actually 'OK Google' voice search strings but it even stores the audio clips and you can play them all back from here. I can't comprehend the amount of storage space that must take up.

Not much in my case.

I love the voice search. It is one of my favourite features.
Bamba wrote:
I can't comprehend the amount of storage space that must take up.

Once you run YouTube, you get quite relaxed about data storage. You also learn some new SI-prefixes, like "exa" as in "exabyte."
I'm guessing they don't use zip disks.
Morte wrote:
Every single rescue dummy manufactured since then has had her face, which means that if you've ever been a lifeguard or had to take CPR training in high school, you have wrapped your lips around the mouth of a 130-year-old dead girl.

Phwoar, eh, lads?!

Doctor Glyndwr wrote:
Bamba wrote:
I can't comprehend the amount of storage space that must take up.

Once you run YouTube, you get quite relaxed about data storage. You also learn some new SI-prefixes, like "exa" as in "exabyte."

Well, yeah, but that's like saying, "I have a double garage as I need to store my two cars in it so I might as well start hoarding all my hair clippings as well." One is necessary/reasonable and the other just seems a bit mad regardless of whether you can or not.
Pure speculation but won't it retain those to increase the reliability as time goes by?
I'd imagine they use it to train the voice recognition software.
MaliA wrote:
Overnight in Brum tomorrow added bonus of department curry somewhere in Sparkhill. Should be interesting.

There's a decent choice there.
Pffh! You guys with your reasonable arguments!

45: viewtopic.php?f=3&t=10486 - TheVision
44: viewtopic.php?f=3&t=10286 - Dr Zoidberg
43: viewtopic.php?f=3&t=10103 - Davpaz (the slacker!)
42: viewtopic.php?f=3&t=9905 - KovacsC
41: viewtopic.php?f=3&t=9731 - TheVision
40: viewtopic.php?f=3&t=9556 - mr russ
39: viewtopic.php?f=3&t=9375 - chinnyhill10
38: viewtopic.php?f=3&t=9247 - TheVision
37: viewtopic.php?f=3&t=9088 - TheVision
36: viewtopic.php?f=3&t=8860 - Mr Kissyfur
35: viewtopic.php?f=3&t=8674 - Trooper
34: viewtopic.php?f=3&t=8457 - Zaphod79
33: viewtopic.php?f=3&t=8246 - Throughsilver
32: viewtopic.php?f=3&t=8068 - Mr Kissyfur
31: viewtopic.php?f=3&t=7709 - Kalmar
30: viewtopic.php?f=3&t=7462 - Kern
29: viewtopic.php?f=3&t=7128 - Gilly
28: viewtopic.php?f=3&t=6906 - Grim...
27: viewtopic.php?f=3&t=6774 - Wullie
26: viewtopic.php?f=3&t=6662 - Captain Caveman
25: viewtopic.php?f=3&t=6575 - Zardoz
24: viewtopic.php?f=3&t=6483 - DavPaz
23: viewtopic.php?f=3&t=6359 - MaliA
22: viewtopic.php?f=3&t=6270 - DavPaz
21: viewtopic.php?f=3&t=6117 - Bobbyaro
20: viewtopic.php?f=3&t=5962 - Mr Kissyfur
19: viewtopic.php?f=3&t=5774 - Grim...
18: viewtopic.php?f=3&t=5569 - DavPaz
17: viewtopic.php?f=3&t=5401 - Devilman
16: viewtopic.php?f=3&t=5257 - Malaboob
15: viewtopic.php?f=3&t=5110 - MaliA
14: viewtopic.php?f=3&t=4999 - Nickachu
13: viewtopic.php?f=3&t=4833 - Myoptikakaka
12: viewtopic.php?f=3&t=4650 - Sinister agent
11: viewtopic.php?f=3&t=4458 - Mr Kissyfur
10: viewtopic.php?f=3&t=4206 - KovacsC
09: viewtopic.php?f=3&t=3876 - MaliA
08: viewtopic.php?f=3&t=3544 - DavPaz
07: viewtopic.php?f=3&t=3182 - Pundabaya
06: viewtopic.php?f=3&t=2893 - DavPaz
05: viewtopic.php?f=3&t=2483 - chinnyhill10
04: viewtopic.php?f=3&t=2135 - Mimi
03: viewtopic.php?f=3&t=1662 - Craster
02: viewtopic.php?f=3&t=1191 - Grim...
01: viewtopic.php?f=3&t=106 - Whomper
I found a small frog clinging to the back of our toilet bowl, just under the rim, yesterday morning. It can only have climbed up the soil pipe and through the U bend, but ..... why?

Before anyone asks, didn't flush it, I caught it and released it in the garden.
Sure it wasn't a Natterjack Turd?
Mr Dave wrote:
Morte wrote:
Every single rescue dummy manufactured since then has had her face, which means that if you've ever been a lifeguard or had to take CPR training in high school, you have wrapped your lips around the mouth of a 130-year-old dead girl.

