Boardgame Thread: Let's organise a beexordgame night.
Looks like unsanctioned fun! No World Title can be awarded!
Not sure if it's been mentioned before, but this opens in Hackney at the weekend
Findus Fop wrote:
Not sure if it's been mentioned before, but this opens in Hackney at the weekend

Board game cafés are ace. Need to get back to Oxford's.
Played 'Power Grid' for the first time last night. Really enjoyed it, even though the tactics and choices can be difficult as you weigh up all the possible consequences, both for you and other players, of going for that efficient but effective coal plant when everyone else is wanting coal. When we finished, my head was buzzing as I found myself thinking about each choice in the game going back to the start and how it affected the result.

It's very well-balanced, so there are benefits in being behind, such as first dibs on fuel types. One I definitely want to play again.
Kern wrote:
Played 'Power Grid' for the first time last night. Really enjoyed it, even though the tactics and choices can be difficult as you weigh up all the possible consequences, both for you and other players, of going for that efficient but effective coal plant when everyone else is wanting coal. When we finished, my head was buzzing as I found myself thinking about each choice in the game going back to the start and how it affected the result.

It's very well-balanced, so there are benefits in being behind, such as first dibs on fuel types. One I definitely want to play again.

I think I took it to the cottage one year, but noone played it.
Mr Dave wrote:
I think I took it to the cottage one year, but noone played it.

Next year, bring it and just tell people it involves railway trains.
Hotel booked, trains booked I think so all ready for Ticket to Ride WC later this month.
Spent yesterday afternoon in the board game cafe and much of today with my board game group. Here are my concise views on each game we played:

Marrakesh - laying carpets and charging rent when the souk owner (a meeple with a moustache and fez) lands on your rug. Fun family game and becomes quite tactical as the game progresses. Also, the carpets are made of real fabric.

German salad game (not its title): fun and frustrating 'snap' variant. It's amazing how tricky it is to say any card's name but that of the lettuce card you've just played when lettuce cards are temporarily taboo.

Enigma: solve a puzzle to earn the right to lay a tile and claim territory. Felt like 2 games stuck together.

Seasons: fun if complex Magic-style game.

Suburbia: tile laying city building fun. Simple rules but very tactical. I loved it.

Modern Art: using several different types of auction, buy art from up and coming artists then sell them at profit before they fall out of fashion. Agonising decisions to be made on every turn. I love it.
Kern wrote:
Green Bay Packers have wood, want sheep.

Brilliant. Good on them.

I saw a great tweet about people calling them nerds. FFS! For one they're the offensive line of a top class NFL team, and secondly the people saying that obsess for months about their fantasy football drafts!
Played '7 Wonders' for the first time tonight. What a great game. So many possible strategies to choose from, and a wonderfully devious mechanism of exchanging hands, playing a card simultaneously, then passing the hands over again.

Another one for my wish list!
Not technically a board game, but I've just backed Exploding Kittens on Kickstarter. Looks amazing and stupid - will be perfect for the cottage.
See, I looked at it and thought that it looked briefly entertaining, but mostly just a really dull game with some funny cartoons drawn on it.
Cras wrote:
See, I looked at it and thought that it looked briefly entertaining, but mostly just a really dull game with some funny cartoons drawn on it.

Oh well, it cheered me up for a little while.
Happiness is fleeting. I am the Leveller, guiding you back to a natural state of misery.
Cras wrote:
Happiness is fleeting. I am the Leveller, guiding you back to a natural state of misery.

This is a scientific thing - no matter what goes on in your life, you have a set level of "happy", and will always (barring mental illness) return to it.

It works both ways, though, so if something makes you sad, you'll get over it.
Does anyone own Dixit? I'd like to play it, and if no-one has it i'll buy it and bring it to the cottage.
I have dixit, it's fantastic. I don't know if I'll make my debut at the cottage though. If you don't already have it, I recommend buying some expansions as well because the game always ends leaving you wanting more and if you play repeat games with the same people, a wider range of cards is great to have. One of the expansions also ups the player count I believe. One of my favourite games, and probably the only game I have that I so far haven't encountered a single person that I've introduced it to who didn't love it.
I finally got something that lets me store my games in a sensible way so I can see them and also access one easily without having to lift twenty others out of a cupboard first.


