Political Banter and Debate Thread
Countdown to a flight-free UK
Seriously! Does the word 'or' actually not exist in your lexicon?! It's right there in my post!
Are you for real? You fell through the ice several posts ago with this feeble argument. You're saying there's a giant differentiation between calling someone bad and saying they should accept being called bad if they associate with someone you think is bad?

You're either genuinely trolling here or are a great deal more dimwitted than I thought.
Yes, I totally do. If you willingly ally yourselves with people who carry out horrible acts, then you're either saying you support those acts or you're too stupid to find some other group of people who aren't utter cunts to rally behind. Not a challenging concept.
Are you two fighting over the EU or the Gamergate? I've lost track
There could have been a movement for greater ethical standards in games journalism. GG outright isn't it and never will be.
Sorry, totally cross threading. I blame women in the media.
Cras wrote:
Not a challenging concept.

Read these words slowly so you can fully absorb what I'm saying. I'm not knocking your desire to conflate two different types of people who operate differently under the same banner (although I could), I'm calling you stupid for trying to argue that you think calling one bad because you consider the other one bad is *different* from calling them all bad outright, which is the sentiment you were saying didn't exist in my earlier quotes. You've just contradicted yourself utterly and then tried to bafflingly dig your way out of your own hole.

Seriously, a person could go mad trying to unpick this pinhead-dancing bullshit, but instead I think it's time to call it a day.
I'm not conflating them! They're doing it themselves! I'm telling them to stop it and find something less toxic to rally around.
ElephantBanjoGnome wrote:
Cras wrote:
Not a challenging concept.

Read these words slowly so you can fully absorb what I'm saying. I'm not knocking your desire to conflate two different types of people who operate differently under the same banner (although I could), I'm calling you stupid for trying to argue that you think calling one bad because you consider the other one bad is *different* from calling them all bad outright, which is the sentiment you were saying didn't exist in my earlier quotes. You've just contradicted yourself utterly and then tried to bafflingly dig your way out of your own hole.

Seriously, a person could go mad trying to unpick this pinhead-dancing bullshit, but instead I think it's time to call it a day.

But you can think people are bad for different reasons, and at different levels.

A workshy benefits cheat, a tax evading millionaire, a rapist, an armed robber, a sexist pig, an internet troll, a murderer, someone who wilfully parks in disabled parking bays, someone who commits genocide.

All these people are bad, and you can distinguish that there are different levels of badness, and hanging out with these people might reflect poorly upon you. If you hang out with a murderer and implicitly condone his actions, then you are bad. Are you as bad as the murderer? No. If you hang out with him but don't know he's a murderer are you bad? Not so much... but if it's widely publicised and the murderer has shown no repentance, and everybody knows it, then yeah, that reflects badly upon you.

Saying that hanging out with a massive truckload of unrepentant, blatant misogynists reflects badly on non-misogynist Gamergaters is hardly a massive stretch. You seem to be saying that you think it is some kind of broad brush "Oh, they're all equally bad" generalisation. It isn't.

And it's not like you wouldn't think less of someone who was a frothing, rabid Cybernat, or who threw tons of money at Stuart Campbell, would you?
Curiosity wrote:
You seem to be saying that you think it is some kind of broad brush "Oh, they're all equally bad" generalisation. It isn't.

Craster said they're either bad, or should be accepting of the equal condemnation by mere association. I'm not broad brushing, he is!

Apparently the UK economy is doing well so the EU now want an extra 1.7 Billion

Its like they are on commission or something!

Hopefully Cameron will tell them were to go.
Is this something that's happened routinely in the past and sometimes in our favour and a complete non-story?
Either way, it just reconfirms people's view of the EU as remote and arrogant. Nobody's going to remember stories about regular readjustments of fees, just the demands for more money.

Incidentally, I'm still dubious about incorporating drugs and prostitution into GDP figures, but haven't got round to reading the methodology yet.
Just heard on the radio that Greece has been asked for more. Things have been going well for them recently, after all.

