General Election 2015
Are you ready?
A referendum on the EU is a terrible idea.
We need nuclear power and nuclear weapons.
and no tip permits.
I'll say something for Clegg - I believe in his sincerity in everything he says. I don't believe that of anyone else.

You know, I could even vote for him. If I thought my constituency had a hope in hell of being LD it might bear some serious consideration.
Where do you want your debate Comical Games?
What are you gibbering about now?
ElephantBanjoGnome wrote:
What are you gibbering about now?

Do you have short term memory loss or do you not read what you write?
Yeah, quote me back where I said I wanted to 'debate' with you. Are you real or a badly-written AI designed to output nonsense?
ElephantBanjoGnome wrote:
Yeah, quote me back where I said I wanted to 'debate' with you. Are you real or a badly-written AI designed to output nonsense?

Yeah you'd like to debate me about as much as Cameron wanted to debate Miliband.


As you were.
ElephantBanjoGnome wrote:
Yeah, quote me back where I said I wanted to 'debate' with you. Are you real or a badly-written AI designed to output nonsense?

I often think I am one, or the other. Sometimes both.
Oooh, you sound rather salty. Did I touch a nerve?

If you'd like to PM me your nonsense you're more than welcome, but better to keep this thread somewhat on politics. It's had a busy day from me enough already.
Cor, this is like watching my 5 year old and 3 year old in action...
You're right. I should lurk silently and only pipe up when I've got something snarky to say; that's much better.
You might think you win debates by calling those with an opposing viewpoint:


And their opinions:


Doesn't work anywhere I've been on the internet.

I've been debating Politics the whole time. In case you hadn't noticed.

Something you may want to consider: ... -argument/

... whilst you are being "excellent to everyone" :luv:

Dont think you can bully me based on my postcount, I've been around a long time, and already seen you banned from at least one forum.
This is definitely informative; thanks so much. You can say as much idiotic shit as you like and when someone calls you an idiot as a result: YOU WIN.

Le sigh. I think I'll go back to my card game.
ElephantBanjoGnome wrote:
This is definitely informative; thanks so much. You can say as much idiotic shit as you like and when someone calls you an idiot as a result: YOU WIN.

Le sigh. I think I'll go back to my card game.

Someone didn't check the link obviously. Add "idiot" & "idiotic shit" to the post above, I left gaps there for a reason.
It's just occurred to me that in about a week my Prime Ministerial mug might become outdated.
Cobracure, you add absolutely nothing to this thread; all you ever seem to do is either whine incessantly about people swearing at you (when as I've pointed out directly, you're the worst offender), or spout the same old Morning Star boilerplate shite. We get it. I'm actually interested in what others have to say.
Oh fuck off you fucking cuntbag wanker
Mr Kissyfur wrote:
Oh fuck off you fucking cuntbag wanker

I like the cut of your jib.
Mr Kissyfur wrote:
Oh fuck off you fucking cuntbag wanker

Since I'm also interested in what others think, what did Kern and Cavey think?

My money is actually now on a hung parliament with some potential for a second election. Everyone seems be bullishly trying to rule out deals, although I suppose a formal ConLib might happen again - they've both left it open. A majority is off the table. No words said in the last 7 days can conjure that miracle for either party.
This will be the first election where I vote both tactically and also to a very great degree on a local basis. The labour candidate was our mp up until the last election. Very nice chap who I've met and had a good chat with. The conservative candidate is just utterly at odds with the area.

I've voted liberal for ever, because I always thought there's no such thing as a wasted vote, as you at least register on the national scale. But I couldn't bear another year with the terrible (entirely coincidentally tory) twat we've got now.

However, I have changed my mind on milliband a bit. I was, whilst not a fan, at least ambivalent. He did OK in debate 1, and he's alright in one on one discussions. But now I'll be voting labour entirely in spite of the weirdy fucker.
I am most interested in where kerns mug came from.
Verbatim text from a mate of mine today, a pretty staunch Liberal. He was super-duper Pro-Clegg in 2010.

Our Tory candidate was stood outside the railway station for the second time in the last couple of weeks, so had a chat. I don't agree with him on everything, but he really isn't the Nasty Party - he's a nice guy.

Make of that what you will.
ElephantBanjoGnome wrote:
Since I'm also interested in what others think, what did Kern and Cavey think?

My money is actually now on a hung parliament with some potential for a second election. Everyone seems be bullishly trying to rule out deals, although I suppose a formal ConLib might happen again - they've both left it open. A majority is off the table. No words said in the last 7 days can conjure that miracle for either party.

All the election prediction sites are giving the Tories the edge, but neither the Tories nor labour could get an outright majority even with either liberal or SNP support - the idea of needing a three way ( hur hur) coalition is terrifying.
ElephantBanjoGnome wrote:
Verbatim text from a mate of mine today, a pretty staunch Liberal. He was super-duper Pro-Clegg in 2010.

Our Tory candidate was stood outside the railway station for the second time in the last couple of weeks, so had a chat. I don't agree with him on everything, but he really isn't the Nasty Party - he's a nice guy.

Make of that what you will.

Individuals are individuals?
I don't think it's enough to make him change his mind, but it's funny how the individual basically doesn't matter.
ElephantBanjoGnome wrote:
I don't think it's enough to make him change his mind, but it's funny how the individual basically doesn't matter.

Well, in my case it has definitely helped.I wouldn't be abandoning the liberals and voting labour if I didn't like the local labour guy.

I do still wub clegg though, I'll admit.
You're talking to the guy voting Labour to keep the SNP out. It's not exactly a desirable result either way.
Ukip reporting Camilla Long to the police is beyond bonkers. Also, I love her.
ElephantBanjoGnome wrote:
You're talking to the guy voting Labour to keep the SNP out. It's not exactly a desirable result either way.

