The PS Plus thread
FAQ & links in first post
Saturnalian wrote:

Shoot her with an rpg.
Mr Dave wrote:
Saturnalian wrote:

Shoot her with an rpg.

Actually it's about ethics in gaming journalism.
I don't see what the fuss is about, it's pretty good on the Vita and perhaps a little too fast. Now I want Doom on the Vita. Is there Doom on the Vita? Doom on the Vita would be groovy. On the Vita.
Mr Dave wrote:
Saturnalian wrote:

Shoot her with an rpg.


There's a hidden area behind the screen
Done it. Jumped off the ledge through the window.

I found loads of secrets but it says I only found 1 out of 7. Me'likey.
One of the best things about duke was all the secrets, often quite imaginative and required some time to track down (I must've spent weeks checking out maps long after all monsters were killed*) - although I would say the quality got worse throughout the game. The weapons were also a interesting set. Also much fun was had multiplayer on the stadium map at school.

One of the worst things, upon return, was the preponderance of enemies with hit scan attacks. Certainly very tiring towards the end.

* This did somewhat show itself while playing 4 player co-op when it was released on the 360**. Until the (rather poor) expansion levels that I'd never played.
** - See also: Doom.
Mr Dave wrote:
One of the best things about duke was all the secrets, often quite imaginative and required some time to track down (I must've spent weeks checking out maps long after all monsters were killed*) - although I would say the quality got worse throughout the game. The weapons were also a interesting set. Also much fun was had multiplayer on the stadium map at school.

Well, this post was confusing if you thought you were in the Oxford pub thread still...
'leaked' list of PS+ titles for Feb

4. Feb: Apotheon (PS4)
4. Feb: Transistor (PS4)
4. Feb: Thief (PS3)
4. Feb: Yakuza 4 (PS3)
4. Feb: Rogue Legacy (PS4, PS3, PS Vita Cross Buy)
4. Feb: Kick and Fennick (PS Vita)
markg wrote:

Rouge Legacy is an amazing game and I think is the stand out for the month

Transistor I thought was a little meh (that might just be me), Apotheon looks interesting and I dont have a PS3 for Thief / Yakuza and I've never heard of kick and Fennick before
Rouge Legacy sounds like some kind of expensive makeup.

It's ok, but didn't grab me all that much. The rest looks shite.
zaphod79 wrote:
Transistor I thought was a little meh (that might just be me),

Yeah, wasn't really a patch on Transistor.

Still worth playing for free though.
Apotheon seems to be getting some good reviews :

Destructoid 9.5/10

It's sure to capture the attention of anyone who sees it in action. Thankfully, the game more than backs up its aesthetic prowess with rewarding combat and exploration systems in place. While the combat hardly changes over the course of the adventure, Apotheon asks the player to apply their knowledge in such a wide variety of ways that it constantly feels fresh and exciting. The ancient Greeks valued balance and harmony in their art, and Alientrap has accomplished just that.

Game Informer 9/10

What impressed me most about Apotheon is the variety and constant freshness of the levels. Every stage is built completely around the theme of its associated god. Poseidon’s area has an ocean to sail around in, allowing you to visit dungeons on various islands or swim around in underwater cave networks searching for hidden treasure. Ares’ temple is soaked with gushing blood rivers, and its berserk inhabitants are forced to kill each other constantly. Athena resides in a massive spinning labyrinth loaded with traps and clever puzzles requiring dexterity and brain power. My favorite area is Artemis’ forest, which is populated with rare creatures to hunt topped off with a creative boss battle. As part of a hunting challenge, you take turns as the hunter and the hunted, trading off between human and deer form. The constant shakeup in themes prevents things from getting stale and always had me looking forward to the next surprising stage.

Softpedia 8.5/10

The action feels satisfying, combat is fun, and there are also a few nice surprises when it comes to gameplay, both as far as boss fights are concerned and in the presence of puzzles, particularly in the levels involving Athena, making the whole package even more attractive.

IncGamers 8/10

A combat-heavy, side-scrolling jaunt through the wonderfully unhinged realm of Ancient Greek mythology. Apotheon unites presentation and theme to tremendous effect through its stylised, Grecian pottery worlds.
I've downloaded it. Might have a crack on that later then.

I've just started Infamous: First Light from last month. It's a bit boring, init?
Saturnalian wrote:
I've just started Infamous: First Light from last month. It's a bit boring, init?

It is - the main Infamous Second Son was a much better game
I'll remove that from the playlist then. Not difficult seeing as I'm seemingly unable to stop playing Last of Us Factions more than I ever was CoD.
Rogue Legacy: Me likey!
Transistor: Me likey!
Apotheon: Me likey!

Blimey some games I actually fancy playing. I can't decide what to start for reals first.

Oh yeah, Far Cry 4... Tch. Better get back on with the slog.
Saturnalian wrote:
Rogue Legacy: Me likey!

This is my game of choice at the moment. It's facking aces. Short 5-10 minute blasts through the castle soon turn into an hour or two. Cross-Saves as well so if you do it on the big telly and then pick up the Vita on the loo, you're exactly where you were. Marvellous.

Insanely difficult though. I can rattle the castle for gold no problem but everywhere else is rough as nails.
Cannot. Stop. Playing.

Cept to type this. This shit is like crack.
Saturnalian wrote:
Cannot. Stop. Playing.

Cept to type this. This shit is like crack.