Yes, the demand is just a routine reevaluation and adjustment which all countries have agreed to. Doesn't mean it looks good though.
Thanks for your earlier posts Curio, much appreciated. :hug:
I've got a minor op today :( but will respond substantively on my return.

Note that Germany and France are getting rebates, the two countries that milk the most out of the EU.

We should not be paying this, each country has had to get its economy in order via cuts, so if there is spare money it should be spent here.

Sure we signed up to this and may even have benefitted over the years, but Cameron should put his foot down
Cavey wrote:
I've got a minor op today

Hope it goes well.
Russell Brand is fucking absurd. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-29750948

"HERRR DERRR CHANGE FROM EVIL CORPORATIONS. But... erm, I can't come up with a well-thought out alternative. I'll just honk about the need for non-specific change whenever I'm in front of a camera. Politicians are evil! Yeeeer! "
Is that the same interview where he seemingly comes up with the revolutionary idea of charging businesses something like 20% tax on their profits? May be we could call it a corporation tax or something.
According to Wikipedia he has both AHD and Bipolar. He also has taken just about every class A drug going in the past. Although he is now sober, you never know with people.

That's not a good mix, so I suppose this sort of interview is to be expected. He will also be a good guest to have on TV as its almost certain he will say something that will make headlines of sorts.
What happens when you only one use metric (unemployment figures) to measure the jobs market by? You over-optimise it at the expense of other, important metrics:

Record number of Britons in low-paid jobs, says thinktank | Politics | The Guardian

A record 5 million workers are now in low-paid jobs, according to a new report, sparking calls for government action to help tackle the problem.

The Resolution Foundation said the numbers earning less than two thirds of median hourly pay – equivalent to £7.69 an hour – increased by 250,000 last year to reach 5.2 million.

The increase partly reflected growth in employment, but there was also a reverse in the previous year’s slight fall in low-paid work, said the thinktank.

The report said there was a serious problem of people being stuck in low-paid jobs, with almost one in four minimum wage employees still on that rate for the last five years.

Workers in Britain are more likely to be low paid than those in comparable economies such as Germany and Australia, said the Resolution Foundation.
How would they "tackle the problem", though? Raising the minimum wage seems like overkill.
Top tip: when asking for an extra 2 billion euros, don't have your auditors announce that 7 billion have gone walkies.

BBC wrote:
European Union auditors say the EU misspent about €7bn (£5.5bn) last year - that is, 4.7% of its annual budget.

The €7bn is described as "errors" in budget allocations, only part of which could be called fraud or waste.


Regardless of one's views of the EU, or whether the accounts are being misreported, this smells bad and doesn't do the 'in' camp many favours.

I still think we should remain IN, but it's in need of some serious reform in terms of bureaucracy.
I have a lot of interaction with EU auditors as the work is not done by that group, but is subcontracted out to multiple audit firms. They have to follow the processes that the EU set out, not those we determine would best identify and capture risk (as we would do for any 'commercial' client)

The feeling is that the 7bn is potentially vastly understated.
Careful you don't end up like Bruce Everiss, people. They comin' to gets him.

This website is hosted in a very good place, in the USA, with a good server and a huge amount of bandwidth. During the throttling they have reported no technical problems. None of my other websites hosted there are experiencing any problems. So the throttling is happening right on the internet backbone, they are hitting traffic from the whole world. This is not the work of a hacker, no matter how skilled, this is the work of a top level national security organisation. And which country would not like articles critical of Zionism?

Analytics allows the examination of individual countries. Towns and cities even. So lets have a look at Israel. Since Monday there have been just 72 sessions from there, a ridiculously low figure considering the article content I have posted. Then look at where these people are: Tel Aviv, where the Government offices are, 62 visitors, mostly with normal session lengths, then Jerusalem 3, Haifa 2, the other cities just 1 each, with session lengths mostly of 0 seconds. So the people of Israel are being prevented from reading my blog and the Israeli Government are keeping a very close eye on it. I am flattered.

http://www.bruceonpolitics.com/2014/11/ ... sabotaged/
Lizard overlords have completed their work...

