Political Banter and Debate Thread
Countdown to a flight-free UK
Doctor Glyndwr wrote:
Cavey wrote:
Genuine question: Have you got any 'Idiots Guide' links to stuff specifically about the latest model efficacies please Doc? :)
Here's a place to start.

Nice one, thanks Doc. :)
I'll just quote the last graf of that page:

Models don't need to be exact in every respect to give us an accurate overall trend and its major effects - and we have that now. If you knew there were a 90% chance you'd be in a car crash, you wouldn't get in the car (or at the very least, you'd wear a seatbelt). The IPCC concludes, with a greater than 90% probability, that humans are causing global warming. To wait for 100% certainty before acting is recklessly irresponsible.
... Upon which, I would entirely agree of course, as would any reasonable person.
The question for me, though, is do we really have 90% plus certainty? I haven't read this piece yet, but will do so, along with this likely opposing view published by Nature in September 2013, which I have only skimmed through.

http://www.see.ed.ac.uk/~shs/Climate%20 ... timate.pdf

The inconsistency between observed and simulated global warming is even more striking for temperature trends computed over the past fifteen years (1998–2012). For this period, the observed trend of 0.05 ± 0.08 °C per decade is more than four times smaller than the average simulated trend of 0.21 ± 0.03 °C per decade (Fig. 1b).

It is worth noting that the observed trend over this period — not significantly different from zero — suggests a temporary ‘hiatus’ in global warming2–4. The divergence between observed and CMIP5-simulated global warming begins in the early 1990s, as can be seen when comparing observed and simulated running trends from 1970–2012 (Fig. 2a and 2b for 20-year and 15-year running trends, respectively).

The evidence, therefore, indicates that the current generation of climate models (when run as a group, with the CMIP5 prescribed forcings) do not reproduce the observed global warming over the past 20 years, or the slowdown in global warming over the past fifteen years.
Its something the human race should act on as if its going to be 50% as bad as they say

People will drown in floods or starve as crop fields etc will be under water.

The planet won't really be affected, just us.
I don't have a problem with the need to act and do something. I do have issue with some of the policies that have been enacted and the private companies that jump on the bandwagon to charge more for stuff on the back of it being to "save the planet"

For example, the scrapage scheme for cars. It was sold as an environmental thing, but it was actually better for the environment to run the old cars that had already been built, rather than scrap them and build new cars for people to buy. Regardless of how efficient newer cars are. Letting the old ones die out naturally was a much better option.
It was an economy and business matter pure and simple, nothing to do with the environment.

Don't get me started on the bag-for-life scam :D
Trooper wrote:
I don't have a problem with the need to act and do something. I do have issue with some of the policies that have been enacted and the private companies that jump on the bandwagon to charge more for stuff on the back of it being to "save the planet"

Indeed mate, this is what I was referring to from the outset, and there are loads of examples, to my mind the most notable being the prohibitive cost per kWh renewable source generation is statutorily permitted to "sell" back to the grid, and the rest of us pay handsomely for, including consumers who can ill afford it. A lot of people and businesses have done, and will very much continue to do very, very well out of this. That's a fact.
Normal plastic bags have a carbon footprint of 12g, the plastic bags for life have a footprint of 250g, the thicker woven bags for life have a footprint of 2500g.

You need to use a bag for life over 20 times for it to be better, over 200 times for a woven bag. I'm sure there are few people who can do that, but the majority can't make them last that long. They break, they get lost, you forget them etc...
Every time you forget to bring a bag and buy just one more bag-for-life, then that is another 20 trips you need to make, on top of the original trips, to just about break even.

Then, on top of that, the total footprint of the consumption of plastic bags in the UK for a year, is equivalent to the footprint of 2 hours of running Heathrow...
A single 10 mile trip in your car, is the equivalent of a single families carrier bag footprint over the course of a whole year.
Yeah, I've always thought that plastic bags were a ridiculous thing to get so much attention. But it lets those businesses appear responsible and is paid for by the consumer. Compared to the amount of other crap and pointless packaging which people throw away they are completely insignificant.

Anything meaningful like telling people not to drive their cars much and definitely not go jetting off on foreign holidays won't be much of a money-spinner for anyone.
You appear to have omitted landfill and litter from your calculations.
markg wrote:
Yeah, I've always thought that plastic bags were a ridiculous thing to get so much attention. Compared to the amount of other crap and pointless packaging which people throw away they are completely insignificant. But then telling people not to drive their cars as much and definitely not go jetting off on foreign holidays is not much of a money-spinner.