Bribe a fuckton of people to vote liberal. Promise them chips and McKewans or something
Like I said, if the LD's had a chance here I'd consider that a much better result. If the SNP hadn't risen it would have been a real option.
Mr Kissyfur wrote:
I am most interested in where kerns mug came from.

Ordered it from Parliament's online gift shop a while back when I was browsing one day. I think I've seen one in a bookshop too.
After taking that picture I noticed that Spencer Percevial is pictured taking the shot that made him famous.
ElephantBanjoGnome wrote:
Since I'm also interested in what others think, what did Kern and Cavey think?

My money is actually now on a hung parliament with some potential for a second election. Everyone seems be bullishly trying to rule out deals, although I suppose a formal ConLib might happen again - they've both left it open. A majority is off the table. No words said in the last 7 days can conjure that miracle for either party.

I called 2010 wrong: I was expecting Cameron to limp across the line to a majority of around 10. Oops.

Right now, I too am thinking that either Miliband or Cameron will run a minority administration that will limp on for 18 months or so before calling a new election. I don't think there will be an October poll this year: both will want time to show they can govern and demonstrate to the public that they need a majority. However, it is likely that the election will happen because they can't govern and the incumbent will be forced out.

Tactically, even if I was leading the party with the most seats I'd let the opposition in so they can crash out and I can enter with a working majority. Cameron isn't secure enough in the Tory party to pull off such a Baldwinesque trick though: the party will devour him if he can't hold onto power.

Anyone fancy running a sweepstake?
Cavey wrote:
Cobracure, you add absolutely nothing to this thread; all you ever seem to do is either whine incessantly about people swearing at you (when as I've pointed out directly, you're the worst offender), or spout the same old Morning Star boilerplate shite. We get it. I'm actually interested in what others have to say.

I'm not whining. I'm debating. I've already listed what Comical Games has called me, what have I called him?

Morning Star boilerplate shite? Where have I posted that I'm far left?

If BETEO is now Conservative At Home forum, I'd accept that, but it's not. I've already said I'm not voting Labour or Liberal.

I'm not the worst offender for personal abuse. Comical Games is by a long way, I've never been banned from any forum. He was banned from Stuart's and the fact he had to rejoin this one in 2010 was either because he was chased out or banned. Most likely for not being at all "excellent to each other".
By the way, if you check the archives of the Royalty and Electoral Reform Thread there are some brilliant predictions about how we thought the last four years would pan out for the parties.
Cobracure doesn't need my help digging his hole so I'll just let him continue.

I'd fling a quid, even a theoretical one, into a sweep Kern. What are the options?
ElephantBanjoGnome wrote:
Cobracure doesn't need my help digging his hole so I'll just let him continue.

I'd fling a quid, even a theoretical one, into a sweep Kern. What are the options?

I've not dug any hole. You just insult when you cant answer a direct question. Cant debate. Wont debate.

Your political knowledge is near enough zero.

I like how you dont refute the fact of your bannings for your past behaviour, which you haven't learnt from. Leopards and spots eh?
You give me a spade, I'll hand you a rope.

Only one of us is abusive. That's you.
What an odd thread.

My weirdest thing about this election is that without the rise of the SNP, it would have been a slam dunk for Labour a long time ago. The SNP are the only hope the Tories have, as can be seen by Murdoch positioning his papers to back both SNP and Conservatives, even though they are political opposites. So strange that a party hated and vilified by the Tories is their only hope in the election.

Politics, eh?
ElephantBanjoGnome wrote:
You're right. I should lurk silently and only pipe up when I've got something snarky to say; that's much better.

Curiosity wrote:
What an odd thread.

My weirdest thing about this election is that without the rise of the SNP, it would have been a slam dunk for Labour a long time ago. The SNP are the only hope the Tories have, as can be seen by Murdoch positioning his papers to back both SNP and Conservatives, even though they are political opposites. So strange that a party hated and vilified by the Tories is their only hope in the election.

Politics, eh?

Yes. In years to come whole doctoral theses will be written on the death of Labour in Scotland. But, take voters for granted, let the organisation wither on the vine, and you die.
Murdoch's positioning is brilliantly cynical, and completely expected. Does ['a citizen of Bath' - Uncle Jo Stalin] have a view on the SNP's bestie?
Labour's dilemma being that to cosy up with the SNP would destroy Scottish Labour.

If politics is going to be increasingly based around the nations, with no all-Union party or CDU/CSU style permanent alliance, we might have won the battle in September but lost the war, unless we undergo serious and urgent constitutional surgery. But then, would I trust the current party leaders to write a final settlement in the current political climate? We'd probably need a full, elected and independent consitutional convention. These things need to be done right once, lest our posterity suffer because of our mistakes.
Last night's stand out moment for me was Miliband denying Labour had overspent in their last term...? The questioner's and audience reaction was priceless.

In fact, I thought that Leeds audience rocked, wish we could have them all the time!
Millibean and Cameron appear to have guaranteed one or the other of them will be in a minority government and we have another election in a few months’ time.

Millibean has said no coalition with the SNP. He can’t get a majority without them on the bawis of current predictions (

Cameron has said no coalition with anyone who won’t go for a referendum on EU membership – I assume even Cleggy wouldn’t sell his soul on that one.
That Leeds audience didn't give anyone any slack did they. Well chosen.

The audience for the Farange questions later on were hostile and sneery, but he actually seemed to handle it very well. The bastard.
I expect George Galloway to salute his indefatigability any moment now.
O have to his posters every day. I really, really, hope the labour lass wins. It looks tight, though, apparently.
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