Fully backing the FBI/CIA/MI5 here.
He's changed hosts :)
That's just what they'll be expecting him to do.
Cras wrote:
Careful you don't end up like Bruce Everiss, people. They comin' to gets him.

This website is hosted in a very good place, in the USA, with a good server and a huge amount of bandwidth. During the throttling they have reported no technical problems. None of my other websites hosted there are experiencing any problems. So the throttling is happening right on the internet backbone, they are hitting traffic from the whole world. This is not the work of a hacker, no matter how skilled, this is the work of a top level national security organisation. And which country would not like articles critical of Zionism?

Analytics allows the examination of individual countries. Towns and cities even. So lets have a look at Israel. Since Monday there have been just 72 sessions from there, a ridiculously low figure considering the article content I have posted. Then look at where these people are: Tel Aviv, where the Government offices are, 62 visitors, mostly with normal session lengths, then Jerusalem 3, Haifa 2, the other cities just 1 each, with session lengths mostly of 0 seconds. So the people of Israel are being prevented from reading my blog and the Israeli Government are keeping a very close eye on it. I am flattered.

http://www.bruceonpolitics.com/2014/11/ ... sabotaged/

I'm struggling to see what this has to do with politics?
Appreciate I haven't been around much of late (too busy), but surely this stuff belongs in the B&B thread.
Btw, haven't forgotten earlier posts, Curio's in particular. :)
Cavey wrote:
Btw, haven't forgotten earlier posts, Curio's in particular. :)

Oh, I certainly have!

Curiosity wrote:
Cavey wrote:
Btw, haven't forgotten earlier posts, Curio's in particular. :)

Oh, I certainly have!


Another UKIP MP? This can't be a freak result. Maybe Middle England *is* actually xenophobic and close minded.
I keep thinking of the shitted bed quote from Stewart Lee.

I dread the day I express disgust about it however and find that the person I'm talking to voted UKIP.
My mother in law, who is a retired nurse, best friends with an immigrant family, completely lovely, non-racist, absolutely against right wing views, pro-EU, completely and utterly liberal, has decide she's going to vote UKIP "because the Tories are bastards and the thought of Milliband in charge is a nightmare".

I'm beginning to get the distinct impression that UKIP are right that they're not just supported by close minded racists. I think they have, amazingly, become the Liberal Party of the modern times. It may well be because the negative media attention on them has caused a lot of people to think the opposite of what Polly Toynbee is telling them to think.
In most cases, believing the opposite of what Polly Toynbee is telling you what to think is the entirely the correct course of action.

Not just because it's Polly Toynbee, but because she absolutely does tell you what to think. If it was a sensible thing to believe in she would persuade, not tell.
Mr Kissyfur wrote:
My mother in law, who is a retired nurse, best friends with an immigrant family, completely lovely, non-racist, absolutely against right wing views, pro-EU, completely and utterly liberal, has decide she's going to vote UKIP "because the Tories are bastards and the thought of Milliband in charge is a nightmare".

I'm beginning to get the distinct impression that UKIP are right that they're not just supported by close minded racists. I think they have, amazingly, become the Liberal Party of the modern times. It may well be because the negative media attention on them has caused a lot of people to think the opposite of what Polly Toynbee is telling them to think.

Don't be a fucking idiot. Have you seen their policies?

Just because some well meaning fools vote for them as a protest, doesn't mean they're not despicable cunts.
Curiosity wrote:
Mr Kissyfur wrote:
My mother in law, who is a retired nurse, best friends with an immigrant family, completely lovely, non-racist, absolutely against right wing views, pro-EU, completely and utterly liberal, has decide she's going to vote UKIP "because the Tories are bastards and the thought of Milliband in charge is a nightmare".