Indeed :) Add to that the bigger size of the bag-for-life, and the storing and transporting of those, then it gets even worse!

The best thing is those tree-hugging jute bags that are so good for the environment. Each one of those bags has a whole of life carbon footprint of 51kg! You'd need to use one 4000 times to come out ahead :D

Like everything political parties do, it's all just posturing and all about vote-winning and being seen to be doing the right thing, rather than actually doing the right thing. Ban the carrier bags, because everyone knows them and sees them and uses them, we can spin it that is is a good thing and that'll win us some votes...
Doctor Glyndwr wrote:
You appear to have omitted landfill and litter from your calculations.

Good point. The bags for life are much larger and heavier, so take up a lot more physical space in landfills.
I'll give you the litter argument though :)
Plus it isn't entirely about the carbon footprint - all consumption causes some, after all, and the idea is to reduce it as far as possible; far better to do that by changing attitudes, so instead of a standard 'here's your stuff, here's a crappy bag', more and more people always have a bag tucked away in a pocket somewhere, more people just carry their few items to car or home and so on.
Did anyone else think "She did OK, there" after May bitchslapped the police federatin and told them to sort their stuff out?
Cavey wrote:
And yet amusingly enough though Pod, it's actually you, not I, who clearly has an axe to grind (and for that matter, as far as I can make out, totally intransigent political beliefs in the face of all the empirical evidence to the contrary).

1. The post wasn't about you, it was about cognitive dissonance and forms of persuasion.
2. Please highlight, in bold etc, what I directly wrote, or even some text you think vaguely implies, that you, or anyone else, had an axe to grind?
3. What are my "political beliefs" that I refuse to change "in the face of all the empirical evidence to the contrary"?
4. Given how you've gone off on one, maybe you do have a persecution complex?

re: Bag for life. Is it about the energy?

Landfills are full of plastic bags, because of how many we use, how we dispose off them and that most bags weren't recycleable. Once in the landfill they simply don't go away, because of their lack of biodegradability. Plastic bags will continue to be taken to the tip until plastic becomes a premium item to make and it's more economically viable to recycle/reuse the old bags.

So by using a bag for life, especially a hippie-tastic one made from hemp, you're reducing the number of bags sent to a landfill. And finding a new landfill sites that doesn't annoy people is a hard thing.

I use one as the thin plastic ones are shit and rip.

edit: Hmm JBR said the same thing.
JBR wrote:
Plus it isn't entirely about the carbon footprint - all consumption causes some, after all, and the idea is to reduce it as far as possible; far better to do that by changing attitudes, so instead of a standard 'here's your stuff, here's a crappy bag', more and more people always have a bag tucked away in a pocket somewhere, more people just carry their few items to car or home and so on.

I just think it's something that lets governments, businesses and individuals feel as though they are "doing their bit" when it costs them nothing and makes no meaningful contribution to anything. Not using disposable plastic bags doesn't prepare people for the fact that if they actually gave a toss then they wouldn't be jetting off on foreign holidays etc.
markg wrote:
JBR wrote:
Plus it isn't entirely about the carbon footprint - all consumption causes some, after all, and the idea is to reduce it as far as possible; far better to do that by changing attitudes, so instead of a standard 'here's your stuff, here's a crappy bag', more and more people always have a bag tucked away in a pocket somewhere, more people just carry their few items to car or home and so on.

I just think it's something that lets governments, businesses and individuals feel as though they are "doing their bit" when it costs them nothing and makes no meaningful contribution to anything. Not using disposable plastic bags doesn't prepare people for the fact that if they actually gave a toss then they wouldn't be jetting off on foreign holidays etc.

Oh yeah, absolutely - it starts as an entirely understandable reaction to something so little and yet so wasteful, then turns into a campaign and that draws attention away from the whole point.
Pod wrote:

1. The post wasn't about you, it was about cognitive dissonance and forms of persuasion.
2. Please highlight, in bold etc, what I directly wrote, or even some text you think vaguely implies, that you, or anyone else, had an axe to grind?
3. What are my "political beliefs" that I refuse to change "in the face of all the empirical evidence to the contrary"?
4. Given how you've gone off on one, maybe you do have a persecution complex?

