Beex, Yo.
General Election 2015
Are you ready?
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MaliA wrote:
Mr Kissyfur wrote:
"Just who do the broadcasters think they are, that they can set down a diktat?" said the Northern Irish dick to Sky News.

Well, it's their fucking broadcast, so, yeah.

I agree with Mr Chris."We are organising on these dates, come along" and he said no.

I think the debates were blown out of all proportion last time and detracted from the election. There is no point in having the two main brains and five losers. Just have Ed and Call Me Davebig we have to. We aren't America, we're more civilised than their system so why try and copy it?

So we should try to not copy the American's system (which only have debates between the two main parties), and instead cut the debate down from seven parties to two?

I genuinely don't understand.
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That's a great idea. Let's exclude Nigel Farage and give him fuel for his fire. Better to let the ones not ready for the limelight to show their true colours on a medium that many people will see.
Some previous Cameron quotes about TV debates. Make of them (and his recent avoidance tactics) what you will...

“I absolutely believe in these debates and think they are great.” – David Cameron, Sky news, 14 April 2010

“I think it is great we are having these debates and I hope they go someway to restore some of the faith and some of the trust into our politics because we badly need that once again in this country.” – David Cameron, Leaders Debate, ITV, 15 April 2010

“Look, I’ve been calling for these debates for five years, I challenged Blair, I challenged Brown, I challenged when I was ahead in the polls, and when I was behind in the polls. I just think they are a good thing.” – David Cameron, Daily Telegraph, 17 April 2010

"I’ve always wanted these debates to happen. I mean they happen in every country. They even happen in Mongolia for heaven’s sake and it’s part of the modern age that we should be in.” – David Cameron, BBC3, 21 April 2010

“I think these debates are here to stay. They clearly engage people in politics which is what we need.” – David Cameron, News of the World, 2 May 2010

“If you want the TV debates to go ahead you have got to do it fairly between the main parties and look, having said I want them, having challenged people to have them and quite right, Sky saying let’s have them, it would have been feeble to find some excuse to back out so I thought we’ve got to stick at this, we’ve got to do it. It will be challenging, it was, but I think I came through them.” – David Cameron, Sky News, 3 May 2010

“On TV debates, I’m in favour of them, I think they’re good and we should go on having them and I will certainly play my part in trying to make that happen.” – David Cameron, Coalition mid term review, 7th Jan 2012

“I think TV debates are good. I enjoyed them last time – particularly the last one.” – David Cameron, Press Association, 10th December 2012

“You know we’ve been going on for years about let’s have these debates and I think it really vindicated having that. I think people will be asking themselves why on earth, what was all the fuss about? Why on earth didn’t we have these things before? We should have done and it’s great they’re underway now and I think we’ll have them in every election in the future and I think that’s a really good thing for our democracy.” – David Cameron, BBC Radio Manchester, 16 April 2014

“Blair pulled out against Major and Major pulled out against Kinnock, Thatcher pulled out against Callaghan. I’ve just always believed that these need to happen. It’s good for democracy. It’s good to see.” – David Cameron, BBC Radio Manchester, 16 April 2014
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It seems like the SNP will probably have a significant number of MPs after the election. Other than the obvious independence thing, where do they sit on the political spectrum? I assume they are to the left, but we don't tend to hear many details South of the border.
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Pod wrote:
MaliA wrote:
Mr Kissyfur wrote:
"Just who do the broadcasters think they are, that they can set down a diktat?" said the Northern Irish dick to Sky News.

Well, it's their fucking broadcast, so, yeah.

I agree with Mr Chris."We are organising on these dates, come along" and he said no.

I think the debates were blown out of all proportion last time and detracted from the election. There is no point in having the two main brains and five losers. Just have Ed and Call Me Davebig we have to. We aren't America, we're more civilised than their system so why try and copy it?

So we should try to not copy the American's system (which only have debates between the two main parties), and instead cut the debate down from seven parties to two?

I genuinely don't understand.

I don't think a 7 party debate is a good use of anyone's time.

I don't think US style debates are much use to anyone, really.

But if we are going to have them, the only people it is worth inviting are Call Me Dave and Mr Ed.
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Dr Zoidberg wrote:
It seems like the SNP will probably have a significant number of MPs after the election. Other than the obvious independence thing, where do they sit on the political spectrum? I assume they are to the left, but we don't tend to hear many details South of the border.

They exist more or less where Labour used to be before they lurched massively to the right.

David Cameron phones the Conservative Peer Lord Grade to see if he can get debates shut down. ... te-cameron

'Online debate' team (Youtube / Telegraph / Guardian) agrees to D.C. demand to have it before 27th March.

Lets see what excuse he comes up with next to get out of it. "I wont do it because its only 5 parties and not 7" is my prediction. Lets see if I'm right. :roll:
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Battle's the only way to be fair.
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I was going to suggest Twister, but your approach is more dignified.

Empty chairing him is a reasonable option, but would be good for the centre right to be represented in these things.
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What? I thought Miliband had agreed to it?
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markg wrote:
What? I thought Miliband had agreed to it?

Where does it say he hasn't? He has said recently he'll debate Cameron anytime, anywhere.
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Was it not a "centre right" joke?
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Grim... wrote:
Was it not a "centre right" joke?

Good spot.

