Boardgame Thread: Let's organise a beexordgame night.
Mimi wrote:
I think Russell may have this, but we only tried playing when I was really, really ill, so was not a success as I could barely remember my name, let alone why everything was sideways.

Ultimately, I don't think it looks that complicated once you get the hang of it, but I think it's probably easier to learn the rules if the person explaining the game doesn't keep singing/dancing as they are doing it. You might not have this problem, though.

Yeah, we have the card game version, and it's OK, but a bit Munchkinny in the fact that there are so many ruiles that can be in play at any time.

Been through the whole round, done each step? OK. Oh, you forgot that Eddard Stark has reknown so should have collected an extra power token.
What Mr Russell Actually says wrote:

Been through the whole d-ner, d-ner, d-ner roooound, done each step, done each step, done each step pchooooooowwww Bdum, bdum, bdum? OK. Oh, you forgot that Eddard Eddard Eddark Starky warky wowowow wwwwww bum chicka, bum chick has re, re, re, re-known so should have collected an extra PO-WEEEEEERRRRRR token. Humble Humble, noisy humble mumble. Did you get all that?
Mimi wrote:
What Mr Russell Actually says wrote:

Been through the whole d-ner, d-ner, d-ner roooound, done each step, done each step, done each step pchooooooowwww Bdum, bdum, bdum? OK. Oh, you forgot that Eddard Eddard Eddark Starky warky wowowow wwwwww bum chicka, bum chick has re, re, re, re-known so should have collected an extra PO-WEEEEEERRRRRR token. Humble Humble, noisy humble mumble. Did you get all that?

You forgot the dancing.
Also the train/car noises any time you move a game piece around a board. It doesn't matter if the game has any cars or trains, or even any game pieces. Make sure it screeches as it goes around those corners, though.


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Married people.
Mimi wrote:
Also the train/car noises any time you move a game piece around a board. It doesn't matter if the game has any cars or trains, or even any game pieces. Make sure it screeches as it goes around those corners, though.


ZOMG Spoiler! Click here to view!

That sort of behaviour will not be tolerated at the Ticket to Ride World Championships 2015.
MaliA wrote:
Mimi wrote:
Also the train/car noises any time you move a game piece around a board. It doesn't matter if the game has any cars or trains, or even any game pieces. Make sure it screeches as it goes around those corners, though.


ZOMG Spoiler! Click here to view!

That sort of behaviour will not be tolerated at the Ticket to Ride World Championships 2015.

Nor would not wearing whites, too.
MaliA wrote:
MaliA wrote:
Mimi wrote:
Also the train/car noises any time you move a game piece around a board. It doesn't matter if the game has any cars or trains, or even any game pieces. Make sure it screeches as it goes around those corners, though.


ZOMG Spoiler! Click here to view!

That sort of behaviour will not be tolerated at the Ticket to Ride World Championships 2015.

Nor would not wearing whites, too.

Ahem, the 2015 have already taken place, and there was a victor!
Mimi wrote:
Also the train/car noises any time you move a game piece around a board. It doesn't matter if the game has any cars or trains, or even any game pieces. Make sure it screeches as it goes around those corners, though.


ZOMG Spoiler! Click here to view!

I like Grim...'s house rule that each monster in 'King of Tokyo' has to be announced in the X-Factor Voice.
MaliA wrote:
MaliA wrote:
Mimi wrote:
Also the train/car noises any time you move a game piece around a board. It doesn't matter if the game has any cars or trains, or even any game pieces. Make sure it screeches as it goes around those corners, though.


ZOMG Spoiler! Click here to view!

That sort of behaviour will not be tolerated at the Ticket to Ride World Championships 2015.

Nor would not wearing whites, too.

I thought we had to wear period gear?
Kern wrote:
I like Grim...'s house rule that each monster in 'King of Tokyo' has to be announced in the X-Factor Voice.

This is an essential rule.