Sorry, this is an interesting discussion. Could you please leave this crap out of this thread? I am just not interested. Thanks.
MaliA wrote:
Did anyone else think "She did OK, there" after May bitchslapped the police federatin and told them to sort their stuff out?

Yes I flipping well did, actually. Fair play to her; long overdue as far as I'm concerned.
That's the whole point, the move to reusable bags is quantifiably worse for the environment when you take a look across the whole lifecycle and how they are actually used by people. We are in a worse situation than before when it comes to environmental impact. That includes the landfill costs and impact, etc...
People have this idea that they are better, but they really aren't, it just seems like they should be.

Changing peoples attitudes to using bags was the right thing to do, we should have kept the old bags though and had a campaign of re-use and recycle of those, as that would have actually put us in a better position.
Trooper wrote:
People have this idea that they are better, but they really aren't, it just seems like they should be.

Ah yes... so many things in life - most especially in matters of politics - seem like they "should" be better (or "should" achieve the desired, no doubt entirely well-intentioned result), but very often (sadly) do not do anything of the sort...
They should just charge for the bags, like M&S and Aldi do.
Cavey wrote:
Pod wrote:

1. The post wasn't about you, it was about cognitive dissonance and forms of persuasion.
2. Please highlight, in bold etc, what I directly wrote, or even some text you think vaguely implies, that you, or anyone else, had an axe to grind?
3. What are my "political beliefs" that I refuse to change "in the face of all the empirical evidence to the contrary"?
4. Given how you've gone off on one, maybe you do have a persecution complex?

Sorry, this is an interesting discussion. Could you please leave this crap out of this thread? I am just not interested. Thanks.

You're the one that had a go at him over nothing you tit! He was just expanding on the concept of cognitive dissonance and you needlessly decided it was an attack on you and threw a load of genuinely bizarre accusations at him. You do a good job at pretending to be reasonable, and often times actually manage it, but this tendency to fly off the handle in a paranoid heart beat is really unpleasant.
Trooper wrote:
The best thing is those tree-hugging jute bags that are so good for the environment. Each one of those bags has a whole of life carbon footprint of 51kg! You'd need to use one 4000 times to come out ahead :D

Have you got a source for this? Everything I can find says it is more like 170 times and the normal reusable bags need to be used 10 or 11 times, which is some discrepancy and makes me wonder about your other figures.

But either way all this talk of plastic bags still makes me think of deckchairs on the Titanic. An utterly irrelevant distraction.
I use the bigger bags I've bought for storing firewood after they get used for transporting beer up the big hill.
Bamba wrote:
Cavey wrote:
Pod wrote:

1. The post wasn't about you, it was about cognitive dissonance and forms of persuasion.
2. Please highlight, in bold etc, what I directly wrote, or even some text you think vaguely implies, that you, or anyone else, had an axe to grind?
3. What are my "political beliefs" that I refuse to change "in the face of all the empirical evidence to the contrary"?
4. Given how you've gone off on one, maybe you do have a persecution complex?

Sorry, this is an interesting discussion. Could you please leave this crap out of this thread? I am just not interested. Thanks.

You're the one that had a go at him over nothing you tit! He was just expanding on the concept of cognitive dissonance and you needlessly decided it was an attack on you and threw a load of genuinely bizarre accusations at him. You do a good job at pretending to be reasonable, and often times actually manage it, but this tendency to fly off the handle in a paranoid heart beat is really unpleasant.

I was QUOTED in that post, so pardon me for thinking it had anything to do with me, along with all the other tiresome crap he's thrown at me previously.

So yeah, how "bizarre" eh. :insincere:

What the fuck has this got to do with you anyway? Are you Pod's GF? ;)

I am NOT interested in this. You think I'm a "tit", fine by me, but could you leave those who actually do want to discuss with me alone in this one thread without derailing it? Last word from me on this petty crap.
markg wrote:
Trooper wrote:
The best thing is those tree-hugging jute bags that are so good for the environment. Each one of those bags has a whole of life carbon footprint of 51kg! You'd need to use one 4000 times to come out ahead :D

Have you got a source for this? Everything I can find says it is more like 170 times and the normal reusable bags need to be used 10 or 11 times, which is some discrepancy and makes me wonder about your other figures.

UK Environment Agency Report SC030148/2011
http://www.incpen.org/docs/Life%20cycle ... report.pdf

Admittedly, I'm just quoting the carbon footprint numbers for hyperbole sake, rather than the full GWP number ;)
Grim... wrote:
They should just charge for the bags, like M&S and Aldi do.