I have been wanting to buy Memoir '44 for ages now but I was waiting to see if I got it at Christmas or my birthday, plus it was out of print for a while. I didn't get it so I decided to buy it for myself yesterday but the game shop was out of stock. I wanted to buy something, so for the first time ever I picked a random gme without researching it first. (Actually, it was my girlfriend who picked it up and suggested it). The game was Alchemists and we played it last night. It's fantastic! It's for 2-4 players and it works very well with two. Each player is an alchemist and you are trying to gain respect by discovering the alchemical properties of the available ingredients and publishing theories on them. There are about eight ingredients and each has a red, blue and green aspect which will either have a positive or negative sign. This is randomised and kept hidden by an accompanying smartphone app. You take actions on your turn in the style of a worker placement game. One action could be to forage for ingredients. Then you can test potions on a student. You choose two ingredients and sit them in your play area which is hidden from everyone else by a player screen. You scan them with your app and it it tells the result of mixing these two ingredients. The result will be one of the three colours, and it will be either positive for a potion of negative for a poison. You use this result to eliminate certain combinations from that ingredient until eventually through a process of elimination in the style of Cluedo, you know exactly which alchemical corresponds to an ingredient. Then you can use the 'publish theory' action space to gain respect.
It's a really fun game, you have the Agricola style worker placement aspect where you are trying to balance the actions you need to take that turn while also trying to watch what the other players are doing and how advanced they are with theories, while also carrying out the deduction part of the game.

There are tons of bits to the game but they work really well to make your play area and the board and although it's very overwhelming when you unwrap it, the manual is very well written to hand hold you through your first game. It's the same people who made Galaxy trucker so if you've played that you'll have an idea of how good the manual is. Surprisingly, the game only cost £35 which feels like a great price for all that you get. Thoroughly recommend!

Other recent additions to my collection include stars wars x-wing miniatures, Agricola, Betrayal at house on the hill and Skull. All are great, we've had maybe six games of betrayal including one over Christmas which went on until nearly 4am and multiple games of Agricola with various player counts. Agricola is one of the favourite right now, it's brilliant.
Please come to the cottage so I can play netrunner
Also, make sure you call her fiancee instead of girlfriend.
Haha, I think that in the last two years I have remembered to call her fiancée once :DD

She'll be my wife in two months!

As usual, I have no idea if I'll make the cottage. This years issue is that we are using basically all our holidays for the wedding and honeymoon.
MaliA wrote:
so I can play netrunner

Thirsty Meeples, Oxford, every Monday. I think they might have a championship on 21 March.

But we should all go to Meeples one day anyway. It's ace. And they serve cake, coffee, and now beer too.
sdg wrote:
I finally got something that lets me store my games in a sensible way so I can see them and also access one easily without having to lift twenty others out of a cupboard first.

Great collection there.
Might post a 'shelfie' myself someday (if I can ever forgive myself for writing that).
Kern wrote:
sdg wrote:
I finally got something that lets me store my games in a sensible way so I can see them and also access one easily without having to lift twenty others out of a cupboard first.

Great collection there.
Might post a 'shelfie' myself someday (if I can ever forgive myself for writing that).

We use a thing called Yammer at work (Microsoft product, basically facebook for businesses), and it supports hashtags but not muting.

People going round our stores taking shelfies was the rage for a while. Thank fuck it's over now.
Campanologists take belfries.
Prisoners take cellfies.
My collection has lots of games that can be played 2-player and the next one on my list is definitely memoir '44. I also want to get another ticket to ride map.
I'm always after good 2-player games.
I need a boardgame to play with my wife. After scouting the internet, i came to this shortlist:

Agricola: all creatures small and big
Castles of burgundy

are these good choices?
RuySan wrote:
I need a boardgame to play with my wife. After scouting the internet, i came to this shortlist:

Agricola: all creatures small and big
Castles of burgundy

are these good choices?

Of the ones you've mentioned, I've only played pandemic and it plays well as a two player but I think that you would tire of it more quickly than other options, especially if it is only the two of you playing it over and over. I think it probably lasts longer with more players, meaning more talking.
I have the full game of Agricola...the one you mention is a two player spin off. I think the full game works well for two players though and we've played multiple times without becoming bored of it.

I'd also recommend ticket to ride with a smaller map such as the india expansion (although I think it requires the base game as well).
Carcassone is another favourite in my house and I don't think it loses anything when you play two player, it's great. Plus, there's loads of expansions and they're pretty cheap so when I buy a new game I sometimes treat myself to another carcassone expansion that adds a new element.

The catan spin off, the rivals for catan, is a two player only game and it's brilliant. You collect resources to build a settlement. It's really addictive and we played it tons on holiday.