I love King of Tokyo
Star Realms is a good deckbuilding game, and there's a mobile game version of it now, of which a good chunk is free.

You can get it on iOS and Android, and if you pay the £2 to unlock the whole thing, my username is Grimddd.
Bobbyaro wrote:
MaliA wrote:
MaliA wrote:
Mimi wrote:
Also the train/car noises any time you move a game piece around a board. It doesn't matter if the game has any cars or trains, or even any game pieces. Make sure it screeches as it goes around those corners, though.


ZOMG Spoiler! Click here to view!

That sort of behaviour will not be tolerated at the Ticket to Ride World Championships 2015.

Nor would not wearing whites, too.

Ahem, the 2015 have already taken place, and there was a victor!

Just a shame that we didn't get to play the World Championships this year.
My obsession continues and is starting to take over the living room...

board game.jpg
Is that a Pandemic expansion?
Mr Russell wrote:
Is that a Pandemic expansion?

There are 3 cubes, so it's one aw-(BANG! - All)
Mr Russell wrote:
Is that a Pandemic expansion?

Yeah, Pandemic On the Brink. Introduces the option of a fifth player, who plays against the team trying to spread a new more virulent disease with secret movements they track on a pad. Also introduces the more virulent disease and increased numbers of bad cards, petrie dishes for the disease cubes and some new roles and events.
sdg wrote:
Mr Russell wrote:
Is that a Pandemic expansion?

Yeah, Pandemic On the Brink. Introduces the option of a fifth player, who plays against the team trying to spread a new more virulent disease with secret movements they track on a pad. Also introduces the more virulent disease and increased numbers of bad cards, petrie dishes for the disease cubes and some new roles and events.

Sounds even more evil brilliant.

One day I will beat that infernal game. One day.
Good lord, it doesn't need making harder!
Mr Russell wrote:
Good lord, it doesn't need making harder!

sdg wrote:
Mr Russell wrote:
Good lord, it doesn't need making harder!


is the name of my sex tape
Played 'Nations' yesterday. It's basically a cardboard version of 'Civilisation' without the map.

I really enjoyed some of the mechanics, such as 'buying' a war to prevent someone stronger than you starting one and you having to suffer the bad stuff (loss of money, food, or other resource).

Some agonising decisions to be made, especially regarding what improvements or wonders to build and dedicate resources to. Challenging, and quite lenghty, but one I'd play again (and not go for military strength at the expense of producing food or money).
My wonderful wife has bought Abyss and Five tribes as a surprise for when I get home! Yay! :luv: Can't wait to play them.
Mr Russell wrote:
sdg wrote:
Mr Russell wrote:
Good lord, it doesn't need making harder!


is the name of my sex tape

Your sex tape is called :hat:?
Cras wrote:
Mr Russell wrote:
sdg wrote:
Mr Russell wrote:
Good lord, it doesn't need making harder!


is the name of my sex tape

Your sex tape is called :hat:?

Fuck yeah!
Another new game, Cosmic Encounter!

This review here makes it sound amazing. Playing on Saturday, can't wait!
Cosmic is incredible. I really hate how little I get to play it.
We played it this weekend and it was amazing. Had five players and the first game was a learning game, although in fairness it is actually a very simple game to learn. Everyone then asked if we could have another game straight after, so we did. Will definitely try and get some more games of it I the coming weeks so as I can justify buying an expansion :D Even right out the box though, the variety is excellent.
Glad you like it!

I've bought almost all the expansions. I've played it maybe 6 times. I still consider that a worthwhile investment. Especially as I had to hunt for a good couple of years to get my first copy (a truly dreadful Avalon version).
If anyone is thinking about getting any board games, Amazon are doing £5 off games over £20 at the moment. Just enter GAMESFIVE at the checkout. You can use it to buy multiple games. I ordered two in two seperate transactions and got £5 off each one.
I highly recommend Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective, whic would only cost £22 with this offer. That's a great price! It's a great game for a couple to play, we like to work on a case together and it can easily fill an evening.
Five Tribes, Dead of Winter, Cosmic Encounter, Agricola and Takenoko are other favourites from our collection.
That makes the Aliens game £43.