It's coming, October 2015 all single use plastic bags will cost a mandatory 5p across England.
Cavey wrote:
MaliA wrote:
Did anyone else think "She did OK, there" after May bitchslapped the police federatin and told them to sort their stuff out?

Yes I flipping well did, actually. Fair play to her; long overdue as far as I'm concerned.

This. Very impressed.
Kern wrote:
Cavey wrote:
MaliA wrote:
Did anyone else think "She did OK, there" after May bitchslapped the police federatin and told them to sort their stuff out?

Yes I flipping well did, actually. Fair play to her; long overdue as far as I'm concerned.

This. Very impressed.

Yes, I thought that was true political bravery, a rare thing imo.
Trooper wrote:
markg wrote:
Trooper wrote:
The best thing is those tree-hugging jute bags that are so good for the environment. Each one of those bags has a whole of life carbon footprint of 51kg! You'd need to use one 4000 times to come out ahead :D

Have you got a source for this? Everything I can find says it is more like 170 times and the normal reusable bags need to be used 10 or 11 times, which is some discrepancy and makes me wonder about your other figures.

UK Environment Agency Report SC030148/2011
http://www.incpen.org/docs/Life%20cycle ... report.pdf

Admittedly, I'm just quoting the carbon footprint numbers for hyperbole sake, rather than the full GWP number ;)

Right. So not so much hyperbole as just absolute bollocks then.
Cavey wrote:
I was QUOTED in that post, so pardon me for thinking it had anything to do with me. How "bizarre" eh.

That's not the part I called bizarre, I was talking about the mad nonsense you chucked at Pod about "axes to grind" and "intransigent political beliefs". Seriously where in God's name did that come from?

Cavey wrote:
What the fuck has this got to do with you anyway? Are you Pod's GF? ;)

You should have at least quoted Grim properly there, 'credit' where it's due and all that. Although it's as idiotic a response on a public discussion board as it ever was of course.

Cavey wrote:
I am NOT interested in this. You think I'm a "tit", fine by me, but could you leave those who actually do want to discuss with me alone in this one thread without derailing it? Last word from me on this petty crap.

Your paranoia flares up for the umpteenth time and you give someone a needless verbal kick in the teeth, but minutes later it's all, "I'm not interested" and "petty crap" and you trying to desperately claim the moral high ground. God forbid you should ever actually look at what you wrote and consider the slightest possibility that you over-reacted and caused the very chat you're now railing against.
markg wrote:
Trooper wrote:
markg wrote:
Trooper wrote:
The best thing is those tree-hugging jute bags that are so good for the environment. Each one of those bags has a whole of life carbon footprint of 51kg! You'd need to use one 4000 times to come out ahead :D

Have you got a source for this? Everything I can find says it is more like 170 times and the normal reusable bags need to be used 10 or 11 times, which is some discrepancy and makes me wonder about your other figures.

UK Environment Agency Report SC030148/2011
http://www.incpen.org/docs/Life%20cycle ... report.pdf

Admittedly, I'm just quoting the carbon footprint numbers for hyperbole sake, rather than the full GWP number ;)

Right. So not so much hyperbole as just absolute bollocks then.


Have you read the report? I assume not.

Try this

http://www.carrierbagtax.com/downloads/ ... _Pages.pdf

It might be easier for you to read ;)
Kern wrote:
Cavey wrote:
MaliA wrote:
Did anyone else think "She did OK, there" after May bitchslapped the police federatin and told them to sort their stuff out?

Yes I flipping well did, actually. Fair play to her; long overdue as far as I'm concerned.

This. Very impressed.

I think I was after listening to the interviews with the federation people the days prior. The second acocunts and 'robust discussions' and people 'protecting empires' made it all sound (especially after Plebgate) not terribly good.
MaliA wrote:
Kern wrote:
Cavey wrote:
MaliA wrote:
Did anyone else think "She did OK, there" after May bitchslapped the police federatin and told them to sort their stuff out?

Yes I flipping well did, actually. Fair play to her; long overdue as far as I'm concerned.

This. Very impressed.

I think I was after listening to the interviews with the federation people the days prior. The second acocunts and 'robust discussions' and people 'protecting empires' made it all sound (especially after Plebgate) not terribly good.