Dominion is great for two and then also scales up well but there's less player interaction because you're both building your own hand. Games are quick (about fifteen minutes) but usually someone will suggest one more game and before you know it you've played ten in a row. This also has lots of expansions although I've not bought any yet.

Finally, there's my new game, alchemists. Brilliant for two players but it's quite complex so unless you play a lot of games it might be a bit horrible to try and get into, although the manual is great at explaining how to play. I really really like the deduction element in this game.
I love 'Quoridor'. It's a brilliantly fast, screw-your-buddy 2 player game that token lurker Zeppo introduced us to. Great for the whole 'dam it, one more round and I'll thrash you' replayability thing.
Ordered Pandemic since it was the theme that my wife liked the most. And since it's coop, at least we can avoid the piece flinging at each other's faces that most of our chess matches ended with.

And that XCOM game seems pretty excellent. I'm sure i'll be buying it eventually.
Since my post last week I have to add Memoir 44 and Dead of Winter to my games list. Both are excellent as expected and I heard dead of winter is going to be on tabletop so expect it to be sold out everywhere soon. I actually bought it as soon as it was back in stock and now that I've heard that, I'm glad I did.

I also have copied Matt in backing Exploding Kittens, looks fun for a party/light/travel game and it has been smashing kickstarted records so I thought I may as well back it for the nsfw kickstarted exclusive deck.
Just read up on 'Dead of Winter'. Looks great fun. Now I want to play it in a dark night in a cabin in the woods (come to the cottage!).

Recent additions to my stash:

'7 Wonders' - my pyramid's bigger than your hanging gardens. Thanks Malia!
'Sheriff of Nottingham' - bribe the sheriff to keep the people of Nottingham supplied with manky teddy bears
'Mondus Novus' - ship-building in the golden age of discovery (thanks to a stranger on Reddit).
Oh, and I saw 'Hipster Dice' in Meeples but decided to put the £4 towards over-hopped imported beer instead.
Mimi bought me Pandemic for Valentines Day.

What an amazing game.
That's good to know. Mine will probably arrive this week.
7 wonders and Sheriff of Nottingham are both on my wish list.
Pandemic is great.
I'll certainly be on the lookout for more cooperative games now.
sdg wrote:
I also have copied Matt in backing Exploding Kittens

Was that me? I'm a fairly regular drunk backer.
Grim... wrote:
sdg wrote:
I also have copied Matt in backing Exploding Kittens

Was that me? I'm a fairly regular drunk backer.

No, I think it was myp who mentioned it a page or so back. Two days left if you want to get in on it though.
Xcom the board game is a) brutal, b) excellent.

Whoever had the idea to have a timer for certain parts of the game is a fucking genius. Frantic doesn't even start to describe it.
sdg wrote:
Since my post last week I have to add Memoir 44 and Dead of Winter to my games list. Both are excellent as expected and I heard dead of winter is going to be on tabletop so expect it to be sold out everywhere soon. I actually bought it as soon as it was back in stock and now that I've heard that, I'm glad I did.

I also have copied Matt in backing Exploding Kittens, looks fun for a party/light/travel game and it has been smashing kickstarted records so I thought I may as well back it for the nsfw kickstarted exclusive deck.

Yay! It does look quite simple, but should be good for a laugh with a few drinks.

Also we'll have finished a game by the time Gaywood has figured out how the first phase of Game of Thrones works.
Played 'Sheriff of Nottingham' last night. Lots of good natured bribery, corruption, accusations, and contraband was had.

Seems to be a money supply issue: the game comes with loads of coins in various denominations, but each player only starts with 50 and all the fines and penalties are paid to and from the sherriff and the townsfolk from this supply, meaning that a weak start reduces one's chances to bribe (but you can always promise goods).

Then played some strange 3D German game with large wooden trees where the players are gnomes trying to hide in the shadows from a moving candle.
Future Warrior wrote:
Also we'll have finished a game by the time Gaywood has figured out how the first phase of Game of Thrones works.
I fear that will go forever unplayed.
Doctor Glyndwr wrote:
Future Warrior wrote:
Also we'll have finished a game by the time Gaywood has figured out how the first phase of Game of Thrones works.
I fear that will go forever unplayed.

Net runner
Has anyone tried the Game of thrones (HBO edition) card game?

Looks good and it's quite cheap
I think Russell may have this, but we only tried playing when I was really, really ill, so was not a success as I could barely remember my name, let alone why everything was sideways.

Ultimately, I don't think it looks that complicated once you get the hang of it, but I think it's probably easier to learn the rules if the person explaining the game doesn't keep singing/dancing as they are doing it. You might not have this problem, though.
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