I enjoyed it to a degree, but it didn't click with me in the same way Spelunky did.
I loved RL to begin with, then I realised it was a game about mindless grind, rather than an actual roguelike and I realised I was playing it, without really enjoying it.

Meanwhile Kick and Fennick on the Vita for PS+ this month is one of the best platformers I've ever played. I cannot recommend it enough. Almost finished it already.
In fact, I'm double posting. This is one of those games I'm going to be screaming about all year. It is superb.

There is something really primal and entertaining about parabolas. Must be evolution getting us to enjoy chucking rocks at mammoths. Or the use of urinals. Or something.

But whatever the reason, a 2D platformer based on the recoil from a sniper rifle sending you flying in beautiful parabolas across the map is just superbly enjoyable to play. Binged it all weekend, and hope to finish it on my train home tonight.

OlliOlli 2 included on PS+ today! See you all on the leaderboards. :)

There are some other games too.
Is that Oddworld game any good? I think I played about thirty seconds of one about twenty years ago or whenever it was, it was hilarious because it made fart noises.
BTW my PS gamer tag is 'Bobbyaro' if anyone wants to befriend me.
I will befriend you when I get home. Untill then we are NOT friends.
Bobbyaro wrote:
BTW my PS gamer tag is 'Bobbyaro' if anyone wants to befriend me.

I can't find you on the phone app.
MaliA wrote:
Bobbyaro wrote:
BTW my PS gamer tag is 'Bobbyaro' if anyone wants to befriend me.

I can't find you on the phone app.

Me either.

Sure you created a PSN ID and not just a local account, Bobs?
markg wrote:
Is that Oddworld game any good? I think I played about thirty seconds of one about twenty years ago or whenever it was, it was hilarious because it made fart noises.

I hear it's a pretty good updated port - new graphics and everything. I had a copied version for the PS1 eons ago but it came on two discs and the second disc didn't work. I recall it was pretty good back then though.
Future Warrior wrote:
MaliA wrote:
Bobbyaro wrote:
BTW my PS gamer tag is 'Bobbyaro' if anyone wants to befriend me.

I can't find you on the phone app.

Me either.

Sure you created a PSN ID and not just a local account, Bobs?

Err, no. But I can log in to the website:
and the name is Bobbyaro


edit, err, spellcasting: convert to BB code!
Edited: </Treguard>
I can't find that name either (tried on Vita).
I don't really know what to do then! I can't even figure out where to add a friend!
Bobbyaro wrote:
I don't really know what to do then! I can't even figure out where to add a friend!

You've got no frieeeeennnds. You want some? I'll give it to ya.
Bobbyaro wrote:
I don't really know what to do then! I can't even figure out where to add a friend!

Tbh I don't have a clue what you've done.
Future Warrior wrote:
Bobbyaro wrote:
I don't really know what to do then! I can't even figure out where to add a friend!

Tbh I don't have a clue what you've done.

In all seriousness I find the website to be totally useless for friend stuff. While the phone app works quite well, you're probably best of doing it through the actual console.
He's not showing on the phone app, though. It's the first thing I tried.
I've just been on the phone app. Assuming that've you've got at least 1 BeeX friend you can click on their friends (scroll to the bottom of their profile and click on friends) and then send requests my clicking on whatever names and "send friend request".
Saturnalian wrote:
I've just been on the phone app. Assuming that've you've got at least 1 BeeX friend you can click on their friends (scroll to the bottom of their profile and click on friends) and then send requests my clicking on whatever names and "send friend request".

He's got no friends as he's just set it up.
Stupid Sony, you don't get these problems with Xbox! :D
I've just grabbed a three month membership as I quite fancy some of the free games this month. I went through adding them to download and it seems, rather fucking stupidly, that it just tries to download all of them at the same time. So instead of getting Valiant Hearts downloaded and playable before it starts on the rest I've just got four games crawling down at the same time. That's a bit stupid.
Bamba wrote:
I've just grabbed a three month membership as I quite fancy some of the free games this month. I went through adding them to download and it seems, rather fucking stupidly, that it just tries to download all of them at the same time. So instead of getting Valiant Hearts downloaded and playable before it starts on the rest I've just got four games crawling down at the same time. That's a bit stupid.

You can go into downloads and pause the others - however you can also add them to your list and manage it all from the website while your at work then come home to find you actually shut down the machine last night instead of putting it into standby so it has to download it all anyway :-)

FYI I've found it slightly quicker to download '4 things at once' than 4 things one after the other (in total time)
I did check the options on each of the downloads and all I can do is either cancel them our check the status (i.e. how much has downloaded and how much is left); there doesn't seem to be any way to pause the downloads on the PS4. And I would've queued everything up from the website but I only finally decided to spring for PS+ when I got home tonight. The console was properly off anyway as I don't leave it on standby as there's no real point when you don't have a PS+ membership.
Bamba wrote:
I've just grabbed a three month membership as I quite fancy some of the free games this month.
You know you can't play the games once your three months are up, right?
Bamba wrote:
there doesn't seem to be any way to pause the downloads on the PS4.

On the PS4 go to Notifications / downloads has a list of all the downloads - move the cursor to one of them and click 'x' to pause it
On my actual PS4.
Doctor Glyndwr wrote:
Bamba wrote:
I've just grabbed a three month membership as I quite fancy some of the free games this month.
You know you can't play the games once your three months are up, right?

I've no idea why you would think I would think otherwise but yes, I realise that.
Try with a capital 'B'
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