Political Banter and Debate Thread
Countdown to a flight-free UK
So are you actually going to do it? Or is this just some pointless rumination?
I'm still processing data as they say, but all I can say is that between my time working for the council in benefits and in libraries I haven't had a pay rise at the very least half way to matching inflation since 2007. Boo and indeed urns. I usually get half a percent which means my wages are down about a fifth from what I originally started with.

The only blessing is that I drink less beer as I get older, apparently, and I'm less interested in expensive graphic novels and computer games.
Fewer interested.
Bamba wrote:
So are you actually going to do it? Or is this just some pointless rumination?

I'd have to:

1) Join the Tory party
2) Ingratiate myself with them over a period of time
3) Slag off current incumbent to get rid of him
4) Get someone useless in his place

Step 1 is straightforward, step 2 should be easy being a protected minority and everything, step 3 would be really hard and I'd have ot do step 4 myself. that, and I'm pushed for time.
Assassinate Osborne and assume his identity.
So far, only UKIP and the Tories have sent me any material begging for my vote in the forthcoming European elections. It's a PR vote (albeit on the crappy closed list system) so the other parties should be sending me stuff. Haven't had any canvassers yet either. Boo.
I have received from UKIP and The Greens.
We haven't heard a dickybird from anyone; I think the presumption is everyone will vote Tory by default.
Probably quite a safe presumption, though wouldn't be surprised to find a few UKIP converts knocking about. Our MP is Chancellor of the Exchequer...
We've only had UKIP stuff I think, and the majority of posters and flyers I've seen about have been UKIP. If the UKIP win here, the other parties only have themselves to blame - UKIP have been able to present their point with no one answering back.
I'm a Labour member, and all I've seen from them is a letter asking members like me for more cash donations! Useless twats, with a campaign push they could easily become one of the larger parties in the PES faction this term. I really despair with how inept they are. (Ironically, I got a targeted mail shot from the Tories.)
I've had something from UKIP. Handily my dustbin is very close to my letter box.
All major parties have darkened my doormat.

I have had UKIP and the Conservatives put leaflets through my door. I think I have decided to vote Greens this year.

As I think they align most closely with my views.

This post on how they (all) lie on their leaflets is ace.

http://www.theguardian.com/news/datablo ... -elections
Has any one heard of Britain First, I seem to be getting a lot of there stuff on FB. It seems to be not so closet racism and xenophobia.
That's an outright shocker with a name like that.
Cras wrote:
That's an outright shocker with a name like that.

I did not say I was shocked, I think I am disappointed with all my friends posting their stuff.
KovacsC wrote:
Has any one heard of Britain First, I seem to be getting a lot of there stuff on FB. It seems to be not so closet racism and xenophobia.

Only recently, a few friends (and even an uncle :( ) have posted stuff on facebook, which on the surface might be considered patriotic, but on watching their introdcutory video, they are essentially the BNP as fa as I can make out

Malc wrote:
KovacsC wrote:
Has any one heard of Britain First, I seem to be getting a lot of there stuff on FB. It seems to be not so closet racism and xenophobia.

Only recently, a few friends (and even an uncle :( ) have posted stuff on facebook, which on the surface might be considered patriotic, but on watching their introdcutory video, they are essentially the BNP as fa as I can make out


This is what was niggling me. Reading some of the comments on their FB page is disturbing to say the least.
They're the new EDL I think. The rise of the right is so depressing. Was sat outside a pub the other day and there were a bunch of braying posh racist cunts spouting some right shit. I think they're all feeling emboldened right now by the success of UKIP etc.
The EDL at least said they were fine with Black people who were born in the UK. Britain First is complaining, amongst other things about non white children being born iout numbering white children being born in some parts of the UK

I find it hard to block or defriend someone on sinister Facebook just because they reposted one of those links. I tend to remove them from my newsfeed though, especially if the block on the referring page doesn't work. I tend to have a strict 'no modern politics' rule on that site, except for when I occasionally break it or the article is insightful or funny.