I bought Concept on Thursday just before this offer started. On Saturday, I bought Escape:Curse of the Temple and Camel Up for my sister in laws birthday.
I wonder how long I can resist buying myself another game...?
Thanks for the tip. Treated myself to the India map for 'Ticket to Ride'.
Kern wrote:
Thanks for the tip. Treated myself to the India map for 'Ticket to Ride'.

sdg wrote:
Kern wrote:
Thanks for the tip. Treated myself to the India map for 'Ticket to Ride'.



You keep on giving me bad ideas too.

What's 'Dead of Winter' like for repeated plays? I saw it on 'Tabletop' (a show I still can't decide if I like or not - much depends on the game itself and the guests they've got on) and it looked really interesting.
Kern wrote:
sdg wrote:
Kern wrote:
Thanks for the tip. Treated myself to the India map for 'Ticket to Ride'.



You keep on giving me bad ideas too.

What's 'Dead of Winter' like for repeated plays? I saw it on 'Tabletop' (a show I still can't decide if I like or not - much depends on the game itself and the guests they've got on) and it looked really interesting.

It's been great so far. The tension of the hidden betrayal role is incredible, you find yourself suspecting everyone and questioning every move. Since everyone has a hidden objective then obviously everyone at times does something you don't understand and then resources are so tight that you have to sometimes just put your faith in someone. We've really enjoyed it and it's deserving of all the praise it has received. We played a great game one night with Cookie from here. At one point, we were all convinced he was the betrayer. When it came time to reveal the contributions to the crisis deck, he was the only one who had contributed so we were all practically high fiving each other that he was totally trapped and his deceit would be obvious. We turned over the three cards he'd put in and our faces dropped as one by one, they were all revealed to be exactly what we needed. He just looked at us slightly smugly with a hint of annoyance that we hadn't trusted him. By the next round, we were a mess and started trying to vote to exile people all over the place. It was great :D

As far as tabletop goes, I think sometimes it can be a bit meh but I like it for the fact it makes an attempt at being entertaining and gives you an opportunity to see how the gameplay works. It certainly encourages me to buy lots of games :) I got Five Tribes and Concept recently off the back of tabletop episodes and enjoy both of them! ... ack-plague
The new Zombicide has just launched on kickstarter and in less than a day has blasted through all stretch goals announced so far and raised 3/4 million. I've been waiting for the kickstarter to launch but hadn't 100% decided i'd back it then I saw the new player boards and was sold. I love Zombicide anyway so that's fine. (I can't believe I talked myself out of spending £20 on a ticket to ride expansion earlier only to drop $150 on this. But look at those custom black dice! And the special tiles! And the plastic player boards! And all the minis!)
sdg wrote:
The new Zombicide has just launched on kickstarter and in less than a day has blasted through all stretch goals announced so far and raised 3/4 million. I've been waiting for the kickstarter to launch but hadn't 100% decided i'd back it then I saw the new player boards and was sold. I love Zombicide anyway so that's fine. (I can't believe I talked myself out of spending £20 on a ticket to ride expansion earlier only to drop $150 on this. But look at those custom black dice! And the special tiles! And the plastic player boards! And all the minis!)

Over a million in less than 24 hours. That's ridiculous.
Was looking again at 'Dead of Winter' on a rainforesty-site, and my finger slipped. Oops :)
Kern wrote:
Was looking again at 'Dead of Winter' on a rainforesty-site, and my finger slipped. Oops :)

Yay! Let me know how you get on, I love it!
Grim... wrote:
Star Realms is a good deckbuilding game, and there's a mobile game version of it now, of which a good chunk is free.