Isn't ACPO also on the way out? Both those bodies got too powerful for both their own and the country's good. Shame Labour were too obsessed with looking 'soft' on crime to tackle them.
Kern wrote:
MaliA wrote:
Kern wrote:
Cavey wrote:
MaliA wrote:
Did anyone else think "She did OK, there" after May bitchslapped the police federatin and told them to sort their stuff out?

Yes I flipping well did, actually. Fair play to her; long overdue as far as I'm concerned.

This. Very impressed.

I think I was after listening to the interviews with the federation people the days prior. The second acocunts and 'robust discussions' and people 'protecting empires' made it all sound (especially after Plebgate) not terribly good.

Isn't ACPO also on the way out? Both those bodies got too powerful for both their own and the country's good. Shame Labour were too obsessed with looking 'soft' on crime to tackle them.

It's the problem with trade unions, though, isn't it?* I'll ask the copper I was out with on Saturday if he's allowed out to play again. Certainly, the actions of the police have done nothing to garner any form of public trust in them, and if the allegations of nest feathering are true, then a stern reminder that they are public servants is pobably the best thing to do, next to taking a new broom to the lot.

*Am aware it isn't a trade union, but it acts and behaves like one at times.

Addendum: One of the major positives of the commute in the car is listening to R4 again. ANd aggressively tailgating SUVs in the Ka up the M606.
MaliA wrote:
*Am aware it isn't a trade union, but it acts and behaves like one at times.

I have to agree, sadly.

Addendum: One of the major positives of the commute in the car is listening to R4 again.

Oh man, :this:

R4 is just awesome.
Latest Britain-wide vote share projections:

UKIP 17%
Lab 31%
Con 29%
LD 13%

Not quite as bad as I was expecting; ~1-in-6 votes for UKIP.
Trooper wrote:
Have you read the report? I assume not.

I'm not reading 120 pages.

Try this

http://www.carrierbagtax.com/downloads/ ... _Pages.pdf

It might be easier for you to read ;)

I've used my PP non-woven bag many more than 14 times. (I think it's a pp non-woven bag). I am conscience clear! One thing they're missing on their "myth busters" is how crappy and thin the cheap bags are and how anything square shaped tears a hole in it. It's ok if you're dumping it in the back of a car, but carrying them for more than a few minutes sucks.
14 times is based on bag purchasing by kg though, when you look at the carbon footprint bag vs bag rather total bag weight, they are the figures i've already posted.
I don't know about you, but I don't buy my bags by the kilo! :D
Anyone who can't make a bag for life last >20 times shouldn't be allowed to do shopping.

with that said, I'm going to.grab some scissors and slash the SHIT out of ours.
BikNorton wrote:
Anyone who can't make a bag for life last >20 times shouldn't be allowed to do shopping.

Bloody hell, seriously? :o
I'm lucky if I can make one last between the boot of the car and the kitchen worktop... yup, I'm one of those who tries to get about 50kg of stuff in per bag (usually quite a few bottles ;) )
Trooper wrote:
markg wrote:
Trooper wrote:
markg wrote:
Trooper wrote:
The best thing is those tree-hugging jute bags that are so good for the environment. Each one of those bags has a whole of life carbon footprint of 51kg! You'd need to use one 4000 times to come out ahead :D

Have you got a source for this? Everything I can find says it is more like 170 times and the normal reusable bags need to be used 10 or 11 times, which is some discrepancy and makes me wonder about your other figures.

UK Environment Agency Report SC030148/2011
http://www.incpen.org/docs/Life%20cycle ... report.pdf

Admittedly, I'm just quoting the carbon footprint numbers for hyperbole sake, rather than the full GWP number ;)

Right. So not so much hyperbole as just absolute bollocks then.


Have you read the report? I assume not.

I did I couldn't find the bit where it said:

"Each one of those bags has a whole of life carbon footprint of 51kg! You'd need to use one 4000 times to come out ahead"

Or anything like it.

What it says is this:

The paper, LDPE, non-woven PP and cotton bags should be reused at least 3, 4,
11 and 131 times respectively to ensure that they have lower global warming
potential than conventional HDPE carrier bags that are not reused. The number of
times each would have to be reused when different proportions of conventional
(HDPE) carrier bags are reused are shown in the table below.

Which is an order of magnitude away from the figures you were spouting and nothing to do with per Kg.
Cavey wrote:
BikNorton wrote:
Anyone who can't make a bag for life last >20 times shouldn't be allowed to do shopping.