I get amused by some US teenagers I know, who are based in the mid-west and south, posting anti-gun control cartoons and comments, if only because it's a huge cultural difference. Disappointed that one or two re-enactors from the same area I respect keep sharing 'Answers in Genesis' stuff.
I've never blocked anyone due to their views, as regardless of how much I agree or disagree, I have no problem with them voicing their view. I may think they are a cunt because of that, but better to know for sure than to wonder...
I have muted people on FB for constant and repeated inanity however :D
Fuck that. I wouldn't knowingly call any racist cunt a "friend" even if the term was being used as loosely as it is on Facebook.
I guess it depends on how you use facebook. I don't use it as purely for friends, I have a subset of people on there that I class as friends, but the rest are just people I know in some form.
Trooper wrote:
I guess it depends on how you use facebook. I don't use it as purely for friends, I have a subset of people on there that I class as friends, but the rest are just people I know in some form.

Yes I have all levels of settigns for folks
Jim Dowson founded Britain First in 2011 as a rival to the British National Party after several senior members of the BNP fell out with its leader Nick Griffin. Dowson is currently on bail awaiting trial in Northern Ireland for his alleged role in helping to organise many of the recent Union flag protests at Belfast City Hall

http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/ho ... 34812.html
I cut out anyone from my social life, online or off, immediately if they're into xenophobia or xenophobic movements, for understandable reasons. That kind of shit makes life unpleasant. Unfortunately, that kind of thing has become a lot more common over the last few years.
Clegg way out of his depth on R4 this morning. Abysmal.
No surprise there, he's been frantically doggy paddling for the last four years.
Had leaflets from Labour and Conservative to date. The Conservative one came around the same time as the voting forms, Labour only last week.

I have 7 MEP's for the South East, inclduing Mr Farage!
Finally got some more through.

Labour was meh.

Anti-EU party was surprising (do they not just vote UKIP?)

BNP was spectacular. Their very first and most prominent policy is "BAN THE BURKHA!" - evidently the first and foremost priority for all citizens of the country. FFS. Beyond parody.
Had one from Labour and libdems now as well.

The libdems was basically attacking Milliband, Cameron and Farage, but didn't mention Clegg at all. Which was telling.

My family liked what the labour one had to say, and all the kid said they would vote for them if they were voting.

I am still going to vote Green I think.

I've seen the BNP party political broadcast a few time now. The first time I saw it I thought it was some sort of HIGNFY parody. I'm amazed they're allowed it. There are some rules around who gets the airtime, but they must be fairly opaque. I remember a few years ago the Yogic Flying Party got one.
Just worked out why we never get canvassed. My Rottweiler. :)
I received the most confusing leaflet today about the council elections. It appears to be a lib dem flyer but actually urges you to not vote lib dem and goes on to attack their policies. I'll see if I can grab a picture of it
UKIP need to do well in these elections, they are being bankrolled in some part by some guy worth 600 million. He paid for leaflets and other stuff to the tune of 4 million. He has said that if they don't so well he may stop giving them money.

For every poll that puts then in lead there is one that says the opposite!
I finally got a selection from the other parties. Well done to Labour for barely mentioning Europe or EU issues at all.

Still no canvassers.
DavPaz wrote:
I received the most confusing leaflet today about the council elections. It appears to be a lib dem flyer but actually urges you to not vote lib dem and goes on to attack their policies. I'll see if I can grab a picture of it

I'd be interested to see it. Aren't there strict rules on how similar party material can be?

I got a letter typed in a handwriting font, inside an envelope address to me personally, from a local Lib Dem MEP. It was quite pleading. Almost felt sorry for them.
I personally think UKIP are going to smash these forthcoming elections, albeit the GE will be a (somewhat) different matter.

A fault line between mainstream party politicians and much of the UK electorate - the "man in the street" - has been building pressure for a very long time, and it's well and truly snapped? Mainstream politicians are ludicrously out of tune with the concerns of people; "they know better", be it matters of uncontrolled immigration, endless welfare, all the stupid stuff they're expected to pay for etc. After the appalling, demonstrable failure of left of centre politics which almost broke the uk, an entirely new generation of political converts have been created, and the dalliance with the Left is over for another generation. It's 1979 all over again in many ways.

Farage seems to speak their language; he's no career politician. A very dangerous time. From my side, the issue is that the Conservatives have relinquished too much of the Right, creating plenty of room for UKIP, despite their fabulous achievements with the economy.
Kern wrote:
DavPaz wrote:
I received the most confusing leaflet today about the council elections. It appears to be a lib dem flyer but actually urges you to not vote lib dem and goes on to attack their policies. I'll see if I can grab a picture of it

I'd be interested to see it. Aren't there strict rules on how similar party material can be?