The words kicking and screaming come to mind.
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Not much of and great significance to report in the budget. Income allowances up a bit, beer duty down a bit, home buyers ISA created.
Biggest thing is a new allowance for 0% tax on savings interest. £1000 for lower rate payers, £500 for higher rate payers.

I expect I'll end up no worse or better off.
User avatar ... rance.html

£184 a year better off, apparently.
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Trooper wrote:

£184 a year better off, apparently.

Me too!

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£132. :shrug:

I'd rather they used it for public services, frankly.
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Feel the recovery you ungrateful twat.
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markg wrote:
Feel the recovery you ungrateful twat.

I've been better off every year since the recession, doesn't mean I think they've done a good job. ;)
User avatar
Grim... wrote:
Trooper wrote:

£184 a year better off, apparently.

Me too!


User avatar
Grim... wrote:
Trooper wrote:

£184 a year better off, apparently.

Me too!


Me too!

Is that coincidence, or is the Telegraph calculator making it up?
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Huh. I got Iron Man.
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Mr Kissyfur wrote:
Grim... wrote:
Trooper wrote:

£184 a year better off, apparently.

Me too!


Me too!

Is that coincidence, or is the Telegraph calculator making it up?

It's got big old calculation ranges, I guess.

What it does mean is we all earn roughly the same amount.
Well if the Tories get in that £184 will be used up in a years VAT increase payouts, so as you predicted you wont be better or worse off.

22% I'd expect it'll be.

I was only a child when this occured: ... 66429.html
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Trooper wrote:

£184 a year better off, apparently.

User avatar
Grim... wrote:
Mr Kissyfur wrote:
Grim... wrote:
Trooper wrote:

£184 a year better off, apparently.

Me too!


Me too!

Is that coincidence, or is the Telegraph calculator making it up?

It's got big old calculation ranges, I guess.

What it does mean is we all earn roughly the same amount.

Yay for us!
Grim... wrote:
Mr Kissyfur wrote:
Grim... wrote:
Trooper wrote:

£184 a year better off, apparently.

Me too!


Me too!

Is that coincidence, or is the Telegraph calculator making it up?

It's got big old calculation ranges, I guess.

What it does mean is we all earn roughly the same amount.

Nah, its because the only income tax and Ni changes are on banding thresholds, so unless your income level crosses a banding point (which is very narrow) the benefit is a slab in common across the whole group. Fuck all changed other than that so most people hit one of three +/- positions.
User avatar
MaliA wrote:
MaliA wrote:
MaliA wrote:
Saturnalian wrote:
Good on her. Family first.
grauniad article here which I found quite scathing on the Bradford labour party. It calls into questions the local practice of block voting. ... line-smear

This is getting embarrassing

And off we go again!

dead animals left on doorstep And threatening calls made.
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Also, what's wrong with people, Jesus!?
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Goodness knows.

Someone's been watching too much Arthur & George.
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The crime busters of the sea?
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I sing that every time it comes on. ... 24924.html

Thursday 9pm 26 March Channel 4.

Studio Audience wanted, if you fancy turning up btw.
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The Afzal Amin this thing is superb. It is beyond stupidity, yet he still claims he is not wrong to have done it.
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He came to my house, canvassing. He seemed like a nice guy but talking to the Labour leader this morning, it's seems that he isn't.
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Cameron and Miliband, the nation's favourite Chuckle Brother tribute act, are being interviewed seperately by Paxo on Channel 4 tonight, before each faces a panel of 'ordinary people like you' for questioning, again individually. 21:00 tonight.
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Weird that they're getting a Tory to conduct the interviews. Hope they are balanced.

In LOL news, Hague, Gove and Cameron tried to sneak through a rule change on the Speaker of the House at the last minute of the current Parliament. It was defeated by their own backbench MPs, who called it despicable and stuff.

What a bunch of tools.
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To be fair, Paxman is giving him a working over!
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Why did Millibean let him go first? People will have switched off by the time he comes on.

Paxo is doing a proper good job with him.
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Mr Kissyfur wrote:
Why did Millibean let him go first? People will have switched off by the time he comes on.

Paxo is doing a proper good job with him.

Coz going second is better, as you can tear apart their arguments.
User avatar
Except no one will still be watching.

Why is Cameron so 'fraidy that he won't just stay on for 30 minutes and be there the same time as Milliband?
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Coz he's a cunt?

Can't believe how easy these questions from the audience are. We want more Paxman! This is just prepared statements going nowhere near the questions.
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Kay Fucking Burley too.
Mr Kissyfur wrote:
Kay Fucking Burley too.

I missed the first couple of minutes and until you said that, I still only strongly suspected it was her.
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Ooooh, the lady in blue asking questions about the NHS is proper good.

Bullshit answers from him, and he's totally avoided the question about "no top down reorganisation".
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ApplePieOfDestiny wrote:
Mr Kissyfur wrote:
Kay Fucking Burley too.

I missed the first couple of minutes and until you said that, I still only strongly suspected it was her.

She has almost entirely lost her upper lip.
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So, 7% less per child per year to pay for teachers' pensions and pay rises, eh?
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Cameron was a typical, no answer politician. Too much time jumping around topics and letting him talk out the clock, it's the perfect situation for a career position.

Let's see how much of a car crash milliband is...
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What's with the swapping round of the questions sections?
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