I'm beginning to get the distinct impression that UKIP are right that they're not just supported by close minded racists. I think they have, amazingly, become the Liberal Party of the modern times. It may well be because the negative media attention on them has caused a lot of people to think the opposite of what Polly Toynbee is telling them to think.

Don't be a fucking idiot. Have you seen their policies?

Just because some well meaning fools vote for them as a protest, doesn't mean they're not despicable cunts.

Did I say that? No. Learn to read, you cockspasm.

They are a bunch of cunts, but their supporters are not all the racists they're portrayed to be. Despite what UKIP itself is, they've managed to convince a lot of otherwise normal people that they're a good bet to vote for as the anti-mainstream political party.
Sorry but anyone who is "pro-EU" who votes for UKIP has to be a complete moron. The clue's in the name.
Shit sorry dude, I only just re-read that and noticed you were talking about your mother in law. I didn't mean moron as such, I meant...something else.
She's fully aware of what their position on the EU is, it's just wanting a protest vote - the Liberals aren't really an option for most people now.

I'm quite seriously worried that many many many people are going to take a similar approach. So UKIP won't be brought into Parliament on a tide of racist votes, just a load of people fed up with what we've got now and not really thinking too hard about the consequences of sticking it to Cameron and Milliband.
Well that's just daft. I'd have thought that it was a given that anyone who votes UKIP would at least be anti-EU.
markg wrote:
Well that's just daft. I'd have thought that it was a given that anyone who votes UKIP would at least be anti-EU.

I believe this is the point Mr Chris is making.

UKIP voters aren't all foaming racist idiots. Which is bad, because now there's more of them.
Mr Kissyfur wrote:
My mother in law, who is a retired nurse, best friends with an immigrant family, completely lovely, non-racist, absolutely against right wing views, pro-EU, completely and utterly liberal, has decide she's going to vote UKIP "because the Tories are bastards and the thought of Milliband in charge is a nightmare".

I'm beginning to get the distinct impression that UKIP are right that they're not just supported by close minded racists. I think they have, amazingly, become the Liberal Party of the modern times. It may well be because the negative media attention on them has caused a lot of people to think the opposite of what Polly Toynbee is telling them to think.

My dad is exactly the same, he is not at all right, or racist, none of my family are my sister in law is Indian, my cousins wife is from Iran. Yet he voted UKIP in the EU elections as he is piss sick of the other options, he won't vote that way in the UK elections though, he viewed the EU as such a waste of time that he felt OK sending a protest vote.
UKIP voters aren't all foaming racist idiots. Which is bad, because now there's more of them.

The thing with Farage is that he comes across as a "decent" bloke to lots of people. Also shit never sticks to him, he has utter nutters in his party that say extreme things, there have been a number of attempts to chuck shit at him and he just brushes it all off and moves on.

Also he is anti EU but has milked that gravy train for years

I think really the other leaders are seen as self serving and out of touch and as a result anything is seen as better by a lot of people.
asfish wrote:
I think really the other leaders are seen as self serving and out of touch and as a result anything is seen as better by a lot of people.

Very much this. It also explains the rise of the Greens and the SNP's success.

It would be good if there was a mainstream Eurosceptic party of the centre or on the left, as it would help dispell the view that being against the EU is solely a right-wing or racist opinion.
Grim... wrote:
markg wrote:
Well that's just daft. I'd have thought that it was a given that anyone who votes UKIP would at least be anti-EU.

I believe this is the point Mr Chris is making.

UKIP voters aren't all foaming racist idiots. Which is bad, because now there's more of them.

Yes I understand that and being anti-EU doesn't make someone a racist idiot but it should really be a pre-requisite for voting for a party who call themselves the UK Independence Party.
asfish wrote:

I think really the other leaders are seen as self serving and out of touch and as a result anything is seen as better by a lot of people.

No better example...
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