I got a letter typed in a handwriting font, inside an envelope address to me personally, from a local Lib Dem MEP. It was quite pleading. Almost felt sorry for them.

I didn't scan it, but it's still in the kitchen.

The Lib councillors put out a photocopied page called Liberal Focus. This was called Liberals (Out Of) Focus.

Oh hoho.
Cavey wrote:
Farage seems to speak their language; he's no career politician. A very dangerous time. From my side, the issue is that the Conservatives have relinquished too much of the Right, creating plenty of room for UKIP, despite their fabulous achievements with the economy.

I was under the impression that he was, other than the stint in the city.
KovacsC wrote:
Cavey wrote:
Farage seems to speak their language; he's no career politician. A very dangerous time. From my side, the issue is that the Conservatives have relinquished too much of the Right, creating plenty of room for UKIP, despite their fabulous achievements with the economy.

I was under the impression that he was, other than the stint in the city.

I thought he worked in the City for many years? (We can debate whether that's an actual "job", mind, but at least he had one at all lol)
Farage has been an MEP for 15 years. In all that time he has achieved nothing other than being friends with people who support the murderers like Anders Breivik.

He's been standing for election for 20 years. He was a banker; but is now a fully fledged career politician.

The think that pisses me off the most is that he's somehow got this 'man in the street' reputation despite being the exact opposite. Most people voting UKIP hate the EU and immigration, but disagree completely with other UKIP policies.

Farage is a far right, silver spoon, rich lunatic. A public schoolboy whose daddy got him a job to make him rich. Farage wants less governance and oversight of banking. He wants to repeal all human rights legislation. He's fine with firing people for being pregnant, gay, whatever. He makes Cavey look like Karl Marx.

He's a fucking vile, rich, out of touch wanker who has lucked into one policy that has attracted a lot of racists and disaffected people (Farage, not Cavey!) ;)

Beyond the anti-EU platform he has nothing. When UKIP win these elections, nothing will happen. They don't even turn up to the jobs they are elected to. They rip off the expenses for every penny like the corrupt fuckers they are, and achieve nothing in the parliament.

I have nothing but contempt for the party and their baseless, hateful lies.
It also amuses me that Farage says that all our laws are made in Brussels (an obvious lie). Surely then if they win these elections they run the country! Cool. Go pass a law, Nigel. Go on.
I agree with Curio.
Curiosity wrote:
I have nothing but contempt for the party and their baseless, hateful lies.


Curiosity wrote:
He's fine with firing people for being pregnant, gay, whatever. He makes Cavey look like Karl Marx.

He's a fucking vile, rich, out of touch wanker who has lucked into one policy that has attracted a lot of racists and disaffected people (Farage, not Cavey!) ;)


I very largely agree as well mate; this is what I allude to in my "very dangerous time" remarks. :)

Farage is no fool, though, and he's well and truly caught the imagination of a jaded, disaffected and until now apathetic English electorate that's suddenly decided they've truly had enough of their concerns - some of which are legitimate - being not simply ignored, but actually rejected with total contempt, by the people who are supposed to be, and are paid to represent them? He's created this zeitgeist which now has momentum.

I'm dreading the next few days.
Totally agree. He's not an idiot (though his strength is not fielding questions on the fly).
Curiosity wrote:
Farage has been an MEP for 15 years. In all that time he has achieved nothing other than being friends with people who support the murderers like Anders Breivik.

He's been standing for election for 20 years. He was a banker; but is now a fully fledged career politician.

The think that pisses me off the most is that he's somehow got this 'man in the street' reputation despite being the exact opposite. Most people voting UKIP hate the EU and immigration, but disagree completely with other UKIP policies.

Farage is a far right, silver spoon, rich lunatic. A public schoolboy whose daddy got him a job to make him rich. Farage wants less governance and oversight of banking. He wants to repeal all human rights legislation. He's fine with firing people for being pregnant, gay, whatever. He makes Cavey look like Karl Marx.

He's a fucking vile, rich, out of touch wanker who has lucked into one policy that has attracted a lot of racists and disaffected people (Farage, not Cavey!) ;)

Beyond the anti-EU platform he has nothing. When UKIP win these elections, nothing will happen. They don't even turn up to the jobs they are elected to. They rip off the expenses for every penny like the corrupt fuckers they are, and achieve nothing in the parliament.

I have nothing but contempt for the party and their baseless, hateful lies.

Don't hold back mate :DD
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