Phwoar, eh, lads?!


I miss Dimrill.
Yesterday and today I have been mainly learning about Slaughterhouses. I'm sick to death of talking with slaughter men and every single aspect of their job which, frankly, would mentally destroy me.

If I could manage to go vegetarian I would.
I have a friend who works as an inspector for the HSE down in Cornwall, and used to do inspections and incident response at slaughterhouses and farms. Some unpleasant shit.
I don't think I can image the cruelty that some of these animals undergo in their final moments.
I interviewed for a job at a 'food manufacturing facility' which turned out to be a slaughterhouse. I was given a tour, starting at the point where packs of mince were being shrink wrapped and going backwards from there, until there was a live cow standing in front of me.
ZOMG Spoiler! Click here to view!
The skinning was the most gross part along with the carcass that remained after with the eyes still bulging out.

The job was for an electrical maintenance engineer and the factory itself had pretty basic machinery but they cleaned at the end of each day by spraying everything, including electrical cabinets, with high powered jets. :facepalm: I think basically the job would have involved constantly replacing blown contactors.
When I got home from the interview, I went straight in the shower because I smelled like a butchers counter.

They offered me the job but needless to say I didn't take it.
What if they'd raised the steaks?
sdg wrote:
I was given a tour, starting at the point where packs of mince were being shrink wrapped and going backwards from there, until there was a live cow standing in front of me.

That alone would make my brain melt.
DavPaz wrote:
What if they'd raised the steaks?

DavPaz wrote:
What if they'd raised the steaks?

Then sdg would have done everything she could to make sure she brought home the bacon.
Now we're really getting to the meat of the subject.
These puns are the wurst.
getting to the heart of the situation.
You guys certainly know how to de liver.

No, hang on, deliver? No, de"liver"? I'm rubbish at this.
Saturnalian wrote:
I'm rubbish at this.

True - you're offal.
Zardoz wrote:
Sure it wasn't a Natterjack Turd?

Bravo! :DD

And saying that in a Dewsburian accent would be even better.
"Mali! How much blood does a person have?"
"Dunno. Let's find someone, ask how much they weigh and stab them"

Works night going ok
8 pints, innit?

At least, I hope it is, or all the times my dad and I have worked out our blood alcohol level we've been waaaay off.
Apropos nothing at all, I recently discovered John Finnemore's Souvenir Programme, which is most excellently funny. Also has the most sexy female voice EVER in it.
Some kind of iPlayer radio comedy show is my usual accompaniment to housework but there's not always an episode of The Now Show or The News Quiz available so I'll give that a shot next time as an alternative.
That seems relevant to my interests. Thanks for the tip.
Series 1, 3 and 4 are currently on Youtube.

Also, if you haven't already discovered it, Bleak Expectations is the best radio thing EVER.

"I, Pip Bin, am looking at a broken bin. It is a metaphor or a simile for my own life- I do not know which- but I do not care! For that is the beauty of gin; it makes you carefree of the precise application of literary terms."
Series 1 to 4 are now on my laptop. We loved Cabin Pressure and have also thoroughly enjoyed Bleak Expectations - the War of the Worlds one was a work of genius.
It feels really weird being on the inside of the M25 and not having arrangements to see any of you guys. :/
Can't believe I missed this.

'Cherwell': 'Oxford Union passes motion that it is institutionally racist'

Oh dear.

The Oxford Union has today passed a motion that the Union is insitutionally racist, following a public outcry last week over advertising a cocktail in a manner deemed to be racist.

The cocktail was themed to coincide with the debate "‘This House believes Britain owes reparations to her former colonies" and was called, 'The Colonial Comeback!'. One version of the flyer depicted black hands in chains.

Not in the politics thread because, contrary to the Union's opinon of itself, it is not on a par with the House of Commons.
I love the idea that you propose a motion that 'The Union is Institutionally Racist' rather than, y'know, a motion to propose measures to address racism within the union.
No wonder we're fucked with these fucking chumps running the country.
I've got one - here goes:

It's thighs to meet you.

There, can I swap that for the last pun? Thanks.
Not "It's thighs to meat you."?
I don't think this quite fits in the politics thread or threads, but I'd just like to share my admiration for Baillie Gifford. Investment trusts are probably not usually the sexiest things, but for some reason this firm stands apart from the others - maybe just because they're outside the usual circle of London based firms. Their Scottish Mortgage fund has done very well - more than tripled what I've put in over 10 years.

But that's just by way of introduction. From their latest strategic report:

There is still precious little evidence that the financial system has meaningfully reformed itself. Indeed the saga of corrupted incentives and unjustified greed continues apace. Banks that once had some claim to relative moral authority and practical leadership such as HSBC and JPMorgan have shown themselves to be as out of control as their presumed inferiors.

If only they wouldn't spout the same platitudes as everyone else. Just come off the fence a bit, eh?
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