You can get it on iOS and Android, and if you pay the £2 to unlock the whole thing, my username is Grimddd.

I challenge thee to ye olde duel. My username is possibly krazywookie but who can tell?
We bought the Sherlick a Holmes game on Gilly's recommendation. Haven't played yet but looking forwards to sleuthing
Joan's bought that last week. We've only played one case so far, but it took a couple of evenings.
Back in Wales for the weekend so did some board gaming. Played Forbidden Island with my sister and brother-in-law; we smashed it to pieces. Bought King Of New York and had our first game of that with The Egg and Mrs The Eg; thought that was great. Then played a round of Forbidden Island with TE and MTE but lost it on (quite literally) a single card turn – we pretended it hadn't happened and played the game out to victory to check. That game is cruel, although far less brutal than Pandemic.
We bought Forbidden Island when we were in York for my birthday. Played it that night and a couple of times a week since. I think it's helped us get to grip with the process of Pandemic quicker. But I'm enjoying both.
Are we missing something with Pandemic? We only lost our first game because we ran out player cards the turn before we would have cured the last disease and even though some unfortunate card turns sent our outbreak counter straight up to 5, we still won the second game comfortably enough.
Joans wrote:
Are we missing something with Pandemic? We only lost our first game because we ran out player cards the turn before we would have cured the last disease and even though some unfortunate card turns sent our outbreak counter straight up to 5, we still won the second game comfortably enough.

That does sound unusual, might be worth having another read through of the rules to make sure you aren't missing something. How many epidemic cards are you putting in the deck and are you shuffling them in at regular intervals? Are you preparing the board first with diseases in cities before you start and then putting those city cards in the discard pile? Are you shuffling that discard pile and then putting it back on top of the draw pile when each epidemic card is drawn (rather than shuffling the discard pile into the main deck. So as you are constantly infecting the same cities.) Based on my experience, the first few times you play it is difficult to avoid outbreaks that chain and quickly go out of control.
Mimi wrote:
We bought the Sherlick a Holmes game on Gilly's recommendation. Haven't played yet but looking forwards to sleuthing

Cool, let me know how you get on with it! I love it :)

Goddess Jasmine wrote:
Joan's bought that last week. We've only played one case so far, but it took a couple of evenings.

Did you like it? How did you do with the case? We didn't come close to Sherlocks score but we got all the questions right, mainly I think because by the time we decided we'd solved it we'd basically followed every lead :D

Doctor Glyndwr wrote:
Back in Wales for the weekend so did some board gaming. Played Forbidden Island with my sister and brother-in-law; we smashed it to pieces. Bought King Of New York and had our first game of that with The Egg and Mrs The Eg; thought that was great. Then played a round of Forbidden Island with TE and MTE but lost it on (quite literally) a single card turn – we pretended it hadn't happened and played the game out to victory to check. That game is cruel, although far less brutal than Pandemic.

I've not played Forbidden Island but I watched the tabletop episode with Forbidden Desert on it and it looks cool. It's on my wishlist and it seems to be great value for money as well. I've played King of Tokyo and enjoyed it, do you know if King of New York is the same?

For Discworld fans, there is a game out called Discworld Ankh Morpork that is rated 7.2/10 on bgg and receives lots of great reviews. Since Sir Terry's death, the publisher hasn't been able to renew the licence and so the game is going to go out of print. It may be renewed at a later date but currently, the copies available to buy right now may be the last. It was on my wishlist so I was really disappointed to hear this and then this weekend I was gifted a copy! If you fancy one for yourself, it available at amazon here for £75(!) because stock is starting to run low. It's also available at Waterstones for £29.99 and apparently they are experiencing a bit of a run on it as people find out it's going out of print so if you like the sound of it, it may be worth picking up. I've not played it yet so can't offer my opinion but as far as I know, it's a hidden role area control game and plays well with 2, 3 or 4 players.
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