Bloody hell, seriously? :o
I'm lucky if I can make one last between the boot of the car and the kitchen worktop... yup, I'm one of those who tries to get about 50kg of stuff in per bag (usually quite a few bottles ;) )
yeah, even after they start splitting they still go on for ages. It's my.bottles that tend to do that to them too, bloody beer caps.
markg wrote:
Trooper wrote:
markg wrote:
Trooper wrote:
markg wrote:
Trooper wrote:
The best thing is those tree-hugging jute bags that are so good for the environment. Each one of those bags has a whole of life carbon footprint of 51kg! You'd need to use one 4000 times to come out ahead :D

Have you got a source for this? Everything I can find says it is more like 170 times and the normal reusable bags need to be used 10 or 11 times, which is some discrepancy and makes me wonder about your other figures.

UK Environment Agency Report SC030148/2011
http://www.incpen.org/docs/Life%20cycle ... report.pdf

Admittedly, I'm just quoting the carbon footprint numbers for hyperbole sake, rather than the full GWP number ;)

Right. So not so much hyperbole as just absolute bollocks then.


Have you read the report? I assume not.

I did I couldn't find the bit where it said:

"Each one of those bags has a whole of life carbon footprint of 51kg! You'd need to use one 4000 times to come out ahead"

Or anything like it.

What it says is this:

The paper, LDPE, non-woven PP and cotton bags should be reused at least 3, 4,
11 and 131 times respectively to ensure that they have lower global warming
potential than conventional HDPE carrier bags that are not reused. The number of
times each would have to be reused when different proportions of conventional
(HDPE) carrier bags are reused are shown in the table below.

Which is an order of magnitude away from the figures you were spouting and nothing to do with per Kg.

Look at the pdf I linked to which pulls out the figures per bag, not per kg.

Or don't, it's up to you...
The plastic bag recycling figures are pretty bent, the UK just used to send ship loads of them to India and let some town gas its self on the fumes.

Then it was "we have put X% less bags in landfill this year" when really they were pushing the issue elsewhere, not really very global

As for 5p a bag in M&S that's not really consistent, go buy a pack of socks and they give you a huge thick plastic bag for nothing, bag of crisps, 5p for a shit bag.

Wonder what will be done with all the 5p's they will collect from October 2015? Spent on more ships to send bags somewhere poor I suspect :DD
asfish wrote:
Wonder what will be done with all the 5p's they will collect from October 2015? Spent on more ships to send bags somewhere poor I suspect :DD

In Wales, which started doing this years ago, the retailers have to give it to local charities.
And the carbon footprint of these awful plastic bags is why I drive to the supermarket every single evening to only bring small amounts of shopping home in a designer leather handbag.

I'm joking, of course. I can't afford designer leather handbags. Or leather handbags. Or handbags. Or a car. Or food.

Stupid weddings.
markg wrote:
I think the point is that sometimes this cognitive dissonance can cause us to give undue credence to any evidence which doesn't cause us to have to alter our views. It also strikes me that some of the wider implications of what is going to be required to have any meaningful impact on climate change do not sit well with traditional conservative values which may compound this effect for those with right wing views.

The issue for me here is that I'm not of the view that man-made climate change isn't a reality anyway; just merely that I personally have doubts, not least because of stuff that I linked in response to Doc earlier. I don't think that merely having some doubts about an accepted viewpoint even actually constitutes a "view" of itself, does it? Certainly not in the way that I think is implied (not by you, but cognitive dissonance).

As for your second point, I don't even regard myself as "right wing", less still a "traditional conservative". But in any case, for me at least, this isn't actually a matter of personal politics/political beliefs (which I guess explains my reaction to having this crop up in a political thread). No, for good or ill this piques my engineering brain, not my political one, such as it is on both counts.

I've also read things which indicate that it isn't related to scientific literacy or anything like that and indeed those faculties can simply enable people to better construct an alternative viewpoint which they find believable. You see scientists who probably consider themselves rational do this sometimes.

Well, yes, this is precisely my concern. To my mind, it seems inconceivable that we can have 98% unanimity among Scientists, when as per that Nature article, the models don't stack up to empirical data [subject to my reviewing Doc's info which I will do]. My worry is that there could be this 'don't stick your head above the parapet' type syndrome at play? I'm certainly not saying this is happening, but for me at least, it's a concern?
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